"Say it again, aren't you afraid that the wind will blow your tongue off!"

Li Haode slammed the table beside him hard, he really couldn't stand it anymore.

Fang Xin was even more arrogant than him!

"I'm telling the truth, don't use your shallow eyes to speculate about my life."

Grabbing a piece of braised pork, Fang Xin looked at Li Haode with disdain. This time it really wasn't him, Fang Xin, pretending to be cool, but he really had the ability to do it.

"Fang Xin, we are all classmates, there is no need to act like a big shot here. If you have the guts, show us what car you drive."

After hearing what Zhi Boyu said, everyone present looked at Fang Xin. They really wanted to know what kind of car Fang Xin was driving that he could not even look down on a Land Rover.

"You guys, this is not a class reunion, it's just a show-off competition"

"Since you are so curious, I will show you"

"Stop pretending, I'm telling you, I drive a Mercedes!"

After saying that, Fang Xin elegantly took out a bunch of silver car keys and placed them on the table. He thought his car keys would cause a commotion, but the result was quite different.

"Hahahaha, you're driving a shabby Mercedes and you're still laughing at me"

"I have never seen this car key before. Are you buying a second-hand car from decades ago?"

""Fang Xin, Fang Xin, I didn't expect you to come here to tell us jokes."

Seeing the car keys that Fang Xin took out, Li Haode burst into laughter.

Seeing this scene, Fang Xin realized that most of his classmates were like him, and had no idea about cars like Mercedes-Benz AMG GT.

If I had known earlier, I would have driven a McLaren. What a mistake! For a moment, Fang Xin regretted it in his heart.

Just when Fang Xin was about to explain, the friend who drove the car before whispered:

"Brother Fang, can you show me your car keys? They look familiar to me."

"Wang'er, you are a professional, tell us how old this Mercedes is."At the moment, Li Haode didn't realize that he would be slapped in the face by his own ignorance, and he was still smiling to himself.

Taking the car keys, Wang Hao's expression gradually became surprised. When Fang Xin took out the car keys just now, he felt that it looked a little familiar. Now he confirmed that Fang Xin was driving a supercar under Mercedes-Benz, a sports car worth more than 1.8 million!

"Brother Fang, you have good vision. You gave this car to an average person who would never spend less than two million. You are obviously someone who understands cars."

"Let's add WeChat later. If you want to buy a car or do maintenance in the future, you can contact me and I will give you a classmate price!"

After listening to Wang Hao's words and looking at his respectful attitude, everyone, including Li Haode, stayed where they were. According to Wang Hao, the car Fang Xin drove was worth two million?

Hallucination, this time it was an illusion. After scratching his ears, Li Haode said half-believingly:

"Wang'er, how much do you think Fang Xin's car costs?"

"Less than two million, and there are probably no more than three cars in the city. People who buy this kind of car are generally wealthy people who really know cars. After all, at this price, you can already choose many entry-level supercars."

"And this one of Brother Fang……"

Seeing that someone helped him, Fang Xin had a carefree look on his face, drinking the drink in the cup leisurely. Having Wang Hao, a professional car reviewer, saved him a lot of trouble.

"Okay, we are all classmates, why bother with these useless things? Let’s eat our food!"

"But there is one thing I really want to tell you: people must not be too superficial. Many times, if you have not reached a certain level, you cannot arbitrarily speculate about others."

"Brother Fang taught me a lesson!"

At this moment, Fang Xin was no longer the one who was squeezed by others just now. Instead, he became a big boss in everyone's mind. After all, driving a car worth more than two million yuan is not something that everyone can do.

For a moment, Li Haode felt like he was falling into an ice cave. He had worked hard to prepare for the class reunion for so long, but Fang Xin's appearance beat him to a pulp.

Not only did he not humiliate Fang Xin, but he also lost face.

"Okay, everyone, order whatever you want. I'll treat you to dinner today."

"Brother Li, you have no objection, right? If so, I will take the initiative."

Praise to death! This is absolutely praise to death!

Seeing Fang Xin's proud look, Li Haode had no idea what to do. The current situation has completely exceeded his expectations.

Feeling the enthusiasm of his old classmates, as well as Li Haode and Zhi Boyu who looked like they had eaten excrement, Fang Xin's excitement was beyond words.

This is the feeling he wanted when he came here today.

However, this result was also thanks to Li Haode and Zhi Boyu. If it weren't for the two of them who kept biting him, Fang Xin might not have had the opportunity to show off.

After the normal party, Fang Xin suddenly became the focus of everyone's discussion. Those old classmates who hadn't been in touch for a long time talked to Fang Xin about the past one after another, as if they were very good friends in the past.


"Your total consumption is 58,000 yuan."

After the meal, everyone came to the front desk and heard the waiter's price. Everyone shuddered in their hearts. A meal of 58,000 yuan, what kind of family can afford such a thing?

"Brother Fang, if you can't do it, let me do it."

"Okay, then I won't be polite with you."

Fang Xin, who was originally planning to swipe his card, took back his bank card and stepped aside to make room for Li Haode after hearing what Li Haode said.

Li Haode was so proactive, so Fang Xin couldn't be ignorant of the ways of the world, right?


"Sir, would you like to pay by cash or card?"

"Swipe...swipe the card……"

Li Haode never thought that he was just a���It was just a rhetoric, but Fang Xin actually took it seriously.

But he only had 30,000 yuan ready, which was not enough for today's meal.

"Sir, there is only 30,000 yuan in this card, and you still need 28,000 yuan."

"Wait, let me look for other cards, I don't use this card very often."

After saying that, Li Haode pretended to search his pockets. No matter how he turned his pockets, he still couldn't find a penny. At the same time, beads of sweat fell from his head.

He just wanted to pretend to be a big boss, but now he is really embarrassed.

Fang Xin looked at the scene in front of him, smiled, and then walked up and handed over his bank card

"My friend didn't bring enough money, you can return the 30,000 to him later, and use my card to pay the remaining 58,000!"

Fang Xin was like a boss. He was so confident when he had money!

Not to mention 58,000, even 580,000 was affordable for him.

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