After paying the bill, Fang Xin drove his Mercedes-Benz AMG and slowly left the restaurant under the gaze of all his old classmates.

Originally, after the dinner, Li Haode also arranged for everyone to go to sing K. Of course, this is also the normal process of all class reunions, but Fang Xin found a reason to refuse to leave.

Fang Xin has achieved his desired goal in this class reunion, and he has no intention of participating in the next activities.

He originally had no intention of contacting this group of old classmates, and Fang Xin was too lazy to maintain such false human relationships. After all, people are animals of power.

At this moment, Fang Xin showed his strength. In the future, it is inevitable that someone will ask him to do things or borrow money, so he'd better leave quickly and try to reduce unnecessary communication.

As time goes by, the new year is coming soon. Because of this, all medical staff in the entire hospital are busy.

For medical staff, the year-end evaluation is not only a personal honor and an affirmation of his work this year, but also a year-end bonus of nearly 300,000.

""I've got the year-end bonus this time, and I'll be angry if anyone tries to snatch it from me."

In the office, a female doctor with a high ponytail and black glasses said confidently to her colleague.

Her name is Zhang Yueyue, and she is only a few years older than Fang Xin, but she has missed the year-end bonus for several years in a row. Although her work ability is excellent, she is always outshined by Professor Ding.

And not long ago, Professor Ding also announced that he would withdraw from the year-end bonus evaluation, so Zhang Yueyue is determined to win this year-end bonus.

Because they are in different departments, Zhang Yueyue only knows that there are two people in the hospital, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai, but she doesn't know much about their deeds.

After all, a strong woman like her only has patients and work in her mind every day, and she has no time to pay attention to other colleagues, especially new guys like this.

"Yueyue, I heard from other colleagues that Dr. Fang Xin from the Department of Internal Medicine is your biggest competitor for this year-end bonus."

"It is said that he has performed many operations, and the latest one is still confidential. Few people in the entire hospital know about it, so you'd better not be careless."

A colleague next to him reminded that after Xiaoyu's operation, the hospital signed a confidentiality agreement with everyone present, so this became the secret of the entire internal medicine department.

""What do I have to be afraid of as a newcomer? I have performed more than 30 operations this year and saved thousands of patients. Who in the entire hospital can achieve such success as me?"

Zhang Yueyue said with disdain. She did not regard Fang Xin as her competitor at all.

On the contrary, Fang Xin had no interest in the year-end bonus prepared by the hospital. He did not become a doctor for honors. Saving people was his first goal.

However, even so, Fang Xin had some guesses about the candidate for the year-end bonus, and that was Fang Xin himself. Although the number of operations Fang Xin performed this year was far less than that of others, each one was related to the reputation of the hospital. Coupled with Xiaoyu's operation, Fang Xin believed that even if Professor Ding did not withdraw, the year-end bonus would belong to him.



"You are Fang Xin. Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Yueyue, a doctor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and also the winner of this year-end bonus.

Fang Xin had heard of Zhang Yueyue, a colleague, but she never thought that Zhang Yueyue was such a beautiful woman. She just spoke a little too domineeringly. Otherwise, she would definitely be his ideal type.

"Hello, Doctor Zhang. What are you doing here this time?"

Fang Xin asked in confusion.

"Nothing, someone just said you are my competitor for the year-end bonus, so I came to see you."

"What? Not welcome?"

As she spoke, Zhang Yueyue sat directly opposite Fang Xin, holding her black glasses with both hands, her long white legs looming, like a queen.

"This is too direct. How can a colleague make his intention clear right away?"This is the first time Fang Xin has been shocked by a woman's aura since he was a child.

"Doctor Zhang, you are worrying too much. I don't have any idea about this year-end bonus, and I know that my ability is not enough to compare with yours."

As he spoke, Fang Xin handed over a cup of brewed tea.

"���"Of course, I just came to see you today. I don't have time to chat with you. Let's sit down and have a good talk when we have a chance. Goodbye."

After saying that, Zhang Yueyue left Fang Xin's office without giving Fang Xin any chance to speak.

From beginning to end, Fang Xin was overwhelmed by Zhang Yueyue's aura.

"What kind of monster is this Zhang Yueyue? She must have eaten gunpowder.

After seeing Zhang Yueyue leave, Fang Xin complained in a low voice.

"Doctor Zhang is a workaholic in our hospital. Apart from work, nothing else can attract her attention. Doctor Fang wishes you good luck."

A nurse walking nearby leaned close to Fang Xin's ear and whispered.

Zhang Yueyue is a legend in their hospital. Although she is a woman, she is extremely competitive and has outstanding work ability. She replaced the position of director of the obstetrics and gynecology department in the shortest time after arriving at the hospital.

She became the youngest female director.

Listening to the nurse's description, Fang Xin's jaw almost dropped. The reason why Fang Xin could get to where he is today was entirely because of his luck and encountered such a heaven-defying existence as the system.

But Zhang Yueyue's achievements were entirely due to her own unremitting efforts.

Thinking of Zhang Yueyue's eyes just now, Fang Xin couldn't help but shudder. He never thought that he would provoke such a person. As the saying goes, don't mess with women, especially strong women like Zhang Yueyue.

At this moment, in Professor Ding's office

"Fang Xin, don't even think about it. You can't withdraw from this year-end bonus selection."

"I can tell you responsibly that you have a high chance of being selected. After all, you played an indispensable role in Xiaoyu's surgery."

"Let alone the hospital's year-end bonus, if you are willing to make this public, even the Nobel Prize in Medicine will be yours."

Looking at Fang Xin in front of him, Professor Ding said disappointedly, how much he hoped Fang Xin could make the matter public that day, so that not only would cancer patients all over the world have hope, but Fang Xin would also reach an unprecedented height. But now Fang Xin not only did not make it public, but also wanted to withdraw from the year-end bonus evaluation, which was simply nonsense.

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