Looking at Fang Xin shining on the stage, Zhang Yueyue felt so angry that her teeth itched.

Thinking back to the morning when Fang Xin said that the year-end bonus must be hers and had nothing to do with him, Fang Xin, Zhang Yueyue felt that Fang Xin was mocking her.

For a moment, Zhang Yueyue, feeling humiliated, left the table angrily. She wanted to argue with the dean.

Why was the winner of the year-end bonus not herself, but Fang Xin who had just arrived?

She was not convinced!

Fang Xin on the stage naturally noticed Zhang Yueyue's departure. The moment Fang Xin came on stage, she noticed Zhang Yueyue's expression.

"Fang Xin, do you have anything to say?"

Looking at the dean and then at his colleagues in the audience, Fang Xin said:

"Thank you very much for your recognition. I will work harder in the future. Thank you all!"

At the moment, Fang Xin had no intention of enjoying the year-end bonus.

His mind was full of Zhang Yueyue's cold and deadly expression. It was not Fang Xin's original intention to come to this point today.

After the award ceremony, the medical staff returned to their posts one after another.

After all, their work is quite special and they cannot leave their workstations for a long time.

""Xiao Zhang, why are you here?"

Looking at Zhang Yueyue who was reluctant to leave the door, the dean was puzzled. At the same time, the moment Fang Xin saw Zhang Yueyue, he wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

This is too embarrassing!

Fang Xin thought that he would not meet Zhang Yueyue in a short time, but he did not expect that Zhang Yueyue was waiting for him here.

This is obviously looking for trouble!

"Dean, is there anything wrong with my work this year?"

"Or, what do you think of me?"

At this moment, not only the dean was stunned, but even Fang Xin was shocked.

He didn't expect Zhang Yueyue to speak so directly, leaving no room for others.

"No, Dr. Zhang, what’s wrong with you?"

"We have always recognized your work. With you, the cure rate of our obstetrics and gynecology department has increased a lot compared to before."

The dean said with a puzzled look on his face. He didn't know what was wrong with Zhang Yueyue at the moment, and she actually said that.

"Then why is this year's year-end bonus not mine but his!"

Fang Xin shuddered when Zhang Yueyue pointed at her.

Zhang Yueyue's aura was so strong that Fang Xin couldn't adapt to it for a while.

"Doctor Zhang, please come with me. Fang Xin, you should come too. You are also a party involved.

Fang Xin looked helpless. He was going to find an excuse to get away with it, but he didn't expect that the dean spoke before he could open his mouth. Isn't this pushing people to death?

In the office,

Zhang Yueyue looked at the agreement that the dean took out. She didn't know why they had to sign a confidentiality agreement for the conversation about the year-end bonus.

When did their hospital do things so cautiously, or was there some unspeakable secret about this year's year-end bonus?

"Dean, what do you mean?"

"If you want to know the reason, you must sign this agreement. If you don't sign it, I have nothing to say. Think about it carefully."

Looking at the agreement in her hand and then looking at Fang Xin who was silent at the moment, Zhang Yueyue suddenly felt that things were not as simple as she thought, but after a brief thought, she still signed her name.

In any case, she had to know where she was inferior to Fang Xin. Anyway, she didn't have the habit of talking about people behind their backs, so this confidentiality agreement didn't matter to her.

"Since you have signed the confidentiality agreement, you should pretend that you have never heard of the content of our conversation. Don't tell anyone else, otherwise you will not be the only one implicated."

Instantly, Zhang Yueyue became nervous. She always felt that the dean would say something shocking to her, and these things should be related to Fang Xin.

Otherwise, she just wanted to know why the year-end bonus was not hers, but the dean asked her to sign the confidentiality agreement.

"Look, what is the difference between these two X-rays? Although you are a doctor in obstetrics and gynecology, I believe that with your level, you can tell the difference."

After taking out two X-rays from the safe, the dean handed them to Zhang Yueyue, while Fang Xin did not speak the whole time, waiting quietly.

Fang Xin knew that he would inevitably have to spend a lot of time explaining to Zhang Yueyue, so it was better to keep silent for now.

"Dean, isn't this a X-ray of a child suffering from cancer?"

"What does this have to do with my question?"

Zhang Yueyue looked puzzled. Did she miss out on the year-end bonus just because Fang Xin found out that the patient had stomach cancer?

This is unscientific!

"You are right, but not entirely!"

"The one in your left hand is the X-ray of the patient when she came to the hospital for examination, and the one in your right hand is the one when she was discharged from the hospital."

The dean lit a cigarette and said calmly. In fact, he was also extremely shocked at the time. There was no such thing as cancer treatment in medical history.


"This is impossible! Impossible!"

Zhang Yueyue's hands began to tremble. According to the dean, their hospital cured a patient with advanced gastric cancer? This was completely beyond her cognition.

"That's right, and the one who performed this operation was Dr. Fang Xin."

"Although Dr. Fang Xin was the only one in the operation at the time, for various reasons, we still asked everyone who knew about this to sign a confidentiality agreement, including you."

"Now, you know why the winner of this year-end bonus is Dr. Fang Xin."

The dean said slowly. Fang Xin's achievements, let alone in their hospital, would cause a sensation in the whole world.

Zhang Yueyue stared at Fang Xin intently. She couldn't believe that this handsome man in front of her had found a way to conquer cancer at such a young age.

This was too outrageous! Cancer is a problem that the entire medical community has been helpless to solve. How many experts have devoted their life's efforts to nothing, but now Fang Xin has done it?

Zhang Yueyue still can't accept this.

"Don't stare at me like that, it makes me feel creepy."

Feeling the chill coming from behind, Fang Xin whispered. He seemed to have a natural fear of Zhang Yueyue.

"Is this really what you did?"

"So why not make this public?"


Faced with Zhang Yueyue's endless questions, Fang Xin was overwhelmed. He had spent a lot of time and effort to explain this matter in the past, and now he had to do it all over again.

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