"This is my secret, a matter of life and death! I have nothing to say!"

After countless explanations, it was finally reduced to this short sentence.

"Doctor Zhang, let's end this matter here."

"I believe that when the time is right, Dr. Fang will share the operation process."

After listening to the dean's words and looking at Fang Xin beside her, Zhang Yueyue finally chose to compromise and stopped asking questions.

If the cancer cure is handled properly, Fang Xin will become famous and the hospital will also benefit from it. If it is not handled properly, it is not impossible for Fang Xin to be killed. There are too many people involved in this matter!

It was at this moment that Zhang Yueyue understood the gap between herself and Fang Xin, and at the same time, she admired the man in front of her even more.

I don't know if it's the blessing of the cancer cure or what, but now Zhang Yueyue actually thinks Fang Xin is so pleasing to the eye, and she doesn't feel annoying at all.

"Doctor Fang, I misunderstood you and made such a joke."

"After work, I will treat you to a meal, as my way of apologizing to you."

Zhang Yueyue said with a smile, changing her usual cold expression. It was at this moment that Fang Xin realized that Zhang Yueyue was so charming.


"What, did I hear that right?"

"Zhang Yueyue from the obstetrics and gynecology department asked you out for dinner tonight? I'm really worried about your body."

In the office, Wu Zekai's face was full of shock.

Unlike Fang Xin, Wu Zekai is very familiar with all the medical staff in the hospital, especially some of the beautiful ones, for whom he has a deep memory.

Wu Zekai had noticed Zhang Yueyue before, but before he could launch an offensive, he was discouraged by Zhang Yueyue's cold eyes.

Who would have thought that such a workaholic would actually ask Fang Xin out for dinner.

Fang Xin rolled her eyes at Wu Zekai helplessly. The reason why he shared this matter with him was that he was going to complain about it. If he had known this was the case, he would never have said it even if he was beaten to death.

"Wu Zekai, who are you on the same team with? Why are you still making sarcastic remarks here?"

"Of course I'm on the same team with the beauties. The enemy of my enemy is my friend! Hahaha!"

Looking at Wu Zekai like this, Fang Xin felt like slapping him. He didn't know since when, he and Wu Zekai no longer had the tension they had in the past, and became a pair of happy enemies.


"You must have waited too long. Our obstetrics and gynecology department is no different from other departments. The examinations for pregnant women are more complicated. After all, it involves two lives."

Looking at Fang Xin sitting at the door of the obstetrics and gynecology department, Zhang Yueyue smiled.

At this moment, Zhang Yueyue also changed into the black coat she wore in the morning, and the temperament of the goddess was revealed again. The most important thing is that her attitude towards Fang Xin is more than a hundred times better than before.

"It's okay, it's okay, we are all doing this for the patients, I understand."

"You look very good in this dress."

Scratching his head, Fang Xin said

""Okay, what do you want to eat? I'll treat you!"

As she spoke, Zhang Yueyue took Fang Xin's hand and walked out. Fang Xin had never thought that she, who said she was afraid of gossip in the morning, would do such an intimate thing at this moment.

Ten minutes later, Fang Xin drove to an alley, and then, under the guidance of Zhang Yueyue, came to a copper hot pot restaurant with a sense of age.

"Don't be fooled by its inconspicuous location, but I guarantee with my life that the taste is definitely better than any other hot pot restaurant out there."

""It's not that I don't want to spend money, it's mainly because the food here is really delicious!"

Zhang Yueyue emphasized again and again when she entered the store. Before coming here, Zhang Yueyue thought about this dinner for a long time. For Fang Xin, who drives a sports car to work, she must be tired of eating the delicacies outside, so she chose this restaurant on purpose.

Not only is the taste impeccable, but it can also bring Fang Xin a different experience.

"What are you talking about? I'm not that picky."

Fang Xin said with a smile.

Before he had the system, he often visited small shops like this. Although the decoration and service of these places might not be up to standard, Fang Xin's experience over the years has taught him that the taste of such inconspicuous small shops is generally excellent.

And right now, there is a pregnant woman dining opposite them. You can say that the place chosen by the pregnant woman must have excellent hygiene conditions. As for the taste, Fang Xin can guess it just by looking at the crowded customers.

""Hmm! Delicious!"

Fang Xin exclaimed in admiration after swallowing a piece of beef tripe. He had to say that this was really the most delicious hotpot he had eaten in all these years.

Perhaps due to the blessing of delicious food, Fang Xin and Zhang Yueyue chatted more and more speculatively, and their previous prejudices against each other disappeared. Not only that, they also reached a consensus.

That is, Fang Xin would pick up and drop off Zhang Yueyue to and from work in the future. It was on the way anyway, and this would also save Zhang Yueyue a lot of expenses.

Fang Xin was quite touched by the thrifty life of the working people. After all, before this, Fang Xin wanted to spend every penny in half. Now that he has the ability, he would naturally help his colleagues if he can.

"What do your parents do? I don't believe that you can buy such a nice car as a doctor."

Zhang Yueyue joked as she watched the McLaren outside the window.

She had been a doctor for so many years, but she had never heard of a doctor who could live such a life with his salary.

So she concluded that Fang Xin's family conditions must be very good.

"To be honest, I bought these because I am a doctor. My family is very ordinary."

"However, I bought all these with my income as a private doctor, and the salary from the hospital was only enough to cover the gas."

"Aren't you afraid that the hospital will find out and fire you?"

Zhang Yueyue deliberately lowered her voice. Fang Xin's behavior violated the hospital's regulations. If someone found out, she would be fired.

"It's okay. The dean and Professor Ding all know that this is the condition for me to join our hospital. You don't need to be so careful. This is not a secret.

Fang Xin said with a smile.

For a moment, Zhang Yueyue was relieved. Fang Xin could even cure cancer. If the hospital really wanted to keep him, it must give him some privileges.

Otherwise, Fang Xin would not have to stay here. This all made sense. Instead, Zhang Yueyue was a little worried.

People like Fang Xin are in high demand everywhere.


"Wife! Wife, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't scare me, call 120."

Just as the two were talking, a pregnant woman not far away suddenly fell down, and her husband beside her hurriedly called for help.

After seeing this scene, everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks and quickly dialed the hospital emergency number.

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