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The formidable power of the long-range strategic missile may have limited damage to the Fifth Level insect race, but it is devastating for the Level 3 elite’Jetburst Worm’.

The original long-range strategic missiles were used for interstellar-level ultra-long-range strikes. As long as they have a fixed star map coordinate, the long-range strategic missiles can strike the target at an ultra-fast speed.

Since the previous wars between Interstellar Federation and insect race were mostly conducted in War Star, the long-range strategic missile, an ultra-long-range weapon, has never been used.

This is the first use to achieve great results. Of course, it will be difficult to achieve such a result if the long-range strategic missile is used in the future.

Although long-range strategic missiles can perform interstellar-level strikes, they also have the final sudden acceleration to avoid possible interception, but the premise of these is that the number of powerhouses in the insect race is small, and the long-range strategic missiles cannot be fully blocked.

If there are 2 to 3 Fifth Level insect races in the position of the elite’Jetburst Worm’ this time, then the results of the long-range strategic missiles will be limited.

The destruction caused by the destruction of 50000 elite-level’Jetburst Worm’ caused at least several millions of insect races near the space gate to be swept away. Only a few injured Level 4 insect races and an angry Fifth Level insect remained. race.

The final data of the long-range strategic missile reported the results to the Federal Command, which was cheered.

The launching of long-range strategic missiles has extremely strict requirements. Generally, they will only be launched from within a Battlestar or an aircraft carrier, and the cost is also extremely amazing.

But the 20 long-range strategic missiles were exchanged for the insect race 50000 elite “Jetburst Worm” and the destruction of a large number of insect races nearby was enough to pay off in terms of cost.

“Report admiral, the insect tide is 5 10 kilometers away from the defense line!” The combat staff reminded him from the side.

His voice instantly quieted the cheering command, and Francis Admiral’s gaze returned to the command light curtain.

5 10 kilometers This is an extremely dangerous distance, but this distance also means that the insect tide has entered the defense range of the defense missile.

The defensive missile with automatic tracking, with the help of the scanning device, will almost never miss.

“President Gould, please move forward, and form a defensive line at 4 10 kilometers, and then continue to retreat to slow down the advancement of the worm!” Francis Admiral turned his head and asked Speaker Gould.

Although the cooperation between Great Spiritual World and the Interstellar Federation is theoretically directed by Francis admiral, Francis admiral does not at all power to command Knight, but requires the coordination of the Speaker of Gould.

In addition, if Francis admiral’s order is not in the interests of Great Spiritual World, or if Knight is put to death, then Speaker Gould will even give Knight on the battlefield the right not to accept the order.

“Okay, let Templar Knight cooperate!” Speaker Gould agreed without hesitation.

This is one of the previously discussed battle plans. The war is not immutable. Francis Admiral and Speaker Gould have studied various battle methods. This kind of large-scale High Rank battlefield cooperation can only be achieved through running-in. The best results.

“General David, we are going to 4 10 kilometers!” Lord Fred said with a smile to David.

“I will act with you!” David nodded said.

“General David, you’d better not go too far, your defense is too weak!” Lord Ludwig glanced at David’s’Transcendent armor’ and reminded.

Although Lord Ludwig lost in the competition, he is not someone who can’t afford to lose. Besides, he wants to win the game just and honorable again, but he doesn’t want General David to be easily killed by the insect race.

The’Transcendent armor’ on David’s body is made of Level 4 materials. It is considered the highest’Transcendent armor’ in the Interstellar Federation, but it is not enough for the insects.

The battle method that David showed was a completely close combat method, which made Lord Ludwig worry about his safety.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let the insect race approach me!” David replied with a smile.

Hearing David say this, the rest of Templar Knight didn’t say anything and flew forward.

Seemingly or unconsciously, David’s own ten Templar Knight Avatars slowly approached David’s clone Avatar during the flight.

He knows his battle method very well. In order not to expose too much combat power, he needs Templar Knight to protect him up close, and his Templar Knight Avatar to be more assured comrades!

When 80 Templar Knight came to a distance of 4 10 kilometers, 8000 metres in front of them, the explosion and fire almost completely covered it.

The damage caused by the saturated defensive missile attack is extremely terrible, and the defensive missile has an identification function, and it will not mistakenly attack allies. This is why Francis admiral dared to let Templar Knight step forward.

But the defensive missiles are not without their weaknesses. Under such intensive attacks, the Level 4 insect race, which still has defensive power, continues to rush forward.

Once these Level 4 insect races have opened the battle line, they will attract many defensive missiles to track the Level 4 insect race, thereby reducing the frequency of attacks by the insects, and the insects can continue to flow forward.

“Ready to fight!” Lord Ludwig put on a full set of Fifth Level equipment with excitement. Within the body Fifth Level golden Bloodline Strength surged, he would launch a fatal attack as long as the insect race entered his attack range. .

With the attack power of Lord Ludwig, at least the range of two hundred meters in front of him is his powerful attack range. This is still the case when he saves Fifth Level Bloodline Strength and allows Fifth Level Bloodline Strength to be consumed. The attack range can also increase several hundred meters.

This is also the strength of Lord Ludwig’s bet with David. No matter how strong David’s sword technique is, it is only in the range of close five meters, and his Fifth Level Bloodline Strength sword light can cover dozens of times the range of David’s attack.

Not only Lord Ludwig, but the rest of the Fifth Level Templar Knights also wore armors, and various Bloodline Strength broke out, preparing for the battle.

David took the Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper Rifle” from the space ring. As soon as the pale-gold sniper rifle appeared, it attracted the attention of all the Templar Knights present.

“General David, don’t you want to use a sniper rifle to fight?” Lord Ludwig didn’t mean much to laugh at, he was just a little strange.

The sniper rifle is also known to Lord Ludwig. It is a very few Armored Soldier special medium and long-range weapons in the Federation Armored Soldier.

In the atmosphere, the sniper rifle has a farthest attack range of 3 to 5000 metres, and the formidable power is enough to penetrate the defense of 2 Level 3 insect race.

But when this weapon reaches the Transcendent level, no one uses it. The main thing is that sniping takes time to prepare. After one attack, there is almost no chance of a second sniper.

The most important thing is that sniper requires innate talent. Without sniper innate talent, no matter how much you practice, you can’t reach the Grandmaster Rank, let alone the grandmaster level.

“Boom”, David did not answer with words, but with the Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper” in his hand, he answered Lord Ludwig.

Lord Ludwig looked towards the distance, and a Level 7000 insect race 4 meters away was shot headshot.

All the Templar Knights stayed together, even everyone in the rear command post was taken aback.

In space, the sniper distance of 7000 meters is not at all. There is no impact of air resistance. Let alone 7000 meters, even a few 1000 meters away will not affect the formidable power of the attack.

What surprised everyone with David’s sniper was the penetration and accuracy.

The Level 4 insect race that can rush out from the attack of the defensive missiles must have a very strong defense.

Such a Level 4 insect race was broken by David. How terrifying is the formidable power of this sniper rifle.

The accuracy is even more amazing to the Templar Knight present. At a distance of 7000 meters, a small sniper rifle bullet that wants to make a fatal blow can only act on the lethality of the Level 4 insect race.

The level 4 insect race has two fatal points. One is the brain and the other is the heart. It can be a fast-moving target 2 meters away. It is not easy to hit, let alone hit a smaller fatal point.

‘boom~ boom~’ David’s first shot was an experiment, and the subsequent snipers began to fire continuously at a rate of 1/4 second.

His target is only Level 4 insect race, he did not attack Level 3 insect race, because Level 3 insect race is not worth his time and Level 3 grade alchemy bomb.

The physique of the David Legendary level and the body of the Black Dragon perfectly offset the recoil of the Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper Rifle”.

In fact, he can be faster, but he hasn’t used a sniper rifle for a long time, and he still needs some time to regain the sense of the gun.

“Damn it, why am I thinking about betting with him!” Lord Ludwig said bitterly, shaking his head.

“Lord Ludwig, you still have 5 bottles of Garmi Star red wine in your hand. After the war, please invite General David to drink together. We will accompany you!” Lord Darryl laughed and said with a smile.

Lord Darryl This is to ease the relationship between Lord Ludwig and General David and minimize the impact of the bet.

“Yes, don’t be stingy!” The other Templar Knight also laughed and agreed.

“Lord Ludwig, I also have good wine from the Federation here, and we will dine together after the war!” David sniped and suggested with a smile to Lord Ludwig.

“General David, say yes, they just miss my good wine!” Lord Ludwig replied with a smile when he saw David’s attitude.

The previous unpleasantness disappeared during the battle.

David didn’t want to have a tense relationship with Lord Ludwig. On this battlefield, his comrades were extremely important.

Lord Ludwig also didn’t want to forge an enmity with David, who was obviously very strange and powerful. It was not worth it for a little thing. It is better to be a friend than an enemy when there is no conflict of interests.

In fact, the Templar Knight present all discovered one thing. This General David has the ability to kill any Level 4 combat power from a distance. Seeing a Level 4 insect race being sniped, they thought of if the opposite was Level 4 Heavenly. What will happen to Knight?

Even if General David does not use the horrible sword technique of melee combat, but only relies on the Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper Rifle”, at a distance of 1000 meters, 30-40 Level 4 Heavenly Knight can’t get close to General David when launching a Knight charge. Was killed in the middle.

In the Federal Command, Francis admiral looked at the command light curtain with glowing eyes, watching General David use a sniper rifle to easily slaughter the Level 80 insect race in 4 Templar Knight.

At this time, all Templar Knights have not really started fighting, and the time to start fighting will be continuously delayed due to General David’s snipers.

Don’t look at David’s sniping at a speed of only 4 rounds per second, and can only kill 4 insect races at most per second. However, the insects will lose a lot of damage under the defense of the missile.

At this time, the main force for the attack was the Level 4 insect race. David blocked the Level 4 insect race so that it could not attack the fortress, which slowed the advancement of the entire insect tide.

“Staff, can we copy General David’s weapons?” Francis Admiral asked the combat staff on the side.

The combat staff moved across his light curtain, and the Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper Rifle” used by David zoomed in to fully present the details.

Speaker Gould was shocked when he saw General David’s power. If such a terrifying sniper Transcendent Interstellar Federation can have a few more people, it can completely increase the personal combat power of Interstellar Federation to second only to Great Spiritual. The degree of World.

But when he saw the details of the Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper Rifle” on the light curtain of the combat staff, he immediately understood in his heart that it was not copyable.

“Admiral, General David’s weapon is an imitation of the Growler Sniper Rifle, using Fifth Level materials. The rays of light above show that this sniper rifle has the alchemy pattern blessing of the Great Spiritual World. It is suspected that the sniper bullet should also be processed through alchemy to have such a terrifying penetration!” The combat staff explained to Francis Admiral with a wry smile.

When Francis admiral heard the Fifth Level material, his heart sank, not to mention the alchemy pattern blessing behind it. Unless Great Spiritual World is willing to trade, it is impossible to do it.

“Francis admiral, your Transcendent is armed with General David’s sniper rifle, and it can’t be used!” Speaker Gould clearly saw his lightly saying.

“When the battle is over, then ask General David again!” Francis Admiral said obviously unwilling.

He also knows the truthfulness of Speaker Gould’s words, but seeing the emergence of such a weapon capable of killing Level 4 insect race by individual soldiers, this is of decisive significance for the Interstellar Federation.

In War Star, as long as there is such a Fifth Level “Growler Sniper Rifle” in the defense line, there is no need to worry about the attack of the heart insect clan.

Even if Knight, who is leading the Great Spiritual World, is no longer needed, the insect race can be suppressed, which is of great benefit to enhancing the Interstellar Federation’s position in War Star.

If it doesn’t work, Francis Admiral considers not using such a large formidable power, and can appropriately weaken the formidable power, as long as Transcendent can be used, at least it can improve Transcendent’s long-range attack ability and make Transcendent’s attack methods more abundant.

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