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Thirteen Templar Knight Avatars came to the side of David’s clone Avatar, and the Knight battle array was placed to protect David’s clone Avatar in the center.

The rest of the Templar Knights are not too strange. The ten Templar Knights sent by Lord Arthur have never spoken very much, and their fighting attitude is extremely correct. They are the first to rush to any dangerous position.

After discovering the powerful long-range attack power of General David, it is reasonable for the ten Templar Knights to carry out strict protection.

At the space gate, the long-range strategic missile detonated 50000 elite-level “Jetburst Worm”, which caused a large amount of destruction of the insect race near the space gate.

Among them are 100 “Insect Kings”, which are responsible for perceiving distant breaths, and are equivalent to the eyes of “Blade Mantis Sovereign” in Great Spiritual World.

Due to the destruction of the eyes of Sovereign, Sovereign imperceptible into the battlefield.

It will take some time to find the “Master Insect King” or a substitute like Innate Ability. The movement speed of this type of insect race is very slow and the number is very rare.

‘Blade Mantis Sovereign’ is re-mobilizing the’Insect King’ and missed the opportunity for the insect tide to contact David.

David didn’t know that his biggest crisis was solved by the 20 long-range strategic missile.

Fortunately, he used the Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper Rifle” for long-range sniping, and did not let the insect race in the insect wave perceive his breath.

Guided by the aura of hatred left in the insect race gene by’Sovereign’, once the insects discover David’s breath, then he is the first target of the insects.

David blocked the distance between 6 1000 meters and 7000 meters. Within this range of 1000 meters, nearly 1000 Level 4 insect races fell in just a few minutes.

The Templar Knights present were surprised at the beginning, then shocked, and then numb. They are now used to David’s invincible sniper.

Last time it was Lord Arthur, who blocked the worm tide with his own power. This time General David also showed almost the same strength.

Of course, Lord Arthur’s battle is more intense. Without the help of such dense defensive missiles, the formidable power of the long-range main gun is stronger, but it does not have the full range of defensive missiles.

Everyone can see that General David’s sniper is used when the other low-level insect races are blocked. He only needs to sniper the Level 4 insect race.

“Be careful!” Lord Ludwig shouted.

Two Fifth Level insect races protruded from the insect tide, one’hard armor Insect King’ blocked the front, and the other’Howling Insect King’ followed closely behind.

Their goal is clear, that is, David, who is protected by ten Templar Knights.

While in space, the’High Frequency Howling’ of’Howling Insect King’ is directed at David alone, and the strongest formidable power can be achieved at a distance of 7000 meters.

Lord Ludwig reminded David to beware of’high frequency howling’. They had seen the’Howling Insect King’ remote High Frequency Sound Wave attack. Speaker Gould was almost killed by the’Howling Insect King’ on the battlefield. .

Ten 3 Templar Knight Avatars mobilized Fifth Level Black Dragon Bloodline Strength, and a Bloodline Strength shield composed entirely of Fifth Level Black Dragon Bloodline was raised, blocking the attack route of the’high frequency howling’.

This Bloodline Strength shield may not have more defensive power than the Bloodline Strength shield composed of Templar Knight, but it is absolutely incomparable to the Bloodline Strength shield composed of complicated Bloodline Strength.

These ten Templar Knight Avatars are all the highest Black Dragon Bloodline, plus the soul communication between them, they can be truly perfect and without blemish in cooperation.

The’high frequency howling’ of’Howling Creepy Insect King’ was offset by this Black Dragon Bloodline Strength shield with a lot of formidable power. When it hits David’s clone Avatar, only half of the formidable power is left.

David was not affected in any way when he reached his body by’high frequency howling’.

‘Howling creep Insect King’ is just Fifth Level insect race, while David’s clone Avatar is of Legendary level. Not to mention that the formidable power of’high frequency howling’ is reduced by half, even if it falls completely on him, the impact will be extremely small.

David adjusted the Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper Rifle” and switched the ammunition supply to Level 4 grade alchemy ammunition.

137 Soul Clones plus the main soul were calculated and analyzed together. He looked at the movement and speed of the’hard armored Insect King’ and quickly shot the Fifth Level grade’Growler Sniper Rifle’ in his hand.

A reaction force different from before was generated in David’s hand, and his power still made the body slightly shake.

In space, without any leverage, all the reaction forces were borne by David. The Level 4 alchemy sniper bullet used this time was specially made by him, and the kryptonite crystal powder loaded was far more than conventional bullets.

‘Insect King’ is known for its invincible defense. David didn’t want to break its defense with a single blow. Just after stabilizing his body, the second sniper bullet was fired, and then the third.

‘Strong Armor Insect King’ is the best shield. It can hide the’Howl Insect King’ completely behind you and let the’Howl Insect King’ play its terrifying High Frequency Sound Wave attacking formidable power.

But this time, the “hard armored Insect King” obviously underestimated David. David personally killed the same kind of “hard armored Insect King”, and he was very clear about the defensive power of the “hard armored Insect King”.

‘Strong Armor Insect King’ moved forward without any dodge action. With its defensive power, even if it was hit by the Fifth Level Templar Knight frontally, it would not cause much damage.

The moving “hard armor Insect King” was hit by a Level 4 alchemy sniper bullet. The light purple Level 4 alchemy sniper bullet flashed white rays of light. If the sniper bullet is still, you can watch There is the rays of light of “penetrating pattern”.

The hard head worm shell of the’Insect King’ collided with the Level 4 grade alchemy sniper bullet. The Level 4 grade alchemy sniper bullet was turned into fragments, but before it was scattered, it relied on the powerful impact and the’piercing pattern’ With the blessing of the’Insect King’, a bullet hole about one centimeter deep was left on the head shell of the’Insect King’.

With this depth, for the head shell of the’Insect King’, it really can’t be considered, and it can’t hurt the tightly protected brain.

The violent impact caused the body of the’hard armored Insect King’ to stop, and the head slightly raised. At this moment, the second Level 2 alchemy sniper bullet came and accurately hit the’hard armored Insect King’ skull. The same location.

After the bullet hole with a depth of about one centimeter was subjected to the second attack, it made a fragile cracking sound, and a crack appeared on the head shell of the’hard armor Insect King’.

Compared to the entire body of the’hard armored Insect King’, this crack is not a multiple injury, but for David who attacked precisely, it was fatal.

The cracked “Insect King” head shell, its defensive power dropped to the extreme. After David shot the third Level 3 alchemy sniper bullet, the Level 4 alchemy sniper bullet used the “penetration pattern” The blessing of, successfully penetrated the head shell defense of the’Insect King’.

Behind the head worm shell of the’Insect King’ is its fragile brain.

After the Level 4 alchemy sniper bullet penetrated the head worm shell of the “Insect King”, its flight attitude also shifted, changing from a straight flight to a rolling flight.

The Level 4 Alchemy Sniper Bullet is like a hand stirring in the brain of the “Insect King”, mixing the brain of the “Insect King” into a paste.

“Hiss!” At the moment when the’Insect King’ lost Life Aura, the Templar Knights all sucked in a cold breath.

When David was able to easily kill the Level 4 insect race before, not at all made the Templar Knights feel too threatened, because sniping the Level 4 insect race does not mean that it is a threat to Templar Knight.

But what happened right now made the Templar Knights re-recognize David’s sniper ability. If this Fifth Level insect race’hard armored Insect King’ was dealt with by the Templar Knights, there would not be 4 Templar Knights to carry out the siege and pass For a period of battle, it is impossible to kill the’Insect King’.

The defensive power of’Insect King’ is too strong, so strong that Templar Knights can hit it without causing fatal damage.

But the defensive power is such a powerful “Insect King”, under David’s sniper rifle, he was sniped remotely after only 2 breaths.

Lord Ludwig could not help but be thankful that he had eased relations with General David before, and no one wanted to provoke such a terrifying enemy.

All Templar Knight looked towards David’s gaze changed. After this time, David’s combat power was completely accepted by them and raised to a very high level.

The’hard armor Insect King’ died, and the’howling creep Insect King’ hiding behind it was exposed.

‘Howling Creepy Insect King’ discovered that the’Strong Armor Insect King’ was killed, and immediately retreated. It does not have the defensive power of’Strong Armor Insect King’, and the’Strong Armor Insect King’ cannot withstand long-range sniping. impossible to resist.

How could David let the’Howling Insect King’ escape without taking this opportunity to solve the’Howling Insect King’, waiting for it to be mixed into the worm tide, it will bring him a lot of trouble.

Don’t think David’s sniper is very strong, but when faced with the insect tide, as long as there is a low-level insect race to block him, he cannot accurately sniper the opponent.

Two consecutive Level 2 alchemy sniper bullets hit the back of the “Howling Insect King”. The defense here is very weak. A Level 4 alchemy sniper bullet broke through the defense, and the second shot destroyed the “Howl Insect King”. Brain.

Due to the delay of this period, the worm tide has advanced to a distance of 6 1000 meters. If David takes his shot later, the “Howling Insect King” will be surrounded by the worm tide without fleeing.

“Everyone, how about going back 5000 metres?” David asked Templar Knight.

David has a feeling that it is best not to get too close to the worm tide, because he understands how crazy the worm tide will feel once he senses his breath.

Although this is a clone of Avatar, not David’s ontology, the aura of the two is exactly the same.

If it is at first, David makes such a request, and the Templar Knights will not agree at all. If you have not contacted the insect race, you will back off.

But at this time, David’s battle results have long exceeded the expectations of the Templar Knights, and the delay is long enough. Such a step-by-step retreat battle, when returning to the original line of defense, it is estimated that most of the insects will be lost.

While David backed away, the Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper Rifle” in his hand did not stop, slowing the advance of the insect tide again.

“Adjutant, report to Great Marshal Andre immediately, and ask Great Marshal Andre to discuss with General David about the sniper rifle in his hand!” In the command headquarters, Francis Admiral also ignored Speaker Gould’s presence at this time, and he ordered loudly.

Francis admiral’s excitement is of course for a reason. The Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper Rifle” can actually generate such formidable power for the Fifth Level insect race, and the meaning is completely different.

Even if there is no powerhouse in the Federation, the Fifth Level grade “Growler Sniper Rifle” can be used, and this technology must be left behind. Maybe there will be a second general David in the future.

With the population base of the Interstellar Federation, as long as you are patiently searching and training, I believe that one day you will be able to train snipers who can use the Fifth Level “Growler Sniper Rifle”.

“Yes, admiral!” the adjutant responded.

The adjutant spent some time sorting out David’s battle images and ran out of the command post with the data.

The reason for informing Great Marshal Andre, Francis Admiral was also helpless.

Although in rank, Francis Admiral is much higher than David, the major general, but without mentioning David’s own strength, he is a commissioner of the Federal Command, and he may not accept Francis Admiral’s orders.

Let David contribute the secret of his weapon, Francis Admiral can do without this confidence.

In the entire Interstellar Federation, it is estimated that only Great Marshal Andre can persuade David. As for whether it can succeed, it is difficult to say.

But no matter what, Francis admiral will have to try, if it succeeds, it will be an advanced by leaps and bounds of Interstellar Federation’s combat power.

Speaker Gould didn’t look good either. He didn’t expect General David’s combat power to be so powerful. Even Templar Knight could not stop a sniper a few thousand meters away.

Fortunately, the two sides are allies, not enemies.

“Share the battle screen of General David on every battleship. I want every soldier to know how powerful General David is!” Francis Admiral continued to order.

The last time the worm wave was blocked by Lord Arthur of the Great Spiritual World, Francis admiral could only promote Lord Arthur’s combat power and boost morale.

This time it was the Interstellar Federation’s own general that blocked the worm tide, and made the worm tide slow with the strength of oneself. Francis admiral would not be a qualified commander if he didn’t promote it.

“‘Federal War God’!”

“General David is invincible!”

“Federation first!”

A cheer sounded in each battleship. Previously, only the captain of each battleship could see David’s battle screen. At this time, almost all positions with light curtains had David’s battle screen.

The cheers of 10000 battleships could not be passed into space, but the explosion of morale made the launching of defensive missiles faster. From the supplement of defensive missiles, to scanning and positioning, to launching, the speed became faster with the improvement of morale.

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