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David then asked Shadow Servant to list all the spheres of knowledge he obtained today. Most of these spheres of knowledge were those he had or learned.

Only 3 identical spheres of knowledge are a bit special, the’Void Rush (innate talent needs space energy to activate)’ spheres of knowledge, needless to say, are provided by 3’Shining Blade Mantis’.

David saw the’Void Rush (innate talent needs space energy to activate)’ knowledge light ball, and he yearned for it. If he fights head-on with’Shining Blade Mantis’, don’t talk about the controlling ability of’Shining Blade Mantis’ against foot knives. , Even this’Void Rush’ ability made him hard to resist.

If you can have the’Void Rush’ ability, you can use this mobility advantage to a certain extent, reduce the long-term entanglement with the enemy, and expand your advantage of one strike certain kill.

David’s biggest disadvantage at the moment is that he is just a Peak Armored Soldier, and his speed, physique and strength are much lower than Transcendent’s Level 1.

In this case, what he can get is his weird abilities and his’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’ strength.

So David is not good at protracted warfare, but must do it quickly. With the innate talent of’Void Rush’, his strength will be improved a lot.

Watching’Need space energy to activate’, David couldn’t help but make troubles in his heart. Where can this space energy go?

Fortunately, after his spirit has improved, there are detailed instructions on the use of the knowledge ball, which gives him a direction to solve it, instead of having no goal as before.

David first tried to force the’Void Rush (innate talent needs spatial energy to activate)’ the ball of knowledge into his body within the body, only when the’Void Rush (innate talent needs spatial energy to activate)’ the ball of knowledge entered David within The body, he felt the’Void Rush (innate talent needs spatial energy to activate)’ the knowledge ball quickly collapsed.

He had no choice but to watch this’Void Rush (innate talent needs space energy to activate)’ knowledge light ball within the body, turning into a little starlight disappeared.

A’Void Rush (innate talent needs spatial energy to activate)’ knowledge sphere was wasted like this, but fortunately there are two’Void Rush (innate talent needs spatial energy to activate)’ knowledge sphere, otherwise it is such a waste Enough to make his heartache.

When the’Void Rush (innate talent needs spatial energy to activate)’ the knowledge ball collapsed, he also understood the reason for the collapse of the knowledge ball.

Initiating the learning process of the’Void Rush (innate talent needs spatial energy activation)’ knowledge photosphere requires the support of spatial energy. David not at all provides spatial energy to the’Void Rush (innate talent needs spatial energy activation) knowledge photosphere. Let the knowledge ball collapse on the spot.

When thinking of space energy, David’s first thought was the space bracer, whether space energy can be extracted from the space bracer.

He tried to mobilize the space energy in an empty space wristband, but he found that the space energy in the space wristband was completely solidified, which was not something he could use at all.

David counted all his equipment, and finally he set his sights on the’Transcendent Army Knife’.

There is space energy on the’Transcendent Army Knife’, and it is still the kind that can be mobilized. David tried to introduce the space energy within the body, because the’Transcendent Army Knife’ is induced from the left calf, and the space energy is from the left calf. Enter within the body.

David felt a sharp pain in his left calf. He quickly checked and found that a piece of flesh and blood in the left calf was directly broken down by spatial energy.

Fortunately, he just tried to introduce a small amount of spatial energy into the body, otherwise his left calf would not be injured at this point.

“Could it be that there is a problem with the way of mobilizing space energy?” David thought as he treated the wound.

In this case, he couldn’t ask other people, so he could only explore it slowly.

David tried again. This time he reduced the amount of space energy he induced to a faint trace, but after the space energy was extracted from the’Transcendent Army Knife’, he immediately added another wound to his left calf.

“My body can’t withstand space energy at all!” David thought and accepted this helpless fact.

The spatial energy is too advanced, even if there is only a trace, it is not what his body can bear.

The bloody left calf confirmed this.

Watching the’Void Rush (innate talent needs spatial energy to activate)’ knowledge ball, David gritted his teeth and prepared to make another attempt based on the guess in his heart. If he fails again, he will give the last’Void Rush (innate talent) Need space energy to start)’Knowledge light ball put away, wait for later.

Since the body can’t bear the space energy, David’s knowledge of the light ball is carried out through the spirit, and his spirit can be connected to the’Transcendent Army Knife’ and connected with the space energy.

So whether it is possible to connect the space energy with the’Void Rush (innate talent needs space energy activation)’ knowledge light ball through the spirit, this is the only solution he currently thinks of.

Because the’Void Rush (innate talent needs space energy to activate)’ knowledge photosphere could still be wasted one more, so David immediately began to operate.

This time David first connects the spirit with the’Transcendent Army Knife’. The spirit stirs space energy in the’Transcendent Army Knife’. On the other hand, he asks Shadow Servant to put a’Void Rush (innate talent needs space energy to activate)’ knowledge. The ball of light is introduced within the body, and at the same time, the spirit is used to wrap the’Void Rush (innate talent needs space energy to activate)’ knowledge ball.

While David was still waiting for success, his saw a flash entered the illusion.

David found that he had become a’Shining Blade Mantis’. Of course, he still couldn’t control the body of’Shining Blade Mantis’ as before, and could only feel all the perceptions that’Shining Blade Mantis’ felt.

David felt that’Shining Blade Mantis’ within the body had a strange energy, which was very similar to the energy in’Transcendent Army Knife’, except that the spatial energy of’Shining Blade Mantis’within the body was compared to’Transcendent’ The energy in Army Knife is much greater.

‘Shining Blade Mantis’ started running, and then’Shining Blade Mantis’ used the spirit to mobilize space energy to draw a strange pattern.

The drawing of this pattern is very complicated, and each point of space energy needs to pay attention to different input sizes. During the drawing process, the input space energy is constantly changing, which makes complex patterns even more impossible to replicate.

If it weren’t for David, he could feel all the perceptions of “Shining Blade Mantis”. During the process of drawing the pattern, he felt the whole process completely synchronously. At the same time, he got the inheritance formed by the “Shining Blade Mantis” after the drawing, even if David His spirit reached 8 points, and this pattern could not be repeated.

We must know that the reason why’Shining Blade Mantis’ can draw the pattern of’Void Rush’ is that’Shining Blade Mantis’ is born with the ability to control space.

The inheritance in the’Shining Blade Mantis’ gene tells it how to draw the’Void Rush’ pattern, and the ability to control the space from birth gives it the skill to draw the’Void Rush’ pattern. These two points are combined , Let’Shining Blade Mantis’ display the’Void Rush’ ability.

The’Void Rush’ pattern drawn by’Shining Blade Mantis’ flew out in front of it, and an illusory hole appeared in the space in front of David, who was perceiving synchronously with’Shining Blade Mantis’.

‘Shining Blade Mantis’ rushed into the hole and then appeared at the other end. In this process, the space energy originally consumed by drawing the’Void Rush’ pattern was magically filled.

David had to sigh the wonder of the world. The spatial energy of’Shining Blade Mantis’ within the body is like a key. After opening the space hole, the key disappears automatically, but after entering the space hole, the key reappears.

‘Shining Blade Mantis’ re-absorbed space energy during the’Void Rush’ process and when entering the Tearing Space.

So’Shining Blade Mantis’ can use the’Void Rush’ ability unlimited times, because the space energy will be replenished during the’Void Rush’.

Of course, if’Shining Blade Mantis’ wants to increase the distance of’Void Rush’, it is necessary to increase the space energy injection in the same proportion when drawing the’Void Rush’ pattern.

This makes drawing the’Void Rush’ pattern more complicated, because different distances require all the spatial energy input in the drawing process to be re-adjusted.

David is within the body of’Shining Blade Mantis’, constantly following the’Shining Blade Mantis’ using’Void Rush’ from far to near. This is also a learning process until his consciousness returns to reality again.

Opening his eyes, he immediately sensed that the energy in the space in the’Transcendent Army Knife’ was exhausted, which made him heart startled. The’Transcendent Army Knife’ is his important weapon, 10000000 million don’t be ruined by him.

David slowly felt the situation inside the’Transcendent Army Knife’ with spirit. After a while, he discovered that the space energy inside the’Transcendent Army Knife’ was recovering at a very slow rate.

Think about it too, if the’Transcendent Army Knife’ cannot restore the internal energy, then the’Transcendent Army Knife’ will become a consumable item.

David quickly calculated that with this recovery speed, it would take 6 hours to fully recover the full space energy.

David looked at the time, it was already night, and after he cultivated the’Crystal Meditation Method’, he immediately rested.

On the 2nd day, he brewed’Earth Vein Tree Leaves’, added Level 3 fortified meat, cultivated’Golden Spirit Body Forging Art’ and’jujutsu’.

David felt that he was not far from being full. Even if he was busy at this time, he would not dare to stop cultivation, and at the same time, the resources could not be left.

Fortunately, the Level 3 fortified meat he accumulated by killing Level 3 insect race is enough for his own cultivation, plus the “Earth Vein Tree Leaves” sent by Baron Dubois, his cultivation resources are estimated that the entire Interstellar Federation is better than him. not much.

After the cultivation, David refused Ensign Mason’s follow. Today he decided to go to the 4th frontline base defense line alone.

This is mainly because he wants to use this opportunity to test his’Void Rush’ ability.

On David’s attribute panel, there is already an Innate Ability called’Void Rush’. Although there is still a need for spatial energy activation in the back, this ability has been mastered by David.

Lieutenant Mason drove the’Deathwing’ assault ship, with Lieutenant Harcourt and 6 Armored Soldiers under David, and flew towards the defense line first.

Although Lieutenant Mason is very curious, this is just his instinct as an intelligence officer. He has already put his position right now. He is David’s adjutant.

He obeyed all David’s requests 100%, just like an ordinary adjutant.

David did not fly today. He was running on the ground. After being far away from the scanning range of the base headquarters, he let the Shadow Servant fly to a high altitude and checked all around. After confirming that there was no problem, he mobilized his spirit.

His spirit is connected to the’Transcendent Army Knife’, and the space energy in the’Transcendent Army Knife’ has been replenished after one night.

David leads the space energy directly from the’Transcendent Army Knife’, not at all into the body, but draws the’Void Rush’ pattern outside the body.

Although it is the first time to draw the “Void Rush” pattern, David is just like the instinct of the body, and it seems that he has experienced 10000000 million successful drawings. Only with a thought, the complex “Void Rush” pattern is drawn successfully. Up.

Unfortunately, because the space energy in’Transcendent Army Knife’ is not strong, the space energy he can mobilize is far inferior to that of’Shining Blade Mantis’ that many.

Of course, the body of’Shining Blade Mantis’ is much larger than David’s, and David’s body requires less spatial energy to perform’Void Rush’.

David tried his best to use all the space energy in the’Transcendent Army Knife’, and the drawn pattern of’Void Rush’ flew in front of him.

David looked at the space hole that appeared in front of him, hesitated slightly, and rushed into it resolutely.

Time became meaningless after entering the opening of the space. After he entered the opening, an exit appeared in front of him, and he followed the exit.

David looked back and judged that the distance of’Void Rush’ this time was only about 6 meters.

This is the reason why his body is smaller than’Shining Blade Mantis’. If’Shining Blade Mantis’ uses the same energy, he can only have one meter of’Void Rush’ distance at most.

David is still very satisfied with the 6-meter’Void Rush’ distance, which allows him to have an unexpected attack method when fighting the enemy face to face.

It was just that when he felt the energy of the empty space in the’Transcendent Army Knife’, a sense of regret arose in his heart.

He was still fantasizing about the energy of the’Transcendent Army Knife’ during the process of’Void Rush’, supplementing some space energy, but the facts show that he thinks too much. Only the creatures with spatial innate talent like’Shining Blade Mantis’ can be used In the process of’Void Rush’, replenish space energy for yourself.

David has the’Void Rush’ Innate Ability, but there are still many limitations on this ability. It is used every 6 hours, which also causes this ability to be used only as a killing move.

Of course, he is also impossible to use frequently. This ability is too weird, and the person who sees it must be killed, otherwise it is very likely to cause trouble.

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