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The days were as usual, and a few days later, the front lines of War Star returned to calm.

Of course, this kind of calm is relatively speaking, if there are hundreds of thousands of insect races that hit the defense line every day, it would be considered calm.

All front-line base defense lines have been recovered. Naturally, not every recovery battle is as smooth as the third front-line base. The battle loss a few days ago was huge.

However, the War Star military department has sufficient force to supplement. Under the premise of at all costs, the line of defense is under control again.

David is also the same as before. Everyday all goes to the frontline base to participate in the defensive battle. Everyday all has some soul energy supplements.

Originally he thought that this kind of life would continue for a while, but this morning he was about to go to the frontline base defense line, but was called to the office by Transcendent Babington.

“David, sit down and look at this document!” Transcendent Babington saw David and said with a gesture to the chair beside him.

Then Transcendent Babington sent a document to David’s identity bracelet, and David opened the document after receiving it.

This is an order from the military to mobilize David to participate in a secret mission.

“Babington, do you know what the mission is?” David looked up at the War Star military mark on the file, but there was no detailed mission description.

Military missions are generally assigned to Transcendent, and he has not heard of such direct orders for Armored Soldiers like David to participate.

It’s just that David hasn’t heard of it, so David needs to ask Transcendent Babington, who has more experience.

“I’ve inquired in private that this task is a joint operation between Great Spiritual World and Interstellar Federation. The task level is very high, and the details of the specific task are unknown!” Transcendent Babington replied helplessly.

Tasks like this, Transcendent Babington are also rare, and are generally major tasks.

“I heard that you can choose whether to participate in Transcendent’s missions. Why is it that my order is a direct order and I can’t even refuse to refuse?” David continued to ask.

“David, it should be the military department that has read your previous records, and some of your special abilities have been noticed by the military department. Missions like these two Great Worlds are usually very important tasks. The level of personnel dispatched is very important. High, you are getting involved and assisting. It should not be dangerous. This kind of task is a mandatory task of the military. There is no room for rejection. After all, you are still a soldier!” Transcendent Babington actually doesn’t quite understand it, just based on his own Thoughts replied.

David nodded, he has a variety of means to save his life, he doesn’t care about the danger of participating in the mission, as long as he doesn’t encounter the Fifth Level insect race, he is confident to save his life.

“In addition, once this kind of task is completed, the reward is very generous. It is estimated that with your previous merits, a three-time inheritance’National Scholar’ badge is indispensable!” Transcendent Babington said with a smile.

David knew what Transcendent Babington meant. David’s father Hans possessed a three-time inheritance’National Scholar’ badge, which gave Hans a very high status in the army and society.

If he can also get a 3 times inheritance’National Scholar’ badge, father and son also inherit 3 times the’National Scholar’ badge, this will be a good story.

“Then I’ll get ready!” David stood up and said.

“I have applied for a batch of super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullets and ten Level 3 therapeutic potions for you. Go to the logistics department to collect them. I can only help you with these. You must pay attention to it yourself!” Transcendent Babington left at David Confessed before.

David left Transcendent Babington’s office and went to the logistics department to receive more than 500 large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullets and ten Level 3 healing potions. He took all the necessary equipment with him, and then rode in the’Deathwing’ ‘Assault ship, flew towards the military headquarters.

There is still some distance from the War Star military headquarters, David felt multiple locked breaths, among these breaths are sniper rifles and Gauss cannons, as well as powerhouse breath.

After scanning, the’Deathwing’ assault ship stopped on the tarmac outside the military headquarters.

When David walked off the’Deathwing’ assault ship carrying his equipment, he saw a major officer standing next to a hovering vehicle waiting, and smiling when he saw David walking towards him.

“Lieutenant Colonel David, I am the adjutant of General Adams, and the general wants to see you!” The major officer said with a military salute to David.

When David heard the name of General Adams, he was stunned. General Adams was his father’s friend, and he had already understood this.

I just didn’t expect that General Adams was not an ordinary general in War Star, and he seemed to have a lot of power in the military.

Although David has not been in the army for a long time, there are some things he can see. The adjutant of General Adams is a major, which is very telling.

In fact, David knows too little about the War Star military. Otherwise, when he hears the name of General Adams, he will immediately realize that this is one of the several powerful admirals in the War Star military. It is the War Star military. The real manager.

Lieutenant Mason did not dare to step off the’Deathwing’ assault ship. When he saw the major officer, he recognized that this was the adjutant of General Adams. Don’t think that the adjutant was only the rank of major, but in War Star, even the bases The generals must deal with him carefully when they see him.

“Trouble you to lead the way!” David replied with a polite military salute.

“Get in my car!” The major officer glanced at Lieutenant Mason, who was still sitting on the driver’s seat of the’Deathwing’ assault ship. Not at all invited Lieutenant Mason, but there was a cold expression in his eyes, and then turned his head. Smiling and inviting to David.

David took the major adjutant’s suspended vehicle and went straight to the underground parking lot of the military department. During this period, after more than ten inspections, the suspended vehicle did not even stop.

After getting off the suspended car, I took an elevator in the underground parking lot. The elevator traversed a distance vertically and horizontally. When he opened it again, David saw the internal corridor of the military.

The War Star military department is very large. It is a huge office organization. The building alone occupies a few square kilometers. At this time, if there is no Shadow Servant in the sky, he will find it difficult to locate himself after going through the elevator. position.

But with the Shadow Servant, it is different. From the Shadow Servant in the sky, David is in the middle of the entire building complex.

“General, Lieutenant Colonel David is here!” The major adjutant led David to a door and knocked on the door lightly.

“David is here, let him in, you go to prepare a juice, use the portion of my quota!” A loud voice said from inside.

When the major adjutant heard General Adams’ words, his smile looked towards David even more sincere.

As early as when General Adams invited David, the major adjutant knew about the friendship between David father Hans and General Adams, which was the Life and Death Friends on the battlefield.

Hearing the arrangement of General Adams at this time, the major adjutant realized that General Adams attached great importance to David.

Admiral’s quota of juice is the best juice in the War Star military department. It is provided by Great Spiritual World and only serves a few people in the Federation.

David walked into the office and saw General Adams not at all sitting on the office chair, but sitting on the sofa beside him.

“General Adams, Lieutenant Colonel David is hereby ordered!” David saluted.

“Come, sit down, there are no outsiders here!” General Adams smiled and waved his hand, motioning David to sit down.

David had seen many people with high authority during this time, and he didn’t feel any fear at all. He obeyed General Adams’ orders and sat down.

“Seeing you makes me think of Hans when I was young, that guy is so handsome too!” General Adams said with a smile.

“General, I haven’t thanked you for your help before!” David thought of General Adams’ help when he was still in Rockstar. Although the Transcendent was solved by David himself at the time, this personal affection was essential.

“David, call me Uncle when there are no outsiders. Father Hans and I are the best brother!” General Adams said, and then said with a smile: “You don’t have to thank me, my life is Hans. Saved!”

“Uncle!” David didn’t hesitate. This is Hans’s friend, and it is normal to be called Uncle.

“I am calling you today to tell you about the risks of this mission. Some things have to be confessed to you in advance!” When General Adams heard David’s name change, his face became closer, and he said softly.

At this moment, the major adjutant came in with 2 glasses of juice, and General Adams stopped talking, as if he did not want the major adjutant to know the content of the conversation.

The major adjutant is also a person of interest, and after putting down the 2 glasses of juice, he immediately left the room.

“Come on first, he he the juice squeezed from’Hunred Rhyme Fruit’!” General Adams smiled and picked up the cup and said.

David also picked up the glass, and saw the ever-changing color of the juice in the glass, which was a wonderful juice.

He took a sip, and then he felt a shock, as if the same basin of water was poured on his head.

Although the juice of’Hunred Rhyme Fruit’ does not improve the spirit, it can make the spirit clearer and recover from fatigue. It can also weakly strengthen the physique and has a significant effect on people who work for a long time.

“This juice is really good!” David exclaimed.

“Come and sit down if you want to drink from now on!” General Adams said with a smile.

General Adams put the cup back on the table, and the smile on his face narrowed.

“David, you shouldn’t have participated in this mission, and the military didn’t want you to participate in this level mission. I don’t know why the Great Spiritual World suggested that you must participate!” General Adams said solemnly.

David was stunned for a moment. There were not many people he knew at Great Spiritual World. It was only the intelligence organization in the Federation that wanted to harm him. But after being warned by Baron Dubois, would they dare to target David? David Deeply skeptical.

A powerhouse with the special Transcendent ability Level 4 insect race, and a nobleman with a deep background, Baron Dubois, in David’s view, has a very high status in the Great Spiritual World, at least in the War Star side.

“But you can rest assured that you participate in the mission not at all combat missions this time. You only need to be responsible for the investigation. Once you find any danger, you will immediately protect yourself. Don’t care about others, remember to come back alive!” General Adams continued.

“I’m understood!” David was heavily nodded. He also knew that as a general of the military, saying such things would be known to be troublesome by outsiders. General Adams told him that it was because of Hans’s face.

“After you come back this time, I will try my best to give you a’National Scholar’ badge. The tradition of the military is difficult to break, but as long as I have enough combat achievements, I can speak for you at the meeting!” General Adams said with a smile.

“Thank you Uncle!” David’s eyes lit up. He had a long-standing dream for the’National Scholar’ badge.

Hans’s’National Scholar’ badge made Hans a special existence of Rockstar. Although Hans was extremely low-key, after something happened, the entire Rockstar, whether it was the government or the military, actively solved his troubles. This is the’National Scholar’ The formidable power of the badge.

Hans told David a long time ago that the’National Scholar’ badge will be inherited to David. David also wants to tell Hans that he can also have the’National Scholar’ badge without inheritance. He wants to see how Hans is proud of him.

“I really envy Hans for having such a good child!” General Adams thought of David’s age and couldn’t help but feel emotional.

The military department has been dragging David’s “National Scholar” badge. On the one hand, it is the tradition of the military department. The highest honor of the “National Scholar” badge is only awarded when he leaves the military. On the other hand, David is too young. David’s time in the army is too short. Many people think that if you give David the’National Scholar’ badge now, how will you reward you later? Is it true that the’National Scholar’ badge will be inherited for dozens of generations?

The’National Scholar’ badge inheritance is a reward for outstanding military exploits, which can guarantee that their descendants can enjoy this honor.

However, the inheritance of the’National Scholar’ badge will basically not exceed 3 generations. When formulating the criteria for awarding the inheritance 3 generation of the’National Scholar’ badge, the required combat merits are very demanding and difficult to achieve.

The sum of David’s current military exploits has long surpassed the award criteria for the inheritance of the third-generation “National Scholar” badge. If he has great achievements in the future, how to reward becomes a big problem.

David sat with General Adams for a while, and left the office after drinking the juice.

“Lieutenant Colonel David, your lieutenant stays here. Next, you need to take the spaceship to the assembly point with the three Transcendents who are acting together this time!” said the major lieutenant while driving the suspended vehicle.

This levitating vehicle was very special. It quickly passed through the military department and came to an apron outside, where a small frigate was parked.

Saying goodbye to the major adjutant, David carried his equipment on the small frigate.

Entering the cabin of the small frigate, I saw three middle-aged people sitting there talking softly, and all looked towards him after seeing him entering.

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