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More than 20’Electric Scorpio’ left the land of thunder together, and the only one who dared to intercept was Baron Dubois.

The rest, even Knight Kade, only dared to follow behind Baron Dubois and become Baron Dubois’s support.

The three Transcendents did not dare to show up immediately. With more than 3 Level 20 insect races together, as long as one outbreak is fatal to them.

Baron Dubois has a Level 4 shield in his left hand and a Heavy sword in his right hand. The armor and faceplate on his body are all put down, which can be said to have taken out true strength.

“Cut!” Baron Dubois stood in front of the’Electric Light Scorpio’, and the Level 4 heavy sword in his hand fell, and a white sword light slashed out from the heavy sword.

There was a complied scream from the group of’Electric Scorpio’, and then 24’Electric Scorpio’ bodies flashed, all the lightning in the sky in this area gathered together, forming a lightning bolt towards the white sword light. .

“Bang!” A violent explosion sounded. This was the consequence of the collision between the white sword light and the lightning.

Baron Dubois silhouette took a few steps back from the explosion, and the Knight Kade behind him immediately put his hand on his back, sharing the rest of his body with himself.

Baron Dubois had white light flashed on his body, and his Level 4 shield flashed white light, forming a white light shield.

“This’Electric Light Scorpio’ king is about to reach Level 4!” With the guarantee of defense, Baron Dubois said solemnly.

I thought it would be able to deal with a group of Level 3 insect races with his strength and this set of Level 4 equipment, and he was not in the land of thunder. Who knew it was almost a big loss.

With only an instant contact, Baron Dubois knew the strength of the king hidden in the group of’Electric Light Scorpio’.

“Let’s join hands!” A white light appeared on Knight Kade and stretched out towards Baron Dubois.

Baron Dubois nodded, a white light also appeared on his body. This is a two-person battle formation formed by two powerhouses, which can jointly defend and strengthen each other’s attack power.

Baron Dubois didn’t use the mount, which actually reduced his strength.

As a Knight, the mount is an extremely important power composition. The mount can share life force with Knight and can also increase Knight’s speed.

Baron Dubois’s mount is a flying eagle. The flying mount is indeed very powerful, possessing the freedom that a ground mount can’t match.

But using flying mounts in War Star is very dangerous, because Knight’s flying mounts are a threat to War Star insect race occupied areas, so even Baron Dubois dare not use flying mounts in insect race occupied areas.

Because once the breath of the flying mount is exposed, it is very likely to attract Fifth Level insect race to take action.

Although the Fifth Level insect race has an agreement not to actively kill Knight, the mount is not included. As long as Knight is not killed, it is not a breach of contract.

Of course, if someone is sent to the Fifth Level insect race, they will be killed by the Fifth Level insect race. The dignity of the powerhouse should not be offended, not only for the insect race, but also for the Great Spiritual World.

Knight Kade is riding a war horse. His actual life force is stronger than Baron Dubois. After joining Baron Dubois, he shared a lot of Baron Dubois’s attack power.

Baron Dubois swung his sword forward again, and the’Electric Scorpio’ group once again gathered a bolt of lightning.

Of course, the formidable power of this lightning is a bit weaker than the one just now. The first lightning consumes the lightning accumulated before this area in the sky. This lightning is the result of the lightning that has just been generated. The formidable power is naturally needed. It’s smaller.

So Baron Dubois swung a sword light again, the lightning was directly smashed, and the sword light continued to fly towards the’Electric Light Scorpio’ ahead.

The 24’Electric Scorpio’ did not at all evade, but approached the lightning in the center. They turned into a huge’Electric Scorpio’.

The sword light cut this huge’Electric Light Scorpio’, but the’Electric Light Scorpio’ instantly transformed into lightning, making this sword not at all cut in place.

“Level 4 insect race!” Baron Dubois reminded Knight Kade behind him.

The 24 “Electric Light Scorpio” and the “Electric Light Scorpio” king were combined, and the strength of the “Electric Light Scorpio” king was forcibly increased from Level 3 Peak to Level 4.

If this is not the’thunderbolt valley’, let alone the’Electric Scorpio’ king who barely reaches Level 4, even if the real power of the’Electric Scorpio’ king is Level 4, it will not be Baron Dubois’s opponent.

But here is the’thunderbolt valley’, a lot of lightning has brought an extremely favorable environment to the king of’Electric Scorpio’.

Baron Dubois stepped in and followed the lightning made by the king of’Electric Light Scorpio’. Behind him, Knight Kade followed him on his horse.

Baron Dubois swings the sword again, but the “Electric Scorpio” king still turns into a lightning to get away. The lightning of this “Electric Scorpio” king is completely between virtual and reality, even if it is Baron Dubois’s Level 4 heavy sword. Attack it when the incarnation of the’Electric Light Scorpio’ is lightning.

Fortunately, this ability is still flawed. The King of Lightning Scorpio obviously can’t maintain this state for a long time, otherwise it doesn’t need to dodge at all, just stand here like this.

Baron Dubois fought a weird battle with the “Electric Scorpio” king. The “Electric Scorpio” king summons a bolt of lightning from the air from time to time, but it can’t hurt Baron Dubois, and Baron Dubois’ heavy sword can’t hurt Baron Dubois in a short time. ‘Electric Scorpio’ king.

David looked at the “Electric Scorpio” king from a distance. His “Growler Sniper Rifle” was already ready, but he had been waiting for the opportunity.

In fact, when the top 20 4 Level 3’Electric Scorpio’ are fighting with Baron Dubois, he can snipe one of the’Electric Scorpio’, but if he dares to attack at that moment, the consequences will be numerous’Electric Scorpio’ Scorpio’ dispersed to hunt him down.

At that time, even Baron Dubois couldn’t take care of him, and he couldn’t face the’Electric Scorpio’ in such a place. The speed gap between him and the’Electric Scorpio’ was really too big.

Now all the’Electric Scorpio’ merged to form this Level 4’Electric Scorpio’ king, which also made it impossible for the’Electric Scorpio’ to scatter and hunt him.

Of course, his super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullets can’t cause much damage to the Level 4’Electric Scorpio’ king.

David’s spirit broke out completely, and a large amount of data in his brain was being calculated. This Level 4 “Electric Scorpio” king incarnation lightning has some rules to evade Baron Dubois’ attacks.

As long as every time Baron Dubois attacks, the Level 4’Electric Scorpio’ king will incarnation lightning enter a state of nothingness.

His’Growler Sniper Rifle’ really cannot do much damage to the’Electric Scorpio’ king, but he does not need to kill the’Electric Scorpio’ king, as long as it can disrupt the dodge rhythm of the’Electric Scorpio’ king, you can make Baron Dubois successfully hit the king of’Electric Scorpio’.

Baron Dubois used a Level 4 shield to fend off a bolt of lightning, and he clearly felt that the formidable power of lightning was constantly decreasing.

Although the lightning in this area is continuously, it also takes time to accumulate lightning. Although every time the “Electric Scorpio” king gathers all the lightning in the several hundred meters area into a lightning bolt, the continuous consumption also makes the lightning formidable power Greatly reduced.

Just when Baron Dubois blocked the lightning and prepared to swing the heavy sword as before, a sniper bullet flew into the battlefield in his perception.

Just like the previous cooperation, Baron Dubois immediately understood David’s plan.

Baron Dubois’s attack did not slow down, he still wielded a Level 4 heavy sword at his own pace.

The king of “Electric Light Scorpio” also wanted incarnation lightning, but at this moment, a sniper bullet flew.

The original strength of the “Electric Light Scorpio” king is not as good as Baron Dubois. In the battle with Baron Dubois, it can be described as spare no effort. He dare not be distracted at all.

Because as long as you are distracted, then the one waiting for the king of’Electric Light Scorpio’ is beheaded by Baron Dubois.

In fact, the “Electric Light Scorpio” king is fighting here. It is not unplanned. It has been in the land of summon. The land of thunder is its birthplace and has a special connection with it.

As long as a period of time passes, the King of Lightning Scorpio can move the land of thunder to the battlefield, which is a natural ability of it.

It is precisely with this plan that the King of Lightning Scorpio will engage in this attrition war with Baron Dubois, otherwise it would have escaped here long ago…

The sniper bullet fired by David is due to David’s concealment of his own spirit and killing intent on the one hand, and on the other hand, Level 3 sniper bullets pose no threat to the king of’Electric Light Scorpio’. In this case, the king of’Electric Light Scorpio’ is aware of the danger The time for the sniper bullet was also late.

The super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullet hit the head of the “Electric Scorpio” king. This level of attack only slightly shook the silhouette of the “Electric Scorpio” king.

If in peacetime, this level of attack has no effect.

But the chance David chose was too accurate. It was the moment Baron Dubois swung his sword and attacked. At this time, the silhouette of the’Electric Scorpio’ king was unstable and the consequences were fatal.

Baron Dubois is so powerful, how could he miss such a good opportunity? A white light flashed above his Level 4 heavy sword, and the speed of his Level 4 heavy sword suddenly became faster.

This is because he used the’Acceleration’ effect. The Level 4 heavy sword hit the body of the King’Electric Scorpio’ when the king of’Electric Light Scorpio’ slightly shook.

Many screams came out, and this’Electric Scorpio’ king immediately turned into a group of’Electric Scorpio’. Among these’Electric Scorpio’, half of the’Electric Scorpio’ body was chopped into two pieces.

The other’Electric Light Scorpio’ were mostly seriously injured and began to flee in 4 crazy places.

Baron Dubois not at all pays attention to these’Electric Light Scorpio’, his gaze has been fixed on the light that has been kept.

“Trap!” The space ring in Baron Dubois’s hand flickered, and a’magic talisman’ appeared, and he said solemnly.

If the “Electric Light Scorpio” king is still in the Level 4 insect race state, such a “magic amulet” will have no effect at all, but the “Electric Light Scorpio” king in the Level 3 insect race Peak state is still affected.

Although this effect was only a brief moment, it was enough for Baron Dubois to launch an attack.

The Level 4 heavy sword in Baron Dubois’s hand once again used the’acceleration’ effect. The heavy sword swept through the lightning, and there was a howl in the lightning, and then the lightning turned into a full-body electric light’electric light scorpion’ king.

Most of the’Electric Light Scorpio’ king’s body was swept by sword light, and two halves of the body were constantly struggling, but death from this injury was inevitable.

There is another wound on the body of the King of Lightning Scorpio. It seems that the sword cut by Baron Dubois just now is not useless.

Even if the King of “Electric Light Scorpio” sacrificed his family, he did not let it avoid Baron Dubois’ heavy sword.

The death of the king of’Electric Scorpio’ made the rest of’Electric Scorpio’ run faster.

Of course David would not let this opportunity pass, he fired 3 sniper bullets in a row.

Knight Kade also rushed forward, and the three Transcendents who had been watching nearby also surrounded them. The battle soon ended. In the end, only 3 of this group of’Electric Scorpio’ escaped, and the rest were killed.

David also ran over quickly. The souls of the rest of the’Electric Scorpio’ are just trivial matters, but the soul of the king of’Electric Scorpio’ is very important, and there may be no such opportunity in the future.

Shadow Servant is 100 metres earlier than David and absorbs all the souls of the “Electric Scorpio” in this area.

“David, your sniper ability is really helpful!” Baron Dubois smiled and praised David.

This is not the first time he praised David for his sniper, but after being helped by David’s sniper ability, he still couldn’t help but praise him.

“If you were not entangled with the King of Lightning Scorpio in front, I would not dare to snipe!” David said quickly.

Just as Knight Miller also rushed over and began to decompose the body of the’Electric Scorpio’, something changed in the land where the thunder fell ahead.

The number of lightning in the land of thunderstorms suddenly became ten times denser, and everyone heard the sound of heaven falls and earth rends, which was the sound of the ground being shattered by dense lightning.

David let the Shadow Servant that had absorbed the soul fly into the air, and saw that in the sky of the land where the thunder fell, the lightning was extremely active, and the lightning and the lightning were constantly colliding, and this collision would produce lightning every time.

A lot of lightning also made Baron Dubois brows tightly knit. The land of thunder is the place they must pass through, but there is too much lightning at this moment.

Although such lightning formidable power cannot threaten Baron Dubois himself, Knight Miller, David and the 3 Transcendent are absolutely unable to resist.

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