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“Take a rest first, Transcendent Buckley, you form three corners and stay in three directions. Don’t let the’Electric Scorpio’ sneak attack us. Knight Kade and I will recover!” Baron Dubois deepened his voice instructed.

Baron Dubois not at all moved forward immediately, he also saw that the land of thunder was very abnormal, and this state would not last forever.

So he chose to rest, even if it is not safe here, but it is much safer than passing through the land of thunder in this case.

Knight Miller placed 2 15’Lightning Crystal’ and a significantly larger circle of’Lightning Crystal’ in front of Baron Dubois. The rest also had a pile of Level 3 materials.

“Unfortunately there is no’king heart core’!” Knight Miller said to David.

The’King Heart Core’ has a great effect on the promotion of Armored Soldier to Transcendent, which is a pity for Knight Miller.

“Using this time, we just allocated spoils of war. David’s role is not small this time. The Lightning Crystal of the King of Lightning Scorpio will be given to David, and David will be given 3 Level 3 enhancements of Lightning Scorpio. Meat, as for Level 3 materials, he doesn’t need to participate in the distribution!” Baron Dubois said solemnly.

There was no objection from the few people present. Everyone could see David’s performance just now.

Without David’s attraction, this group of “Electric Scorpio” would be so easy to be drawn out, not to mention that David also played a key role in killing the group of Electric Scorpio.

Although the three Transcendents have thoughts about the “Lightning Crystal” of the “Lightning Scorpio” king, Baron Dubois has said it, plus they also owe David a lot of favor, of course they will not compete with him on this matter.

Besides, they want to compete, but they can’t compete.

This is the opinion of Baron Dubois, not to mention that there is nothing wrong with the opinion that Baron Dubois put forward, that is, he forcibly asks for distribution, who can object.

David put away the “Lightning Crystal” of the “Lightning Scorpio” king. As for the Level 3 fortified meat, Knight Miller helped him put away.

After resting for about half an hour, the lightning in the land of thunderfalls has also decreased. This is not an ordinary decrease, but the entire land of thunderfalls is dissipating.

A large amount of lightning was dumped in the land where the thunder fell in a short time, which greatly reduced the lightning energy of the land.

“This land of thunder land and the king of’Electric Light Scorpio’ seem to have a symbiotic relationship, Miller, you will write this down!” Baron Dubois watched the changes in the land of thunder land instructed Knight Miller.

Without the obstacle of the land of thunder, the team had no difficulty anymore. After a long time of driving, they finally passed the’thunderbolt valley’.

“Ahead is the territory of the’Halfbody Spider’. In this area, all creatures encountered must cut off their heads, even if they are human beings, do not show mercy!” Baron Dubois pointed to the mountain in front of him. .

David didn’t understand what Baron Dubois said. You must know that this place is already in the deepest part of the occupied area of ​​the insect race. How can humans appear in this place.

But after a few minutes, he saw a human being. It was a Knight in tattered armor. This Knight had no horses under him, holding a Level 3 heavy sword in his hand, and his other hand. A Level 3 round shield.

“It’s the Knight of the Hato Family!” Knight Miller saw the badge on the Level 3 round shield and immediately exclaimed.

“Shut up, go up and kill him immediately, no more than ten seconds, otherwise it will alarm the’Halfbody Spider’!” Baron Dubois slapped Knight Miller on the body shouted.

When Knight Miller heard Baron Dubois’ words, his face rose with excitement.

On this road, he is completely a logistician. What role does not at all play? Now that Baron Dubois wants him to fight, how can he be unhappy!

Knight Miller jumped off the horse, this horse is not his horse, and he can’t cooperate well during the battle, so it’s better to throw it away.

A Level 3 heavy sword appeared in Knight Miller’s hand, and he charged the Knight.

When Knight Miller was 30 metres away from the Knight, the Knight also spotted him and launched a countercharge against him in the same way.

Knight Miller was ready to collide. A Level 3 shield appeared on his left hand, and the flash of white light on his body enveloped the Level 3 shield, making his imposing manner more prosperous.

Although the Knight on the opposite side has the same actions, the Level 3 shield is not at all white light.

Knight Miller smashed into Knight, and Knight was slammed back again and again, and Knight Miller’s body just shook slightly.

Knight Miller’s face was incomprehensible. From the equipment, it can be seen that Knight is at least the same level as Knight Miller, or even higher rank Knight, so Knight Miller will charge with all his strength.

Baron Dubois asked Knight Miller to solve the battle in ten seconds, so Knight Miller prepared several plans to use his own “magic amulet” or equipment advantages to quickly solve the battle unexpectedly.

But he didn’t calculate how Knight would be knocked back, and the opponent’s weak strength made him somewhat incomprehensible.

Just when Knight Miller was stunned, the Baron Dubois silhouette flashed, flashing from the back to the front of the Knight, swinging a sword to cut off Knight’s head.

David once again played the idea of ​​not to waste and walked towards the battlefield, but this time out of David’s expectation, Shadow Servant did not even fly forward.

David has the feeling of have one’s hair stand on end, because this Knight has no soul.

Shadow Servant has never made a mistake. No matter how strong or weak the life is, as long as it dies, there will be a soul. Shadow Servant is never picky. If Shadow Servant does not move, it means that Knight is a soulless creature.

Just as David was thinking about it, a small spider crawled out of the ear of the head.

Baron Dubois stepped forward and trampled the little spider into mud.

“Miller, know what’s wrong?” Baron Dubois asked Knight Miller sternly.

“I’m distracted during the battle!” Knight Miller said with a slightly red face.

“Do you know? If I kill this living corpse one step late, our actions will be known in advance by the’Halfbody Spider’ and we will be very passive!” Baron Dubois taught.

Through Baron Dubois’s commentary, David and everyone know what Knight was just now.

‘Halfbody Spider’ has the ability to manipulate corpses.’Halfbody Spider’ uses this kind of spider to control the corpse. The resurrected corpse can only use the flesh to fight.

This corpse is also a patrol post for the’Halfbody Spider’. It only takes ten seconds for the small spider to alert the’Halfbody Spider’.

Knight Miller stepped forward to remove the equipment from Knight’s corpse and put it into his space ring.

These equipment does not need to be allocated, because this is Great Spiritual World equipment, even if it is given to a few Transcendents, they cannot use it.

Of course, the unusable mentioned here refers to the inability to stimulate special abilities on weapons and equipment. Apart from this point, it is not a problem to use them as Level 3 weapons.

But Knight Miller will not let Great Spiritual World equipment fall into the Federation. The Federation has been researching Great Spiritual World equipment. Every additional equipment will provide materials for research.

Therefore, Great Spiritual World will only provide a small number of special weapons at most, all of which are weakened versions specially made for the Federation.

“There is only one way to kill a living corpse, and that is to cut off the head. The little spider manipulates the corpse by controlling the head. Even if the living corpse suffers more injuries, it will still be able to move and fight without hindrance!” Baron Dubois Said.

When he got here, Baron Dubois didn’t let David go forward, but he walked in the forefront.

This is for David’s care, because’Halfbody Spider’ is too dangerous. If David meets with him, it is estimated that he will not be able to support it for a second.

He walked forward several dozen meters and met a “Golden Armor Pincer Worm”. Without any hesitation, Baron Dubois stepped forward and chopped off its head, and then killed the little spider that came out.

“Uncle, isn’t there a normal insect race here?” Knight Miller couldn’t help but ask aloud when seeing the’Pincer Worm’ also a living corpse.

“In the realm of’Halfbody Spider’, the only living is’Halfbody Spider’, and the rest are the living corpses controlled by it!” Baron Dubois asked Knight Miller to answer all questions, which is also a training method.

David found these living corpses very difficult to find, of course this is for the rest of the people, even Baron Dubois wants to find the living corpses farther away very difficult.

Because living corpses are like dead objects, like ordinary rocks, it is difficult to detect them through perception if they are not seen by the eyes.

But David has the Shadow Servant in the air, which has a natural advantage to spot the living corpse one step in advance.

It’s a pity that the living corpses here don’t have souls, and it’s no good to kill more.

With Baron Dubois taking action personally, all the living corpses on the way up the mountain were killed instantly, even if the living corpses were difficult to find, they would be killed as soon as they were found.

Near the top of the mountain, David saw the situation ahead through the eyes of Shadow Servant.

When he saw the top of the mountain from a distance through Shadow Servant before, he thought that the white was the rock at the top of the mountain, but now that he got closer, he found that all the whites were bones, and a large number of bones piled up on the top of the mountain to form a small hill.

In insect race, it is rare that food leaves bones.

Because the strong insect race eats only the bones left behind, there will be other weak insect races that will eat up these bones.

You know that insect race eats everything, not to mention bones, which contain energy.

When the team approached, David had been mentally prepared. Although the others were surprised, they could still control it. Only Knight Miller suddenly saw a pile of bones and opened his mouth wide in surprise.

A hand was placed on Knight Miller’s open mouth, and the sound he almost called out was pressed.

This place is close to the nest of Level 4 insect race’Halfbody Spider’. Knight Miller called out, presumably’Halfbody Spider’ knew they were coming.

Although’Halfbody Spider’ will know of their arrival sooner or later, but later can give them more advantage.

“David and Miller don’t need to fight, I cooperate with Kade, and you three Transcendents are responsible for cleaning the living corpses all around!” Baron Dubois looked at the lair surrounded by bones in front, and ordered in a deep voice.

The next battle was with the Level 4 insect race. David and Knight Miller were not strong enough to get involved.

Because of the characteristics of living corpses, the role of David’s’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’ is greatly reduced. If there are Level 3 insect race living corpses, it is difficult for David to hit the owl’s head in one shot. If this is not done, he will probably be killed Fight back.

Knight Miller lost his horse, and his actual combat power was much worse than Peak. In addition, in this kind of battle, it was difficult for Baron Dubois to take care of him.

“David, don’t use snipers to help us,’Halfbody Spider’ is not something you can handle!” Baron Dubois was about to wave his hand, but stopped and turned his head and said to David.

David nodded, the reason why he wanted to take action before was because the King of Lightning Scorpio was a fake Level 4 insect race and was dragged by Baron Dubois.

David is very self-aware, he will not participate in the real level 4 battle, even the aftermath of this kind of battle can make him suffer heavy losses.

“You stay outside with Miller, let’s go in!” Baron Dubois ordered after the explanation.

Baron Dubois takes the lead, and only he can lead this kind of battle.

The breath of the nest is very obscure, Baron Dubois imperceptible to the internal situation, and’Halfbody Spider’ is an insect race that is good at concealed aura.

A’magic amulet’ appeared in Baron Dubois’ hand, and when he came to the entrance of the lair, he threw the’magic amulet’.

The entrance to the cave was blocked by a spider web, and the’magic talisman’ turned into a Fireball in the air and landed on the spider web.

This Fireball is not an ordinary flame, but a Fireball that contains special energy, which is specially developed to deal with the webs of the spider insect race.

The war with the insect race lasted for 10000 years, and this has made both the Great Spiritual World and the Interstellar Federation have developed many ways to restrain the insect race special ability.

Spiders occupying the category of insect race, their webs are very threatening to combatants, and how to remove spider webs has long been studied.

This’magic talisman’ is the product of this situation. It may not have much effect when facing the’Halfbody Spider’, but it is very easy to remove an unowned spider web.

The spider web was quickly ignited after encountering the Fireball. The spider web turned to ashes and exposed the hole.

“Yi!” Baron Dubois looked at the exposed hole strangely.

Such a big movement should have alarmed the’Halfbody Spider’ long ago, but why there is no response.

It is important to know that using the’magic amulet’ at such close range at the entrance of the nest, the energy fluctuations it produces are as conspicuous as a light in the dark night to the nearby Level 4 insect race.

But at this time, Baron Dubois was also impossible to hesitate. He walked into the lair first, and the white light on Knight Kade flashed and connected with the white light on Baron Dubois. In an instant, their two Knights ended the battle.

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