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Just as Baron Dubois stepped into the lair, two’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ corpses rushed towards Baron Dubois from the cave, with a shocking momentum.

This is the guard of the’Halfbody Spider’ lair. The’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ is an insect race that relies purely on the body. After becoming a puppet, it will not have a big impact on combat power. On the contrary, it is due to the strength of the battle without fear of death Improved.

Two’Armor Piercing Celestial Oxs’ blocked the entire lair passage tightly. This way of charging gave Baron Dubois nowhere to dodge.

If it is someone else at this time, they must retreat quickly to avoid being hit by the charge of’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’.

But Baron Dubois flashed his silhouette, and greeted the two’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’.

After’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ became a puppet, the biggest influence it received was wisdom. The little spiders that controlled the body of’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ had limited intelligence, and most of them relied on the combat instinct of’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’.

The defense of’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ is very strong, even if it is slashed by ordinary Level 3 weapons, the damage will be very low.

But Baron Dubois has a Level 4 heavy sword in his hand. The combat instinct of’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ is not at all because of the Level 4 heavy sword, but it changes the battle method, and it still hits Baron Dubois.

This is the defect brought by the wisdom of’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’. If the’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ is still alive, when you see the rays of light of Level 4 weapons, you will definitely not hit it like this.

Amidst the two gentle wind breaking sounds, the heads of two puppets of’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ were cut off by a Level 2 heavy sword, and two small spiders emerged from the ears of’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ and were taken by Baron. Dubois killed.

Baron Dubois made a general gesture to the person behind, indicating that he could keep up.

After a few people passed a 20-meter passage, they saw a huge cave.

There are spider silks everywhere in this cave, and some spider silks also have insect race tied up. These should be the food of’Halfbody Spider’.

Baron Dubois glanced, not at all found the silhouette of the’Halfbody Spider’.

He had guessed for a long time, otherwise the lair would not have only two’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ puppets, and when he was fighting with the’Armor Piercing Celestial Ox’ puppets, the’Halfbody Spider’ would have come out to fight.

“Notify David and Miller and let them be careful of the’Halfbody Spider’!” Baron Dubois instructed the others while rushing out of the cave.

There is no’Halfbody Spider’ here, so once the’Halfbody Spider’ comes back from the outside, David and Knight Miller who stayed outside the lair will bear the brunt.

After Baron Dubois led the team into the lair, David let the Shadow Servant fly into the sky and watched carefully.

Suddenly he saw that on the other side of the mountain, a group of ten or five insect races were marching towards this side.

“Miller, do you have a way to isolate your body?” David immediately asked Knight Miller when he saw the weird spider in the middle through Shadow Servant.

“Yes!” Knight Miller saw David’s serious face and knew that something was wrong, he nodded replied.

“Use it for yourself, and put this in your mouth!” David took out a respirator and threw it to Knight Miller.

Knight Miller didn’t speak, he immediately took out a’magic talisman’, activated it, and put the respirator in his mouth.

A thin energy shield appeared on Knight Miller’s body. This energy shield completely isolated his breath, even if David was so close, it would imperceptible to the breath of Knight Miller.

“This breath-isolating’magic talisman’ cannot move the body after it is used, and the effect of the breath-isolating will disappear as soon as it is moved!” Knight Miller said while keeping his body still.

David nodded, he grabbed Knight Miller with one hand, and then used the’underground stealth’ ability. A crack appeared in the ground, and he and Knight Miller went underground.

It is not that David has thought of getting away from the group of insect races by other means, but his position is on the top of the mountain. As long as the insect race over there comes to this position, he will be spotted by the insect race no matter where he escapes.

This lair chose the top of the mountain, with a great view, and you can observe all around very far areas.

This is also the reason why David can discover the group of insect races in advance, otherwise the insect races closer to him will also find him.

There is another reason for David to make this decision. He has a high probability of judging that the spider in the middle is the’Halfbody Spider’.

Level 4 insect race’Halfbody Spider’ looks like David not at all I have seen before, but through this name you can also imagine the appearance of’Halfbody Spider’.

The weird spider that David saw through the eyes of Shadow Servant has a huge spider chassis, and at the position of the spider’s head, it has a human-like upper body.

Had it not been for the long slender forelimbs on the back of the upper body, and the skull with the unique eyes and mouthparts of insect race, David would have thought the spider was a mixture of humans and spiders.

David has seen many insect races over the years, and many of them are disgusting.

But after seeing the’Halfbody Spider’, he still had a strong feeling of vomiting.

Knight Miller immediately relieved his breathing when he felt his body descend to the ground. He was rescued by David using this method before, and he knew that David must have encountered a very terrifying enemy if he needed this method.

Needless to say, there is only one enemy that can be encountered here, and that is Level 4 insect race’Halfbody Spider’.

When Knight Miller thinks of the Knight of the Hato Family, he feels horrified.

He didn’t want to be a puppet like that Knight, being controlled by a small spider into his brain to become a living corpse.

David took Knight Miller into the underground ten meters and immediately dived in the direction of the lair. He knew that Baron Dubois was in the lair, and it was safe to have Baron Dubois in it.

Just when David took Knight Miller into the ground for less than ten seconds, the’Halfbody Spider’ protected by Puppet came to the mouth of the lair.

There was a hint of doubt on the weird face of’Halfbody Spider’. It sniffed the breath here, and immediately it roared loudly.

Among these breaths, it smelled human breath.

Because they came to fight with the’Halfbody Spider’, none of Baron Dubois concealed their aura, which made the aura remaining here very obvious.

Coupled with the’Halfbody Spider’ nest all around a very far away area, not at all, any insect race dare to approach, and any insect race that approaches will be torn apart by the puppet.

So these faint breaths are particularly obvious here, and the’Halfbody Spider’ easily spotted the intruder.

Just as the’Halfbody Spider’ roared, Baron Dubois and Knight Kade rushed out of the lair. Behind them were 3 Transcendents.

“As planned, Knight Kade and I fend off the’Halfbody Spider’, and you clean up these puppets!” Baron Dubois commanded loudly.

When he said that, he rushed to the’Halfbody Spider’, and at the same time a white sword light stretched out from the Level 4 heavy sword and cut it towards the’Halfbody Spider’.

The two Phantom 2 puppets next to the Halfbody Spider greeted the sword light, and at the same time, the Halfbody Spider waved a piece of spider silk to cover the two Knights.

The silhouette of Baron Dubois and Knight Kade’s charge turned abruptly and rushed to the side just to dodge the range of the spider silk.

Even if it is as strong as Baron Dubois, he dare not come into contact with the spider silk shot by the’Halfbody Spider’.

He and Knight Kade need to lead the’Halfbody Spider’ aside, and the three Transcendents will fight the remaining puppets, otherwise they will have the influence of the puppets and it will be difficult for them to concentrate on fighting the’Halfbody Spider’.

‘Halfbody Spider’ will of course not let Baron Dubois leave. There are also rules inside the insect race. The powerful insect race cannot be made into a puppet.

Although there is a Fifth Level insect race’Halfbody Spider Queen’ behind’Halfbody Spider’, this rule still needs to be observed on the surface.

‘Halfbody Spider’ really wants to make a Level 4 insect race puppet, but even if it makes a Level 4 insect race puppet, it can only be used secretly.

Now when I met Baron Dubois, a human whose strength is not much different from that of Level 4 insect race,’Halfbody Spider’ immediately regarded it as the best material. Making Baron Dubois a puppet will greatly increase its strength.

Especially Knight puppets like Baron Dubois are not within the regulations of the insect race and can be carried with them.

Baron Dubois and Knight Kade wandered with some of the puppets with the’Halfbody Spider’, and the 3 Transcendent also blocked the 5 Puppet at this time.

These ten 4 Puppets are all puppets transformed into Level 3 insect races. If they are actually 5 Level 3 insect races, 3 Transcendents will definitely not be the enemy, but 5 Level 3 insect race puppets are much easier to deal with. Up.

The 3 Transcendents here are the top presences in War Star Transcendent. 5 Level 3 insect race puppets lack intelligence and cannot use special ability. They can only be regarded as possessing the body of Level 3 insect race, but their strength and speed are high. Mentally retarded.

“Give me 3 seconds and I will deal with this one!” Transcendent Buckley said solemnly.

Transcendent Brown and Transcendent Fenwick immediately blocked the other 4 Level 3 insect race puppets. Transcendent Brown even took out a Level 3 shield, a shield and a heavy sword.

Transcendent Brown withstood the attack of 3 insect race puppets alone, and Transcendent Fenwick also waved the Level 3 Heavy Axe to block the other Level 3 insect race puppet.

“Buckley, don’t take more than 3 seconds, you can collect the body after 3 seconds!” Transcendent Brown yelled.

“Okay!” Transcendent Buckley has rushed towards the single Level 3 insect race puppet and complied halfway.

Transcendent Buckley knows how to kill the Level 3 insect race puppet. He is rushing towards the Level 3 insect race puppet, and when he is about to collide with the Level 3 insect race puppet, the silhouette suddenly accelerates, and the silhouette flashes to Level 3 The insect race puppet passed him by.

The moment Transcendent Buckley passed by, his body soared into the air and landed on the back of the Level 3 insect race puppet.

He swung the Level 3 heavy sword and cut out 3 swords on the neck of the Level 3 insect race puppet in a row, and the head of the Level 3 insect race puppet was cut off.

Transcendent Buckley not at all time is self-satisfied. Although his’heavy sword mastery’ is not as perverted as David’Heavy Axe Mastery’, it is at the top level of’heavy sword master’.

This skill-based battle method is the best battle method for level 3 insect race puppets, which are demented insect races.

If a Level 3 insect race puppet is in a war, the combat power it can display is very different from the normal Level 3 insect race not at all, but it has huge flaws to deal with a powerhouse of the same level with dexterity and technology.

Transcendent Buckley accelerated and came to Transcendent Brown’s side, sharing him with a Level 3 insect race puppet.

“Exactly 2 seconds!” Transcendent Buckley laughed and said with a smile.

“I’ll open up the area for you, this time you can do it in a few seconds!” Transcendent Brown used a shield and heavy sword to attract two Level 2 insect race puppets, and said to Transcendent Buckley.

Transcendent Brown looks relaxed, but it is actually very dangerous. The power of this Level 3 insect race puppet is not at all weakened. Every blow can damage Transcendent Brown’s body. Transcendent Brown’s mouth can be damaged in just 2 seconds. There was blood.

He used a bottle of Level 3 healing potion to suppress the injury for a short time.

“Kill!” The Level 3 heavy sword in Transcendent Buckley’s hand flashed white radiance, and a white pattern appeared, flying into the body of the Level 3 insect race puppet in front of him.

This Level 3 insect race puppet slows down. This is the level 3 heavy sword in the hands of Transcendent Buckley, which has a’slow down’ effect.

At this critical time, he didn’t hold back either, as soon as he shot it was spare no effort.

The’slow down’ effect can only slow down this Level 3 insect race puppet by one second at most, but in this kind of battle, one second is enough.

Transcendent Buckley swung out the heavy sword again, all three slashes were in the same position, and the head of this Level 3 insect race puppet was cut off.

“Brown, it’s still 2 seconds!” Transcendent Buckley said triumphantly.

He stepped forward and shared the two Level 2 insect race puppets with Transcendent Brown, and each blocked one Level 3 insect race puppet.

“Buckley, see who kills quickly!” Transcendent Brown finally had a chance to go one-on-one, he loudly said.

As he uttered this sentence, a white light flashed across the Level 3 heavy sword in his hand, and then his opponent’s Level 3 insect race puppet stagnated. This is from his heavy sword. Slow down’ effect.

After that, Transcendent Brown cut off the head of the Level 3 insect race puppet with several swords. Instead of seeing the results of Transcendent Buckley, he rushed towards Transcendent Fenwick.

“Brown, you are cheating!” It took about 5 seconds for Transcendent Buckley to kill the Level 3 insect race puppet. He also rushed to help Transcendent Fenwick and complained.

He continued to explode and became exhausted. In addition, he used the’slow down’ effect on the heavy sword once. Today’s’slow down’ has been used up. Of course, the third battle can no longer be as fast as before.

Transcendent Brown, of course, can achieve the fastest record by using the’slow down’ effect on the’quasi-Transcendent weapon’ of the Level 3 heavy sword.

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