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Although the two Transcendents are talking about competition, they are actually trying to solve their opponents faster. The faster they resolve the battle, the weaker the pressure on Baron Dubois.

Under the siege of 3 Transcendents, the head of the last Level 3 insect race puppet here was also beheaded after a few seconds.

“Baron Dubois, give us some more!” Transcendent Buckley called to Baron Dubois.

“Be careful!” Baron Dubois laughed and said with a smile.

He and Knight Kade increased their speed. At the same time, the two Knights cut out two sword lights and slowed down the figure of the two Level 2 insect race puppets. The heavy swords in the hands of the two Knights showed signs of slowing down at the same time. Pattern, slow down the speed of the other two insect race puppets.

Three Transcendents immediately stepped forward and blocked four Level 3 insect race puppets.

At this time, David and Knight Miller were in the underground ten meters of the lair. Knight Miller used the isolation’magic talisman’. In addition, even if the’Halfbody Spider’ deliberately looked for him, it was difficult to find him.

“Miller, stay here, I’ll go and see!” Because Knight Miller’s situation is best not to move at this time, David said to Knight Miller.

How could Knight Miller refuse? He didn’t even dare to move. Although the underground imperceptible to the outside, the continuous violent vibrations from the ground can explain the problem.

David also wanted to see what good things were in the nest of Level 4 insect race’Halfbody Spider’. This is the nest of Level 4 insect race. This is enough to make him curious. The fighting now is outside the nest. And it’s still moving away from the nest.

He dived from underground to the ground, and after leaving the ground, he appeared in the cave of the lair.

David saw that there were at least ten Level 3 insect race corpses wrapped in spider silk, and there were dozens of Level 2 insect race corpses. He didn’t move any of these. These are everyone’s spoils of war. Baron Dubois and the others have entered the lair, and they can spot it as soon as they move.

He wants to see if there is any special item, that is his goal.

David looked at 4 places in the cave. He was watching the battle outside through Shadow Servant. It seemed that the battle would not be fruitful for a while, and he still had some time.

There are a lot of valuable things in the cave, like Level 3 materials, a lot of them are thrown here. It seems that this’Halfbody Spider’ doesn’t like using Level 3 materials as food.

But now David doesn’t have much demand for Level 3 materials, he is more to satisfy his curiosity.

After checking in the cave, David was disappointed. Although this’Halfbody Spider’ had a lot of wealth, it couldn’t make him feel bright.

This is also related to David’s vision. The earliest David would be pleasantly surprised when he saw a special ore, but now he has a large number of various resources, he has passed that period long ago.

David shook the head, he didn’t at all in the cave, but he was disappointed too much. Baron Dubois had already seen it here. If there is something good, Baron Dubois would have discovered it.

“Huh?” Just when he was disappointed, he saw a huge rock at the corner of the cave. This rock was too big to move with his power.

David pays attention to this rock because the edge of the rock is very smooth. It seems that there is often contact with it, grinding the edge of the rock like this.

David releases his spirit. His spirit can extend 100 metres. Although it will weaken a lot through the rock, it should not be a problem to penetrate this rock.

He released his spirit, and the spirit passed through the rock, but was blocked by a barrier, and the spirit could not go further.

David was not surprised and rejoiced, and his spirit was unable to pass through, indicating that there were special items on the rock, otherwise this would not happen.

He didn’t dare to recall Shadow Servant, Shadow Servant had to stay outside the cave all the time, otherwise he would be in trouble if he accidentally entered the cave with the’Halfbody Spider’.

David waited for a while, the’underground stealth’ ability recovered, a crack appeared in the boulder in front of him, and he entered the crack.

The thickness of the boulder is about 3 meters. After passing through 3 meters, David discovered that there is a pile of rocks behind the boulder, but these rocks are the companion stones of the kryptonite crystal mine. This kind of companion stones can isolate the mind from scanning.

To be honest, David was very disappointed after discovering the associated stone of the kryptonite crystal mine.

The most common place in War Star is the kryptonite crystal mine. The kryptonite crystal mine here is fine no matter how you dig it, but the problem is that you can’t take the kryptonite crystal away from the War Star privately. This is the kryptonite crystal in the area occupied by the insect race. Can be regarded as the military item.

No matter where you get the kryptonite crystal, the military will not allow it to be taken away.

Some space items can be installed, but how many space items can be installed, plus the value of the space item itself, is definitely a huge waste.

David still passes through the kryptonite crystal companion stones. Although these kryptonite crystal companion stones can isolate the mind and scanning, as long as they are stones, they are controlled by the’underground stealth’ ability.

Passing through the kryptonite crystal companion stone, David not at all saw the kryptonite crystal mine, but a green blood pool appeared.

This should be a secret room, where’Halfbody Spider’ arranged a blood pool filled with insect race blood, and a few shining stones completely illuminate the space of about 40 square meters.

David is a little strange. The lair of the’Halfbody Spider’ contains only the creature’Halfbody Spider’, and the rest are puppets, even in a large area nearby.

How can’Halfbody Spider’ set up such a worm blood pool in such a secret place to create such a weird room!

David wondered. He approached the blood pool carefully. Suddenly he stood abruptly, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

If it hadn’t been for his perception of danger not at all to sound the alarm, he would have turned around and fled early.

Because David saw the silhouette immersed in the blood pool in Green’s blood pool. It was a huge insect race with a body length of 20 meters.

This insect race has a black body with a streamlined beauty, just like a battleship designed for flying in the air.

“‘Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’!” David has seen this insect race video more than once, and of course those images appear in various movies.

The reason why this’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ appeared in a large number of movies is simple. It is a Level 4 insect race, and it is also a special insect race among the insect races.

The name of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ was originally just because of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ every time it appeared, as long as it appeared in the atmosphere, there was a sonic boom with its silhouette.

‘Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ possesses the power and body of Level 4 insect race. Its combat power is very ordinary in Level 4 insect race. The difference is that its body within the body has a special This space can be loaded with a large number of lifeforms, carrying these lifeforms to fly in the atmosphere and space at high speed.

In those movies,’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ appeared with a sonic boom, and then a few 100 various insect races were released.

A long time ago, David was curious about how’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ could store that many insect races within the body. He didn’t expect a’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ to appear in front of him now.

This’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ was immersed in the blood pool. David could perceive the vitality of’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’within the body, this’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ was still alive.

Although David looked at the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’, he inevitably felt a sense of fear for more advanced creatures, but his perception told him that this place is not at all dangerous.

This feeling is very strange, but David believes in his own perception. The eyes can deceive you, but perception can’t. He can survive the crisis again and again by his perception of danger.

Among all the attributes of David, his spirit is the strongest, which is also his advantage. Perception comes from spirit, and he will certainly believe in his strongest ability.

David approached the blood pool carefully. At this time, he was very close to the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’, so close that he could reach the Level 4 insect race by reaching out.

Until this time, he could confirm that although the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ was still alive, only the body of the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ was alive.

David didn’t know what method’Halfbody Spider’ used to keep the body of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’, but wiped its soul from this body.

David is too familiar with the soul of life, no matter who has absorbed 10000 souls.

In fact, this is the Fifth Level insect race’Halfbody Spider Queen’ behind’Halfbody Spider’ prepared for’Halfbody Spider’.’Halfbody Spider’ own strength is one aspect, but its puppet is also an important part of its strength.

Carrying more puppets with you can make the’Halfbody Spider’ more powerful.

The’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ is very special. The’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ is a Level 4 insect race with a variety of special abilities. These special abilities are not very helpful to the battle, but they are good for the’Halfbody Spider’ This insect race that can create puppets is a great help.

Therefore,’Halfbody Spider Queen’ violated the rules of insect race and prepared this Level 4 insect race’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ for’Halfbody Spider’, and used special means to convert the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ Erase his soul, leaving only a shell.

If you want to retain the special ability of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’, you cannot make the body of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ die. If you make a corpse puppet as usual, you will lose the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ The special ability.

‘Halfbody Spider Queen’ inheritance is the method of making special puppets for’Halfbody Spider’. This blood pool is where the special puppets are made.

For this’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’,’Halfbody Spider’ almost killed all the insect races around the territory. A large amount of blood from 2 Level 3 insect race was poured with’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’.

Seeing that the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ puppet is about to succeed, Baron Dubois brings people here.

If Baron Dubois is late for a while, it is likely that they will not be facing a’Halfbody Spider’, but an extra’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’.

Even if the combat power of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ is weaker, it is also a Level 4 insect race, and it is still a Level 4 insect race that is known for its speed. Really fighting, it is a great threat to Baron Dubois.

The battle method of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ is very simple and rude, speed and strength, and does not require any skill, attacking the enemy through constant impact.

David looked at the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ and didn’t know what to do for a while!

It is best to kill the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ and take out the materials in his body, but he has a lot of unwillingness in his heart. A Level 4 insect race without a soul is in front of him, but he can only kill the materials.

More importantly, David can’t guarantee that although this’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ has no soul, when he does it, he will react instinctively and attack him.

Although it is said that if humans lose their souls, they will not even be able to move their bodies, but the situation in humans cannot be applied to insect race.

In particular, it was the weird situation in front of him, and no one could tell what would happen.

David looked at the big guy in front of him, and his heart suddenly moved. Since this’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ has lost its soul, does it have the ability to resist if it is soul controlled?

He doesn’t know what method’Halfbody Spider’ is going to use to control the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’, but he has a control method.

Since David’s spirit surpassed 8 points, he has not used the’Spiritual Sleep’ ability. Before, his’Spiritual Sleep’ ability could only control Level 2 insect race.

The one in front of him is a Level 4 insect race. David has no confidence in controlling the sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect.

But David wants to give it a try. If you don’t try this good opportunity, you will definitely regret it in the future.

From the walls of the soul fortress, he drew the’bewitching pattern’ that had been conceived for a long time. This’bewitching pattern’ has not been used since the last time the soul fortress evolved, and has been bred here.

The’Enchanting Pattern’ flew out of David’s soul, flew into the blood pool of Green, and sank into the head of the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’.

‘Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ only has an empty soul shell, this is the handwriting of Fifth Level insect race’Halfbody Spider Queen’, and’Halfbody Spider Queen’ also left to make’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ easier Controlled command.

Without this command, even if David uses the’bewitching pattern’, it will not affect the soul shell, because this is the soul shell of the Level 4 insect race, and its level has long been higher than the range that the’bewitching pattern’ can control. .

The’bewitching pattern’ absorbs the energy in the soul’s empty shell, and the’bewitching pattern’ gets bigger and bigger, and finally fills the entire soul empty shell.

There has never been a’Bewitching Cerebral Insect’ that can grow with the soul energy of Level 4 insect race. The final result of this growth is that even’Bewitching Cerebral Insect’ cannot imagine the ending.

Standing by the pool of blood, David was very anxious. As he paced back and forth, a soul connection appeared in his soul.

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