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“My lord, we have arrived at Battlestar ahead. We need to get off the battleship and wait for inspection!” Captain Hope reported to David through the identity bracelet.

“I’ll come here!” David replied while sorting the items.

When David came to the cockpit, the huge silhouette of the Battlestar could already be seen outside the transparent porthole in front of the cockpit.

David publicized the identity of the identity bracelet and asked Battlestar to check it.

“Welcome, Colonel David, you have a’National Scholar’ medal, please follow the instructions to enter the fast lane!” The voice of the Battlestar soldier came from the channel.

“Thank you!” David thanked.

David then remembered that the’National Scholar’ medal has the privilege of not having to queue anywhere. He used to see how this benefit was not at all, but he didn’t expect to use it.

The’Hess’ followed the guidance of the Battlestar, bypassing the spaceship waiting to be entered, and headed for another passage.

In fact, special channels are reserved at any important checkpoints, and these channels are prepared in response to emergencies.

The behavior of the’Hess’ also made the waiting spaceship look sideways, but no one said anything. On the one hand, the’Hess’ is not an ordinary spaceship at first glance. This is the spaceship of the military’s large-scale battleship reform. Not an ordinary person can have.

On the other hand, those who can use special channels and have identities are not something these people can talk about.

The’Hess’ stopped at the special passage port, and David, Captain Hope, and all the crew walked off the spaceship.

It was not until now that David discovered that the number of crew members working on the’Hess’ exceeded 300. He couldn’t help hooking the head. Fortunately, there was Captain Hope. He didn’t know his crew had expanded so much. .

When welcoming him before, he was greeted by old crew members with Captain Hope.

“I didn’t expect that there are so many crew members on the Hess. Thank you for your hard work!” David said with a smile to Captain Side Hope.

“My lord, the number of crew is still too small, and now we can only maintain the minimum operating standards. For the’Hess’ to have full battle strength, at least 2 crew members are required, and experienced crew members are required. !” Captain Hope said with a bitter smile.

The crew in the War Zone is difficult to recruit. The crew here is still the old subordinates that Captain Hope has contacted through the previous relationship.

“Then continue to recruit people, the remuneration of the crew is all according to the highest standard, these it’s up to you!” David has long been worried about credit points, he said with a smile.

2 people were walking in front, but they received the message that the scan was over before they took a few steps.

“The special channel turned out to be so special!” Captain Hope was also using the special channel for the first time, and he did not expect that the scanning speed would be so fast.

He used to take one or two hours for each check-up here, but this time it was over within a few minutes.

It is estimated that if it were not for the damage to the human body by this scan, the people on the ship would not be allowed to disembark, the scan time would be too short.

David was also laughed and returned to the’Hess’.

In fact, David has always been very careful. After he left the spaceship, Shadow Servant flew into the sky, watching the situation all around.

To his surprise, he did not encounter any accidents until he reached the Transmission Gate after passing 2 levels.

When the’Hess’ sailed towards the huge Transmission Gate suspended in space, David immediately released the Shadow Servant, standing closest to the ship wall so that the Shadow Servant could leave the’Hess’ 100 metres.

The purpose of this is for the last scan. This scan uses the space energy of the Transmission Gate. It can scan not only the interior of the spaceship, but also the space items.

You should know that in the summon ring of Shadow Servant, there is a’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’. If it is scanned, it will be found.

Also in the space ring of Shadow Servant, the “Assassin Mantis Puppet” is also among them. David doesn’t know if this kind of puppet is still a living insect race. He doesn’t dare to take any risks and needs to avoid space scanning.

When the’Hess’ slowly entered in front of the Transmission Gate, the power of the spatial scanning swept across. If there is an abnormality at this time, an alarm will sound immediately.

However, at this time, Shadow Servant is outside the scanning device, and not at all is scanned.

David’s mind stayed in the Shadow Servant within the body, and at the end of the scan, the moment the’Hess’ was about to enter the Transmission Gate, he recruited the Shadow Servant back.

The speed of the Shadow Servant’s return is like teleportation. As soon as the Shadow Servant returned, the’Hess’ was enveloped by space energy, and the’Hess’ disappeared in the War Zone in a white light.

When it reappeared, the’Hess’ came to another space Transmission Gate.

“My lord, it will take 5 days to get to Origin Star from here!” Captain Hope reported to David.

David has long understood this point. Origin Star, as the most important political center of Interstellar Federation, will of course not be allowed to be directly transmitted. Perhaps there is a transmission that can be directly transmitted, which also requires higher permissions to use.

David’s ordinary teleportation can only reach here recently, and then he needs to travel at the speed of light.

During this period, there will be 3 space fleets, which are the guard fleets of Origin Star.

“I will be in the Medical Room the past few days, don’t disturb me if there is nothing important!” David gave Captain Hope a few instructions and left the cockpit.

These 5 days will be David’s most free days, no one is disturbed, and it will be very safe in the speed of light. He has long planned how to use the past few days.

Due to the small number of crew members on the’Hess’, most of the area on the’Hess’ was enclosed.

The Medical Room that David went to is the enclosed area. It was built by the previous owner Transcendent Hess, and the medical equipment inside is very complete.

Now the crew on the’Hess’ does not need such medical equipment. There is a’gene repair cabin’ in the crew area, which can treat most injuries and diseases.

David closed the Medical Room with the highest authority. Under this authority, even Captain Hope has no right to open it.

He looked at the environment here. Although he knew that there was such a Medical Room from the information of the’Hess’, he was here for the first time.

It is better to say that it is a Medical Room than a laboratory. It can be seen that the main reason why Transcendent Hess built this Medical Room is not just for treatment.

David didn’t want to know the original role of this Medical Room, what he needed to do must be crazier than what Transcendent Hess did.

The light source of the Medical Room is from all directions, which leaves no shadow in any corner of the entire room.

David invited Shadow Servant, and Shadow Servant released the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ from the space ring.

“Don’t move, I want to help you make a shell!” David lifted the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ and placed it on the operating table.

Don’t look at the body of the’Assassin’s Mantis Puppet’ is very thin, but its body is not light at all. David is obviously a little strenuous when he lifts it. Of course, David is not wearing outer skeleton armor.

David first used a medical scanning device to scan the whole body of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’, and soon the results of the scan came out.

The body of the’Assassin’s Mantis Puppet’ does not at all respond to life, even if its heart is beating, this medical scanning device still treats it as a corpse.

Perhaps in the medicine of the Interstellar Federation, the state of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ is the state of death.

David confirmed his idea that for many equipment in the Federation, the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ is a dead object like a stone.

Because even medical scanning devices are recognized this way, let alone those safe scanning devices. It is important to know that medical scanning devices are for a comprehensive scan of the body of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ within the body.

The security scanning device only scans for some vital signs, not at all medical scanning devices are so comprehensive.

David imported the scan results to the side light curtain, on which he began to redesign the body of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’.

The body structure of the Assassin Mantis Puppet is quite different from that of humans, but compared to the insect races David has encountered before, this Assassin Mantis Puppet has the highest similarity with humans.

So David wondered if he could modify the body of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ to make it more like a human.

This work is for real doctors. They can’t break even a trace of the skin of the “Assassin Mantis Puppet”, but David has a Fifth Level axe blade and can do a lot easily.

David’s spirit is connected with the “Assassin Mantis Puppet”, and the physical condition of the “Assassin Mantis Puppet” can be checked at any time. Once a situation endangers the “Assassin Mantis Puppet”, he will stop.

The situation of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ is very strange. The medical equipment here does not at all affect the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’. What life monitoring and life support systems are all blank information.

David first formulated a detailed plan to transform the body of the Assassin Mantis Puppet. What he did was to make the body structure of the Assassin Mantis Puppet more human-like.

In fact, the biggest trouble in the body of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ is its abdomen, which is a back stretched abdomen.

Then there are the legs of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’, which David does not intend to involve, because his knowledge is not enough to carry out such a complicated transformation.

Besides, the legs of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ have undergone countless years of evolution and become the best solution for its movement. David’s modification will also affect the actions of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’. It was definitely not what he wanted to see.

David drew on the light curtain, and finally reluctantly came up with a plan.

He took out the Fifth Level axe blade and controlled the “Assassin Mantis Puppet” with his mind. According to the combat instinct of the “Assassin Mantis Puppet”, if he did not control the “Assassin Mantis Puppet”, he would move his knife and he would definitely be “Assassin Mantis Puppet”. Come on.

David cut open the abdomen of the Assassin Mantis Puppet. He could perceive the energy flow instead of blood, so when he cut the abdomen, he deliberately avoided those energy flow lines.

When he cut open the abdomen of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’, a burst of energy flowed from the’Corpse Controlling Technique’ on the head of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ from the’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’ in the pattern. Wounds are coming.

Seeing that the wound he had just cut healed quickly, David couldn’t help but slap his tongue at the recovery ability of the Assassin Mantis Puppet.

He reopened the abdomen of the’Assassin’s Mantis Puppet’, this time he accelerated his speed, pulled its back abdomen to the front, and then quickly stitched it together.

After doing this, the wound recovered again, but the originally backward abdomen became a mass shrunk under the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’.

David pulled aside the muscle generator. This is a device that uses genetic technology to quickly generate muscles. However, if it is an ordinary casualty, you need to extract the wounded’s genes to generate muscles, so that it will fit better.

David didn’t use it. He directly used the template genes in the Muscle Generator. According to the previous design, the Muscle Generator blessed the autogenous muscles back and forth on the body of the Assassin Mantis Puppet.

The so-called spontaneous muscles were originally used to cover the prosthetic limbs for arthropods.

These spontaneous muscles only need to provide energy to automatically maintain the designed state.

The speed of the muscle generator is very fast. According to David’s design, a layer of muscle is covered on the body of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’.

Then the skin generator came over automatically and began to cover the body with skin.

This skin is also self-generating, once damaged, it can recover on its own as long as it has energy.

This technology is not only applied to arthropods, some high-end robots will also use this technology, but this type of robot will not appear on the market.

Soon after, David looked at the “Assassin Mantis Puppet” lying on the operating table, nodded with satisfaction.

To be honest, the current “Assassin Mantis Puppet” does not look like a normal person, because its arms are too long, coupled with the blade hidden in the skin, making its arms too thick.

The same is true for the legs. Some anti-joint legs look awkward.

The abdomen is covered with a big belly, but the height of 1.5 metres plus the big belly, plus the thick arms and weird legs, does not look like a normal person.

But in this way, David was already very satisfied. All he needed was an appearance. Because the face of the Assassin Mantis Puppet was very small, it was good for him to reshape.

David took out an identity bracelet, and he stuck the bracelet on the upper arm of the Assassin Mantis Puppet.

The reason why it is stuck here is because the lower arm of the Assassin Mantis Puppet needs to eject the blade.

Because the blade is hidden under the skin, it is more concealed, but every time the blade is ejected, it will be very bloody. Fortunately, these artificial muscles and skin have self-healing ability. As long as the corresponding medicine is injected to supplement energy, it can immediately recover on its own.

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