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The identity in the identity bracelet that David prepared for the’Assassin’s Mantis Puppet’ was obtained through the Kerr intelligence organization he owns, and then injected into an empty identity bracelet.

This identity is an orphan, only 15 years old, the identity information is very simple.

The naked “Assassin Mantis Puppet” looked very weird, but after putting on a large suit, it hides some special weirdness.

Standing in front of David was a fat boy who was half-old, especially his face was very ordinary, which made people unable to make a particularly deep impression.

David asked Shadow Servant to take the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ back into the space ring. This’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ will be his most important means of hiding. After being changed into a human form, it will not arouse people’s suspicion before use.

It took 3 days to transform the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’, and another 2 days later, when David’s morning cultivation ended, he felt the’Hess’ escape from the speed of light.

“My lord, there is still an hour’s voyage to reach Origin Star. Lightspeed aviation is not available ahead!” Captain Hope reported to David through his identity bracelet.

During these 5 days, no one disturbed David, and Captain Hope didn’t contact David until now.

David is still very curious about Origin Star, which is the center of the entire Interstellar Federation.

He came to the cockpit, found a place and sat down.

As a period of time passed, a planet could be seen in front of the’Hess’, which was a planet whose surface was mostly covered by sea water, and a large area of ​​green on land.

This is the birthplace of’Origin Star’, Interstellar Federation.

In the outer orbit of the’Origin Star’, there are many asteroids orbiting the’Origin Star’.

David’s goal this time is one of the asteroids, the Red Sun Planet, which is also the location of the Federal Military Academy.

In addition to being the seat of the Federal Military Academy,’Red Sun Planet’ also has several weapons research departments affiliated to the Federal Military Academy, and some military research institutes.

After the “Hess” has been authenticated, it descends towards the surface of the “Red Sun Planet”. There is a military airport here, and the “Hess” will be docked here.

As soon as the’Hess’ stopped, it received a code of conduct from the intelligent system of the’Red Sun Planet’.

The crew of the’Hess’ cannot enter the surface of the Origin Star, but can use the public facilities of the’Red Sun Planet’, and all the open planets near the Origin Star can go.

This is a regulation that restricts the crew, and the crew is also very clear that Origin Star is not so easy to enter and requires a corresponding identity to enter.

You must know that the population on Origin Star is many times smaller than that of other administrative stars, and even the number of tourists visiting has been strictly controlled.

The advantage of this is that the ecological environment of Origin Star is the best among the Interstellar Federation. The scenery here is beautiful, and the air quality, population density, cultural environment, etc. are all very suitable for living.

The crew’s affairs don’t need David to worry about, Captain Hope can take care of it.

Holding the outer skeleton armored loading box and carrying a Level 3 Heavy Axe on his back, David walked off the’Hess’.

With his feet on the surface of the Red Sun planet, he felt that the gravity here was normal. For a planet like this to achieve such an effect, a powerful gravity generating device needs to be arranged inside the planet.

But he immediately felt that something was wrong. He had an’underground stealth’ Innate Ability and had a special feeling for the land. The ground under his feet was very abnormal.

A trace of his mind entered the Shadow Servant, and the Shadow Servant flew underground.

Sure enough, even if the Shadow Servant flies 100 meters underground, it is all steel structure, which means that the entire’Red Sun Planet’ is probably an artificial planet.

David dislikes the environment here, and his “underground stealth” Innate Ability cannot be used.

David opened the admission notice of the Interstellar Federation Military Academy on the identity bracelet. The admission notice has the corresponding registration route.

Just as David was looking at the admission letter, a small transport spaceship landed not far away, and from above was a 30-year-old lieutenant colonel.

After the lieutenant colonel got down, the small transportation spaceship left directly.

The Lieutenant Colonel dismissed the spaceship in the same way as David, but also opened the identity bracelet to see what.

“Why is there no one from the military academy to pick me up? How can I walk such a long way!” The lieutenant colonel complained to himself.

“Hello, are you here to sign up too?” David couldn’t help but move when he heard the lieutenant colonel’s words. This is probably his classmate, so he asked.

“Colonel, I am a student in this short training class, are you too?” The lieutenant colonel looked up and saw David and David’s loading box replied.

The lieutenant colonel was obviously startled when he saw the “National Scholar” medal. He was very clear about the significance of the rank of colonel in this short training course, especially when David was so young.

“My name is David, I think we should be classmates!” David introduced himself with a smile.

“My name is Beckett, and I am very honored to be a classmate with you!” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett also said with a smile.

“It seems that we have encountered the same problem, how do we register?” David said, pointing to the luggage beside Lieutenant Colonel Beckett.

“I had known that I brought a hovering vehicle over here, who knew I didn’t even have a pick-up and drop-off to go to school here!” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett also said helplessly with a smile.

“I remember when you said that, there should be a hover car on my spaceship!” David couldn’t help laughing when he heard Lieutenant Colonel Beckett’s words.

He opened the identity bracelet and asked Captain Hope to put down the’Type 2 Land Tiger Armored Vehicle’. This’Type 2 Land Tiger Armored Vehicle’ has been in use since he was in Pellin City and is now one of his many One of the collection.

“This is your spaceship?” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett asked in surprise.

He was obviously surprised by the huge size of the Hess. The expressions he looked towards David were all different. It was speculated that David came to participate in the short training class to be promoted to general.

After seeing the’Hess’, Lieutenant Colonel Beckett confirmed the idea.

In this one-year short training class, generally only two types of soldiers will enter.

A kind of soldier is marginalized and needs to be transferred from an important position, so participating in this kind of short training class is a relatively gentle way of transferring.

Another type of soldier is about to be promoted and needs to go to the Interstellar Federation short training course to be gilded.

Of course, no matter what kind of military personnel they are, they must have a large background. Where the Interstellar Federation military academy is so easy to enter, each army has so many places.

“This is not a spaceship equipped by the military, it is my personal!” David quickly explained when Lieutenant Colonel Beckett had misunderstood.

Only a spaceship equipped by the military will be equipped with a travel spaceship if you can almost 100% become a general.

“It turned out to be so!” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett nodded with a smile, but changed his mind not at all.

David drove the’Type 2 Land Tiger Armored Vehicle’ with Lieutenant Colonel Beckett towards the registered position.

After driving about 20 kilometers, he arrived at a military camp. David saw a number of soldiers carrying luggage walking in the direction of the military camp.

According to the coordinates on the admission notice, the place to sign up was the barracks in front, and the’Type 2 Land Tiger armored vehicle’ was stopped at the entrance of the barracks.

“Stop, get off immediately!” The one who stopped the’Type 2 Land Tiger Armored Vehicle’ was a major wearing the instructor’s logo, and he shouted at the armored vehicle.

Lieutenant Colonel David and Beckett both got out of the car and paid a military salute to the instructor.

This is the rule. No matter what your military rank is in the military academy, as long as you are a cadet, don’t consider your own military rank. You are just a cadet in front of the instructor.

“Who made you drive a floating car?” Instructor Mosley was very annoyed. He specifically ordered that all vehicles from the airport to here are not allowed to bring new students, just to let the new students run over by themselves. This is a killing. Baton.

In order to be able to better manage these officers who have a lot of qualifications in the army, the instructor Moseley needs to make these officers recognize who came here.

“Sorry instructor!” David stepped forward.

Instructor Mosley was about to continue to get angry, but he saw the’National Scholar’ medal in front of David, and his expression couldn’t help but relax.

He is very clear about what a “National Scholar” medal means, it is the accumulation of countless military exploits and outstanding contributions in the war.

The most important thing is that an in-service colonel wears a “National Scholar” medal, which is more out of the ordinary.

“Next time you won’t be allowed to do this again, please park the floating car in the garage over there!” Instructor Mosley’s voice softened a lot, he said solemnly.

“Thank you instructor!” David replied.

David not at all drove the’Type 2 Land Tiger armored vehicle’ by himself, but used automatic driving. The armored vehicle would automatically park in the garage over there.

“You stand on the playground and wait!” Instructor Mosley said, pointing to the playground in the barracks.

Lieutenant Colonel David and Beckett walked to the playground, where many students were already waiting.

“Fortunately, otherwise I would be fined on the first day. I brought up this matter. I’m really sorry!” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett said apologetically.

“Don’t blame you, I also want to bring a hover car more convenient!” David replied with a smile.

Walking into the playground, the students on the playground lined up spontaneously long ago, with their luggage at their feet.

Lieutenant Colonel David and Beckett also joined the queue, and the luggage was placed aside.

David scanned his eyes and found that there were not many school-level officers here, most of them were captains.

He is looking at others, and others are looking at him. The youngest here are 27~28 years old, and they are only the rank of captain.

It is too conspicuous for someone as young as David to be a colonel.

“God, it’s Colonel David!” David heard a familiar voice, which was very excited and eager.

“Captain Macaulay, didn’t expect you to come too!” David realized that in the team behind him, it turned out to be his comrade-in-arms, Captain Macaulay.

Captain Macaulay was originally a battalion commander of the 4th frontline base. After the 3rd frontline base was destroyed, he was transferred to the 3rd frontline base.

“Colonel David, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have the chance to enter the military academy!” Captain Macaulay said very excitedly.

In the total war, Captain Macaulay was extremely brave and was one of the few Armored Soldiers that survived at the 3rd Front Base.

In recognition of the achievements of Captain Macaulay, the War Star Military Department gave him the opportunity to participate in the Federal Military Academy short training class this time, which is also to train him to become an important officer of War Star.

After Captain Macaulay finishes this training, he will become a major and be transferred to an important post. This will be a take-off for his military position.

Captain Macaulay has always believed that if it were not for David’s role in the total war, not to mention his meritorious service, but whether he could survive was a problem.

He had long wanted to express his gratitude to David, but he and David were in different bases, and now they met in the military school, which made him excited.

Due to the queues in the playground, David and Captain McCaulay can’t say much, but David was very happy when he met someone he knew.

The soldiers are very punctual. After the cadets stood on the playground for 2 hours, all the cadets arrived before the stipulated time.

“Dear students, I am Moseley instructor, and I will be in charge of this class this year.

Although you are attending a short-term training course that you graduated in one year, we are the Interstellar Federation military academy. Every soldier from our military academy is an elite of the elite, so you should not consider this study as a short-term training because you need Learn what others have learned for 3 years in one year!

The main thing I learned this time is theoretical knowledge, but since I am a soldier, the use of various thermal weapons and the knowledge of battleship must be qualified.

If anyone fails the examination, I will not agree to issue a diploma, so please study hard throughout the year, forget your military rank, and forget your merits. You are only students here, and your task is to learn! “Instructor Mosley looked at all the students loudly and said.

Originally, some students thought it would be easy this time, but at this time they put on a serious expression on their faces.

“Your room number has been sent to your identity bracelet. I will give you 30 minutes to put your luggage and gather here in 30 minutes!” Instructor Mosley looked at the identity bracelet and said.

All the students gave a military salute, and then they dispersed.

David opened the identity bracelet and received a map in the identity bracelet. The map marked his residence and the location of areas such as life and study.

There was no time to talk, only 30 minutes, so Captain Macaulay signaled to David nodded and left first.

David’s residence is a single room, the room is not big, but everything is complete.

He took out the clothes from the space bag, put it in the cabinet, and put the equipment in the room. Of course, because of scruples in his heart, what he left in the residence was only ordinary equipment, and some special equipment was placed in the space bag. .

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