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The Federation’s Transcendent is very strong, even the Federation defines Transcendent as an extraordinary group of people, which makes Transcendent innately isolated from the public.

Coupled with Transcendent’s aloof and remote, it is also far away from the public.

The Armored Soldier is different. Everyone has the hope of becoming an Armored Soldier. Armored Soldier is also the Number One Person life goal of most people. Only if they cannot become an Armored Soldier will they choose the other goals.

Maybe Great Marshal Andre called a Transcendent a Federal War God, which would make many people disapproving, but a powerful Armored Soldier who killed 5 Level 3 insect races in front of everyone called a Federal War God. No one has any objections.

Even many Armored Soldiers have their own goals. It turns out that Armored Soldier can be so powerful, so powerful that even Transcendent is far inferior.

This is a good comparison. Four Transcendents blocked ten Level 4 insect races, but couldn’t kill them immediately. It was difficult to block them, and Great Marshal Andre almost died.

But as soon as the Armored Soldier appeared, David was different. David almost hacked Level 3 insect race one after another with one axe, and successfully brought Great Marshal Andre to the Safety Sector domain.

If Great Marshal Andre was still worried that ten Level 3 insect races attacked him and caused people to panic about the insect race, now Great Marshal Andre doesn’t have to worry anymore.

He saw the enthusiasm in the Armored Soldier’s eyes, which was the enthusiasm for David, the Federal War God, and the enthusiasm for the Armored Soldier profession.

Armored Soldiers have seen with their own eyes that Armored Soldier can be stronger than Transcendent. After they have a goal, they can work towards this goal.

Armored Soldier came to clean up the ground. Shadow Servant had already absorbed ten Level 3 insect race souls. David also knew that the fallen Transcendent had died, because Shadow Servant included the Transcendent soul when it absorbed the soul.

Lowes admiral secretly exhales one mouthful of impure air. He was also very worried just now. Ten Level 3 insect races rushed over, making him almost turned around and ran away.

It’s just that he forced himself to calm down and let himself stand still.

At this moment, the Level 3 insect race all died and the situation stabilized. He felt that the strength of his whole body disappeared suddenly. This was a sense of relaxation after the tension.

Lowes admiral couldn’t help but smile. This is because he is old, even close to danger. When he was young, he fought with the insect race, and he did not wander between life and death many times.

Without strength, Lowes admiral took advantage of this and sat back in the chair.

No one saw Lowes admiral sitting down, just sitting on the poisonous needle.

The poison needle pierced Lowes admiral’s buttocks. Due to the paralyzing medicinal film on the surface, and the poison needle is too thin, it can’t be considered for the skin, so Lowes admiral not at all feeling To the penetration of the poisonous needle.

Shadow Servant has been observing Lowes admiral. After seeing Lowes admiral sitting down, he went to observe Lowes admiral and confirmed that the poisonous needle had entered the body of Lowes admiral, which made David relieved.

What David can do has already been done, and then it will look at when Lowes admiral is poisoned.

The live broadcast also ended at this time. Originally, David and the 81 War Star Armored Soldier were the last phalanx. If this happens, it is inevitable to end early.

The invited people on the viewing platform also left under the guidance of the soldiers, and everyone on the parade platform did not move.

Such a big event will never end so easily. Everyone can see that this is an assassination against Great Marshal Andre.

“Child, you go to receive treatment first, and you will talk after the injury!” Great Marshal Andre whispered to David after seeing the live broadcast stopped.

“Yes, Great Marshal!” David responded loudly, as if he was not injured.

“Good child!” Great Marshal Andre couldn’t help shook the head said with a smile.

He saw with his own eyes the slender forelimbs of the’Phantom 1000 Footworm’ penetrated David’s body. David could bear such an injury and talk to him. This is how respect he is.

Before, Great Marshal Andre did not take into account David’s injury. When he pulled up David’s left hand before the live broadcast, he was actually a little worried about whether David’s injury would be more serious by him.

This penetrating injury is very difficult to say, and it may be very fatal.

But for the stability and future of the Federation, Great Marshal Andre must stabilize the hearts of the people, and he must use to shape the Federation War God, David, to divert the attention of the people.

Although the sudden attack of ten Level 3 insect races will definitely have a great impact, as long as public opinion is guided after the event, this impact will be gradually weakened.

“Great Marshal, you need to check your body!” An elderly doctor came to the side of Great Marshal Andre and said.

“I’m fine, you can treat David first and use the best medicine!” Great Marshal Andre waved his hand.

The elderly doctor is nodded. He is the private doctor of Great Marshal Andre and one of the best doctors in the Federation. It can be seen that Great Marshal Andre is not at all injured, and the examination is just a procedure.

Now that Great Marshal Andre said so, the elderly doctor turned his head to the two doctors who were not far away, Armored Soldier nodded.

David was placed on a stretcher by two medical staff Armored Soldiers. During this process, a dose of a Level 2 therapeutic agent was injected into David’s within the body.

Regardless of David’s injury, a dose of Level 3 healing potion can stabilize his injury in a short time.

The conditions here are not good, and only on medical spaceship can there be better treatment.

When David was taken away, he saw chaos on the parade stand through Shadow Servant, and it seemed that someone was calling Lowes admiral’s name loudly.

Great Marshal Andre found the chaos on the parade stand and could not help browse frowned.

This assassination must involve the internal military, and almost all military personnel capable of this kind of power were on the parade stage. At this time, chaos occurred and Great Marshal Andre felt bad.

“Great Marshal, Lowes admiral is poisoned!” A Transcendent who protects Great Marshal Andre whispered to Great Marshal Andre.

“What kind of poison is it?” Great Marshal Andre did not pass this time, he solemnly asked.

“It’s the Transcendent of Level 4 insect race which is highly toxic, let alone Lowes admiral, even Transcendent is a big trouble!” Transcendent softly replied.

Now there are only 4 of the 3 Transcendents next to Great Marshal Andre, and one of the 3 Transcendents is injured, but fortunately the injury is not serious.

Just now Lowes admiral had a Level 4 poisonous aura, and a Transcendent went over to check it out.

Transcendent only glanced at the past and immediately returned to report.

“Is Lowes admiral not saved?” Great Marshal Andre’s voice became cold and severe.

“Yes!” Transcendent replied.

On the other side, a black mist appeared on the surface of Lowes admiral’s body, and his body began to show signs of corrosion.

A general who stepped forward and hugged Lowes admiral’s body, his hands were only in contact with the black mist, and he was immediately blackened.

The Transcendent beside him chopped off the poisoned arm of the general with a sword, but it was still too late. At the joint of the chopped arm, there was still black mist tumbling.

“What an overbearing poison!” Transcendent looked at the poison on the heavy sword in his hand, then looked at the general who fell on the ground like Lowes admiral, and couldn’t help exclaiming.

The rest of the generals did not dare to approach anymore and quickly left Lowes admiral far away.

There is a doctor Armored Soldier who pours detoxification water into the black mist, and wants to control the spread of the black mist. As for the treatment of Lowes admiral and the fallen generals, this simply does not need to be considered. Under such severe poison, unless there is a special detoxification Medicine, otherwise it will simply be too late for treatment.

The effect of detoxification water is not good, not at all can control the black mist.

Lowes admiral and the fallen general’s body were getting smaller and smaller in the black fog. The rolling black fog made the onlookers retreat further, and even the ground on the parade platform was corroded into a hole.

As long as it is not a grade material, it cannot withstand the highly poisonous attachment of Level 4 at all.

Fortunately, the live broadcast is over at this moment, otherwise the impact of the poison to death in Lowes admiral is not weaker than the attack on Great Marshal Andre.

Although Great Marshal Andre was attacked, but Great Marshal Andre not at all really happened, but Lowes admiral was dead.

Originally, if it were not chaotic, the tiny poisonous needle made by David might be discovered by subsequent investigators, but because someone came into contact with Lowes admiral’s body, the Level 4 poison has more life energy to join.

The level 4 poison that can be withstood on a small poison needle is probably the weight of the poison to death Lowes admiral, but the level 4 poison is called the Transcendent poison, which has its own terrible aspects.

Once more lives are absorbed by the poison, the formidable power of the poison will be strengthened.

The poison corroded Lowes admiral’s body, causing the tiny poisonous needle to leave Lowes admiral’s body, and was flushed with detoxification water by the medical Armored Soldier. The tiny poisonous needle was washed aside.

As for whether the investigators can find the tiny poisonous needle in this chaotic situation, it really depends on luck.

None of this has anything to do with David, who was already in a military medical spaceship at this time.

“Colonel David, you are very lucky. Although your body is penetrated by multiple legs, but not at all the internal organs are injured. You only need to stay in the genetic repair cabin for an hour and you can fully recover!” for David The doctor who checked was surprised and rejoiced.

Injuries like David, according to the doctor’s judgment, at least multiple internal organs were damaged, but they did not expect such a result. Of course, the doctor did not think that this was the reason David deliberately avoided, but thought that David was good luck.

“Thank you doctor!” David thanked the doctor.

David was moved into the gene repair cabin and was soon overwhelmed by the gene repair solution.

The gene repair fluid entered his wound, and the wound from the inside out slowly healed.

In fact, there is no need to enter the gene repair cabin. It is just that a dose of Level 3 grade healing medicine can restore David, but the recovery process will be slower. After all, his body was penetrated this time.

When the doctor walked out of the Medical Room, he immediately saw a middle-aged doctor waiting outside the door.

“Colonel Jikir, why are you here?” the doctor asked quickly.

Colonel Jikir is the adjutant of Great Marshal Andre. Regardless of being a colonel, his status in the Federal Command is higher than that of many generals.

“How is Colonel David? Great Marshal is very concerned about David’s injury!” Adjutant Jikir waved not at all to answer the doctor’s question, but asked softly.

The doctor was stunned. The doctor knew what was going on outside. During the busiest times, Great Marshal Andre was still thinking about David’s injury, and he could see how much David was valued by Great Marshal Andre.

Thinking of this, the doctor couldn’t help but envy David.

“Col. David’s body has no major problems, and he will fully recover in one hour!” The doctor replied.

“I’m going to report to Great Marshal!” Adjutant Jikir heard the doctor’s answer and turned to the side to contact Great Marshal Andre through his identity bracelet.

The doctor can see that this adjutant Jikir is going to stay here and wait for David to recover.

After a while, Professor Gage, the old doctor who was with Great Marshal Andre, walked in.

“Professor Gage!” The doctor saw Professor Gage more respectfully, who was the most famous doctor in the Federation.

“Where is David, Great Marshal wants me to come over and do another check for David!” Professor Gage said to the adjutant Jikir nodded, and then to the doctor.

“You come with me!” The doctor quickly led.

The doctor really knew how much Great Marshal Andre attaches importance to David. First he sent his adjutant over, but now he heard that the situation was fine, but he was still worried, and he sent his own personal doctor.

Originally, an injury like David, where Professor Gage was used, was that this doctor was an underachiever, and ordinary medical and nurse Armored Soldier could handle it.

But the Lowes admiral poisoning situation made Great Marshal Andre worried. This unknown cause of poisoning made him worry about David’s side, so after Professor Geki had checked his body, he immediately arranged for Professor Geki to come over for David. Check it again, especially toxin analysis.

Professor Gage operated the medical equipment, quickly completed the scan of David, and then sent the report to Great Marshal Andre, before leaving in a hurry.

Professor Gage has a lot of work, and that many generals present have to undergo a physical examination, and he is here to preside over this work.

David, who was resting, didn’t know that he was famous. His face was hidden during the live broadcast, but his identity was not at all secret. The military announced his identity for publicity.

The title of Federal War God made David the idol of all Armored Soldiers. David was very famous before, but this kind of reputation has certain limitations.

Just like when he was given the title of’Armored Soldier Rank Invincible’ by the War Zone, his influence was the War Zone and several nearby Star Domains, and not all Armored Soldiers knew him. More Armored Soldiers just regarded him as one. Kind of exaggerated propaganda.

But this time is different. The propaganda initiated by the Federal Command, coupled with the live broadcast covering the entire Interstellar Federation, made his title of “Federal War God” known to all Star Domains in the Federation.

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