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David stretched his waist. His injury has been treated with gene repair fluid, and his body has completely recovered completely.

After getting out of the genetic repair cabin, I washed it in the shower room on the side. When I walked out, I saw a school-grade military uniform on the table, which seemed to be prepared for me. I picked it up and changed it.

His original clothes were all torn, with the blood of red and green stained on them, and even the golden outer skeleton armor of the concierge was also torn, casually placed on the ground aside, and it was impossible to restore it to a loading box.

David stepped forward and took the 3 medals from the skeleton armor admiral outside the concierge and put them on his chest.

He wanted to know about Lowes admiral very much at this time. He was very sure that Lowes admiral would not survive, but he was still very worried because he didn’t get the exact news.

For enemies like Lowes admiral, only one strike certain kill will do. After this opportunity, he won’t know when he wants to get such an opportunity.

A big man in the army like Lowes admiral is usually hard to see if you want to see it, and it is impossible to assassinate.

Thinking of the assassination, David couldn’t help but think of today’s ten Level 3 insect races going crazy. As the person involved, he can feel it. These Level 3 insect races all targeted Great Marshal Andre.

David doesn’t believe that these ten Level 3 insect races will be active and crazy. I don’t know how many Level 3 insect races he encountered in War Star, but he has never seen a Level 3 insect race that can suddenly erupt to such an extent.

If every Level 3 insect race can suddenly burst out of such strength, then human beings are basically impossible to be an opponent of the insect race, and the line of defense cannot be defended.

In other words, Great Marshal Andre was assassinated. Probably the planners of the assassination against Great Marshal Andre were the same as David’s idea. This kind of opportunity for Great Marshal Andre to appear in public is very rare.

Of course, the planners who assassinated Great Marshal Andre did not possess resources that David could compare with. Just seeing that the other party could easily use all the ten Level 3 insect races participating in the military parade to use special methods to inspire strength beyond their own. With Great Marshal Andre as the main target, we can see how much energy the planner has.

David shook the head, he put aside the speculation, this kind of thing is not something he can participate in.

“Colonel David, Great Marshal’s Adjutant Gigill is waiting for you outside!” The doctor walked in after receiving the signal that the gene repair module had finished treatment and said to David.

“I’m going out now!” David knew that it was the kindness of the doctor in front of him, and he pointed out the identity of Colonel Jikir outside to avoid his unintentional rude behavior, he smiled.

David walked out of the treatment room and was about to say hello to Adjutant Jikir, but Adjutant Jikir took the initiative to greet him.

“Colonel David, how is your health?” Adjutant Jikir asked politely.

David saved Great Marshal Andre’s behavior. To say who had the greatest impact, it was Adjutant Jikir, Adjutant Jikir and Great Marshal Andre are almost if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

Even without the special advice of Great Marshal Andre, he would be grateful for David’s 10000 points.

Adjutant Jikir, who rarely had a caring gesture for anyone other than Great Marshal Andre, cared about David.

“Thank you, my body is completely better!” David replied with a smile.

“That’s good, Great Marshal wants to see you!” Nodded, Adjutant Jikir said.

David will not refuse. It can be said that the entire Interstellar Federation is capable of rejecting the invitation of Great Marshal Andre. There are very few people, and there is absolutely no David among them.

Adjutant Jikir personally drove a small spaceship and took David away from the medical spaceship, and the small spaceship flew toward a huge aircraft carrier.

David saw that in the outer space of Planet One, all battleships were centered on this aircraft carrier.

The small spaceship is getting closer and closer to the aircraft carrier, and David can also see the biggest war weapon in this legend except for the man-made planet.

The aircraft carrier is very large, and the hull of 50 kilometers long and ten kilometers wide makes the ship-to-air carrier almost equivalent to a medium and large city.

It is important to know that the interior of an aircraft carrier can be divided into multiple layers. If it is tiled, the actual use area will be several times larger.

This is also the first time David has boarded an aircraft carrier. The small spaceship has a very high authority. After only two scans of energy, he flew into a flight channel on the side of the aircraft carrier.

After flying in the flight channel for a while, it stopped at an airport.

According to David’s estimation, their position at this time is probably the center of the aircraft carrier.

Adjutant Jikir and David took the elevator together. After climbing a distance, when the elevator door opened, David saw two Transcendents standing outside the elevator.

These two Transcendent Davids have not seen before, just let the two Transcendent guards, this kind of treatment is probably only Great Marshal Andre has.

The two Transcendents nodded to Jikir adjutant, glanced closely at David, and then withdrew their gazes.

“Due to the previous accident, Great Marshal’s security has been strengthened!” Adjutant Jikir explained to David as he walked.

After passing a long passage, when David walked in the passage, if it weren’t for the adjutant Jikir by his side, he would have the urge to put on the outer skeleton armor.

Because this passage gave him a strong sense of danger, he controlled the Shadow Servant to penetrate the wall of the passage, and found that only the inner wall of the passage was made of alloy, and behind the alloy was a defensive board made of Level 3 materials.

There is a mechanical device behind the defensive board, which can squeeze the passage inward in a short time.

There are also some shooting holes in the passage. A shooting net composed of multiple Gauss cannons can completely block the entire passage through the shooting holes.

In this passage, if there is a problem with the entrant, the front and rear of the passage will be automatically blocked, and then the Gauss cannon fires grade ammunition. The mechanical device uses the powerful energy of the aircraft carrier to squeeze the 4 walls of the passage inward.

Even Transcendent holding a Level 4 weapon can’t in a short period of time. When it is attacked by a Gauss cannon, it can still have time to cut through a heavy Level 3 defense board.

This is a death trap. Of course, this death trap is only for those who have bad intentions.

It’s just that David’s spirit is too strong and his perception of danger is too sensitive to produce this feeling.

David doesn’t like the feeling that life and death are in the hands of others. After walking through this passage, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the end of the passage is a living room. Great Marshal Andre is sitting on the sofa in the living room now, looking at the light curtain in front of him, clicking on it with his hands from time to time.

“Great Marshal, Colonel David is here!” Adjutant Jikir walked to Great Marshal Andre’s side and reminded softly.

This is what Great Marshal Andre specifically explained, because he knew that once he started working, he would forget something, so he explained it like this.

Great Marshal Andre waved his hand and the light curtain disappeared. He stood up and looked towards David with a kind smile on his face.

The Great Marshal Andre at this time is not like the Great Marshal who holds the heavy weight in his hands, but an ordinary old man, without the sharp eyes and amazing power.

“Great Marshal, David was ordered to come!” David stood up and saluted.

“Don’t be so restrained, this is my resting place, it is also my home, come and sit here!” Great Marshal Andre said with a smile and waved.

David was ordered to sit opposite Great Marshal Andre, looking at the highest leader of the federal military.

“David, you must be wondering why an insect race rushed out of the cage?” Great Marshal Andre asked with a smile.

David is indeed very strange, but he also knows that this kind of thing is a federal secret and a high-level matter, and he is not qualified to know it in his capacity.

“This shouldn’t have been let you know, but you are already in the matter, so I will tell you too!” Great Marshal Andre explained David’s thoughts.

David sat upright, waiting for words from Great Marshal Andre.

“I just received the preliminary investigation result from the Ministry of Intelligence. A special potion was found in the corpse of Level 3 insect race. This potion has never been found before. It is a potion that can stimulate the potential of the designated Level 3 insect race!” Great Marshal Andre continued.

“Since there is this kind of medicine, there must be a researcher. Couldn’t you find out who developed this kind of medicine?” David asked puzzled.

We must know that there must be very few research institutes that can conduct research on Level 3 insect race. This is also very understandable. Level 3 insect race is too powerful. Without the strength of many Transcendents, the research institute can only study the corpse of Level 3 insect race. .

I just want to study the corpses of Level 3 insect race. Without military support, there will not be many Level 3 insect race corpses available for research.

War Zone is an area managed by the military. If you want to get a large number of Level 3 insect race corpses, you can’t hide it from the military.

“In fact, I can guess the messenger of this matter without checking. I know the character of that person very well. If you broke his plan, you will definitely hate you. You are likely to be retaliated by him, so I will tell. You!” Great Marshal Andre said with a long sigh.

David started in his heart. He didn’t expect Great Marshal Andre to say that. He wanted to ask who that person was, but he forcibly held it back.

No matter who that person is, you can tell by looking at the appearance of Great Marshal Andre that Great Marshal Andre has nothing to do with each other, and then there are not many people in the entire Federation.

Any one of those people is a great character for David, and simply is a great influence that cannot be faced.

“David, don’t worry too much, I’m not dead, plus I’m admiral in the military parade, and you preached to be a “Federal War God”. With the influence of this title, at least that person will not treat you for a short time. Shot!” Great Marshal Andre said with a smile.

“Thank you Great Marshal!” David really thanked him.

A great character like Great Marshal Andre actually paid special attention to his safety.

I didn’t even think that Great Marshal Andre called him the “Federal War God” in the military parade, which had this meaning.

David couldn’t help smiling in his heart. Compared with this great character, it is really impossible to compare.

He thought that he had laid out a deputy commander of the Federal Headquarters to be great, but this layout still relied on his special ability, in fact it was not how good his plan was.

Looking at this assassination against Great Marshal Andre, it must have been a great character too. The opponent just relied on some favorable conditions and almost killed Great Marshal Andre on the spot.

And Great Marshal Andre still had the ability to think clearly in the stressful situation at the time. Under the premise of quickly removing the bad influence, he could also consider David’s future safety.

“I learned about your studies at the Federal Military Academy. I heard that your academic performance is very good. Is it the best among all the students this time?” Although Great Marshal Andre asked, he had already confirmed this conclusion.

In the federal military, no one dared to deceive him with false information.

It’s just that Great Marshal Andre is very curious. According to David’s data, he has only been in the army for more than 3 months, and most of these 3 months have been fighting insect race.

In this case, David can still have time to learn military knowledge, which surprised Great Marshal Andre.

“Yes, in fact, I have mastered all the courses of the short training class!” David is very confident about learning. This confidence comes from the knowledge sphere provided by two masters with military-related knowledge.

It can be said that he is now giving up his status as a combatant, or he can become a military researcher or senior military commander.

“That’s good, I will ask the Federal Military Academy to prepare a graduation assessment for you. You will end this study earlier. I have some other arrangements for you so that there is no way that person can target you!” Great Marshal Andre said with a smile.

“Thank you Great Marshal for your concern!” David said gratefully.

“Stay and accompany me to dinner, and you can go back after dinner is over!” Great Marshal Andre stood up and waved.

David also stood up and followed Great Marshal Andre to the restaurant.

The decoration of the restaurant is very warm. David felt a warm feeling after entering. Everything here looks ordinary, but there are many details out of the ordinary.

David couldn’t help thinking of low-key luxury, which is probably the case here.

Although David knows much about antiques not at all, the color of the wood on the table and the patterns on it all show that this is an antique with a long history.

Sitting on the carved quaint dining chair, looking at the tableware in front of me, each piece has the vicissitudes of history.

The dinner is not rich, but very light, but the taste is top-notch. David this “cooking Grandmaster” knows that this is a top-level “cooking master”.

Although the level of this’cooking master’ is not as good as him, the chef who can reach this level is definitely the top level in the Federation.

During the meal, Great Marshal Andre did not speak. Until the meal was over, the Adjutant Jikir sent David away. Great Marshal Andre did not say a word of thanks to David.

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