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Mrs. Meredith was wearing a black skirt and black veil on her head, looking at Adjutant Darnley in front of her.

Upon hearing the news of Lowes admiral’s death, the wife of Lowes admiral immediately rushed to Planet One.

Mrs. Meredith’s identity is extraordinary. She is not only Lowes admiral’s wife, but her father is another deputy commander Admiral Longfellow.

With this background, Mrs. Meredith will immediately board the now blocked Planet One after Lowes admiral’s death.

“Darnley, tell me what you know!” Mrs. Meredith’s voice was very cold, and her good recuperation didn’t make her voice too emotional even when she was angry.

“Madam, because I was not qualified to be on the parade stage during the military parade, I could only stand beside the parade stage. When the accident happened, there were 4 generals standing close to the general. One of them had touched the general with his hands. Sacrificed with the general, I have sorted out the information of the other three!” Adjutant Darnley replied carefully.

Adjutant Darnley’s status suddenly fell to a freezing point because of the murder of Lowes admiral. After the incident, he couldn’t even get close to the location of the accident and could only collect more information.

Mrs. Meredith looked at the information about the three generals sent by Adjutant Darnley, and a fierce divine light flashed in her eyes. Although these three generals were all very high in status, in her opinion, she wanted Cleaning up is not a difficult task.

If the cause of Lowes admiral’s death cannot be found, then the three most suspected generals will inevitably pay the price. As for the innocence and so on, Mrs. Meredith doesn’t care at all. Lowes admiral is dead and needs to be buried. of.

“Tell me, besides these three generals, who else has conflicts with Lowes recently and is still on the scene?” Mrs. Meredith closed the three generals’ information and asked.

“This…” Adjutant Darnley wanted to answer that he didn’t know, but he knew very well that the person in front of him was terrible. If he really couldn’t answer any satisfactory answer, he might be surprised and continue to be The adjutant of Lowes admiral.

“By the way, that David, who is called the’Federation War God’, is in conflict with the general!” Adjutant Darnley’s brain was rotating extremely fast at this time, and he soon thought of killing 5 consecutively on Planet One. Only David of Level 3 insect race.

“‘Federal War God’!” Mrs. Meredith knew this person, and she had seen it during the military parade. She was also extremely surprised by the style of the’Federal War God’ at that time.

But I didn’t expect that the “Federal War God” would be David. Mrs. Meredith had known David for a long time, and had greeted the Federal Military Academy about David.

“Tell me what’s going on?” Mrs. Meredith asked again.

“Luke asked Lieutenant General Beaumont of War Star to take action against David through the general’s side. David was fine, but Lieutenant General Beaumont disappeared, and the Transcendent enshrined with him was killed. The general suspected it was David’s action. Get rid of David!” Of course Admiral Darnley would not say that he was in charge, anyway, Lowes admiral is dead, he can say anything.

Mrs. Meredith was very upset, she thought of Kylerton Vice Principal.

Originally, the sudden death of Kylerton Vice Principal, Mrs. Meredith thought it was just an accident, but she heard that Lieutenant General Beaumont had disappeared because of David, it was not that simple.

The two lieutenant generals both went missing and died after offending David, which is too coincidental.

Mrs. Meredith manipulated the identity bracelet, and soon obtained detailed information about David from the intelligence officer on her father Admiral Longfellow.

There is a lot of information in this information that outsiders don’t know. Mrs. Meredith has seen many deeds of David.

After reading this information, you will find that as long as you have an enmity with David, no matter how powerful the opponent is, you will suffer a devastating blow, regardless of whether the opponent is Armored Soldier or Transcendent, or Super Great Influence.

Mrs. Meredith thought about why Lieutenant General Beaumont was arrested. It should have been captured and tortured. Lieutenant Admiral Beaumont knew Lowes admiral, so David probably knew Lowes admiral was behind the scenes instructing Lieutenant General Beaumont. Messenger.

If so, based on David’s character, he will inevitably retaliate against Lowes admiral.

Perhaps as Lowes admiral, the others will not and dare not retaliate, but David is different. Two lieutenants died because of their feud with David, and the super-large organization management was almost completely wiped out. There were 2 people. This funeral shows how terrible David’s revenge is.

As for David’s every move at the time was broadcast live, how could he put Lowes admiral to death, Mrs. Meredith did not consider this at all.

The only thing she needs to consider is the enemy she thinks, Lowes admiral is dead, that must be the work of Lowes admiral’s enemy, as long as it is possible to kill all the people who killed Lowes admiral, he will naturally be able to avenge Lowes admiral.

“Very well, go down!” Mrs. Meredith waved to Adjutant Darnley.

“Yes, ma’am!” Adjutant Darnley was overjoyed, thinking that he had passed the test, bowed his head and responded, then turned and went out.

Mrs. Meredith looked towards Adjutant Darnley’s back, with the killing intent in her eyes awe-inspiring. Adjutant Darnley was also someone who could approach Lowes admiral and might poison Lowes admiral in advance.

Although this probability is minimal, it is enough for Mrs. Meredith to put Adjutant Darnley to death.

Mrs. Meredith opened the identity bracelet and began to contact Lowes admiral’s original subordinates. On the one hand, she came to deal with Lowes admiral’s aftermath, and on the other hand, she came forward to receive Lowes admiral’s stay for her father Admiral Longfellow. Network resources.

“It failed!” In a luxurious oversized office, President Louis looked disappointed and said bitterly.

This is the Origin Star Federal President’s Office and the center of federal power. Of course, the power of the Federal President is also subject to many restrictions.

Especially in the military, due to the threat of the insect race, the military needs a lot of autonomy, so the federal law grants the supreme power of the Federal Command to the Great Marshal.

The Federal President can only influence the military’s financial appropriations, but the military occupies the War Zone, and the majority of the Armored Soldier’s cultivation resources are controlled by the military.

This allows the military’s finances to be largely autonomous, and coupled with the military’s strength, the government can only restrict the military to a certain project, and dare not make any moves in the large financial allocation.

The term of President Louis is about to end in less than a year. He and Great Marshal Andre have disagreements in many aspects, which also makes his re-election probability very low.

After many discussions, they have not reached a unified opinion, but President Louis’s rival is getting closer and closer with Great Marshal Andre.

If this were the case, President Louis would not have done anything crazy, but he had some evidence obtained by the military’s direct intelligence agency, Great Marshal Andre.

As long as President Louis is still in position, there is no need to worry about the evidence, but once he retreats from the position of president, it is difficult to say.

For this presidential position and to relieve the big trouble in the future, President Louis arranged the assassination of Great Marshal Andre.

“This opportunity is so good, the arrangement is almost seamless, but it failed!” The Metcalf staff member of the three people in the office shook his head and said.

Metcalf’s staff was the planner of this operation. He calculated everything, but he didn’t expect David to appear.

On the one hand, the phalanx between David and the 81 War Star Armored Soldier was arranged by Great Marshal Andre shortly before the start of the military parade. It was not planned.

On the other hand, Metcalf’s staff did not notice the combat power David possessed. Who would have thought that an Armored Soldier could kill 5 Level 3 insect races, which would allow Great Marshal Andre to escape.

“If there is nothing wrong with me here, I will go back and continue researching!” The last person in the office, Dean Constable, said indifferently.

Dean Constable is the director of the Federal Institute of Secrets, a research institute attached to President Louis.

“Dean Constable, if Great Marshal Andre does not die, President Louis will not be re-elected, and your future research funding will be gone, don’t you help think of a solution?” Metcalf’s staff frowned.

“I’m just a researcher, and I have done everything I can do. You said that the plan needs to be able to improve the strength of Level 3 insect race, and I have made a potion to make it crazy. You have to use Hypnosis to make Level 3 insect race great Marshal Andre was the main enemy, and I did the same. You will ask me to do what you plan to do in the future. I am only good at research. Planning actions is your specialty!” Dean Constable said, shaking his gray hair.

“Well, it’s our bad luck this time. Let’s look for opportunities later!” President Louis persuaded.

In fact, he understood in his heart, and Metcalf’s staff also understood in his heart that he did not seize this opportunity, and probably no chance in the future.

And Great Marshal Andre’s revenge will definitely come soon. Great Marshal Andre has been able to hold the military tightly in his hands for nearly 50 years, and its power needless to say.

In the eyes of President Louis and Metcalf’s staff, Dean Constable is a research madman. As long as he is given enough support, he can research everything he wants.

So Dean Constable needs to be comforted at this time, Dean Constable is still very important.

“Don’t worry about other things, the kid who made us fail must not let it go!” Metcalf’s staff said solemnly.

Metcalf’s staff knew the character of President Louis. Don’t look at President Louis in front of the public. He is very friendly and close to the people, but few people know that President Louis is a very caring person.

David destroyed their plan, and President Louis will definitely not let David go.

But Metcalf’s staff offered to act as the villain instead of President Louis.

“You arrange it, but it will take a while. Now is the time when the influence of the’Federal War God’ is at its peak, wait until the influence drops a little before you do it!” President Louis waved and decided.

“Okay!” Metcalf’s staff nodded responded.

“Metcalf, that’Federal War God’ is going to live, I need to study it!” Dean Constable said with a bright eye when he heard the name’Federal War God’.

When Dean Constable saw David’s combat capability, he was full of doubts as to what kind of power can make an Armored Soldier possess that kind of combat power.

Maybe others can’t see it, but as a researcher who has access to many top-secrets, he can see something special.

Like David and Great Marshal Andre in the explosion, the location suddenly changed, which is of great research value for Dean Constable.

In addition, Dean Constable also has his own plans. Perhaps President Louis and Metcalf’s staff thought he only knew research, but he was actually much smarter than they thought.

“Dean Constable, I only have one request. After handing over the’Federal War God’ to you, the’Federal War God’ will never appear again!” Metcalf’s staff seemed to have caught David and demanded of Dean Constable.

With the strength in the hands of President Louis, it is very easy to catch David at Dean Constable.

Don’t look at David’s performance on Planet One, but as long as there are preparations and plans, there are still many ways to get David caught.

“Will you live in my hands?” Dean Constable said with a smile.

“Dean Constable, I really don’t know what you want that many powerful research subjects to do, from Armored Soldier to Transcendent, how much have you used over the years, if it weren’t for us to cover up, you would have been tried for many times!” Metcalf’s staff heard Dean Constable say this and couldn’t help shaking his head.

“When the research results come out, you will definitely startled, and then you will all benefit from the research!” Dean Constable replied with a very mysterious smile.

“I hope so!” Metcalf’s staff said solemnly.

“I’m leaving now!” Dean Constable didn’t stay anymore, he said goodbye to President Louis.

“President, Dean Constable’s funding is too much. Although there are some results, his biggest research project never tells us that it is not a good thing to go on like this!” Metcalf’s staff turned around after Dean Constable left. Said to President Louis.

“Dean Constable spends 100 to 100000000 million research expenses every year, plus those special research materials. I believe he is not using it indiscriminately. Besides, he is tied to us. If I place an order, it will count 10000000000 million. The research expenses are enough for Dean Constable to go to jail for 100 years!” President Louis said with a smile.

President Louis not at all shared ideas with Metcalf’s staff about Dean Constable, because Dean Constable gave him a pie, and Dean Constable’s research project is life extension.

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