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“That’s all for this class. Let’s study by yourself in the next time!” The lecturer obviously knew and so on. After seeing David come in, said with a smile.

When the lecturer walked out of the classroom, all the students in the classroom were excited. They surrounded David and looked at his rank of major general. Each and everyone had an expression of envy.

In the entire short training class, only Colonel Bloom could become a major general after graduation, and the rest were able to be promoted, which was very far away from the rank of general.

Even Colonel Bloom cannot guarantee that he can be promoted to major general 100%. There are too many probabilities and unknowns.

“Dear students, I have a mission to leave the military academy. I have come to say goodbye to everyone!” David said while looking at the students.

“How can you leave so soon, what about your studies?” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett couldn’t help but ask.

“Beckett, David came to the Federal Military Academy to prepare for the promotion of major general. Now that he is successfully promoted, is learning important?” Colonel Bloom said with a smile.

“I passed the military academy’s graduation assessment and got my diploma!” David explained with a smile.

“God, your luck is so good!” Colonel Bloom exclaimed.

But he immediately thought of what David had done before and saved Great Marshal Andre. How could Great Marshal Andre have no expression.

Despite thinking this way, the envy in his heart has not diminished at all, but has grown deeper.

As long as David develops in the military, then it must be smooth sailing. David is now a major general, and maybe he will be a lieutenant general when I meet next time.

David talked with the classmates for a while, and also exchanged contact information with a few close classmates before leaving the classroom.

He returned to the residence, took the ordinary outer skeleton armor and Level 3 Heavy Axe that remained in the residence in his hands, and put the other items into the space bag.

When leaving the teaching area, David couldn’t help but glance back. He thought he would stay here for a year, but things were always unexpected. He only stayed for a short time before leaving.

When David came to the airport, he saw a destroyer with a black surface from a distance. The reason why he saw the destroyer at a glance is because there are many spaceships parked in this airport, but this type of destroyer is the first. See you once.

Through the authority information in the identity bracelet, he knew that what he was going to own was a destroyer.

When he came to the destroyer, David activated his authority, and then the driving position of the destroyer opened a gangway, and he followed the gangway into the destroyer.

Because the gangway leads directly to the cockpit, he is now in the cockpit, but he doesn’t at all see any crew member.

“Welcome to Captain, Advanced Combat Intelligence Kitts is here for you!”

As soon as he entered the destroyer, David heard a mechanical sound.

“High-level combat intelligence!” David was immediately fascinated by the name. He has the knowledge system of Grandmaster Rank’Space Warfare Research’ and knows what high-level combat intelligence is.

Advanced combat intelligence is a special research result of the military. It is a kind of advanced intelligence cultivated by simulating the human brain. This kind of intelligence has ordinary intelligence whether it is in transaction processing or in response to emergencies. System unattainable advantages.

High-level combat intelligence has not been popularized in the military due to many issues such as manufacturing difficulty and cost, and only a very small amount of experimental battleship.

“Kitts, introduce me to battleship!” David was curious about the destroyer after he knew that the destroyer had advanced combat intelligence.

“Captain, this ship is the only source type machine with full automation design, equipped with front and rear shipborne star-destroying main guns, 2 experimental wave cannons, 2 cationic irradiation cannons, 2 ion magnetic rail cannons, cluster missile launching chamber, air defense Firepower net and energy shield, equipped with a kryptonite crystal engine made of various grades of materials, can fly at the speed of light within 2 seconds!” Kitts’ mechanical sound introduced.

David opened his mouth wide, listening to Kitts’ introduction incredulously.

The main ship-borne star destroyer is the standard equipment of this large battleship and is also the main firepower output. Although there is one more ship-based star destroyer than the normal large battleship, it is still normal.

The experimental wave cannon, cation irradiation cannon, and ion magnetic rail cannon are all experimental weapons. If it weren’t for David’s knowledge system of the Grandmaster Rank’space warfare research’, it would be impossible to even hear it.

The cluster missile launcher is also not a standard configuration. This launcher that can launch 1000 missiles instantly can only be seen on aircraft carriers.

As for the kryptonite crystal engine made of grade materials, it is estimated that there are not many in the entire Federation. With the size of a large battleship kryptonite crystal engine, the grade materials required are definitely a huge number.

More importantly, if you want to make the grade material into an engine, the alloy ratio is the most difficult.

David shook the head. When he went to see Great Marshal Andre, the Great Marshal didn’t say anything to thank him for his life-saving grace, but from the way Great Marshal Andre acted, Great Marshal Andre still thanked him very much. .

“Kitts, how many crew members does the battleship have?” David was still curious about the fact that none of the crew members in the cockpit had anything, and he couldn’t help asking.

“Captain, this ship does not require a human crew. The physique of an ordinary person crew cannot withstand the maximum power of the engine. Entering the speed of light for 2 seconds will cause the body of the ordinary person crew to collapse!” Kitts replied.

David did not expect such a large battleship, not at all one crew member, he was the only one on the ship.

“That’s great!” David said to himself with a smile.

He has many secrets. In this battleship, no one will know his secrets.

You must know that Great Marshal Andre gave him this destroyer. The authority he got was the ownership of the destroyer, not just the right to use it.

“Kitts, target Planet Bedarea, set sail!” David issued an order to Kitts.

“The target Planet Bedarea needs to pass through 2 space doors. This ship has the special right to pass, and the best route is planned. The engine is starting, and it is entering the speed of light!” Kitts’ voice followed.

David felt the destroyer’s hull shake, and then he felt a strong pulling force coming from all around, which was the consequence of forcibly entering the speed of light.

As Kitts introduced, if an ordinary person bears this kind of pulling force, it will cause serious damage to the body and even direct death.

This pulling force came and went quickly. When the destroyer stabilized at the speed of light, the ship returned to its normal state.

David didn’t care about sailing. Let the high-end combat intelligently pilot the battleship, not to mention the simple driving, just let him participate in air combat, and he will do his best.

He sat on the captain’s chair in the middle of the cockpit, and then opened the captain’s manual, which is a collection of all the information on the destroyer.

Instead of viewing the entire captain’s manual, David first opened the battleship structure diagram and remembered the internal structure.

When he saw the internal structure diagram, he finally understood the design of the destroyer. Except for the cockpit, the captain’s lounge, a 1000-square-meter training field and a hangar, the rest of the destroyer’s area It was completely filled with weapons.

If you think about this destroyer as an experimental source type machine, you can understand that such a destroyer is researched to create the destroyer with the greatest battle strength.

For this reason, the designer canceled all the areas that should be used for the life and entertainment of 1000 people, and even used all the space that could be used, just to plug the weapon system with powerful formidable power and occupying a huge space.

Seeing this structure diagram, David doesn’t have to worry about getting lost in the battleship, because the areas that can allow him to enter are these, and the rest are maintained by various special types of robots, all under the control of Kitts , No wonder no crew is needed.

David stood up, turned and walked towards the captain’s lounge, but he remembered that Great Marshal Andre had prepared a set of equipment for him.

Behind the cockpit is a 1000-square-meter training field. After the training field is the captain’s lounge, the internal structure of this destroyer is completely different from other battleships.

Entering the captain’s lounge, David saw a very exquisitely decorated suite, complete with a living room, dining room, study, kitchen, bathroom, etc., at least in the military, he rarely saw everything. Suite.

This made him think of the aircraft carrier Great Marshal Andre was aboard. Is this destroyer also home to Great Marshal Andre?

It’s no wonder that David thinks this way, because with the size of an aircraft carrier, Great Marshal Andre is impossible to take an aircraft carrier anywhere, and there must be other ships.

The design style here is obviously the same as the home of Great Marshal Andre in the aircraft carrier.

David didn’t know if his guess was correct, he couldn’t prove anything, he could only suppress the guess.

On the floor of the living room, there is an outer skeleton armored loading box and a weapon box.

David first opened the weapon box and saw a Level 4 heavy sword inside.

He picked up the Level 4 heavy sword from the weapon box. This Level 4 heavy sword has a strange pattern on the hilt, which made him understand that the Level 4 heavy sword in his hand is a quasi-transcendent weapon. ‘.

Probably in the opinion of Great Marshal Andre, once David becomes a Transcendent, the “quasi-transcendent weapon” is more suitable for David. Although this is not the Heavy Axe that David is good at, the “quasi-transcendent weapon” with special effects is fully functional in combat. It can be compared with the’Weapon Grandmaster’.

Think about it, in a battle of the same level, holding a’quasi-transcendent weapon’ as long as the special effect is activated, whether it is slowing down or weakening, can instantly put the opponent in extreme danger, and the battle can be ended instantly.

Therefore, Great Marshal Andre prepared this Level 4 “quasi Transcendent heavy sword” for David. This is also optimistic that David will become a Transcendent and prepared for David in advance.

David is very satisfied with the Level 4 heavy sword. He has just become the’Heavy Sword Grandmaster’ and he has a weapon that can be used together. This allows him to play the grandmaster level without revealing his Fifth Level axe blade. Of combat power.

He touched his spirit with the pattern on the hilt of the Level 4’quasi Transcendent heavy sword’, and then the effect of this pattern was fed back to the spirit, allowing him to understand the name and speciality of this Level 4’quasi Transcendent heavy sword’ effect.

‘Slow down heavy sword’ is the name of the Level 4 grade’quasi-Transcendent heavy sword’. Just look at this name and you will know that its special effect is’slow down’, with a’slow down’ effect once a day.

Although the use of the’slow down’ effect is only once, it is enough for David. The’heavy sword space slash’ ability he possesses is equivalent to another special effect with no use restrictions.

David put away the’deceleration heavy sword’, and he looked towards the outer skeleton armor loading box.

To be honest, he is not at all interested in the other outer skeleton armor, because the outer skeleton armor he himself uses is extremely out of the ordinary.

In many battles, his customized outer skeleton armor showed far superior performance to other outer skeleton armors.

David used the identity bracelet to activate the outer skeleton armor loading box, and then the outer skeleton armor loading box was opened, and the outer skeleton armor inside was unfolded.

He did not have armor, but set the outer skeleton armor to the display state. In this state, the outer skeleton armor showed the state of being armored.

To David’s surprise, the outer skeleton armor that caught the eye was a piece of golden light, and he wouldn’t think it was a Fifth Level material.

Although this golden light is very similar to the golden light of Fifth Level grade material, he can still judge the difference between the two if he really owns the Fifth Level grade axe blade.

What appeared in front of David was a set of familiar outer skeleton armor, which was the concierge outer skeleton armor that was so beautiful as to be ridiculous.

David didn’t understand how Great Marshal Andre would give him such an outer-concierge skeleton armor. This outer-concierge skeleton armor is just what it looks like, not at all combat ability.

But when he put his hand on the skeleton armor outside the concierge, he knew that his judgment was wrong.

The surface of the outer skeleton armor of the concierge was coated with a layer of golden, but the material after his hand touched it told him that it was an outer skeleton armor made of Level 3 materials.

This time made David interested. He chose the armor, and then the skeleton armor outside the concierge wrapped his whole body.

The data of this golden outer skeleton armor was displayed on the visor, and David discovered that he really underestimated the outer skeleton armor.

This outer skeleton armor is designed and manufactured by Grandmaster, the best outer skeleton armor of the Federation. The main material uses Level 3 grade materials. The main reason why Level 4 grade materials is not used is that Level 4 grade materials are not allowed to be manufactured. Outer skeleton armored.

There is an unwritten rule within the Federation for Level 4 materials, and users must have the power of Transcendent.

Because David is stronger than some Transcendents, it is not a problem for Great Marshal Andre to send the Level 4 “quasi Transcendent heavy sword” to David, but the use of Level 4 materials for the outer skeleton armor is really a waste.

Even Great Marshal Andre did not want to leave such an impression on others, using extremely precious Level 4 materials just to make outer skeleton armor.

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