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The data on the golden outer skeleton armor is even higher than the custom outer skeleton armor used by David himself, especially the power system, which is a small kryptonite crystal engine made directly with Level 3 materials.

He has also seen many outer skeleton armors. He has never seen this kind of kryptonite crystal engine. The stronger engine material makes the engine more resistant and can explode more energy without scruples.

With such energy, this golden outer skeleton armor can be equipped with more functions, among which the flight function is to increase multiple jet ports throughout the body, so that the golden outer skeleton armor can fly at super high speed.

David’s most fancy is that this outer skeleton armor can use huge energy to activate the environment and integrate into the system, which prevents the original golden shell from becoming a burden during covert operations.

On the golden outer skeleton armor, David also discovered a feature that shouldn’t appear on the outer skeleton armor at all. This golden outer skeleton armor can actually activate the energy shield.

This is the benefit of sufficient energy. With a powerful engine output energy, the outer skeleton armor can be consumed by the energy supply and the energy shield.

Although the performance of this energy shield can only be regarded as average, the target to be protected is only a single person, and the defensive ability is still very good.

This is much stronger than the thin energy shield on the custom outer skeleton armor which only has an isolation effect and does not have defensive ability.

“Unfortunately, how come it’s golden!” David looked at the data on the skeleton armor outside of golden, and muttered unwillingly.

However, he immediately realized that such an outer skeleton armor was never designed in this shape before. The reason for using the outer skeleton armor of the concierge should be because he was wearing the golden concierge in the parade. skeleton armor.

Great Marshal Andre wanted David to put on this golden outer skeleton armor, so that everyone watching the live broadcast would immediately know that David’s identity was the’Federal War God’.

The original golden concierge skeleton armor is too rubbish to fight at all. Great Marshal Andre will prepare this substitute for David, which is also the status symbol of David’Federal War God’.

Because there was no one else on the destroyer, David also wore the golden outer skeleton armor on his body. He needed to be familiar with the function of this outer skeleton armor.

It was dinner time in a flash, and he walked into the kitchen. Originally, he wanted to show off his skills and cook a meal for himself. In the kitchen, he saw an ordering machine next to the traditional kitchen utensils.

David tapped his finger on the screen of the ordering machine and looked at it. The meals on the screen are divided into many categories. Almost all the meals he has heard of are available. Even some drinks are also available.

He tried to order a package on it, and the message please wait appeared on the screen.

David was a little curious. He let Shadow Servant walk through the wall and look around the kitchen. At the bottom of the kitchen, he saw that the robot was taking a piece of beef from the culture solution, and there was a robot on the side that was also taking a piece of the culture solution from another place. fish.

Both beef and fish were quickly bred using special genes. After that, he saw the robot handle both beef and fish with extremely rapid techniques, and then started cooking.

Judging from David’s “cooking Grandmaster”, this cooking level definitely has a Grandmaster Rank level.

Needless to think about it, I am afraid that the intelligence that can possess this ability is accomplished by Kitts’ high-level combat intelligence himself.

David waited less than 5 minutes, and a set meal was delivered to the table by the robot.

David was not wrong in guessing. This destroyer was prepared for him by Great Marshal Andre. Sometimes he needed a spaceship like this when he needed confidential operations.

No matter who can be bought, but the high-level combat intelligence cultivated by oneself cannot be bought. Taking such a spaceship can guarantee your absolute safety.

David caused trouble because he saved Great Marshal Andre. Although Great Marshal Andre didn’t say much, he thought a lot for David.

This unused destroyer, built for Great Marshal Andre, is a way for Great Marshal Andre to repay David.

After a day of sailing, the destroyer arrived at the first Transmission Gate.

David is also preparing to turn on the display mode of his identity bracelet so that the Transmission Gate can check and approve it, so that he can also get the right to pass faster because of the’National Scholar’ medal.

However, Transmission Gate not at all checked his identity, and released it immediately after scanning the permission of the destroyer.

Because David was worried about whether the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ in the Shadow Servant summon ring would be exposed, he let the Shadow Servant fly out of the destroyer as before, and flew outside the scope of the Transmission Gate detection scan.

But who would have thought that when the Transmission Gate not at all scans, it will directly enter the transmission mode.

Fortunately, David reacted quickly enough to immediately take Shadow Servant back, otherwise he still doesn’t know what unexpected situation will happen if Shadow Servant stays on the side of Transmission Gate.

After this time, he also understood that this destroyer is not only special in configuration, but also very high in authority, at least much higher than his’National Scholar’ status.

Even the Transmission Gate will not perform security scans inside the destroyer, which was originally a mandatory requirement, but as long as it is a requirement, there will be privileges.

Entering the light speed navigation mode again, passing through a Transmission Gate midway, and then entering the most remote Star Domain of Interstellar Federation.

With one day away from Planet Bedarea, David spent 22 days in space. This is the reason why this destroyer has a faster speed than ordinary battleships and can continue to travel at the speed of light.

If it is an ordinary spaceship, it will take at least one month to arrive here from Origin Star.

“Didi di!” A continuous alarm sounded.

“Kitts, what happened?” David, who was dining, was taken aback when he heard the voice and quickly asked.

“Captain, received a distress signal, the signal originated from a distance of 2 kilometers!” Kitts immediately replied.

“Kitts, take a look, and be ready to fight at any time!” David heard the distress signal and immediately instructed.

This is close to Planet Bedarea. He came here to serve as the planet’s defense chief. It is likely that what happened here is related to Planet Bedarea.

We must know that Planet Bedarea is in a very desolate airspace. In this airspace, apart from Planet Bedarea, there are only a few mineral stars with a slightly lower value and no military guardianship.

The administrative star closest to Planet Bedarea takes 5 days to arrive at the speed of a destroyer. Because of its remoteness, there is no Transmission Gate, so as long as it is a spaceship that appears in this area, most of it is related to Planet Bedarea.

“Receive a battle order, turn on combat mode!” Kitts is very sensitive to the phrase’ready to fight’. After David said this phrase, it opened the destroyer combat mode.

David felt that the engine power of the destroyer increased, and energy shields appeared outside the destroyer, and the hidden weapon systems showed their fangs.

Originally, from the outside, this destroyer had only one after the other two main ship-based star destroyer guns. Although the firepower has increased, it is not at all too special.

But now there are muzzles everywhere on the destroyer’s hull. These are the wave cannons, cationic irradiation cannons, and ion magnetic rail cannons that are usually invisible. These weapons still have some problems with insect race, but they can’t deal with spaceship in space Is very powerful.

At a distance of 2 kilometers, the destroyer only entered the speed of light for a short time and came out again, and arrived near the area where the signal was sent.

As soon as the destroyer appeared, David saw the image scanned by the destroyer on the light screen in the cockpit.

David doesn’t know what model of the destroyer’s scanning system is, but the scanning speed is a bit surprising, and the result is almost instantaneous. It is no wonder that Kitts dared to let the destroyer appear directly in the signal emitting area.

On the light curtain, 3 armed spaceships are surrounding a heavy transport spaceship, the energy shield of this heavy transport spaceship on the verge of collapse.

After discovering the appearance of the destroyer, the three armed spaceships stopped their attacks, and the heavy transport spaceship also sent communications.

“This is the cargo spaceship of Bedarea Star Gilmer Minerals. We are being attacked by air pirates. Please help!”

David not at all fully believes this statement. He has just arrived at Planet Bedarea and is not clear about the situation there, but he can’t stand by and stand by.

“I am the defense chief of the Bedarea planet, please show your identification!” David sent a communication to the four spaceships at the same time.

David’s request was immediately responded to by the heavy transport spaceship. From the identification of the spaceship to the public identification of the identity bracelets of all personnel on board, one after another indicated that this was a cargo spaceship from Gilmer Minerals.

The other three armed spaceships did not respond, probably because they did not want to show their identification.

These three armed spaceships are obviously military frigates, just don’t know where the air pirates got them. You must know that frigates cannot be purchased from regular channels.

It is for this reason that they do not want to reveal their identity.

“Captain, what should I do?” In a frigate, the first officer asked the captain.

“Where did this destroyer emerge from, pretending to be the planetary defense army? No matter how powerful this destroyer is, can it beat our three frigates?” The captain said with a cold laugh.

“Report to the captain, the number of this destroyer was not found in the database!” The scanner also reported back.

The scanning device scanned the destroyer’s hull. If there is this battleship in the battleship database of Tongtuo Star Domain, the corresponding number will be given, but the scan result shows that no matching battleship is found.

“I came out to make a small fortune, and I encountered this situation and prepared to destroy it!” The captain said with a sigh of relief when he heard that no match was found for the battleship.

He also worried whether it was the military battleship passing by. If it was the military battleship, it would be troublesome.

Since there is no scan result, it means that this destroyer is not a battleship of the military. It should be purchased from the black market. Although the forces behind this destroyer are also great, as long as it is not a battleship of the military, he simply doesn’t care.

This is also because their authority is too small, so small that they have no ability to inquire about the identity of this destroyer, and this result will appear.

If they send an identity verification to this destroyer, they will naturally receive the destroyer’s privileged authority.

The three armed spaceships turned at the same time, turned toward the destroyer, and the main guns began to charge.

“Captain, I found that the three frigates were being constructed by the Planet Bedarea Defence Force. Will they be destroyed?” Kitts asked David at this moment.

David was surprised when he heard that he thought it was an air thief, but he didn’t expect it to be his own.

Unimaginable As a planetary defense force, he will also be incarnation as a pirate, robbing a cargo spaceship in space.

“Kitts, send control authority to the 3 frigates and take back the control authority of all crew members!” David commanded in a deep voice.

“The captain’s control authority is being sent, the sending is successful!” Kitts’ voice responded.

With Kitts’s voice over, the main guns of the three frigates being charged suddenly stopped charging.

“What’s the matter, how did the main battery charge stop?” the captain roared.

In this kind of space war, every second of opportunity is a fatal advantage, but the main gun has a problem at this time.

At the same time, two other frigates also reported the situation of their main guns.

The first officer stared at the light curtain in front of him blankly, and did not answer the captain’s words.

“First officer, find out the cause immediately!” The captain ordered, and then to the helmsman: “Turn immediately, and prepare to avoid the attack!”

“Captain, the hull can’t be controlled, I have lost the control authority!” The helmsman quickly responded.

“What the hell is going on?” The captain was going crazy too. Normally training went smoothly. Such a big problem occurred in actual combat.

“Captain, you better look at this!” The first officer pointed bitterly at the light curtain and said.

The captain turned his head and looked towards the light curtain, displaying a string of red fonts on the light curtain.

“All permissions of the frigate are locked!”

Seeing this string of red fonts, the captain’s throat moved up and down. He knew exactly what was going on.

In this case, there is only one probability, that is, a higher authority in the same army has taken back control of the battleship through authority and locked the battleship.

Apart from the highest officer of the military department, the only ones with this authority are directly under the command.

No need to think about it, sitting in the destroyer opposite is the Chief of Defense Planet Bedarea.

Planet Bedarea has been vacant for the post of Defense Chief for 3 months, and has not sent a new Chief Defense Officer. Didn’t expect met here.

The captain sits heavily on the captain’s chair. He knows what his fate will be. The use of military weapons and equipment in the military for other matters that have nothing to do with military operations will go to a military court.

Not to mention his use of the frigate to robbery, it is estimated that in the future, he can only stay on the mineral star to mine.

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