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Leaving the destroyer in the airport, David took the landing ship and flew to the surface of the Star Bedarea.

There is no water on the surface of Bedarea, and there are bumpy craters everywhere. This kind of planet, which has no atmosphere, is unprotected in space and will be attacked by meteorites from time to time.

It is completely unsuitable for human survival, but there is a large-scale base on the surface.

After ID verification, David’s landing ship flew into this base.

When he stepped off the landing ship, he saw several minor corrections waiting for him.

“Captain Faulkner of the First Fleet Group has met the Chief of Defense!”

“Captain Noel of the 2nd Fleet Group has seen the Chief of Defense!”

“Captain Hausmann of the 3rd Fleet Group has met the Chief of Defense!”

“Major Handel of the Logistics Department has seen the Chief of Defense!”

After several majors saluted David, one after another introduced themselves.

David’s spirit is very sensitive. He immediately perceives that the 3 captains are obviously hostile to him. Although the 3 captains hide very well, they cannot hide in front of him unless there is no hostility at all.

But he couldn’t rely on this to take down the three captains, and even as long as the other party didn’t do anything, he was still helpless.

“Captain Hausmann, your moves are fast!” David nodded to the majors, and then said to Captain Hausmann.

He returned with Captain Hausmann. Although the other party said that they were hostile to him in the heart, they deliberately rushed back in front of him and greeted him here.

Captain Hausmann was a chubby major in his 30s. He looked very kind on the surface. When David spoke, his face was full of smiles that wanted to get closer.

“Chief of Defense, are you the’Federal War God’?” Major Handel of the Logistics Department asked with gleaming eyes.

Major Handel had long heard about the three frigates of the 4th Fleet group posing as aerial pirates and being caught by David, and he also heard the news that David was the’Federal War God’.

As an Armored Soldier who admired the “Federal War God”, Major Handel never thought that the “Federal War God” would come to Bedarea and become his superior.

“‘Federal War God’ is also an ordinary person, nothing special!” David had a good impression of Major Handel, and he replied with a smile.

“Chief Defense, it’s a great honor to see you!” Major Handel saluted again.

David smiled and rejoiced. Although three of the current majors in the defense army were hostile to him, there was finally one who supported him.

“Major Handel, show me a tour of the base!” David instructed Major Handel.

“Yes, Chief Defense!” Major Handel answered without hesitation.

“Go ahead, wait until I understand the situation at the base!” David said to the three captains nodded.

After getting on the armored levitating vehicle, Major Handel drove himself and took David around the base.

The base is divided into a surface part and an underground part. The surface part and the underground part form a sphere. In this huge spherical area, the base energy in the center provides the entire base with an energy field that binds the air.

Although the base is not sealed from the outside world, there is an environment for human living in the base, and there is no air outside the base.

This energy field is also a defensive shield, which can provide strong defensive power for the base.

“Major Handel, how long have you been in the Planet Bedarea Defense Force?” David asked with a smile.

In fact, as long as David arrives at the defense chief’s office and uses the identity bracelet to verify his identity, he can learn all the information about the defense forces today.

It’s just that he needed to find an entry point with Major Handel, so he asked.

“Yes, I have been in the Planet Bedarea Defense Force for fifteen years, and I have stayed since I was sent here!” Major Handel replied with a smile.

“I heard that there have been a lot of personnel mobilizations. How many soldiers have been stationed in the defense army for more than half a year?” David continued to ask.

“Except for Major Malcolm who was captured by you and the soldiers on the 3 frigates, only 2 frigates and soldiers from the base of the Defense Force have been stationed for more than half a year. The remaining 3 fleet formations are all conversions of the integrated system. Come here, this kind of situation is really rare!” Major Handel was addicted to talking by David, and he said everything he knew as soon as he spoke.

David nodded, he is not too worried that the three fleet formations will fight against him. The power of the chief officer in the army is still very large. The three fleet formations simply cannot use the battleship to attack him, and when it comes to close combat, he is even more powerful. Don’t worry.

It’s just that the situation here is a bit complicated, and he needs time to sort it out.

During the visit, David had a pleasant conversation with Major Handel, and Major Handel expressed full support for David.

After finishing the visit, David came to the security chief’s office of the base, which had been closed before and could not be entered without corresponding permissions.

David walked into his office, which was divided into two rooms: the inside and outside. The outside was the adjutant’s area, and the inside was his office.

Now he has not arranged an adjutant, he is the only one in the entire office.

Use the identity bracelet to open the door of the inner room. The furnishings in the office are the standard major-general level standard. Compared with the ordinary office, there are separate cloaking areas, rest areas and meeting areas.

David came directly to the desk and sat down. He activated the light curtain with his identity bracelet. The terminal here is a dedicated terminal for the planetary defense chief, and it is also a terminal where the entire Planet Bedarea defense army’s internal database is completely open.

David watched the light curtain, and all the information of the entire Planet Bedarea defense force appeared in front of him.

Planet Bedarea has nearly 6500 soldiers, including about 400 Armored Soldiers, 20 frigates, 40 landing assault ships, plus a base and a space airport.

Normally, at least has a fleet formation will be in charge of duty at the space airport, and the rest of the fleet formation will rest.

It can be said that this Planet Bedarea defense force is not only extremely weak, but also extremely easy.

It’s no wonder that Captain Malcolm has time to take 3 frigates out for robbery, the management here is too loose.

David even saw 4500, 100 soldiers and ten 5 frigates, among which is included 300 Armored Soldiers were all newly transferred from more than ten geniuses.

In the record, the last time such a large-scale rotation of the Planet Bedarea defense force was more than 40 years ago. At that time, the defense force fought against the air pirates, and the loss was great, and there was a large-scale rotation.

David wanted to find out where the three fleet formations were transferred from, but found that his authority was not enough to inquire.

He also checked the information of the three fleet formation captains: Captain Hausmann, Captain Faulkner, Captain Noel, and found that they were all excellent and commended captains.

Comparing the information of these three captains with Captain Malcolm who was captured by David before, you will find that Captain Malcolm is completely incomparable with these three captains.

It can be said that the three captains are all officers with great prospects in the future, while Captain Malcolm is an officer waiting to die, maybe until he leaves the army, he is just a major, impossible to have any chance of promotion.

The transfer of the three captains to the Planet Bedarea Defense Force itself speaks for itself.

David began to check other information about the Defense Forces, and learned about the Planet Bedarea Defense Forces in terms of logistics, combat readiness, and warehouses.

The “Military Command” of the Grandmaster Rank made it easy for him to check the information and find out many problems.

David sorted out the problems he found, and spent his first day on Bedarea.

At 2 o’clock in the morning on the 9nd day, in the Conference Hall of the base, all the middle and high-level officers of the entire Planet Bedarea defense army were present.

David sat in the main seat, beside him were the three captains and Major Handel from the Logistics Department.

David saw the familiar look of worship in the eyes of the officers present, including the officers of the First, Second, and Third Fleet.

Great Marshal Andre personally recognized David’s status as a “Federal War God”, and at this time saw its importance.

After David’s arrival yesterday, news of David spread throughout the Planet Bedarea defense force. The fact that the’Federation War God’ became the defense chief of the planet defense force made all soldiers extremely excited.

The legendary extremely powerful’Federation War God’ came to them, which made every soldier want to see this Federation Legendary with his own eyes.

David looked at the eyes of the officers. He believed that even if the three captains gave orders to attack him, it would be difficult to get the consent of all the soldiers.’Federation War God’ is the representative of the Federation hero.

This may be a way Great Marshal Andre thought of protecting David. At least in the army, it would be very difficult for anyone to use the army to deal with David.

“When I received the order to come to the Defense Forces of Planet Bedarea, I was still full of yearning for this place, but the first day I came here yesterday, I saw the ugly side of the Defense Forces of Planet Bedarea, and 3 frigates turned out to be It’s a shame for the federal army!” David said solemnly.

His voice is not loud, but he has the identity of the’Federation War God’, and he has consciously added some spiritual influence to his voice, making all the officers in the Conference Hall feel oppressed.

“I checked the previous information of the Planet Bedarea Defense Force and found a lot of problems. I now send these questions to the parties. You must make changes in a short time, otherwise I will find an officer who can change to replace you!” David Continue to say.

He sent the materials compiled yesterday to officers of various duties. Almost all the officers of the Defense Forces present had a set of targeted materials.

Only the three fleet formations did not receive the corresponding information because they had not exposed any problems since they first arrived.

Major Handel also received a document. He opened the document and immediately saw a lot of problems in the logistics department. Some of these problems were known to him, and some were not even known to him.

Major Handel couldn’t help being surprised. In just one day, David produced such a document. From this we can see David’s mastery of army command.

If David is a senior officer, Major Handel can understand it, but David is clearly an overly young officer.

In addition to admiring David, Major Handel showed a sense of awe.

Major Handel turned his head and glanced at the rest of the military officials of the Defense Forces in the office. They all had serious faces. From this we can see that the information in everyone’s hands is extremely important.

He couldn’t help but sigh David’s methods. Just in this way, all the officers of the Defense Army were afraid of David.

It can be said that David’s information made it easier for David to control the Defense Forces. In addition, David can use his own authority to directly lock all the subordinate frigates. David came to Planet Bedarea on the 2nd day of the Defense Forces, and he will defend the defense forces. Take control.

After that, as long as David slowly conquer the 3 captains, the Planet Bedarea defense force can be completely made David’s defense force.

It’s just that Major Handel’s thoughts are completely different from David’s. David simply didn’t want to take down the three captains. David is already quite sure that these three captains were sent against him.

No matter how hard David tried, he could not subdue the three captains.

“Starting today, any actions of all fleet formations must be reported to the Ministry of Defense, and no private use of battleship is allowed. Once military law emerges, they said solemnly!” David looked at the fleet formation officers said solemnly.

The three captains actually wanted to refute, because such a regulation would delay the fighter. Once an unexpected situation occurs, it must first be reported before it can be dispatched, which greatly reduces the response speed of the fleet formation.

But they were unable to speak. The management loopholes in the formation of the 4th Fleet, David used this opportunity to strengthen the management and control of the formation of the fleet, and no one could fault it.

In addition, this was David’s first official order after taking office, and the timing of their three captains jumping out at this time was wrong.

So the three captains looked at each other without making a sound.

“If you have any questions, you can ask questions now. If nothing happens, the meeting will end!” David stood up and glanced at all the officers and said.

All the officers stood up, saluted David and exited the Conference Hall.

“Major Handel, you must pay more attention to the work of the logistics department. I need the logistics department to ensure that all battleships can be filled at any time!” Major Handel said.

“Chief of Defense, please rest assured, the Logistics Department will definitely make changes!” Major Handel heard that there was no blaming in David’s tone, and quickly stood up and said.

“The three captains, the crew members who will take turns to rest in the future need to train with the soldiers of the Defense Forces every day to participate in various activities in the Defense Forces. The crews working on the battleship are also defense soldiers. I need them to integrate Come into the group!” David turned his head and said to the three captains.

The three captains knew in their hearts that David wanted to extend his hand to the crew. If he participated in morning training every day, coupled with participating in various activities, with the ease of duty of the Bedarea star, these crew members were afraid that they would soon Really integrated into the defense army.

But they couldn’t refuse. After all, the original duty was too easy.

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