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It has been a month since David came to Bedarea. In this month, the entire Planet Bedarea defense army has taken on a new look.

The drawbacks of the original Planet Bedarea defense forces have been changed very well, and the Tung Tau Star Domain military department also sent the Armored Soldier cultivation resources that were owed before because of the reputation of David as the “Federal War God”.

No matter why the Thongtuo Star Domain Army didn’t send Armored Soldier’s resources to the Planet Bedarea defense forces before, David didn’t want to talk about these things, but now Thongtuo Star Domain Army will not do so.

If they withhold the supplies of the army belonging to the’Federation War God’, once this incident is exposed, it can be said that from the upper to the lower ranks of the military, they will be condemned, and it is more likely to be passed into the ears of Great Marshal Andre, directly affecting Their future.

Sufficient cultivation resources made the Armored Soldiers in the army who had resented because of this incident no longer have any objections, and they were very satisfied with David, the general who helped them fight for benefits.

In one month, the daily morning training plus various Armored Soldier training, as well as some traditional activities in the army, allowed the soldiers formed by the three fleets to completely integrate into the defense army.

To David’s surprise, the three captains did not at all prevent this, but actively cooperated.

David not at all was happy about this, but he was more careful, because from this it can be seen that the three captains are not small, they are hostile to him without breaking out, and have been holding back.

Maybe it’s just waiting for an opportunity, and this opportunity may destroy David for it.

“Report!” David who was practicing heavy sword standing in his office heard a report.

After David flipped over, the Level 4 heavy sword’disappeared’, he had a lot of autonomy during this period. The’Military Command’ of the Grandmaster Rank made it extremely easy for him to manage such an army of less than 10000 men.

In his spare time at work, he has a lot of time to practice various weapons, especially the’heavy sword space slash’, which is practiced daily. This is not directly obtained by him through the knowledge ball, but two kinds of Grandmaster Rank After the abilities are merged, they are re-inspired and need a lot of time to practice.

“Come in!” David sat back in the chair said solemnly.

The office door was opened, and a young ensign, his adjutant Dillack, walked in.

“General, a transport ship has arrived from the Star Domain military headquarters, and it will arrive at the airport soon!” Adjutant Dirac reported.

“It’s finally here!” David said with a smile on his face.

The former Captain Malcolm of the 4th Fleet formation, along with all the officers and soldiers on the 3 frigates, were sent back to the Thongtuo Star Domain military by the Law Enforcement Group for trial.

The three frigates also lost their pilots, the first 3 and 2 fleets were formed in rotation, and the 3th fleet was almost completely useless.

Although David’s control over the fleet formation has been strengthened, the fact that the three fleet formations are all in space makes David a little uneasy.

“Let Major Handel come over to meet him, and prepare the corresponding logistics!” David commanded in a deep voice.

“Yes, General!” Adjutant Dirac responded, and then exited the office.

David feels ill at ease. This month of life made him almost forget the days between life and death.

He hasn’t felt this feeling ill at ease for a long time, which makes him feel as if something is going to happen.

He stood up suddenly, Shadow Servant crossed the top of the base, and he looked towards the sky through the eyes of Shadow Servant.

In the sky, several lights flashed faintly.

David flicked his finger across the desktop, and a light curtain appeared. He turned on the scanning system of the base to check the latest scan results.

The base’s scanning system is always on, which is also the means by which the Interstellar Defense Force monitors the entire planet.

This scanning system is not only on the base side. A scanning system is arranged on the entire surface of the Bedarea star at intervals to form a scanning system covering the entire planet surface.

And because there is no atmosphere on the surface of the Bedarea star, this makes the working environment of the scanning system better. The effect of the scanning system is nearly ten times higher than that of other atmospheric planets.

As a result of the scan, ten meteorites were found falling from space to the surface of the planet, but David did not at all find information about the meteorites before the transport ship of the Thongtuo Star Domain Army arrived.

If a meteorite comes from deep in space, it won’t be discovered until it reaches the surface of the planet.

“The scanning team tracked the meteorite!” David issued an order to the scanning team of the Defense Forces.

“The scanning group received the order and is tracking it!” After the scanning group received the order, it immediately began to act.

Only one second later, the scanning system locked all ten meteorites, and their falling trajectory and speed data appeared on the light curtain.

“The attack team fired ten defensive missiles and shot them down!” David issued another order to the attack team.

“The attack team received the order, attack!” Following the response from the attack team, ten defensive missiles flew out of the base and flew toward the predetermined trajectory of the ten meteorites.

The strange thing is that all the ten meteorites suddenly change directions. If they are really meteorites, it is impossible to change directions.

It is necessary to know that the falling process of the meteorite will only follow the original route when there is no other force, and the change of the flight trajectory will only appear on the artificial aircraft.

“The attack failed, the target is not a meteorite!” The attack group and the scanning group reported simultaneously.

“Warning alert, the first fleet group immediately tracked the target, and found that the target was allowed to attack! The 2nd and the 3rd Fleet all finished rest, prepare for battle immediately!” David ordered through the channel.

“Report to the Chief of Defense, the first fleet formation is inspecting the transport ships and it will take ten minutes before they can participate in the battle!” Captain Faulkner reported back.

There was a cold expression on David’s face. At this time, he wasted ten minutes and couldn’t find those ten targets.

Besides, where the transport ships from the Thongtuo Star Domain military department are to be inspected with the first fleet formation, this is totally unreasonable.

David tapped his finger, and the picture from the space airport showed that the crew members who were supposed to be in the frigate were surrounding a transport ship at the airport, and some crew members had already boarded the transport ship.

“Report to the Chief of Defense, the 2nd Fleet Formation and the 3rd Fleet Formation have just completed the extreme training of a large amount of exercise and need to rest for an hour to continue their mission!” Then the other two captains also reported back.

Normally, it only takes two minutes to assemble the army, but it takes an hour to assemble when needed, and all three fleet formations are like this. The inability to participate in the battle immediately can explain the problem.

David scanned the ten falling targets, one of which was only 50 kilometers away from the base.

He didn’t hesitate anymore, waved the golden outer skeleton armor and appeared, he started to wear the armor, and then carried the Level 4 heavy sword on his back.

David did not tell others that he had left the office through another hidden passage in the office of the Chief of Defense.

This concealed passage was found in the special terminal of the Chief of Defense after he took over this office. It was an emergency escape passage.

This emergency escape route leads directly to the outside of the base and is not shown on any map.

David ran along the emergency escape route. The new outer skeleton armor was faster. He quickly left the base area and appeared 5000 metres from the base through the underground passage.

He turned on the environment fusion function of the golden outer skeleton armor. The golden outer skeleton armor shell has disappeared, and replaced by a pattern that is consistent with the surroundings at any time.

The outer skeleton armor was completely integrated with the all around environment. When David left the emergency escape route, he was not noticed by the base’s scanning system.

Shadow Servant also flew 100 metres into the air, looking for the trail of the target ahead.

During these days, David also knew something about the environment all around. He had already remembered the map of Bedarea in his mind. He remembered the whereabouts of the target 5 10 kilometers.

After David used the flight function of the golden outer skeleton armor, 5 10 kilometers arrived in less than one minute. This was because he did not want to break the sound barrier to make a louder sound.

There are not at all traces at the drop point, which makes David affirm that this is not an ordinary meteorite. If a meteorite falls, there will naturally be traces, which is impossible.

David believes in his own speed. He comes so fast that his goal may not have time to hide.

His spirit swept across his wrist, and Little White was awakened there. Under the action of a large amount of resources, Little White’s body did not at all grow, but its short-term survival in this atmospheric environment was no problem.

David summoned Little White out, and then contacted it through spirit, asking it to find out the different breath here.

In this desolate environment, as long as there is a trace of breath, it is very obvious to Little White.

Little White felt a little and found a different breath, which pointed out a direction to David.

“Good job!” David smiled and calmed Little White with spirit, and then chased in the direction that Little White pointed out.

After tracking for 10 kilometers, Little White led David to a crater, which was a bit deep, about 20 meters deep.

Shadow Servant flew into it, and at first glance, I saw a single flying shuttle. This is a commonly used aircraft that penetrates into planet defense. Because of its small size and fast speed, it can even turn off its engine and disguise it as a meteorite.

After seeing this single flying shuttle, David knew that his trouble was coming. If ten meteorites are ten single flying shuttles, it means that ten people smuggled onto the surface of the planet.

And want to deal with David, Armored Soldier’s combat power is absolutely not good, this is estimated that any force that wants to deal with him will be considered.

Then the least to come is Transcendent, no matter how weak the Transcendent is, ten Transcendents are absolutely extremely dangerous for David.

“Little White, can you find the driver?” David asked Little White again in spirit.

Little White quickly re-given a direction. Needless to say, the driver’s not at all Transcendent level hiding ability is a clear goal for Little White.

There is no need for Little White to lead the way. Under the guidance of David, after ten minutes of tracking, this time Shadow Servant found the target first.

It was a Transcendent wearing a’Transcendent armor’ all over. What this Transcendent was looking at was 5000 metres away from David’s side.

David recalled Shadow Servant, Shadow Servant released the “Assassin Mantis Puppet” from the space ring, and the fat little boy appeared.

David put a part of his mind into the soul of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’. He and the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ looked at each other, and then approached the Transcendent from left to right.

David is not at all preparing for long-range sniping. In this environment, Transcendent’s nerves are definitely cramped. It is very difficult to sniper the opponent 5000 metres away, and the grasp is not too big.

The most likely is to injure the opponent. If the opponent has no companions, David can choose this way, but because the opponent has 9 companions, David needs to consider not to expose himself.

Aetherton Transcendent was in a bad mood. Originally, his life was very moist, but it was because of an order to perform the attack mission.

This task was issued by Admiral Longfellow. Because of this, Atherton Transcendent was not easy to refuse. Of course, there were also reasons why the task was very rewarding.

But the mission goal was to make Etherton Transcendent very uneasy. He also watched the live broadcast of the military parade. When he knew that the mission goal was the’Federal War God’ David, he had the idea of ​​rejection on the spot.

However, there were as many as ten Transcendents participating in this mission, and each of them could be considered high-level in Transcendent. This made Atherton Transcendent a little relieved.

The ten Transcendents approached Benellea via the transport ship, and then used the single-person flying shuttle to dive into the planet. The whole process seemed to them to be very safe.

If David didn’t feel ill at ease suddenly and thought of viewing the scan results, he would really let these ten Transcendents sneak in successfully.

Atherton Transcendent glanced at the location of the assembly point on the identity bracelet. The assembly time was still early, and he was considered very close to the assembly point.

The defensive missile that suddenly flew when he fell just now made him very worried. He felt that this infiltration had been exposed, and he doubted whether the assembly point was still safe.

This can’t be blamed on Atherton Transcendent. This infiltration was very secret, but was still discovered. This made him wonder if anyone had whistleblower. If a traitor really appeared among them, then go to the assembly point. To die.

Just when Atherton Transcendent was hesitating, he suddenly turned his head to look and saw a fat little boy approaching.

The alarm bell in Transcendent’s heart of Etherton, where is this place, Planet Bedarea, a planet with no atmosphere, and this chubby little boy walked over without even a breathing apparatus.

Aetherton Transcendent always had a strange feeling when he saw the silly smile on the face of the Assassin Mantis Puppet.

“No matter what you are, die for me!” Atherton’s Transcendent mentality quickly recovered. He has absolute confidence in his own strength. As long as the opponent is not the’Federal War God’ David, he doesn’t need to worry.

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