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Three days later, David looked at the report from the Law Enforcement Group displayed on the light curtain, which contained the process of interrogating Major Handel.

Major Handel confessed that he had received benefits from Lidder military industry and agreed to help the other party to bring people into the base, but Major Handel denied his involvement in the murder of David.

David used his identity bracelet to connect to Skynet and searched for information on Lidder Military Industries.

Lead Military Industry is a weapon manufacturer of Tongtuo Star Domain, its scale is not large, and its total assets are about 100 to 100000000 million credit points.

However, this is already a very large enterprise in Tongtuo Star Domain. This is related to Tongtuo Star Domain’s own geographical location. It is located in the most remote airspace of the Interstellar Federation. Both the market and the overall demand are very limited.

Like Lidder Military Industry is a small part of the munitions that supplies the Thongtuo Star Domain Army. David saw the shadow of the Thongtuo Star Domain Army. He suspected that it was also related to Lieutenant General Kenneth.

“It’s enough to see me!” David shook the head exclaimed.

Coming to the Star of Bedarea, the 4 fleet formations of the planetary defense army here, except that the 4th fleet formation was dealt with when he came, and I don’t know if it was bought, the captains of the other 3 fleet formations were bought.

David had always thought that Major Handel of the logistics department, which was fairly reliable, was also bought, which means that the high-ranking officers of the entire defense army were controlled by the opponent before he came.

The defense army is like a net, waiting for him as a moth to come and throw in.

It’s just that the people who designed this plan did not expect that David could easily control the defense forces in his hands. Among them are David’s own reputation, the prestige from the “Federal War God”, and his Grandmaster Rank. Military command science played an important role.

This made the middle and low-level officers and soldiers very much respect David, the chief of defense. These high-ranking officers simply couldn’t directly command the middle and low-level officers and soldiers to deal with David. Once they did so, it might cause mutiny.

“General, the investigators from the military department are here!” Adjutant Dirac went into the office and reported to David.

“Let them investigate, don’t worry!” David waved.

“But they wanted to take Elbert Transcendent away, and they are now blocked by the Law Enforcement Group, but they took the order of the military, and the Chief Law Enforcement Group wants you to pass!” Adjutant Dillack continued to report.

“I’ll see who gave the order!” David frowned stood up and said.

When I came to the door of the cell, I saw 5 soldiers wearing military investigator uniforms standing at the door. The Chief Law Enforcement Group and 6 law enforcement Armored Soldiers sealed the door.

“What do you want to rob prison?” David said solemnly.

“Report to the general. This is the order of Lieutenant General Kenneth. I have been ordered to take this offender away!” The military investigator headed by him immediately saluted after seeing David.

“Lieutenant General Kenneth!” David muttered to himself.

A trace of uncontrollable killing intent rose in the passage outside the cell, and the five military investigators trembled. Even the law enforcement Armored Soldiers inside the door felt chills.

The leading military investigator thought of David’s horror. The’Federation War God’ came to Thongtu Star Domain. This incident was spread in Thongtu Star Domain’s military after David arrived at Bedarea.

“Wait here!” David suppressed the killing thought in his heart, and he glanced at the military investigator, said solemnly.

He nodded to the Chief of the Law Enforcement Group, then walked into the cell and came to the place where Albert Transcendent was held.

“Elbert Transcendent, Lieutenant General Kenneth sent someone to take you away!” David looked at Albert Transcendent lightly saying.

Elbert Transcendent’s eyes flashed with joy. He knew that as long as he left Bedarea, no matter how serious the crime was, someone would help you deal with it.

“You probably thought I would let you go?” David continued.

Elbert Transcendent heard what was wrong in David’s words and quickly looked up towards David.

I saw David point his finger and called out the long-neared’bewitching pattern’ from the soul fortress. The “bewildering pattern” flew out and followed David’s finger into Albert Transcendent’s brain.

If the strength of Elbert Transcendent is still there, it will definitely not be controlled by David’s “bewilderment pattern”, but at this time, the strength of Elbert Transcendent is locked by the energy limiter, and even the spirit is caused for a long time. Fainted by torture.

In this case, the’bewitching pattern’ easily entered the soul of Albert Transcendent and smoothly assimilated his soul.

David gave an order to Elbert Transcendent, then unfastened all the chains on Elbert Transcendent’s hands and feet, carried Elbert Transcendent’s body and left the cell.

“This is the Elbert Transcendent of Lieutenant Kenneth!” David threw Elbert Transcendent in front of the military investigator.

The military investigator, who was frightened by David’s killing intent just now, did not dare to say anything, and waved his hand to let the four men behind him stand up Albert Transcendent.

“Do you have anything else?” David solemnly asked when the military investigator hadn’t left yet.

“This time we come over and invite these officers to the military department to assist in the investigation.” The military investigator passed a document certified by the military investigation department to David, with a pleasing smile on his face.

David opened the file and saw that there were more than 30 mid-level officers in the fleet formation listed above. If these mid-level officers were taken away, the entire space fleet of the Planet Defense Force would completely lose its battle strength.

“You take these officers away, what about the defense defense?” David asked dissatisfiedly.

“We will complete the investigation as soon as possible, and then the officers who have no problems will be sent back!” The military investigator tried his best to maintain a smile on his face.

David found that he didn’t like the army very much, and this feeling of being ordered made him very upset.

But no matter how strong his strength is, he can’t stop this kind of thing, and he can’t do things that violate the order.

“I hope you will enforce the law impartially!” David waved.

On that day, the military investigator took away more than 30 mid-level officers in the fleet formation, which completely paralyzed the entire planetary defense force. The soldiers returned to the base from the battleship, waiting for the return of those mid-level officers.

Even the newly transferred Captain Glenn Fair was taken away to assist in the investigation. It can be said that in the entire planetary defense army, with the exception of Major General David, there is not even a colonel-level officer, and there are very few lieutenant-level officers.

David felt a weird aura. The Planet Bedarea defense force, which was originally quite capable, was unable to fight even for a short time after being engaged in this way.

Elbert Transcendent was taken to the spaceship and was immediately sent to the treatment room, into the gene therapy cabin.

“Sir, this is Transcendent. If he is treated, what should he do if he attacks us?” an investigator asked the military investigator worriedly.

“This is Lieutenant General Kenneth’s order. Don’t ask more about things you shouldn’t know!” The military investigator said solemnly.

The military investigator didn’t want to ask too much. This kind of command from Lieutenant General Kenneth directly showed that Albert Transcendent was related to Lieutenant General Kenneth, and he didn’t want to participate in this kind of conflict between generals.

Regardless of the power of the Military Investigation Department, generals such as Lieutenant General Kenneth and Major General David do not have the right to investigate the Star Domain Military Investigation Department.

The actual generals at this level require orders from the Federal Command to investigate them.

Albert Transcendent didn’t say a word, and his expression was dull. The military investigator didn’t think much about it. He could see that Albert Transcendent had been tortured.

The military investigators in the army are very clear about the means of taking prisoners. After experiencing this kind of incident, most people will have such an expression.

The military investigator just followed the order of Lieutenant General Kenneth to treat Albert Transcendent, at least to allow Albert Transcendent to recover completely when he returned to the military headquarters.

The speed of the spaceship was very fast. After nearly 3 days of sailing, it returned to the Thongtuo Star Army.

Elbert Transcendent wears an ordinary handcuff on his hand. With the strength of Elbert Transcendent, this kind of handcuff can be broken away with a single move.

This is what it looks like, shown to outsiders, showing the attitude of the Military Investigation Department.

“Elbert Transcendent, Lieutenant Kenneth wants to see you!” the military investigator said to Albert Transcendent.

Elbert Transcendent didn’t speak, just gently nodded.

The military investigator took Albert Transcendent into the military headquarters and came to the door of Lieutenant General Kenneth’s office.

The military investigator opened the handcuffs for Elbert Transcendent, and the adjutant had long been ordered by Lieutenant General Kenneth to open the door for Elbert Transcendent and let Elbert Transcendent into the office.

“Elbert Transcendent, you have suffered!” Lieutenant General Kenneth saw Albert Transcendent, stood up and smiled and welcomed him.

Elbert Transcendent stared at Lieutenant General Kenneth, still silent.

Lieutenant General Kenneth was very dissatisfied with Albert Transcendent’s attitude. In any case, he tried his best to take Albert Transcendent away from David. Elbert Transcendent must at least express his gratitude, not this. Look like.

Just as Lieutenant General Kenneth was slandering, Albert Transcendent suddenly appeared on his body with a set of’Transcendent armor’, and he also had a Level 3 heavy sword in his hand.

This was specially handed over to Albert Transcendent by David for this time.

“What are you going to do?” Lieutenant General Kenneth heart startled, and wanted to step back while asking.

But no matter how fast he was, how could he be faster than Elbert Transcendent, who took 2 steps forward and put Lieutenant General Kenneth in his hands.

Elbert Transcendent put a slight force in his hand, and Lieutenant General Kenneth fainted.

Elbert Transcendent took out a military life-sustaining device from the space brace and put it on Lieutenant General Kenneth.

Then Elbert Transcendent took out a data chip from the space wristband and inserted the data chip into the terminal of the desk in Kenneth.

The data chip records a super virus designed and produced by David. If this super virus is inserted into an ordinary terminal, the effect can only affect a small area.

But the data chip is inserted into the terminal of Lieutenant General Kenneth’s desk. This terminal, which is out of the top lieutenant generals in Star Domain, has a different impact.

A large amount of attack data used Lieutenant General Kenneth’s authority to attack the military security system and also affect the military’s Skynet.

It only took one minute, and all the internal monitoring of the military department failed, all kinds of alarms sounded, and the identity bracelets of each person could not be contacted.

The entire military headquarters was in chaos. Without the contact of the identity bracelet, the general’s orders could not be conveyed, and they could only be conveyed verbally by the personnel.

The military investigator and Lieutenant General Kenneth waiting outside were also startled by this accident. The military department has never happened before.

At this moment, the door of the office opened and they saw Albert Transcendent holding a comatose Lieutenant General Kenneth in his hand. Lieutenant General Kenneth’s face was also equipped with a life-sustaining device.

Both the military investigator and the adjutant were horrified. They were about to scream, but a green sword light flashed by, and the two fell to the ground.

Elbert Transcendent stepped over their bodies, carrying Lieutenant General Kenneth and flew out through the window.

Someone in the military department saw the silhouette of Albert Transcendent flying out, but they just wanted to report and couldn’t do it in a short time.

The military security system was restored after 3 minutes. At this time, Albert Transcendent had already taken Lieutenant General Kenneth into the sky.

Elbert Transcendent rendezvous with a small landing ship. The small landing ship opened, and David reached out inside to take Lieutenant General Kenneth over.

All this is David’s arrangement. It is very difficult for him to get close to Lieutenant General Kenneth unless Lieutenant General Kenneth summons him.

Although Lieutenant General Kenneth did not summon David, Elbert Transcendent was taken away. Lieutenant General Kenneth needed to meet Elbert Transcendent. David did not confirm that Lieutenant Kenneth would meet Elbert in the office. Meet with Transcendent.

But anyway, as long as Elbert Transcendent meets Lieutenant General Kenneth, unless Lieutenant General Kenneth has Transcendent by his side, it will be impossible to escape the hands of Elbert Transcendent.

The reason why David uses the “bewitching pattern” that has been nurtured for a long time is to allow Elbert Transcendent to retain more wisdom.

Otherwise, using the ordinary’bewitching pattern’ alone, at best, Elbert Transcendent will be able to kill him, unable to implant the virus.

In fact, what Elbert Transcendent does is very simple. He is Transcendent himself. In his capacity, it is normal to ignore other people.

Meeting with Lieutenant General Kenneth, regardless of the meeting environment, as long as the opportunity to approach Lieutenant General Kenneth determines the final fate of Lieutenant General Kenneth.

The only difference is that if Lieutenant General Kenneth meets with Albert Transcendent in his office, he can live longer.

If Lieutenant General Kenneth meets Elbert Transcendent elsewhere, he will be killed directly by Elbert Transcendent.

After Elbert Transcendent was taken away by the military investigator, David took the destroyer and followed him all the time. At this time, the destroyer was in space. He used the forged identity bracelet to drive the small landing ship into the interior of Tung Tau.

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