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When Lieutenant General Kenneth opened his eyes, he saw Albert Transcendent standing beside him, with a familiar but unfamiliar face.

He said that he was familiar because he had seen this face many times in the information, and he would be awakened by this face when he went to bed at night, saying that it was strange because he had not actually met this face before.

“Lieutenant General Kenneth, I’m sorry, I invite you here!” David said with a faint smile.

“Why, why would Albert Transcendent help you?” Lieutenant General Kenneth still didn’t understand what was going on, he asked while looking at the Albert Transcendent standing by.

“It’s very simple, Albert Transcendent came to learn how to look like a puppy!” David said with a smile and waved his hand.

Elbert Transcendent immediately lay on the ground, shaking his head like a puppy, and still running back and forth on the ground. Because Transcendent’s body is extremely dexterous, he learns how a puppy moves very much.

The appearance of Albert Transcendent should have been extremely funny, but Lieutenant General Kenneth did not smile.

Not only did Lieutenant General Kenneth not smile, he was full of fear.

This is Transcendent, Interstellar Federation’s most powerful combat power, and the strength of Albert Transcendent is among the more powerful ones in Transcendent.

This is the Transcendent, but now he is learning to look like a puppy.

Lieutenant General Kenneth looked towards David again, and the smile on David’s face looked more like a devil’s smile in his eyes.

“You are a devil, you are not a human!” Lieutenant General Kenneth said softly with a look of fear in his eyes.

David slapped a palm, and Albert Transcendent stood up again and stood aside.

“Well, I gave the answer to the question you asked. Should you also answer the question I want to ask?” David asked with a light smile.

Lieutenant General Kenneth did not speak. He looked all around and found that this was the cockpit of a large battleship. Although there was no crew in the cockpit, he was sure of this.

“You brought me on this battleship, aren’t you afraid that the crew will tell me about me?” Lieutenant General Kenneth calmed down slowly, and he said solemnly.

“Oh, you care about this battleship. If you don’t count the Albert Transcendent, this battleship will only be you and me!” David didn’t look particularly anxious. He smiled and chatted with Lieutenant General Kenneth.

It takes about 3 days to return from here, which is enough time for him to interrogate Lieutenant General Kenneth.

As for the defense forces, there is no need to worry. He entrusted the chief of the Law Enforcement Group to help manage the defense forces, and there is no task. Except for the maintenance personnel of the battleship, all the soldiers are in the base and are very well managed.

“You can’t deceive me, a large battleship is impossible without a crew!” Lieutenant General Kenneth said, shaking his head.

“Kitts, say hello to Lieutenant General Kenneth!” David raised his head and said.

“Lieutenant General Kenneth, you are a prisoner of this ship, you don’t have any authority!” The mechanical sound of Kitts’s advanced combat intelligence sounded.

Lieutenant General Kenneth knew it, but he didn’t understand how this type of battleship could become David’s car.

“I know you want to take time, but let you down, we are already sailing at the speed of light, and we have already left the range of Tongtuo Star!” David said with a smile at Lieutenant General Kenneth.

“Can I survive?” Lieutenant Admiral Kenneth was said to his mind by David, his face was not at all abnormal, he only cared about whether he could survive.

Lieutenant General Kenneth is very afraid of death. Since I heard that the mission failed before, I can understood if I want to escape.

“I don’t lie to you. If you tell what you know, then I will make your death more peaceful. If you don’t tell, I will use some means to make you say that this process will be very painful and you can choose!” David put away his smile, said solemnly.

“You ask?” Lieutenant General Kenneth’s face was blue and white, and finally he said weakly.

“Tell me who you think you can kill me?” David solemnly asked.

“It’s Admiral Longfellow!” Lieutenant General Kenneth raised his head and glanced at Elbert Transcendent suspiciously before replied.

Lieutenant General Kenneth thought it was David who was testing him. Because Albert Transcendent was so obedient, then Admiral Longfellow arranged ten Transcendents to attack and kill David. David should have been understood long ago.

So Lieutenant General Kenneth didn’t at all hesitate to name Admiral Longfellow.

The expression on David’s face is not at all changing, but his heart is overwhelming.

Admiral Longfellow is one of the oldest among the ten deputy commanders of the Federal Command, ranking high among the thirteen deputy commanders.

It’s just that David doesn’t understand, when did he offend this admiral, it is worth this admiral to take action against him.

“I think you know why Admiral Longfellow you think you can kill me?” David asked indifferently.

“The wife of Lowes admiral is the daughter of Admiral Longfellow. This time Lowes admiral died. Admiral Longfellow took over the connections left by Lowes admiral because it is suspected that you killed Lowes admiral. Admiral Longfellow needs your life to appease his daughter. Connect with those people!” Lieutenant Admiral Kenneth knew everything without saying anything.

This kind of thing is very clear to senior officials of his Admiral Longfellow line.

“Damn, this can find me!” David couldn’t help cursing.

His method of killing Lowes admiral, according to reason, is impossible to find him.

But David did not expect that the reason for this attack on him was also the death of Lowes admiral.

David originally thought it was the hand of Great Marshal Andre’s opponent, but who knew it was the hand of an insider in the army.

“Thank you for clearing up my doubts, and I also fulfilled my promise and give you a happy one!” David said to Lieutenant General Kenneth nodded.

Just when Elbert Transcendent stretched out his hand and broke Lieutenant General Kenneth’s neck, David seemed to see a weird smile on Lieutenant General Kenneth’s face, as if he was laughing at David.

David wanted to stop Albert Transcendent, but it was too late, and Lieutenant General Kenneth’s soul was absorbed by Shadow Servant.

“Lieutenant General Kenneth must have concealed something. He is dead and will not make the rest of the people comfortable!” David muttered to himself.

There are no simple people who can do this kind of high-ranking officials.

Lieutenant General Kenneth knew that he would not survive. He answered all David’s questions without telling the important things.

Of course, Lieutenant General Kenneth didn’t know, what he thought was unimportant, but David didn’t know.

David threw the corpse of Lieutenant General Kenneth into space. In the vast space, it is almost impossible to find a corpse.

Dealing with Lieutenant General Kenneth, David felt peaceful. He was in the Tongtuo Star Domain, but he had a boss who was enemies everywhere, and he was free to insert hands to him.

If this kind of enemy is not dealt with early, it will always cause him trouble.

He looked at the Albert Transcendent beside him again. The effect of the’bewitching pattern’ can continue, but such puppets are far inferior to those made using the’Corpse Controlling Technique’.

Don’t look at Albert Transcendent easily grabbing Lieutenant General Kenneth and killing 2 soldiers casually, but the strength of Albert Transcendent can only deal with Armored Soldier at most, and he can’t deal with any Transcendent.

This is also the shortcoming of the’Enchanting Pattern’, and there is a big gap in wisdom between the’Corpse Controlling Technique’ puppets, at least the’Corpse Controlling Technique’ puppets have combat instincts and can display most of their own strength.

In addition, the combat instincts of the’Corpse Controlling Technique’ puppets can be grown through long-term battles, while the’Corpse Controlling Technique’ puppets cannot, and their strength will hardly be improved.

The most important thing is that the’Corpse Controlling Technique’ puppet is not a lifeform and will not be detected by any scanning.

David was also impossible to keep Elbert Transcendent by his side. He hesitated for a moment, and then withdrew the’bewilderment pattern’. Elbert Transcendent fell softly to the ground.

David took back the equipment from Elbert Transcendent and threw Elbert Transcendent into space. The souls that had been invaded by the’bewitching pattern’ had long lost spiritual wisdom.

Elbert Transcendent was the murderer who captured Lieutenant General Kenneth. If David wants to get away from this matter, it is even more impossible to have any connection with Elbert Transcendent, so it is necessary to dispose of Elbert Transcendent.

David took the body of Anderson Transcendent again, and he wanted to conduct an experiment, using the’Corpse Controlling Technique’ to make a Transcendent puppet.

At this time, he is in space, and it is also the safest time, not to be disturbed, and it is even more impossible that anyone can find out.

He put the body of Anderson Transcendent on the ground, took out a bottle of Level 3 insect race blood collected in War Star, and used green blood to draw a pattern on Anderson Transcendent’s forehead.

Then David led the spirit into the pattern, and then the pattern began to absorb his spirit. This is also a verification process. Once his spirit cannot meet the needs of the pattern, then the’Corpse Controlling Technique’ cannot proceed.

Although Anderson Transcendent was very strong in his lifetime, David is much stronger than Anderson Transcendent in terms of mental strength.

David’s spirit flowed into the pattern, the pattern began to emit rays of light, and then the blood of Level 3 insect race began to penetrate into the body of Anderson Transcendent.

David can feel that the pattern is using the energy in the blood of Level 3 insect race to rebuild the energy circulation system in Anderson Transcendent’s body to replace the previous blood.

Unlike the production of Level 4 insect race puppets, because Anderson Transcendent’s strength is too weak compared to Level 4 insect race, even Level 3 insect race is impossible to compare, so there is no need for the Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone to provide energy. Only the energy retained by the Anderson Transcendent corpse within the body and the energy contained in the blood of Level 3 insect race are enough.

Of course, these are only part of the energy supply. David resumed activity within the body energy cycle of Anderson Transcendent, and after the damage to the heart was automatically repaired, he used the remaining spirit to draw the’Corpse Controlling’ on the head of Anderson Transcendent. Technique pattern’.

Until the’Corpse Controlling Technique pattern’ entered the head of Anderson Transcendent, this was the end of the’Corpse Controlling Technique’, and a Transcendent puppet was successfully produced.

The’Corpse Controlling Technique pattern’ in Anderson Transcendent’s head not only collects his muscle instinct, but also continuously absorbs all around free energy to supplement his physical consumption.

The Anderson Transcendent puppet stood up from the ground, his eyes were still a bit dull, almost nothing like normal people.

However, the Anderson Transcendent puppet has no signs of life and can survive without air or food.

David puts a bit of spirit into the “Corpse Controlling Technique pattern” in Anderson Transcendent’s brain. Through the “Corpse Controlling Technique pattern” he can perceive everything about Anderson Transcendent.

Anderson Transcendent’s body is very flexible, which is not surprising, like the “Assassin Mantis Puppet” also maintains its original flexibility, which is related to the energy internal circulation of the puppet within the body.

Although Anderson Transcendent puppets and’Assassin Mantis puppets’ within the body have different levels of internal energy circulation, their basic effects are still the same. They both allow the puppet’s body to maintain a strange activity, making the within the body. Muscles are the same as in life.

David felt the condition of Anderson Transcendent within the body again. With the death of Anderson Transcendent, most of the power of Transcendent had already dissipated, but after the power of these Transcendent dissipated, it seemed to be integrated into the body, leaving only a trace of Transcendent power. David felt that the power of this body was extremely strong in the Transcendent he encountered.

David took out a piece of’Transcendent Crystal’, he wanted to see if the’Transcendent Crystal’ could improve the Transcendent power within the body for the’Anderson Transcendent Puppet’.

David saved more than 300 pieces of Transcendent Crystals. These are the spoils of war he has fought many times, and they can’t be used all the time.

I’ve heard that Transcendent can improve the power of Transcendent within the body through the’Transcendent crystal’, but this method is extremely luxurious, and most Transcendents are improved through their own cultivation.

‘Transcendent Crystal’ is too precious, and is generally used as a currency in precious item transactions.

David’s “Transcendent Crystal” is easy to come by, so I don’t care.

He put the’Transcendent Crystal’ in the hands of the’Anderson Transcendent Puppet’, and then controlled the’Anderson Transcendent Puppet’ to actively absorb the power of Transcendent in the’Transcendent Crystal’.

David felt that when the strange energy inside the’Transcendent Crystal’ entered the’Anderson Transcendent Puppet’ within the body, about half of the Transcendent’s power was absorbed by the body, only half of the Transcendent’s power and the trace of the’Anderson Transcendent Puppet’ within the body The power of Transcendent merged, but it dissipated a little in the process of fusion.

This is also the reason why Transcendent does not use the’Transcendent crystal’ cultivation and restore itself as a last resort. The waste is too great.

David is very pleased. The’Anderson Transcendent puppet’ can absorb the’Transcendent crystal’, which shows that the’Anderson Transcendent puppet’ without the’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’ can also become stronger and stronger.

It just requires a lot of resource input. Of course, the price/performance ratio of this input is far from that of the insect race puppet.

Like the “Assassin Mantis Puppet” only need to absorb the energy of the kryptonite crystal stone through the “Essence Gathering Disk”, it can slowly increase its own energy and physical strength. This consumption is extremely low.

But the strength of the’Anderson Transcendent Puppet’ is far inferior to that of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’, but you need to consume the’Transcendent Crystal’ if you want to upgrade.

If it weren’t for the’Anderson Transcendent puppet’ with a completely human body, which is more conducive to activities in the human world, David would not want to make a’Transcendent puppet’.

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