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Guazi brazenly asks for the next monthly pass. Because of the handicap, I have not been able to add a change. This is sorry for asking for a monthly pass, but because it is possible to enter the top 5 of the monthly pass list, see Guazi’s daily change of 8,000. Please have a monthly pass. Book friends cast a monthly pass, Guazi thanks!

The’electronic countermeasures division’ began to invade Skynet, and Transcendent and the other Armored Soldiers stood outside Hans’ house, and a transport ship was not far behind.

This’electronic warfare division’ is a military professional’electronic warfare division’. He has more resources than ordinary’electronic warfare divisions’, such as more advanced software in his hands.

Soon he successfully hacked Skynet, and Skynet’s data was retrieved.

Domit watched these people’s operations through the mini-monitor at the door. The video here was not only available to him, but also sent to the headquarters.

“Mr. Hans, you can leave with your family first. They have an’electronic countermeasures division’ and will find this place soon!” Domit said to Hans.

“What about you?” Hans hurriedly asked when he heard that Domit didn’t want to leave.

“Someone needs to delay for a while!” Domit said solemnly.

Hans didn’t know what to say for a while, if he didn’t have a wife or children by his side, he would have an urge to stay.

“Hey, Transcendent Garen, they are here!” Domit suddenly said with a smile.

Through the micro-monitor, he saw 6 spaceships appearing in the sky. These spaceships are very famous in Rock Star and are the vehicles of 6 Transcendents.

“Found it!” the’electronic countermeasures division’ reported to Armored Soldier Captain.

It was just that he found that neither Armored Soldier Captain nor Transcendent responded to him. When he looked up, he saw 6 Transcendents flying out of the 6 spaceships in the sky.

“Retreat!” Armored Soldier Captain ignored the mission. He didn’t know the details of this secret mission. He only knew that he had come here to capture the Hans family.

This kind of task is a dark task, but as a soldier, he must execute it after the commander orders it.

At this time, it was discovered that the mission had attracted 6 Transcendents, and his only idea was to take the brothers away.

“Captain, Skynet has mobilized huge resources and cannot stop it. We are locked!” the’electronic countermeasures division’ reported to Captain.

To be able to come here quietly, the “electronic countermeasures division” blocked Skynet’s scanning, but that was when Skynet did not discover it. Once it was discovered by Skynet, the computing resources Skynet could mobilize were massive. .

With the supply of massive computing resources, Skynet is not something that’electronic countermeasures’ can resist.

Transcendent Garen They don’t have time to pay attention to these Armored Soldiers. These ten or two Armored Soldiers have been discovered, so they will not be able to escape from Rock Star. Sooner or later they will be caught.

Their goal is the only Transcendent. The six Transcendents have been cooperating for many years. This time, because of the transformation of Transcendent Garen’s overall equipment, their cooperation has more formidable power.

The previous six Transcendents dragged down their opponents more and forced the opponent Transcendent to leave.

That’s because the equipment of the 6 Transcendents is too junk, and the weapons in their hands are difficult to severely damage the other Transcendent.

But now it’s completely different, especially when a Level 3 long sword appeared in this Transcendent hand, the eyes of the other 5 Transcendents except Transcendent Garen were red.

Usually let them grab other Transcendent equipment, not to mention the powerful relationship, just whether they can be beaten is a problem.

But what kind of opportunity is this today? In a 6-to-3 situation, Transcendent Garen has a Level 1 Warhammer in his hand, which can completely damage or even kill this Transcendent.

By then, the weapon in the hands of Transcendent, the’Transcendent armor’ on the body is not their spoils of war.

These days, the five Transcendents have red eyes every time they see Transcendent Garen. Transcendent Garen has a good discipline and sent a set of Level 5 equipment, which has long made them envious.

“Garen, fuck him!” Transcendent Alvin completely ignored the military uniform on his body and opened his mouth to kill.

“Snatch his equipment!” Transcendent Hadley, the Naan Chamber of Commerce, made an offering in a tone that looked more like an air thief.

“Haha, you also have to help, I will not participate in the distribution of spoils of war this time!” Transcendent Garen laughed and said with a smile.

The six Transcendents were surrounded as soon as they arrived. This Transcendent was somewhat arrogant and did not immediately escape.

When Transcendent heard their conversation, the first thought was whether these guys were crazy.

“Come and get it if you want!” He glanced contemptuously at the weapons in the hands of the five Transcendents and the’Transcendent armor’ on them, but he saw the’Transcendent armor’ on Transcendent Garen and Transcendent Garen from the space wristbands. When the Level 5 Warhammer was taken out, the face appeared solemn.

There is an unwritten way of judging combat power based on weapons in Transcendent. The use of Level 3 weapons is stronger than the Transcendent using Level 2 weapons.

This point does not need to be explained. The consequence of a collision between a Level 2 weapon and a Level 3 weapon is damage.

Level 3 heavy weapons are more powerful than Level 3 weapons and light weapons. This is because they need to store the Level 3 materials required for Level 3 heavy weapons, which requires Transcendent and Level 3 insect race to fight and kill. Level 3 insect race can only be obtained.

The Level 3 Warhammer in the hands of Transcendent Garen made this Transcendent extremely scrupulous for this reason. How did he know that the Level 3 Warhammer in the hands of Transcendent Garen and the Level 3 “Transcendent Armor” on his body were all given by David.

This Transcendent had this idea in his mind, and he didn’t want to fight, but now the 6 Transcendents are very close to him, and the battle is inevitable.

Transcendent didn’t want to wait for the 6 Transcendents to attack first. He wanted to take the initiative. He swung out the Level 3 long sword, but as soon as he took the sword, the Baker Transcendent in front of him had already stepped back and let go of his attack.

And behind and beside Transcendent, the other 5 Transcendents all attacked together.

Transcendent quickly dodges while attacking Transcendent Mervyn on the left. As a result, the Baker Transcendent in front returns to attack, while Transcendent Mervyn retreats quickly.

This Transcendent almost spit out blood, these are Transcendent, how the battle method is the same as the battle of Armored Soldier, and it is the most rogue delaying battle.

When the Transcendent is moving forward, the Transcendent in front will move backward, and the Transcendent in the other directions will follow forward.

These 6 Transcendents are very flexible, and there is no way. They can’t be flexible. The 6 Transcendents used to fight against the powerhouse with their garbage equipment. If you want to drag the opponent to death, you must be more flexible than the opponent.

At first, Transcendent Garen also uses the same procrastination tactics as the other 5 Transcendents. Although he has better equipment than the opponent, he still uses the same battle method as the other 5 Transcendents.

The besieged Transcendent was anxious. He had never encountered such an opponent before. He rushed from left to right in the encirclement, but could not escape the siege of the 6 Transcendents.

Transcendent keeps swinging his sword, but it fails every time. The 6 Transcendents here have too much experience in fighting together, and they don’t give this Transcendent any chance.

“You rubbish, why don’t you fight me fairly!” The besieged Transcendent roared loudly.

The six Transcendents did not have the slightest anger on their faces. In their opinion, the Transcendent sent them equipment from afar, and a few curses were normal.

The Level 3 long sword in Transcendent’s hand slowly lost its initial lightness, because the anger looked more like the slash of a heavy sword.

Transcendent Garen cast a wink at the other 5 Transcendents, who have been waiting for this opportunity.

You must know that the Level 3 long sword in the hands of Transcendent is a light weapon, which is characterized by lightness. Don’t look at the ease of dodge of their 6 Transcendents. In fact, they did their best and rely on years of cooperation experience to support it until now.

This is a kind of psychological warfare. Once the Transcendent can calm down and slowly look for opportunities, it may be possible to get out of trouble.

But Transcendent lost its calm, so Transcendent Garen was given a chance.

It was when Transcendent wielded the Level 3 long sword, Transcendent Garen did not dodge this time, but used Level 3 Warhammer to greet him.

Two Level 2 weapons collided together. One was planned for a long time, the other was irritable, the other was a Level 3 heavy weapon, and the other was a Level 3 light weapon. The consequences of the collision between the two were naturally obvious.

This Transcendent felt that the Level 3 long sword in his hand had a strong back shock. He felt a numbness in his hand, and the Level 3 long sword in his hand almost dropped.

He quickly mobilized the power of Transcendent, wanting to recover his numbness as soon as possible.

It’s just that the other 5 Transcendents will not miss such a good opportunity. When the 5 Transcendents attacked Transcendent Garen, they only slowed down and attacked meleely.

This Transcendent missed the opportunity and was hit by several Level 2 weapons. Fortunately, the “Transcendent armor” on his body was hard enough and the defensive power was very strong, but he persisted, but his body was constantly shaking, and he could barely maintain his balance.

But all this ended after a Level 3 Warhammer attack by Transcendent Garen.

This Transcendent fell to the ground unwillingly. He saw 5 pairs of eyes like evil wolves before he died.

“Haha, I didn’t expect this Transcendent that used Level 3 weapons to be killed by us!” Transcendent Hadley laughed and said with a smile.

The equipment is still on Transcendent’s corpse. Whoever goes up to snatch it is the Life and Death Friends for many years. The distribution of equipment has corresponding rules, and no one will actively destroy it.

“If there is such a Transcendent in the future, our equipment can be filled up!” Baker Transcendent also laughed and said with a smile.

“If there is no Garen, how can we have this kind of combat power!” Transcendent Darryl also said with a smile.

“Without everyone, I can defeat him alone, and he can leave calmly!” Transcendent Garen said, shaking his head.

While talking, ten frigates appeared in the sky.

“Baker, Alvin, your battleship is really slow!” Transcendent Garen complained to the two military Transcendents.

“Come fast enough, let them hunt down the ten or two Armored Soldiers!” Baker Transcendent said with a smile.

“I contacted Hans, he should have received the notice, didn’t expect David also sent someone to protect Hans secretly!” Transcendent Garen took back the’Transcendent armor’, opened the identity bracelet and prepared to call Hans.

“No need to contact, they are there!” Transcendent Mervyn reminded when he saw the Hans walking out of the house next door.

“Thank you Transcendent for your help!” Hans walked over quickly and bowed and thanked several Transcendents.

He and Transcendent Garen are good brothers, but the other 5 Transcendents rushed over in time, so we need to thank them seriously.

“Hans, this is not only for you, this Transcendent came to Rockstar without saying hello, it is to be an enemy of us, we also want to thank you, this is equivalent to giving us equipment!” Transcendent Mervyn said with a smile.

“Hans, you can’t stay here anymore. You will live in Naan City in the future, there is our protection, even if Transcendent comes, don’t worry!” Transcendent Garen said to Hans.

On the distant Bedarea star, David watched the whole process through interstellar communications.

When he saw the gestures of the ten or two Armored Soldiers, he had already determined that these all are professional soldiers. Whether it was cooperation or division of labor, they all showed the elite of these Armored Soldiers.

Armored Soldiers that perform secret missions are generally special forces. They are not trained to kill insect races but to perform missions in the human world.

“My lord, everything is well with Mr. Hans. It has been confirmed that it was the military intelligence organization, but I don’t know which intelligence organization they belong to!” Alva master reported at this time.

There are many intelligence organizations in the military. This is related to the fact that the military is too large. All major military forces are trying to establish their own intelligence organizations, which makes various intelligence organizations complicated.

“No matter which intelligence organization it is, it will find out all the information of all participants, together with the identity of the Transcendent, and then issue an assassination order and kill the participant’s family for 5 times the reward!” David Shen Sheng instructed.

“Yes, sir!” Alva master is not a kind person. He is tied to David and he listens to David.

“In addition, Rockstar’s strength is too weak, inform Hilly, and let Alto Fund arrange some battleships over. If this happens in the future, we will directly bomb the battleship in space!” David continued to instructed.

Hilly master controls Alto Fund. With the huge size of Alto Fund, it is easy to send some battleships.

“My lord, do you need a Transcendent from Alto Fund?” Alva master asked.

“Does Alto Fund have a new Transcendent offering?” David hasn’t cared about Alto Fund for a long time. He was a little surprised to hear this news.

You must know that in the past, Alto Fund was enshrined by 2 Transcendents, but they were bombarded by David using heavy weapons on the Alto satellite.

After that, the Alto Fund has not been enshrined by Transcendent, relying on David’s wicked name to barely maintain it.

“Since Alto Fund participated in the Great Spiritual World trade fair, there have been many Transcendents who wanted to join Alto Fund and become the offerings of Alto Fund. According to my information, Hilly agreed to receive offerings from 3 Transcendents!” Alva master reported.

In fact, he reported all these situations to David, and it is estimated that David not at all watched.

David has an oath-stone binding between Alva and Hilly two masters, which makes David very at ease with the two masters. David does not want to affect his cultivation because of business matters, so he has never cared about these things.

“You don’t need to transfer Transcendent, this will cause dissatisfaction with Transcendent, you can arrange it and prepare a few more emergency plans!” David said solemnly.

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