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Although David owns a very large enterprise, has sufficient credit points, and has a Kerr intelligence organization, and has sufficient resources in intelligence, these are of no use to a deputy commander of the Interstellar Federation.

The Kerr intelligence organization can use the’shadow intelligence system’ to collect intelligence everywhere in the Interstellar Federation, but the’shadow intelligence system’ cannot penetrate into the Federal Command, and there is no way to detect Admiral Longfellow’s information.

This made David want to retaliate but couldn’t achieve it. He could only wait for the opportunity.

It has been more than a month since David came to Bedarea, and it took more than 20 days to kill the Lieutenant General Kenneth. The days seemed very peaceful, but David still felt that the atmosphere was not right.

After the morning cultivation, he felt restless, as if something was going to happen.

After David’s spirit reached 8 o’clock, his perception of danger had long surpassed Transcendent, and this early prediction of danger has also saved him many times.

“Chief of Defense, found a large number of unidentified spaceships leaping at the speed of light 500 kilometers away from the planet!” The scanning team sent a report to David at this time, and at the same time the harsh alarm sounded.

All soldiers at the base began to return to their posts, and those who left the battleship were equipped with emergency weapons.

All soldiers are extremely nervous, because they do not have a battleship in space. In this case, once an enemy attacks, they can only be a target.

“Scan the team, immediately figure out the identity of the other party!” David commanded in a deep voice.

While talking, he had already equipped the armor of the golden outer skeleton, and at the same time was communicating with his destroyer through the identity bracelet.

“Kitts, start preparing for battle!” David ordered immediately after communicating.

“Yes, Captain!” The mechanical voice of Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence came.

David wouldn’t stay at the base, combined with his previous perception of danger, he can be sure that these spaceships are coming for him.

Jumping out of the speed of light in an area 500 kilometers away from the planet, this kind of track is very telling.

It is important to know that after entering the speed of light, if it is not for the fixed coordinates of the direction of affairs, generally the speed of light will only jump out of the airspace far away from the planet. 500 kilometers is too short for the spaceship to enter the speed of light. Will hit the planet.

David flew out from the exit of the base and flew straight up.

At this time, there was no time to look for the landing ship. He was going to fly directly into space with the golden outer skeleton armor.

To get rid of the gravity of space, powerful thrust is required. David’s golden outer skeleton armor easily meets this standard.

This is also the first time he has left the planet in this way. The multiple energy jet holes on the armor of the golden outer skeleton eject energy downward together, and he turns into a golden meteor and rushes straight into the sky.

David knows that he doesn’t have much time. 500 kilometers is a very short distance for a spaceship in space, so he also turned on the maximum engine power.

The engine made of special-grade material alloy, after fully exerting its power, burst out terrifying energy.

As David felt the weakening of gravity, he was flying faster and faster, and when he saw the destroyer leaving the airport on its own, he was already in space.

The door of the destroyer opened and David flew into the ship and into the cockpit.

“Kitts, turn on the maximum power scan!” David commanded in a deep voice while sitting.

A light curtain lit up in front of him, and then he saw 100 bright spots in an area of ​​30 kilometers, which were distributed into a wedge shape.

David’s expression congeals, this is the typical battle formation of the military space fleet.

Even if these 30 spaceships are not military spaceships, their crews have received military professional training.

David pointed on one of the highlights, and more detailed information was passed over. This highlight was a frigate of the latest model.

He showed all the other highlights in detail and found that they were all the same latest frigates.

“It’s enough to see me!” David muttered to himself.

You must know that the main gun of the frigate can wipe out an area of ​​30 kilometers. If he does not come to space and remains in the base, even if the base has a powerful energy shield, it cannot withstand the 30 latest frigates. Attack at the same time.

At that time, no matter how powerful David is, he can only be killed in the base.

“Charge the two main ship-borne star-destroying guns!” David saw severe expression flashed, and he commanded Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence.

“The charge is complete, ready to attack!” To David’s surprise, after his order was issued, he immediately received a reply from Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence.

Needless to say, Kitts’ combat intelligence has charged the two main ship-borne star destroyers in advance, ready to attack.

It’s just that this is somewhat different from the Star Destroyer’s main gun that David knew. The ordinary Star Destroyer’s main gun can only be charged before the attack, because it must be activated in a short time after being charged, otherwise it will cause damage to the Star Destroyer’s main gun .

David thought of Kitts’ high-level combat intelligence identity, and combined with him, he still needs to use the Kitts high-level combat intelligence to command the battle. It would be better to ask Kitts’ high-level combat intelligence if he could win the battle independently.

“Kitts, are you sure to defeat these 30 frigates?” David asked.

“Captain, judging by the strength of the enemy and ours, the victory rate is 24.5%!” Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence gave an answer.

David couldn’t help but sink when he heard this answer. He didn’t understand why Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence gave such a low winning percentage.

“Kitts, what is the basis of your analysis and judgment?” David asked Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence.

“Based on scanning the flight attitudes of 30 frigates, the distance between the frigates, and the harmony of cooperation, it can be judged that these 30 frigates are all operated by elite-class captains and crew. My intelligent system is largely The simulation of the operation of the elite class captain and crew, but my advantage is faster response speed!” Kitts advanced combat intelligence replied.

David understood the meaning of Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence, that is, the operators of the 30 frigates are all the most elite captains and crews in the army.

“Kitts, do your calculations add my strength?” David continued to ask.

“Without calculating the strength of the captain, if the captain joins in manipulating ship-based weapons, the victory rate will be less than 20%!” Kitts high-level combat intelligence replied.

David is not helped by the corner of the mouth twitched. The meaning of Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence is obvious. If he manipulates shipborne weapons, it will affect the performance of Kitts’s advanced combat intelligence.

“You are free to fight, I enter the catapult, you find a chance to launch me to the opponent’s flagship position!” David also did not want to manage Kitts’s high-level combat intelligence, he finally ordered.

David needs to participate in the battle in his own way, rather than sitting in a battleship waiting for the 100% win rate.

Recently, he has become familiar with destroyers. Although the destroyers have reduced most of the facilities for the crew, the catapults ejected by the Armored Soldier are not at all removed.

David enters the catapult, waiting for Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence to eject him.

“The report found that an unknown type of destroyer entered the attack range in 30 seconds!” Captain Ebenezer heard the sound from the first ship in the front, and he also looked towards scanning the light curtain.

“When it enters the attack range, the No. 3, No. 5, No. 7, and No. 1 ships will destroy the target!” Captain Ebenezer commanded in a deep voice.

In the wedge-shaped formation, the main guns of the 4 frigates began to charge, and the 4 frigates also formed a row, which could only enter the attack range.

Captain Ebenezer’s gaze is cold and severe. He has been away from the army for 20 years, but both he and his men are veterans with rich combat experience.

Over the years, he and his men no longer lead a dangerous life. On the surface, they are a security company, but they are actually Admiral Longfellow’s private army.

The main task of the fleet is to escort some valuable items, and sometimes guest air pirates, to solve some problems for Admiral Longfellow.

This time Captain Ebenezer received the task, and they spent nearly 20 days on the road alone.

Captain Ebenezer did not look towards the destroyer ahead. That was not his goal. His gaze looked towards the Star Bedarea ahead. His task was to destroy the military base there and kill everyone.

Of course, the most important one is David, known as the “Federal War God”, who is a must-kill target.

Although the reputation of’Federation War God’ is very famous, for a fleet, it can’t be considered.

Why Great Spiritual World owns that many powerhouses, but has an alliance with the Interstellar Federation. Although there are a large number of Armored Soldiers in the Federation, what is more important is the deterrence of the Federation’s space warfare on Great Spiritual World.

Therefore, the elite captains of the Federation do not have much fear of Transcendent, as long as they command a fleet, they can kill Transcendent.

Captain Ebenezer thought that sending 30 powerful battleships to deal with the’Federal War God’ David, and made some fuss.

Just as Captain Ebenezer was thinking about it, suddenly two light beams lit up in front of him, and he couldn’t help but look down towards the light curtain.

The light curtain showed that there was still a 5-second range from the attack range, but the unknown type of destroyer actually attacked first, and still attacked by 2 sect master guns at the same time.

“The energy shield of the No. 30 ship was broken and the hull was damaged by 1%. Request to quit the battle!”

“The energy shield of ship 3 was broken and the hull was damaged by 25%. Request to quit the battle!”

With the battle damage report and withdrawal request from Ship No. 3 and Ship 2 almost simultaneously, Captain Ebenezer couldn’t help but look serious.

“Ship No. 3 and No. 1 retreated to the rear of the fleet, and repairs were started immediately, and the fleet formation was changed to a fan shape!” Captain Ebenezer said solemnly.

Just as Captain Ebenezer issued an order, two light beams lighted up again.

“The energy shield of ship 5 was broken and the hull was damaged by 35%. Request to quit the battle!”

“The energy shield of ship 7 was broken and the hull was damaged by 22%. Request to quit the battle!”

Another 2 battleship frigate requested to withdraw from the battle due to battle damage.

“Damn it, this is a special engine battleship. All the frigates shrink their formations and merge their energy shields!” Captain Ebenezer’s face changed and immediately changed his order.

The four front frigates were damaged because of his carelessness, which also made him understand what type of destroyer was.

It has always been heard that the research institute under Great Marshal Andre is studying engines made of high-grade materials and other metals. Although this kind of research is still at the level of the research room, it has produced very few experimental products.

Captain Ebenezer once received the task of snatching high-grade material engines. Unfortunately, the mission was not at all successful. Great Marshal Andre paid much more attention to high-grade material engines than expected and sent a large number of them. battleship escort.

That is the time that the understood of Captain Ebenezer had this type of special engine. This special engine is very easy to distinguish, because any other engines cannot be recharged in a short time.

The destroyer’s 2 sect master cannon fired twice, but just a few seconds later, the 2 sect master cannon fired again.

It was this sudden attack that caused Captain Ebenezer to lose 4 frigates. Although they were not completely destroyed, the damaged frigates could not be re-entered into battle in less than an hour.

Following the command of Captain Ebenezer, the remaining 26 frigates were tightened with the flagship as the center.

Then the energy shields of the 26 ship frigates were brought together and merged into a more powerful energy shield.

“Send 50 Armored Soldiers to take down that destroyer!” Captain Ebenezer commanded again.

Captain Ebenezer has not forgotten that Admiral Longfellow has always been obsessed with high-grade material engines. This time he can not only complete this task, but also can harvest high-grade material engines in his hands.

In space warfare, the role of Armored Soldier is still very large. Armored Soldiers with small targets are difficult to be locked by the opponent’s battleship. Those anti-aircraft firepower can only stop the Armored Soldier, and it is difficult to cause the Armored Soldier to suffer casualties. .

No matter how wealthy people are, they can’t replace the warheads of anti-aircraft firepower with warheads made of materials of Level 2 or higher. Unless they are hit by powerful energy weapons, or hit by missiles, it will be difficult for the Armored Soldier to die.

Armored Soldier wearing a space outer skeleton armor is very flexible in space, and it is difficult for powerful energy weapons to target.

Once a missile is launched on the opposite side, the frigate on this side will also issue a jamming bomb to affect the missile’s attack.

Fifty Armored Soldiers were ejected and flew towards the destroyer. At the same time, several frigates in front also launched a large number of jamming bombs, flying together with 50 Armored Soldiers. Once the missiles were fired on the opposite side, the effect would be minimal.

Captain Ebenezer was also looking at the light curtain in front of him. They were about to enter the attack range, and they could threaten the destroyer.

Seeing the 50 small light spots getting closer and closer to the destroyer, a slight smile appeared on his face.

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