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“That Armored Soldier is David!” Captain Ebenezer exclaimed in surprise.

Since David is here, he does not need to attack the military base to complete the mission.

To be honest, if you venture to attack a military base, you must kill all the soldiers in the entire base, not leaving one.

Once any evidence is left, Admiral Longfellow will not be able to keep them if he is entitled.

Now that the mission goal is in front of him, Captain Ebenezer could not help letting out a long relaxed breath in his heart. Although David’s strength is more terrifying than he thought, the mission is relatively simple.

Until now, Captain Ebenezer did not believe that they would fail. In the 30-to-one situation, it was a dream to rely on David, the Armored Soldier, to reverse the battle.

According to the command of Captain Ebenezer, apart from the four damaged frigates in the rear, the rest of the frigates were separated.

As the distance increases, the energy shield that was originally integrated has returned to the form of each frigate.

“All main guns are charged and ready to bombard David!” Captain Ebenezer commanded immediately after getting a distance from the frigate that David entered.

The captains of the remaining frigates were cold when they heard that David was in the frigate at this time, and he gave this order to attack that frigate.

Although they had thoughts in their minds, these captains passed on the orders.

“The command of this destroyer really will find the right time!” Captain Ebenezer swept his eyes to the light screen and found that the destroyer was no longer retreating at this time, but was flying towards them, seeming to be preparing to rescue David.

But it was too late to come to rescue at this time, and all the main guns began to aim at the frigate where David was.

David, who was in the frigate, was rushing to the engine room. Just cutting the wall of the engine room, he felt at least ten dangers.

David knows that this is being targeted. He is inside the frigate and will be targeted. It must be the main gun locked. Only this kind of range attack can only target a general area and make him feel dangerous.

The Level 4 heavy sword in his hand swept across the engine lightly, making a deep incision in the engine.

Then David contracted his whole body, and the heavy sword in his hand was put away, replaced by a Level 3 shield, blocking him and the engine.

There is a large amount of active energy inside the engine, and this active energy is constrained when the engine is not damaged.

But after a crack in the engine, this energy will rush out to the crack.

David has the ability of’spaceship maintenance master’, which allows him to know very clearly how to make the incision, so that the engine can instantly guide the internal energy without exploding.

At this time, the engine is like this, the internal energy gushes into the incision, which is not weaker than the explosion.

Fortunately, David was holding a Level 3 shield in his hand, and the gushing energy hit the Level 3 shield, causing him to be bounced out like a cannonball.

And the line that popped out was the through channel he cut out with the Level 4 heavy sword. He was pushed out of the frigate by energy faster than when he entered.

Just as his body flew out from the entrance of the entrance, dozens of beams hit the frigate.

Engine damage made many facilities of this frigate unusable, and naturally there was no energy shield. Without an energy shield, how could a frigate block a dozen or so frigates of the same level from attacking the main gun at the same time.

With a sound of’boom’, the frigate was directly exploded.

David felt a greater impetus coming from the Level 3 shield, which made his body fly upside down even faster.

He had long been observing the direction through the Shadow Servant. When he was swept by the edge of the impact of the explosion, the energy jet on the armor of his golden outer skeleton was also spraying energy to guide him in the direction of flying.

During the flight, David ordered Shadow Servant to release the Anderson Transcendent puppet.

The Anderson Transcendent puppet is wearing a’Transcendent armor’, and he holds a Level 3 heavy sword in his hand. His Transcendent power is not much, but it is enough to drive the’Transcendent armor’ to fly.

“How come Transcendent appears, Ten 5, Ten 6, Ten 7, Ten 8, Ten 9, and No. 20 ships lock me on Transcendent and attack with all my strength!” Captain Ebenezer saw that a Transcendent suddenly appeared in his heart. It is extremely strange, he is very clear that here is not at all Transcendent, if there is his information impossible, it will not be displayed.

What David gave to the Anderson Transcendent puppet was a battle order. As long as David did not cancel the order, the Anderson Transcendent puppet would continue to fight with his combat instinct until he died or David canceled the order.

After separating 6 battleships to deal with the Anderson Transcendent puppets, the number of frigates against David became 2, which is still a lot.

But at this moment, the destroyer came within the attack range of the “Ion Magnetic Rail Cannon”. The attack of the “Ion Magnetic Rail Cannon” was very concentrated, only at the center, and the attack distance was also very far.

The formidable power of the “Ion Rail Gun” is very strong, and the reason why it has not been widely used is because the volume of the “Ion Rail Gun” is too large, and the required energy is beyond the normal battleship.

Because this weapon has a concentrated attack, it needs to hit the vitals of the enemy ship. Otherwise, a palm-sized hole will have little effect on the goal of battleship.

Captain Ebenezer did not fail to guard against the destroyer, but he once again misjudged the attack distance of the destroyer. This time the attack distance of the Ion Magnetic Railgun was farther than before.

A frigate that was tracking David was hit by the’Ion Magnet Railgun’, which hit the frigate’s ammunition depot.

A high temperature beam shot through the ammunition depot, two missiles were penetrated by the high temperature beam, and the kryptonite crystal energy powder inside the missile was ignited.

First there were 2 explosions, and then other ammunition in the ammunition depot exploded. The frigate was directly torn into 2 sections by the internal explosion.

David is now very embarrassed. He originally thought it would be easy to approach the other frigate, but found that as soon as he entered the range of two hundred meters, the opponent fired ten defensive missiles.

The previous 3 frigates were all due to the short distance between each other, and there was no time to launch the missiles, which gave him a chance.

Now that the frigate has enough distance, it is very difficult for David to imagine the successful sneak attack as before.

David didn’t dare to meet force with force with ten defensive missiles. His body turned an arc in space, took ten defensive missiles, and turned around. He himself continued to fly toward the closest frigate.

The Shadow Servant flew to the front 100 metres earlier. David is now 100 metres away from the frigate, and the Shadow Servant is already close to the cockpit of the frigate.

The energy shield of the frigate has no effect on the Shadow Servant, it passes through easily.

David paid attention to the ten defensive missiles behind him. The defensive missiles were so fast that he could not hold on for long.

Flew ten meters forward again, Shadow Servant entered the cockpit, David saw the cockpit through the eyes of Shadow Servant.

At this time, David was in an explosive state. Because the time was too short, the time he could use was shorter, so he needed a faster reaction speed.

In the cockpit, there are 2 Armored Soldiers guarding the cockpit door, the cockpit door is closed, this is to prevent someone from rushing into the cockpit after intrusion.

David thoughts move, the spirit drew a’bewitching pattern’, Shadow Servant quickly flashed back with this’bewitching pattern’, then appeared in the cockpit and threw the’bewitching pattern’ at one of them Armored Soldier.

David could not get closer because the frigate fired ten more defensive missiles, blocking him back and forth.

David turned immediately, away from the frigate from the 2nd side, and due to the characteristics of the defensive missile, he estimated that he could only dodge until he was overtaken by the defensive missile.

As he turned, he felt a soul being controlled by the’bewitching pattern’. He didn’t have time to think about it, so he could only hurriedly issue an order to this soul.

“This is the’Federation War God’. Didn’t he know that we have a special strategy for Armored Soldier? He wants to destroy the frigate with one person?” The captain on the frigate said with a cold laugh.

Although they have been away from the army for a long time, because they have been fighting within the Federation, their opponents are Armored Soldier and Transcendent, so when it comes to dealing with Armored Soldier and Transcendent, their experience is even more abundant than that of the regular military fleet.

At first was succeeded by the David sneak attack. It was indeed that David’s strength was very strong, but as long as the frigate was prepared and wanted to fight with the frigate with the combat power of an Armored Soldier, it was basically impossible.

The captain looked at David running after being chased by the 20 defensive missile, as if watching a joke.

It seems that he can get rid of David without waiting for the surrounding frigates to come and help.

Thinking that the’Federation War God’ might die in his hands, he couldn’t help but feel a little excited. These would be the talk of his life.

While the captain was still thinking, one of the two Armored Soldiers standing at the door, his eyes under his visor became dull and blank.

In the soul of this Armored Soldier, a huge’bewitching pattern’ occupies most of the Soul Space.

“Kill them all, kill them all!” The Armored Soldier puppet murmured and repeated the command, his body instinctively tightened, preparing for the best shot position.

“What are you talking about? Are you scared by the’Federal War God’? You are so timid!” He side Armored Soldier saw the Armored Soldier puppet seemed a little nervous, still mutter incantations in his mouth, and softly said with a smile.

But at the moment the Armored Soldier turned his head, the Level 2 Heavy Axe in the Armored Soldier puppet’s hand swept across the Armored Soldier’s neck, a close full strength attack, and there was time to accumulate energy before. A blow became a fatal blow.

Armored Soldier’s head flew up, and to death he didn’t understand why his companion, the companion who could trust each other’s life, suddenly shot him.

After the Armored Soldier puppet killed another Armored Soldier in the cockpit, there was no Armored Soldier in the entire cockpit.

“Are you crazy?” After hearing the voice, the captain turned his head and saw the Armored Soldier puppet killing his companion. He couldn’t help but angrily roared.

The captain’s voice reminded the Armored Soldier puppet, he was still muttering David’s command, but his body rushed towards the captain.

The captain wanted to dodge, but the ordinary person, or the Armored Soldier without armor, faced a fully armed Armored Soldier, there was an unimaginable gap in speed and strength.

The captain’s evasion was more like a struggle. After the Armored Soldier puppet hacked and chopped down mercilessly, the captain died, followed by the rest of the crew. The Armored Soldier puppet in the cockpit completed a massacre.

The Armored Soldier puppet kills all crew members. It takes only 5 seconds. From here, we can also see the strength gap between the ordinary person and the Armored Soldier.

The Armored Soldier puppet saw that there were no more people in the cockpit, and aimed at the instruments in the cockpit.

Between the flashes of energy, all the equipment that the Armored Soldier puppet could see was destroyed. The Armored Soldier puppet was like a saboteur. He didn’t care about the physical consumption, and continued to destroy it down the cockpit.

At this time, even if someone can stop the Armored Soldier puppet, the frigate can no longer be used.

David can feel the threat of defensive missiles coming from behind, and his perception of danger is constantly reminding him.

“Why hasn’t it stopped?” David was still thinking as he fled.

Just when he thought he had to use the life-saving method, all the next 20 defensive missiles stopped working.

The work of defensive missiles requires the support of scanning equipment. Without scanning equipment, the defensive missiles will stop working.

At such a close distance, attacking missiles is not a good choice, because defense missiles are more controllable, and accidents that accidentally injure friendly ships will not occur.

David turned his head and glanced at the defensive missile that still had five meters away from him, and he was also afraid for a while.

He knew that he had overestimated his own abilities. In this kind of space battle, his role would become very limited when he met professional opponents.

Fighting in space is completely different from his normal fighting.

No one will fight with you in close quarters, and long-range sniping is extremely limited for a huge battleship.

David is observing the current battle situation. On the other side, the Anderson Transcendent puppet is instinctively dealing with the 6 frigates. The Anderson Transcendent puppet is very cunning, and is not close to the frigates. Instead, it uses agility and speed to keep away from the frigates. Not close distance.

At this distance, the main guns of the frigate cannot be used, and the near fire resistance is somewhat weak, and only the missiles are still useful.

But the speed of the Anderson Transcendent puppet is much faster than that of David, which makes the Anderson Transcendent puppet very calm.

Captain Ebenezer took David as the main target, and he used most of his combat power to deal with David. On the one hand, David is known as the “Federal War God” and is stronger than Transcendent. On the other hand, David is also him. As long as you kill David, the task is complete.

David found that he did not need to care about the Anderson Transcendent puppet, and the survivability of the Anderson Transcendent puppet was stronger than him.

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