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On the destroyer’s side, Kitts’ high-level combat intelligence was more cunning. He didn’t directly confront the fleet at all, but kept wandering.

But the destroyer has achieved a lot of results. In a short time, it has damaged 2 more frigates and made them withdraw from the battlefield.

The combat philosophy of Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence is to save yourself as the first priority. On this basis, the second is to attack the enemy, which is inseparable from the original user of this destroyer.

As a reserve vehicle for Great Marshal Andre, the program designed for Kitts’s advanced combat intelligence is naturally to protect Great Marshal Andre, but fighting is not the most important.

David had a moment of distraction on the battlefield, but was immediately reminded by the slight sting of danger.

All around 3 more frigates approached. Although the main gun could not start the attack, the secondary guns with smaller formidable power were all charged up, ready to give David a fatal blow.

The scanning devices of the three frigates locked David. David didn’t want to bet on whether the coordination between the three frigates was perfect. If the three secondary artillery attacks were perfectly coordinated, he could completely block his multiple escape directions. There was a chance of one third. Hit him.

David quickly analyzed it in his heart. After the analysis, he turned and flew towards the frigate that had been slaughtered by the Armored Soldier puppet once.

This time there was no energy shield, no missiles to stop him, he quickly reached the distance of several hundred meters, a sword cut a gap, and he rushed in.

Then David felt the sense of lock disappear, and he also sensed the existence of the Armored Soldier puppet. He did not expect that the Armored Soldier puppet had not been killed by the rest of the Armored Soldier on the frigate.

David did not know what happened in the cockpit, and the rest of the Armored Soldier in the frigate did not know.

So not at all Armored Soldier come and check it out. Of course, this is also happening too fast. After a little while, Armored Soldier will find an abnormality.

With a move in David’s heart, he called the Armored Soldier puppet over.

At this moment, the entire hull of the frigate suddenly shook, and it was three frigates that launched an attack on the frigate.

Fortunately, the secondary artillery attack, not at all terrifying power like the main artillery, just knocked out a big hole in the body of the frigate.

However, through the Shadow Servant staying outside the ship, David saw that the main guns of the three frigates were being charged. The other party really didn’t care that there was a crew here, so he planned to kill David and the other crew.

At this time, the capable Armored Soldier was trying to escape from the frigate, and the ordinary crew members could only shout in despair.

The golden outer skeleton armor on David’s body became dimmed, and then his body fuse together with the all around environment, and he turned on the environment fusion function on the golden outer skeleton armor.

He hit the ship with a sword, and opened a gap in the ship again. At this time, the Armored Soldier puppet also ran over.

David let the Armored Soldier puppet go out first, and he hides behind the Armored Soldier puppet, trying to block his body with the body of the Armored Soldier puppet, so as to reduce the possibility of being discovered by various scanning devices.

He is now very close to the other three frigates, and he will be discovered accidentally. When he tried to approach the frigate with the corpse of Armored Soldier before, he was probably discovered by life detection devices. This time he used a living one. Try Armored Soldier as a cover.

There were nearly 20 Armored Soldiers who escaped from the frigate. Three frigates did not at all attacked the Armored Soldiers who escaped. They didn’t do it well, but they strengthened the identification of these Armored Soldiers.

Fortunately, David’s outer skeleton armor is too conspicuous, they are very good to distinguish whether David is mixed in it.

After no trace of David was found, one of the three frigates began to accept these Armored Soldiers.

David has always been closely attached to the Armored Soldier puppet, coupled with his own ability to hide breath, and the ability to integrate the armor of the golden outer skeleton, so that the scanning device on the frigate does not at all find him.

He entered the ship with the Armored Soldier puppets, and he saw several medical Armored Soldiers welcoming the Armored Soldiers.

This time David is not at all thinking about his previous brutality. He needs a better battle method, otherwise he will always be in danger.

Armored Soldier The puppet was inspected by an Armored Soldier and found that he was not at all injured and was arranged to enter the ship lounge.

David was still closely behind the Armored Soldier puppet and entered the lounge in the same way.

At this time, Shadow Servant flew out a long time ago, looking at the environment all around, here is two hundred meters away from the cockpit, he needs to go to the cockpit, he needs to pass the distance of two hundred meters.

David took control of the Armored Soldier puppet and left the lounge. Since there was still shelling outside during the battle, the management here was not strict.

No one prevented the Armored Soldier puppet from leaving the lounge, which made the Armored Soldier puppet walk into the passage easily.

Walking along the passage to the cockpit, there was also no question from the crew along the way.

Only when there were ten meters near the cockpit, a group of Armored Soldier blocked the Armored Soldier puppet.

“Why are you here? Go back to the lounge immediately!” The headed Armored Soldier recognized the emblem on the armor of the skeleton outside the Armored Soldier puppet, shouted in a deep voice.

David doesn’t have time to entangle with these Armored Soldiers, he has achieved his goal here.

He instantly activated a seldom-used ability’Spiritual Storm’, and an invisible ripple was generated from him, and he controlled it to rush toward this group of Armored Soldiers.

The 6 Armored Soldiers stayed together. Inside the outer skeleton armor, all 6 Armored Soldiers bleeds from their ears and noses. At such a close range, they took the strongest blow of the real’Spiritual Storm’.

The reason why David rarely used’Spiritual Storm’ in the past was because the attack effect of the War Star’Spiritual Storm’ on the insect race was not ideal. Maybe his spirit can be improved to have a better effect.

But when dealing with these Armored Soldiers, the effect of’Spiritual Storm’ seems terrifying.

Although the 6 Armored Soldiers were still standing in place, it was because the outer skeleton armor was deadlocked after the internal Armored Soldier died, so that the 6 Armored Soldiers could be kept standing.

Shadow Servant had already rushed over to absorb the souls of the 6 Armored Soldiers. Not only these 6 Armored Soldiers, they continued to rush towards the cockpit following the’Spiritual Storm’.

First, the two Armored Soldiers behind the cockpit door were swept by the’Spiritual Storm’ and died, and then all the crew members of the entire cockpit. David’s’Spiritual Storm’ had an attack range of 2 metres, and the entire cockpit within this range In it.

David asked the Armored Soldier puppet to stand beside the six Armored Soldiers and guard the hatch. He came to the hatch and used the identity bracelet to face the electronic lock of the hatch. The electronic lock was soon opened.

He opened the door and walked into the cockpit, seeing that all the crew here, including the captain, had been killed by the’Spiritual Storm’.

Several times lower than David’s spirit, being hit by’Spiritual Storm’ is naturally a mortal end.

David came to the captain’s position, pulled the captain away from his seat, and then used the captain’s identity bracelet to snatch the frigate’s authority.

He also knew that the highest level of authority for such a frigate was with the captain, and he needed to seize authority as quickly as possible.

After 5 seconds, he has the same authority as the dead captain.

He put a part of his mind into Shadow Servant within the body, and then he operated on the captain’s light curtain, and at the same time operated the operation interface of the rest of the crew through Shadow Servant.

The charging of the main guns also ended at this time, and the other two frigates simultaneously launched their final lethal attacks on the frigates suspected of being David.

However, the frigate controlled by David locked the target as the flagship, just when the main gun was recharged, he didn’t need to wait, just activated the main gun.

With the roar of the main gun, a beam of light hit the flagship. The energy shield outside the flagship was directly destroyed by such a close blow, and the remaining formidable power blasted a huge hole in the flagship.

David shook the head and was very dissatisfied with this attack. The energy shield made by the Federation was too high for the defensive power of the main gun.

He operated his fingers quickly, and all the attack missiles on the frigate were activated by him. He didn’t care if it was accidentally injured or not, anyway, it was all enemies.

2 attack missiles were fired from the frigate, and David’s next command was to overclock the engine.

Engine overclocking is a destructive operation, and normally no captain will issue such an order, because the consequence of this is that the engine will be directly scrapped after a short burst.

Once the engine is scrapped, the entire battleship will lose all its power. In space, the consequences of losing power are very terrible.

Without temperature control, without the survival system, without the gravity system, the inside of the battleship will become chaotic. Except for the Armored Soldier wearing outer skeleton armor, the rest will be frozen to death by the extreme cold, or suffocated to death due to lack of oxygen. .

David doesn’t matter, he just needs the engine to explode for a short time, and the frigate suddenly accelerates and rushes towards the flagship.

Suddenly, all the frigates were performing their respective tasks, and the frigate controlled by David broke out, making everyone unable to react.

When the reaction came over, the flagship had already been hit hard.

As the frigate accelerated towards the flagship, another operation of David was also underway.

After the attack missile was fired, a large number of jamming projectiles were fired again, which in the eyes of the others did not want to be hit by the attack missiles fired by the other frigates.

At this time, in order to deal with the attack missiles, the remaining frigates also released a large number of jamming bombs. The entire not-so-large airspace flew in 4 random jamming bombs.

The Armored Soldier puppet sat on the captain’s chair, David cut the bulkhead with a sword, and he flew out of the frigate while still driving the environment fusion system.

In an environment full of jamming bombs, the scanning device was greatly affected, and countless snowflakes flickered on the scanning light curtains of each frigate.

Normally, this kind of thing would not happen. With the main gun and the secondary gun, no battleship would bring the enemy ship close to such a short distance and release attack missiles frantically.

It was this helpless battle that caused all attacked frigates to release jamming bombs.

The frigate continued to rush towards the flagship. Except for the frigate that was fighting with Anderson Transcendent and the destroyer, the rest of the frigates launched an attack on the controlled frigate.

Engine overclocking gave this frigate a stronger energy shield, and the main gun could not be recharged in a short time. The attacks of the other frigates could not stop the impact of this frigate.

Captain Ebenezer stood in the damaged cockpit, his face was extremely ugly, and the flagship was severely damaged. This kind of thing is a great mistake for any commander.

In a normal battle, an attack on a flagship represents the defeat of the battle.

But Captain Ebenezer fought with an Armored Soldier. Although there was a Transcendent and a destroyer beside him, he knew very well that he was defeated by an Armored Soldier.

“Captain, we have to move, the impact will come within 5 seconds!” A crew member came to Captain Ebenezer to remind.

“Hey!” Captain Ebenezer wanted to say stiffly that I would not go, but the long and easy life had smoothed his edges and corners, and he could only sigh.

Captain Ebenezer took the escape capsule dedicated to the captain. This escape capsule was under his captain’s chair. He could escape by pressing the escape button.

This was designed by him ten years ago. In that year, he met his current wife. For the first time, he felt the fear of death.

Captain Ebenezer flew out of his escape capsule before the flagship was hit by the frigate.

Captain Ebenezer watched his flagship being hit heavily by the frigate. The energy shield of the flagship had been broken long before, and he could only withstand this heavy blow.

No one thought that after this impact, all the weapons of the frigate except the main gun were activated. The defensive missiles, near fire resistance, and secondary guns all launched an attack with their maximum attack capability.

Launching such an attack at such a close range is tantamount to suicide. Not only the flagship is damaged, but the frigate attached to the flagship is also affected.

Captain Ebenezer could only watch his flagship being attacked by various weapons. After this time, the flagship would not be able to use it without experiencing a great cultivator.

During the flight, David had seen this escape capsule a long time ago, because this escape capsule was too special, had a different appearance from other escape capsules, and was larger and more complicated than other escape capsules.

So David immediately knew that this was an important figure, and who the important figure on a flagship would be, of course, was the captain.

David speeded up to the escape capsule. Shadow Servant got inside and saw Captain Ebenezer. Through his clothes, David knew that he had found Captain Ebenezer.

He did not immediately kill Captain Ebenezer. In his opinion, Captain Ebenezer was mortal, but it was still valuable.

Just like before, David is attached to the escape pod again. The environment integration system makes him a part of the escape pod.

The escape pod flew towards a frigate. The frigate was the backup command ship. Captain Ebenezer needed to go there to continue commanding the fleet.

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