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The flagship was severely damaged and almost completely destroyed, which shocked the crew of all the frigates on the battlefield, and the captains who had lost the unified command also lost their minds for a while.

The loss of the leadership of Captain Ebenezer over time will lead to chaos.

Captain Ebenezer knew this very well, so he needed to enter the standby command ship quickly and continue to command the fleet.

The escape capsule was towed into the backup command ship. As soon as the escape capsule was stopped, Captain Ebenezer immediately opened the hatch.

The captain of this frigate waited aside with two medical Armored Soldiers, and saw Captain Ebenezer hurried forward.

“Captain, are you not injured?” The captain of the frigate asked with concern.

“I’m okay, take me to the cockpit soon!” Captain Ebenezer waved to stop the inspection of the two medical Armored Soldiers said solemnly.

“Please!” The captain of the frigate also knew the situation urgently.

The captain of the frigate led the way, and the captain of Ebenezer followed behind. The two men were about to walk quickly towards the cockpit.

David smashed his hands heavily on the two medical Armored Soldiers. To deal with this medical Armored Soldier without battle strength, his bare-handed use of outer skeleton armored gloves made of Level 2 materials was enough.

Two medical nurses, Armored Soldier, were knocked out before they even had time to react. Whether they can wake up depends on their luck.

The Captain Ebenezer and the captain of the frigate heard the sound and looked behind them, just in time to see David’s silhouette exiting from the state of environmental integration, revealing the golden outer skeleton armor.

“‘Federation War God’ David!” Captain Ebenezer didn’t expect David to be here at this time, he felt cold and said.

“It seems that you came here specially to deal with me!” David lightly saying.

He stepped forward 2 steps, carried 2 people in his hands, and rushed towards the cockpit at full speed.

The distance from the cockpit here is 150 meters. David came out of the cockpit after hitting 3 bad luck crew members at full speed.

There is also a group of 6 Armored Soldier guards. They saw that the captain and the captain were held hostage, and were afraid to attack David. They were afraid that the two officers would be harmed, so they could only stand in front of David.

Behind David, dozens of Armored Soldiers are rushing here, and David has notified these Armored Soldiers of the captain and captain holding captain.

David didn’t stop, he opened his mouth and it was a “High Frequency Sound Wave”. All the six Armored Soldiers shook their bodies and fell into a vertigo that lasted more than 6 seconds.

‘High Frequency Sound Wave’ can only be stunned for one second at most when dealing with Level 2 insect race, even some physique powerful Level 2 insect race can only stun for less than one second.

But when the human Armored Soldier is not wary, the effect of the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ is very strong, which is related to human physique.

In fact, if the human Armored Soldier knows in advance, it is possible to open the sonic shield on the outer skeleton armor. This device will be equipped on most outer skeleton armor to prevent insect race attacks with sonic innate talent.

Turning on the shield that isolates sound waves will affect the Armored Soldier’s judgment of outside sounds, so it is usually not turned on.

David threw the frigate captain in his right hand forward, then the Level 4 heavy sword was pulled out, and his body charged forward at high speed.

During the charge, the Level 4 heavy sword in his hand was swung out, and the 6 Armored Soldiers were still stunned, and they were killed directly.

David’s speed is very fast. He quickly rushed past the frigate captain who was thrown out, and the Level 4 “deceleration heavy sword” swung out, breaking the cockpit door, and there were 2 swords connected to each other. The door assassinated the two Armored Soldiers in the cockpit.

He casually retracted the Level 4 “deceleration heavy sword”, then turned around and caught the frigate captain that was thrown out.

David walked into the cockpit and scanned the cockpit.

“You all stand there!” He said in a deep voice to the crew.

The rest of the crew here are ordinary persons, even the Armored Soldier is not wearing outer skeleton armor, not at all, who will rush forward with iron.

In fact, the crew here were terrified. They knew David’s identity. The prestige of’Federal War God’ had spread throughout the Interstellar Federation.

Not to mention that in an instant, all 8 Armored Soldiers were killed, which was the result of David holding 2 captains in his hands.

The crew obediently and honestly followed David’s request and walked to the corner of the cockpit. No one dared to make any changes.

“You should be the captain of this captain, right?” David put down the two captains, looked at Captain Ebenezer and asked.

“Yes!” Captain Ebenezer wanted to resist and wanted to say something hard, but when he saw the golden outer skeleton armor on David’s body, his words turned into confession.

“Can you introduce myself? You know me, but I don’t know your name. It’s very unfair!” David said solemnly.

“My name is Ebenezer!” Captain Ebenezer replied honestly.

“You are in my hands, I only ask once, do you agree to surrender?” David continued to ask.

David took out the Level 4 heavy sword as he spoke. His actions were very straightforward, and the result of his opposition was death.

Captain Ebenezer’s face was blue and white, and his mind quickly turned many thoughts, but whenever he thought of death, his whole body would tremble.

After enjoying the good life, Captain Ebenezer is no longer the elite military captain who fought desperately with the insect race.

The current Captain Ebenezer knows very well that a word of him determines his fate, whether it is life or death.

Death is simple, just reject David’s proposal.

But if he dies, everything he has worked so hard for so many years will be in vain.

Life is surrender, but after surrendering, Admiral Longfellow will not let him go, and his ending will not be better.

Captain Ebenezer kept thinking about it, but he also saw the impatience on David’s face.

“We won’t surrender, die your heart!” The captain of the frigate shouted at the side of Captain Ebenezer.

David’s Level 4 “deceleration heavy sword” in the hands of the frigate captain uttered these words, he cut off his head, and the heavy sword swept from top to bottom.

The captain of the frigate stood on the spot, and then separated his body from left to right. The scene was extremely bloody.

It’s not that Captain Ebenezer has never seen dead people, even if he left the army, his hands have been stained with blood over the years.

But this was the consequence of rejecting David. Captain Ebenezer seemed to have seen the tragedy of his rejection of David, and his cheeks twitched.

“Captain Ebenezer, do you also want to refuse? I don’t have time to spend with you here. Let’s decide soon!” David turned his head and looked towards Captain Ebenezer and said.

“I surrender!” Captain Ebenezer said softly as if his whole strength was gone.

At this time, 24 Armored Soldiers swarmed in from outside. They saw Captain David and Ebenezer, as well as the captain of the frigate who had been dismembered.

When David was interrupted, Captain Ebenezer only agreed. Before continuing, these Armored Soldiers came, which made him very unhappy.

He also needs to let Captain Ebenezer see his own strength and let the last trace of resistance of Captain Ebenezer disappear.

David’s feet pressed hard and the silhouette flashed towards the 24 Armored Soldiers.

The grandmaster level’s’heavy sword space slash’ is turned on. His equipment, speed, and power are far superior to these Armored Soldiers. Coupled with the huge gap in skills, this makes the Armored Soldier of the same level appear extremely weak in front of David.

After 2 seconds, there was no more standing Armored Soldier in the entire cockpit, not even an Armored Soldier that could groan.

Every Armored Soldier is directly owed by David. Even if Armored Soldier uses a weapon to block the neck, their weapon will be chopped off along with the neck.

David once again returned to the side of Captain Ebenezer and shook off the blood on the Level 4 heavy sword.

“Captain Ebenezer, please give the order!” David said with a please gesture to Captain Ebenezer with his left hand without a sword.

Captain Ebenezer completely lost his confidence, his eyes were full of fear, he saw such a powerful David, in his eyes David was like a demon.

“I am Captain Ebenezer, I order all battleships to surrender!” Captain Ebenezer came to the command light curtain, used his identity bracelet to open the authority, and then commanded all the frigates.

David also gave Anderson Transcendent an order to stop through the spiritual connection, while using the identity bracelet to connect to the Kitts high-level combat intelligence on the destroyer, and also issued the order to stop the battle.

“Captain, why?” a frigate captain asked very dissatisfied.

“Execute the order! All battleships surrender!” Captain Ebenezer glanced at David beside him and repeated in a deep voice.

“They have so few people, we can win, why surrender?” Another captain asked.

“It seems that your words have no effect, then you have no value!” David lightly saying on the side.

A panic flashed in the eyes of Captain Ebenezer, he directly used his authority to lock all battleships, and immediately all the frigates stopped, and the energy shield disappeared.

“Captain Ebenezer, congratulations, you survived!” David said with a smile.

The task of receiving prisoners of war was completed by the Armored Soldier of the base. When notified by David, the soldiers in the base showed an unbelievable look.

“‘Federation War God’ won 10000!” I don’t know which soldier cheered first, and then cheers came from the base.

Dozens of landing ships lifted into the air. Regardless of the lack of mid- and high-level officers in the base, the number of Armored Soldiers is definitely very large. All the Armored Soldiers of the entire planetary defense force are in the base.

Throughout the process of receiving prisoners of war, not at all prisoners of war dared to resist.

In fact, the Armored Soldiers in the army are eager for someone to resist, and they are very angry at the enemies who use the opportunity of their inability to drive the battleship to attack them.

Of the 30 frigates, 4 have lost the meaning of maintenance, and 6 require great cultivator. The rest of the frigates have not suffered much damage.

David would not use these frigate attacks to sue Admiral Longfellow. This can’t be considered for Admiral Longfellow. He can get away with just a little push.

David will not even report to Great Marshal Andre. No matter how much Great Marshal Andre takes care of him, he is not sure that Great Marshal Andre will bring down a deputy commander for him.

The destroyer was still parked in space. This time it was not at all entering the airport, but was on standby at any time. David issued an automatic battle command to Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence.

As long as there is any spaceship approaching without permission, they can actively attack.

David personally escorted Captain Ebenezer back to the base on the landing ship. When he walked into the base, the whole base burst into cheers.

Many soldiers in the base understand that if they dare to attack a fleet of military bases, they will never be left alive. If David fails, they will all be killed.

It is because of being saved that such gratitude erupts.

David took Captain Ebenezer to the office.

“Dillac, let the order go on, let the maintenance Armored Soldier do my best to repair these frigates, and I will pay all the expenses!” David instructed the Adjutant Dillac.

The reason why he ordered this is because he did not use any military resources in this battle. It was entirely his personal battle.

These frigates David has no plans to hand over, regardless of his destroyers can hit 30, but if it is an ordinary frigate in the military, I am afraid that 2 to 3 or even 1 to 1 may not have a chance of winning.

These frigates are all the latest frigates, even if there are credits and no place to buy them.

David didn’t worry about someone coming to ask for it. If anyone came to ask for it, it would be related to the attack on the military base by the fleet. As long as people with normal brains would not do such a thing.

To know that the forces that can send such a fleet to attack the Planet Bedarea escort must have a profound background.

At this time, it is definitely not a good choice to intervene in the contradiction between such forces and David.

“Captain Ebenezer, you and your men will be handed over to the military, and the military court will give you a fair verdict!” David sat on the office chair and looked at Ebenezer standing at the desk. The captain said.

Captain Ebenezer felt extremely helpless. He knew very well why David brought him here. This was to give him some important information to buy his life.

Otherwise, how could David bring him to the office, talk alone, and hand him over to the military.

Captain Ebenezer did not want to be sent to a military court, so he would die, and Admiral Longfellow would not allow him to live.

“I have here a list of tasks assigned by Admiral Longfellow. These 30-year tasks are included in it. There is also Admiral Longfellow’s certification information, which can verify the assigners of these tasks. I also know some companies that belong to Admiral Longfellow, and these The relationship between the company and the mission!” Captain Ebenezer said actively.

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