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David did not at all break his promise this time. Captain Ebenezer left in a small spaceship. As for where Captain Ebenezer could go, David did not care.

He got a detailed list of 2 1005 missions, of which as many as 40 missions are all heist and kill missions, all of whom are opponents of Admiral Longfellow.

David looked at these materials, but for a moment he didn’t know how to apply them.

Although he is currently very famous in the Interstellar Federation, his real influence is limited, he is like a mascot.

The biggest reason is that David is too young and the time in the army is too short. He has enough combat exploits and strength, but he has no corresponding background.

The Thongtuo Star Domain Military Department once again sent a military investigation team, and they took all the prisoners away. As for the disappeared Captain Ebenezer, although they also had doubts, no one dared to ask David.

The military investigation team also brought the middle and high-ranking officers who had been taken away for investigation, and also arrived together with the three newly transferred captains.

This time, the Star Domain military department showed a very fast response speed. To be honest, the generals who have been connected to the Star Domain military department do not want to have any contact with the Planet Bedarea defense forces, let alone have any contact with David.

They all faintly know who wants to deal with David. Before, they might have thought to shoot Admiral Longfellow’s flattery and secretly help Admiral Longfellow deal with David.

But this time the fleet of the latest type of frigate of 30 ships was solved by David one man, one ship, which shocked the generals of the military headquarters of Star Domain.

They even thought about how Lieutenant Admiral Kenneth was kidnapped. Lieutenant Admiral Kenneth was from Admiral Longfellow. They all knew this very well.

No matter who was kidnapped by Lieutenant General Kenneth, it was David who got the most benefit from it. Especially after Lieutenant General Kenneth just used his power to help deal with David, he was hijacked, and his life is unknown.

In addition, another Beaumont Lieutenant General also disappeared after participating in the attack on David. The combination of the two things made them think carefully.

They don’t want to become another missing general, so they will make up for their previous mistakes and the missing officers of the Planet Bedarea defense army at this time.

As for all kinds of supplies, I dare not have the slightest shortage.

Even the military investigation team that came this time did not ask to meet with David, but left after handing over with the officer below.

From the time the military investigation team arrived and left, the entire process took only one hour.

David also noticed the attitude of the military department. If such a big incident happened, the military department did not contact him, just as if he did not exist.

“Captain of Defense, are you looking for me?” Captain Glenn Fair walked into David’s office and asked.

Captain Glenn Fair is an alumnus of David, both graduated from the Interstellar Federation Military Academy, which makes the relationship between the two people naturally close.

Captain Glenn Fair was taken away for investigation and returned with the military investigation team this time.

David knew that Captain Glenn Fair was taken away because of what happened. It was simply Admiral Longfellow who wanted to deal with him, and Captain Glenn Fair was implicated.

So David is still very sorry for Captain Glenn Fair, but it’s hard to tell.

“Captain Glenn Fair, my recent cultivation has reached an important time, I am afraid that I need to concentrate on retreating for a period of time, I want to leave the affairs of the defense army to you!” David said with a faint smile.

“Congratulations to the Chief of Defense, you are about to be promoted?” Captain Glenn Fair heard David’s statement and couldn’t help but said in surprise.

“It’s not that easy, it’s just that you need to calmly adjust your body, and there is still some distance from promotion!” David said with a smile and shook his head.

“As long as you can trust me, it is no problem for me to take over the military affairs!” Captain Glenn Fair agreed without hesitation.

This kind of thing is a good thing. With this experience of acting defense chief, his promotion will be easier in the future.

Not any chief will be willing to delegate his power to his subordinates to have great power, and only a chief like David who doesn’t care about power will delegate power.

“The defense forces have limited affairs. I will increase your authority and let you act as the chief defense officer. When I leave Bedarea, I will also recommend you to my superiors!” David will not let Captain Glenn Fair do things for nothing. He promised.

There was joy on Captain Glenn Fair’s face, and this promise was very important to him.

A few days later, all of the 30 new frigates that could be repaired were repaired. Even the ones that could not be repaired were towed. The crew hired by David sent these frigates to Alto Fund.

In the following week, David’s daily appearance time became shorter and shorter. After a week, except for the daily food delivered to David’s room and was taken away, David had no contact with the outside world.

In fact, it was not David who was left in the room, but Anderson Transcendent. Anderson Transcendent’s task was to convince the soldiers outside that David was still there.

In Anderson Transcendent in the room, the face on his face is that of David, which is of course a product of biotechnology.

This kind of biotechnology plays a very small role in the Interstellar Federation. Although it can completely replicate someone’s face, most of the Interstellar Federation requires an identity bracelet. This is not at all related to the face, so it’s easy. People will find different.

But on Planet Bedarea, David is the most powerful person, and he announced that no one will disturb him since he retreats.

The process of Armored Soldier promotion to Transcendent is very troublesome. It only takes a long time to make a breakthrough period, and there is a period of transformation afterwards, which may even take several years. Among them, there is a great risk. It is normal to require Armored Soldier meditation cultivation.

Therefore, David’s announcement of the retreat is not obvious. In the case that the Star Domain military department did not ask David, David’s retreat was not at all who paid attention.

In fact, David used the golden outer skeleton armor to fly directly into space the night before. He didn’t even bring a destroyer, just because he didn’t want people to know that he had left.

David drove the golden outer skeleton armor to fly 500 kilometers in space, leaving the Star Bedarea far away.

Only then did he let Shadow Servant release the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’, and his mind entered the soul of the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’, allowing the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ to open up the’abdominal space’ , And then the’intra-abdominal space’ sent out an energetic energy towards him, and he was sucked into the’intra-abdominal space’ of the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’.

It’s huge, the size of a playground, and it’s very clean.

There is no item in the entire space, the ground and all around walls are crystal-like, and the outside through the crystal walls is pitch black.

David observed it, and it was indeed good here. He released the horse and prepared feed for the horse.

He took out some cooked food and prepared to spend some time here.

David connected the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ with his spirit and sent a star map to the soul of the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’.

Then the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ began to accelerate, but there was no sonic boom in space, and the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ was getting faster and faster.

David has always kept in touch with the soul of the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’. This is the first time he has manipulated the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ to fly in space. I don’t know that the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ is in space. How about the flight.

You should know that very few Level 4 insect races can fly out of the first line of defense of the space fleet. Every Level 4 insect race will be violently attacked by the space fleet just after leaving Space Wormhole, that is, it can withstand the attack. Will be killed by more battleship fires.

Therefore, there is very little information about the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ in space, at least David has never seen relevant information.

But David believes that the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ must fly very fast in space, otherwise the insect race will not be able to get through the vast space at all.

This is a peaceful area. The monitoring of insect race is far less rigorous than that of War Zone. In addition,’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ possesses the innate talent of’freely large and small’, making it possible to shrink to more than 2 meters.

Although the size of more than 2 meters looks very large, it can be placed in space, but it is not as good as dust.

The’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ flew faster and faster. After the 500km acceleration process, the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ seemed to penetrate the void, and then the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ seemed to move instantaneously. Like, keep wearing shatter void and then appear again.

“This is the power of Level 4 insect race!” David is connected to the soul of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’, and he can’t help but sigh as he feels the acceleration of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’.

He can understand the initial speed of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’. The speed is far inferior to the impetus of the warp-speed engine, which can increase the spaceship to the speed of light.

But the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ was able to carry out a short space movement after accelerating to a certain degree, each time the distance of space movement was 1000000 kilometers, this kind of movement speed is even faster than the speed of light.

As soon as the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ appeared, it would wear shatter void again, then it appeared 1000000 kilometers away, and then again wear shatter void, reappearing 1000000 kilometers away.

David couldn’t imagine what would happen if the insect race breakthrough was blocked one day and the War Zone entered a wider peaceful area. At the speed of the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’, it might no longer be able to stop the insect race from advancing.

Of course, the ability of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ is not without flaws. It requires an acceleration of 500 kilometers to achieve true spatial movement.

The innate talent of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ made David feel confident. He originally wanted to build a spaceship and use the spaceship to go to Origin Star.

David made up his mind and must solve the trouble of Admiral Longfellow, for which he prepared spare no effort.

Origin Star is indeed difficult to enter, but if David does not use spaceship, but instead flies with outer skeleton armor alone, plus the “environmental integration system” of golden outer skeleton armor, it is almost impossible to find out.

As for what happened after Origin Star, David was prepared to react accordingly.

What he did this time was extremely risky, far less confident than before assassinating Lowes admiral, but he had to do it because Admiral Longfellow touched his bottom line.

If Admiral Longfellow is left alive, his family will always be threatened.

David left from the’intraventral space’ of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’, and the horse was then removed. Both’Sonic Armor-Plated Insect’ and the horse were recovered by Shadow Servant into the summon ring.

David hovered in space and looked at the huge Transmission Gate in the distance. The next thing he wanted to do was to pass the Transmission Gate.

This requires him to wait for some time. The “environment integration system” of the golden outer skeleton armor is turned on, allowing his silhouette to disappear into space.

It didn’t take long. Although this Transmission Gate is not too busy, spaceship will pass through from time to time.

A commercial spaceship broke away from the speed of light and continued to sail towards the Transmission Gate.

David drives the armor of the golden outer skeleton and flies towards this commercial spaceship. The commercial spaceship is slowing down because it needs to be reduced to almost stationary before passing through the Transmission Gate.

This allows David to easily approach the commercial spaceship, and his body is tightly attached to the lower part of the commercial spaceship.

Shadow Servant passes through the outer shell of the commercial spaceship, enters the interior of the commercial spaceship and comes to the cockpit.

The crew in the cockpit is very relaxed, and the vicinity of the Transmission Gate is very safe, because the next half an hour is moving at the slowest speed, so that the crew can relax.

No one noticed that among the many operating light curtains in the cockpit, one light curtain was automatically flashed without being operated.

David was distracted by the Shadow Servant within the body, using the ability of the’electronic countermeasure master’ to easily take the highest authority of this commercial spaceship in his hands.

“Finally found a spaceship in the same direction!” David couldn’t help feeling fortunate when he found the destination of the commercial spaceship.

David opened a door under the commercial spaceship through Shadow Servant again, and he walked in.

He took out a hand bracelet, opened the identity bracelet, and put the identity information of the identity bracelet in the public state.

At the same time, Shadow Servant entered the fake identity bracelet information into the crew information of the commercial spaceship, making David one of the crew members, and a person who passed the Transmission Gate legally.

Not at all crew members on commercial spaceship know that their spaceship has one more legal crew member.

The commercial spaceship is slowly moving towards the Transmission Gate. When passing through the Transmission Gate, the Transmission Gate scans the identity information of each individual and checks them one by one.

Without any accident, the scan passed, the commercial spaceship entered the Transmission Gate, and when it came out, it had reached a remote area.

David left the commercial spaceship silently, and the traces he left were also cleaned up by Shadow Servant.

Soon after,’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ began space travel again.

When David saw the familiar Origin Star, he had only traveled in space for 8 days, using the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ for space navigation, which was three times faster than the speed of light using spaceship.

The original 20-day voyage took only 8 days to arrive.

Of course, if you really use the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ to fly, 8 days is only a small distance for the entire Interstellar Federation, and most of the distance of this voyage is saved through the Transmission Gate.

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