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David uses the flight capability of the golden outer skeleton armor to fly slowly in space. For flying in space, even if the golden outer skeleton armor is extremely fast, it is still slow compared to the vastness of space.

Fortunately, he put the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ away not too far from the Origin Star, here not at all enter the scanning area of ​​Origin Star, and he can’t guarantee it further forward.

David saw Planet Red Sun and Planet One. He didn’t expect to return here under such circumstances.

The armored “environment integration system” of the golden outer skeleton makes him invisible in space. In fact, if he does not use the “environment integration system”, no one will find him.

David’s target flying in space is too small. Even if it is discovered by a scanning device, it will only be treated as space junk or meteorite items.

David’s plan was to make Origin Star treat him as a meteorite. He had already calculated his route before entering Origin Star’s scanning range.

These all are calculated with the help of the auxiliary intelligent system in the skeleton armor outside the golden. After entering the Origin Star scanning range, his speed will remain at a stable value, even the direction will not change.

In this way, even if it is discovered by the scanning device, he will only be regarded as an ordinary meteorite, and will not be regarded as a stowaway.

David dare not take the defense system of Origin Star lightly. As the most important planet of the entire Interstellar Federation, all around satellites alone have the role of security defense, not to mention there are many technologies that he does not know.

So he is ready for multiple hands and must complete this entry action.

When David flew into the atmosphere of Origin Star, the position he entered into the atmosphere was very strange. This position happened to be the furthest away from all the satellites, which made his chance of being discovered extremely low.

After entering the atmosphere, his body all around ignited flames due to rapid friction, and the hot flame not at all passed into the armor of the golden outer skeleton, and even the material of the outer shell did not change in any way.

This piece of Interstellar Federation’s most advanced outer skeleton armor, how can such heat be affected.

The entire falling process lasted a long time, but there was no warning message on David’s visor, which shows the strength of the golden outer skeleton armor.

In the middle of Origin Star Taieryang, a big Fireball slammed into the ocean from in the sky.

Because he didn’t use a bit of braking and deceleration, David actually collided with the sea. Fortunately, the level 3 armor blocked the impact. In addition, the collision with the sea was mostly offset by the sea, but he didn’t suffer. A little hurt.

This is also calculated by David. If it hits the ground, then he will definitely not be better. Although he may not die on the spot, the outer skeleton armor will be damaged and he will be severely injured.

In the ocean, David looked at the map on the visor and his current location.

His position is the same as planned. He needs to move 1400 kilometers in the direction of the landing place, where his target is the “Federal Command”.

David dare not fly on Origin Star, even if he is traveling in the water, he needs to be careful not to be found.

Instead of floating up, he dived, the jet holes on his body ejected energy, pushing him towards the seabed.

After reaching the seabed, he sticks to the seabed and heads to the target 1400 kilometers away.

In an office of Origin Star’Federal Command’, Admiral Longfellow looked gloomyly at the report on the light curtain.

He had known the defeat of his elite fleet a long time ago. He didn’t feel too irritated by a failure. With his status, it is not difficult to rebuild an elite fleet.

The reason why Admiral Longfellow is angry lies in the report in front of him. The report is an investigation into the successive killings of the family members of his intelligence organization.

At first, not at all attracted attention, but as time passed, dozens of family members of Admiral Longfellow’s military intelligence organization were killed. This was obviously a retaliation.

Soon there was a special person to investigate this, and then there was this report.

The report listed that all the intelligence personnel whose family members were killed have also died, and these intelligence personnel have all died in an operation arranged by Mrs. Meredith.

The report attached details of that operation. It was an assassination operation. The target of the assassination was David’s father Hans and his family.

It was also investigated that the family members of Transcendent who were killed in the assassination operation were also assassinated, including the dozen or so Armored Soldiers who participated in the operation, and some of the personnel responsible for intelligence support, whose family members were assassinated one after another.

“Let me call Meredith over!” Admiral Longfellow instructed in a deep voice.

After the order, Admiral Longfellow was helpless. This behavior simply put the opponent to death.

Although some actions can also affect family members, those are either the opponent’s low strength and no threat, or the opponent has died and has completely lost the threat.

Attacking a powerhouse family member is simply forcing the powerhouse to either the fish dies or the net splits.

Admiral Longfellow opened David’s intelligence data again and looked at the horrible to see records.

It has only been three years since David left Rockstar. However, in these three years, the number of people who have died in David’s hands has reached hundreds of thousands, and the number of deaths suspected of David’s start has reached hundreds of thousands. of thousands.

It can be said that David is a lunatic, as long as someone wants to kill him, he will be irreconcilable with each other.

The most frightening thing is that when David was very weak at the time, he repeatedly fought against Great Influence, which was countless times stronger than him, and won each time. In this time of victory, his strength was also It is growing fast.

The military intelligence organization’s rating of David is extreme danger, but it suffers from the lack of evidence, and it is impossible to judge David at all.

“Father!” Mrs. Meredith walked in, greeted her and sat lightly on the sofa.

“Stand up and talk!” Admiral Longfellow said solemnly with a sharp look in his eyes.

Mrs. Meredith quickly stood up, and she looked towards Admiral Longfellow in confusion.

Most recently, thanks to Mrs. Meredith’s help, Admiral Longfellow’s power has grown stronger and Mrs. Meredith has become more free in front of Admiral Longfellow.

That’s why Mrs. Meredith would sit down on her own as soon as she came in, for the father and daughter on the one hand for the benefit.

“Did you use the power I gave you to assassinate Hans?” Admiral Longfellow asked in a deep voice.

“Hans?” Mrs. Meredith couldn’t help but stunned. After a while, she remembered who this was. To be honest, if Hans was not David’s father, she would never remember this person.

“Yes, but I missed it. I didn’t expect Rock Star’s Transcendent to come so quickly!” Mrs. Meredith said not at all, feeling something wrong.

In her opinion, the loss of some personnel counts, but it is a pity that Transcendent, every Transcendent is valuable.

“Do you know that all the people involved in that operation, their families were all assassinated!” Admiral Longfellow said heavily.

“If there is such a thing, who would have such courage!” Mrs. Meredith was also surprised.

“Do you really think that the Federation is the military’s world? Or are you already the President of the Federation?” Admiral Longfellow said disappointedly to Mrs. Meredith.

This kind of assassination can’t even be investigated, because all the people who started it were professional assassins, and these professional assassins took money to do things, just what they could do if they were caught.

“Isn’t it just a’National Scholar’? Isn’t it a failure to kill, or what if it’s killed?” Mrs. Meredith didn’t dare to refute Admiral Longfellow, just whispering to herself.

“Let your guy come back quickly, and let your big brother come back first. After I get rid of David, you can leave Origin Star!” Admiral Longfellow waved and decided.

This David is too strong in revenge. This time he provokes his family. Admiral Longfellow can imagine David will inevitably retaliate.

As for David’s coming to Origin Star to retaliate, this simply doesn’t matter, let alone how difficult it is to enter Origin Star, it is impossible to come to the military to kill people after entering Origin Star.

David didn’t know that Admiral Longfellow had recalled all his family members. After 2 days of traveling in seabed, he finally came to seabed near the target area.

At this moment, he was frowning and looking at an energy net in front of him, which isolated the inside and outside of the sea.

It is estimated that as long as you touch this energy net, you will be discovered. This kind of energy net is generally used for isolation of military zones. Needless to say, the interior is all military zones.

David tried to activate the’underground stealth’ and wanted to enter through the underground.

His body was submerged in the seabed mud, but he found that even if it went deep into ten meters, it was still covered by the energy net. The technological level of this energy net was very high, and it was more advanced than the energy nets he had seen before.

David returned to the sea from the ground, thinking about how to pass through this energy network.

He called Shadow Servant to his side and asked Shadow Servant to activate the attribute panel. He looked towards the various innate talents in the attribute panel.

When he saw’Void Rush’, David’s heart moved. Perhaps other Innate Ability would not help to enter the energy network, but’Void Rush’ seemed feasible.

He introduced space energy from the’Transcendent Army Knife’ on his calf into the body, and then activated the’Void Rush’. Even in the seabed, the’Void Rush’ made him move ten meters forward successfully.

Looking at the energy net behind him, David has a trace of pride on his face.

10000000 Don’t underestimate this energy net, it is precisely because of the power of this energy net that he will pay so much attention to it.

The energy net is not at all offensive, but it scans everything that enters it in detail to determine the level of danger.

For example, if David touches the energy network, he will be spotted by the security system immediately, and then he will know his location.

It’s just that David didn’t expect this energy net to appear in seabed. The energy nets he had seen did not have this function. This was the reason why he chose to enter from seabed at first. He thought it would be a gap here.

Fortunately, David’s ability is comprehensive enough to make such a smooth entry.

The sea was getting shallower and shallower. Through the Shadow Servant on the sea, he saw a beach in front of him. Some men and women were enjoying the sun on the beach.

David was stunned by the sight in front of him, but he didn’t expect this to be the case in this military zone.

Because there is no internal information about the Federal Command, he knows nothing about the Federal Command.

But David quickly understood that this should be part of the living quarters, not the real “Federal Command”.

The “Federal Command” on the map occupies a very large area. David previously thought that there would be some large military facilities here, but now it should be because of the living quarters.

Shadow Servant began to observe the situation of all around again. In the sky, there is an energy net that seems to be there, and it completely wraps the entire area. These energy nets form a completely enclosed area.

On some nodes of the energy network, there are others that are like monitoring devices, constantly scanning the ground.

On the surface, I don’t see weapons here, but David doesn’t think there is no defense.

David took the Shadow Servant back, and let the Shadow Servant into the ground under his feet, wanting to see the underground situation.

Shadow Servant went into 100 meters underground and found nothing abnormal.

David can’t help but want to pat his head. He treats all cities as War Zone cities, and the ground is entirely made of alloy.

It is estimated that the ground made of alloy will only be used in the War Zone. It is not because of beauty, but a kind of helplessness, which must be so in order to survive.

For the residents of Origin Star, enjoyment is the first priority. How can you use those cold alloys? Besides, the safety system here is so powerful that there is no need to use alloys.

David activated the’underground stealth’ and his body went underground, and then quickly moved towards the landing site.

Passing through the beach is a piece of grass. I don’t know what kind of grass is here. After careful pruning, every grass is the same height, showing dark-green, which makes people feel at ease.

David carefully observes the existence of the security system through Shadow Servant, but it seems that this is really a living area. Apart from the monitoring equipment in the sky, there is no security system.

Because of the need to maintain a natural atmosphere, the ground is almost all mud except for some roads.

Of course, he still has to be careful of underground pipes. With Shadow Servant searching for the road all around him, he gave way to the underground pipes. Now he only wants to find a terminal. There is no detailed map inside the “Federal Command”, he is like a Running around like headless flies.

When looking for a terminal, it is natural to find a building. His speed in the underground is a bit slow, plus he needs to rest for 5 minutes every minute of his movement, which even affects his speed.

After finally leaving the seaside area, he saw a row of houses, each of which was built according to high-end villas.

David didn’t know the value of the Origin Star villa, but if you just imagine it, you can also know that being able to own a villa on the coast of Origin Star is definitely not something an ordinary officer can do.

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