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At 6 o’clock in the morning, David came to the underground cultivation room. He was like in his own home. After completing an hour of cultivation, he took a clean shower in the guest room.

The machine nanny brought breakfast. David did not leave the guest room, so he used breakfast in the room.

The security system here has long regarded him as a part of the villa, so it not only allows him to stay in the villa, but also provides him with the best service.

David checked the logs in the security system yesterday. He knew that Admiral Longfellow would sometimes come over on weekends. There are still 2 days before the weekend. He decided to check the situation of the’Federal Command’ before making plans.

This time he came over and he didn’t plan at all, and everything was adaptable.

Waiting for Admiral Longfellow in the villa is actually the safest, but according to the security log of this villa, Admiral Longfellow does not come every weekend. This kind of unknown prevents him from pinning his hopes on it.

When David finished his meal, the machine nanny came to put away the tableware. He went to the mirror and carefully checked his face.

The face shown in the mirror is not David’s original face. His face has undergone a simple disguise. This is an ability he found out of the many light spheres of knowledge that he considered useless in Shadow Servant within the body.

‘Make-up (70% proficient)’, this ability has no effect on David, but at this time it has an effect on him.

Professional-level’make-up’ ability, although there are still some weak spots, but it is enough to hide his original face.

His face is the same as the face of the owner of his fake identity bracelet. Of course, his fake identity bracelet will definitely be found when walking in the living area.

David checked, not at all, and found that there was something wrong with the’make-up’ of his face, so he opened the room and went out.

When he walked out of the guest room, Mrs. Meredith just turned and walked towards the restaurant. Mrs. Meredith’s body blocked the eyes of Major General Luke and Angus, and he passed through the hall like this.

When he came to the garage, there were quite a few suspended cars in the garage, so he chose one and sat in.

The suspension cars here are all privilege cars. Although Lowes admiral is dead, the owner of these suspension cars, Mrs. Meredith, is still the daughter of Admiral Longfellow, and her identity is still extremely noble.

Therefore, the suspended vehicle here will not be subject to any inspections, and move around in the living area at will.

The garage door opened and the suspended car pulled out of the garage.

At this time, the robot nanny also served drinks to several people, perfectly blocking the sight of several people in the restaurant.

David is sitting in a suspended vehicle, but he does not need to worry about the surveillance in the sky. As long as he is not directly exposed to the surveillance, these surveillances will not check his identity.

The living area in the morning is very leisurely, David did not speed up the suspension car, he is fully integrated into the atmosphere here, not at all attracts attention.

After about half an hour’s journey, the levitating car approached the core area. Far away, he saw an alloy wall with a height of 20 meters, and there were some automatic defense weapons on the wall.

David let the Shadow Servant fly 100 meters in the air, overlooking the core area. The first thing he saw was the alloy ground and the fortress-like peripheral facilities.

Even he can perceive some powerful auras, which are the existence of Transcendent.

Due to too much breath, David can’t be sure of the number of Transcendent, but he can be sure that the number of Transcendent must exceed 30.

David drove the suspended vehicle along the alloy wall for a while, and he lost the idea of ​​entering the core area.

Even long-range sniping is impossible because the wall is too high, and within a range of at least 10 kilometers away from the wall, no building can be higher than the wall.

Here in the sky is very clean. No levitating car flies above 50 cm. Take the levitating car driven by David, the height above 50 cm is locked.

He didn’t even want to bring the hover car close to the alloy wall, because as long as he wanted to bring the hover car closer to the wall, the hover car would warn him not to approach.

David let out a long sigh of relief, he was not disappointed, this was what he had guessed.

Not mentioning that many of the scanning and self-defense weapons in the core area, even more than 30 powerful Transcendents, also made him put his mind to sneak in.

Of course, this is the case when he has an alternative plan. If there is really no way, he will forcibly sneak in from the ground, but the risk will be much greater. There must be a lot of testing equipment in the underground of the core area, his’Void Rush’ ability can only be used once every 6 hours, and once faced with a large number of testing equipment, it can no longer be used.

David drove the floating car back, and then he turned on the monitor in the villa to watch the situation in the villa.

Luke seemed to be a person who couldn’t be idle, and I didn’t know where to go to play at this moment. Mrs. Meredith was not at home either. Only Major General Angus was left in the whole house.

Major General Angus was practicing in the practice room, and David couldn’t help but move when he saw his image.

David drove the suspended car into the garage, and he returned from the garage to the lobby and walked directly to the practice room.

Major General Angus is holding a black iron wood in his hands to practice Heavy Axe and is waving towards the void. David can see through Shadow Servant that this is an extremely advanced Heavy Axe technique.

Consider the identity of Major General Angus. As the son of Admiral Longfellow, the resources he can get are of course different from the general ones. Naturally, he learns the most advanced techniques.

The’Heavy Axe Mastery’ of Major General Angus has almost reached the master level, but it’s just that it can be piled up without relying on resources.

This requires its own aptitude and a considerable amount of luck.

Just seeing that many Transcendents have not been able to reach the Grandmaster Rank of’Weapon Mastery’, you can know that reaching the Grandmaster Rank is not easy.

Major General Angus is also Peak Armored Soldier just like David. From David’s observation, he can try a breakthrough as long as he takes a while.

It’s just that Major General Angus is a bit older. Although he looks only 30 years old, David has seen the information in the villa, and Major General Angus is already more than 50 years old.

Although being promoted to Transcendent in your 50s still has some probabilities, even becoming a Transcendent will not have much potential.

David walked into the practice room while thinking.

“Who are you? How did you get in?” Major General Angus was shocked when he saw David walking in, then shouted.

Major General Angus’s shout was on the one hand to deter David, on the other hand, it was also to let the security system know about the situation here and send out alerts in time.

At this time, David was not at all wearing outer skeleton armor, and he had no weapons in his hands. He walked towards Major General Angus step by step like an ordinary person.

However, Major General Angus did not dare to treat David as an ordinary person. He was able to enter the villa. The security system had not yet issued an alarm. It was definitely not an ordinary person.

“I have a little friction with Admiral Longfellow. I’m here to ask Major General Angus to do me a favor!” David said with a faint smile.

Major General Angus narrowed his eyes. Although he did not have armor, David on the opposite side did not have armor either. He had black iron wood practice Heavy Axe in his hand. Although it is not a real weapon, black iron wood practice Heavy Axe hits without armor. Your body can cause serious injuries.

Another reason why Major General Angus dared to resist was because David was not a Transcendent, because David did not hide his breath after entering the practice room. The breath of the similar Peak Armored Soldier made Major General Angus very familiar.

“It turned out to be the enemy of father. It’s really not simple for you to find here, but you are too arrogant!” Major General Angus took a deep breath after he finished speaking. He practiced Heavy Axe with black iron wood raised in both hands. high.

“It seems that I am going to persuade you!” David said with a playful smile on his face.

Major General Angus did not speak any more, he stepped forward with his left foot, and the black iron wood in his hand practiced Heavy Axe as he stepped forward and slashed towards David’s head.

David’s “hand-to-hand combat” belongs to the Grandmaster Rank, plus he is also the “Heavy Axe Grandmaster”, Major General Angus’s axe is full of weak spots in his eyes.

When Major General Angus hit halfway, he grabbed his right hand and caught Major General Angus’s right arm. Then, following Major General Angus’s force, he pulled Major General Angus’s body in his hands. After a somersault, he fell heavily to the ground.

“Major General Angus, your’Heavy Axe Mastery’ is really too weak, do you usually lack practice?” David said in a mocking tone.

Major General Angus who fell on the ground did not feel much pain. This heavy fall was nothing to Peak Armored Soldier, but the shame was more intolerable than pain.

He stood up, loudly shouted and rushed towards David. The black iron wood in his hand practiced Heavy Axe and slashed again. This time he used a diagonal split. Although it was not as powerful as the formidable power of the heavy split, it was faster.

David was still standing on the spot, and when Major General Angus slashed with an axe, he stretched out his right hand and carried it on the opponent’s right arm. Then Major General Angus rolled and flew out again.

Major General Angus’s eyes are red, his aptitude is not good, but he is not at all like other people with bad aptitude, but he abandons himself, but through continuous hard practice, his current’Heavy Axe Mastery’ is in the army Except for those’Heavy Axe masters’, there are few rivals.

But today he can’t even defeat an empty-handed person. If the opponent is a Transcendent, that’s all, but the opponent is a Peak Armored Soldier like him, which instantly broke the pride in his heart.

Major General Angus knew that the other party must be a genius. He has an unforgettable hatred for geniuses. Why can those geniuses succeed easily, and he has a lot of resources, and he cannot become a Transcendent in his 50s, even the’Heavy of Grandmaster Rank’ Axe Mastery’neither can be achieved.

Major General Angus’s charge flew out again in David’s free hand. He climbed up again and rushed up, again being thrown away by David.

After more than ten times, Major General Angus’ eyes were absent. He began to doubt himself, wondering why this happened. He was a fool, and he could not deal with the empty-handed David even with a weapon in his hand.

David watched Major General Angus lose his previous sharpness. He walked to the side of Major General Angus who was still lying on the ground and kicked the black iron wood in his hand to practice Heavy Axe.

Major General Angus lifts the head and saw a hand on his head, and then David used his spirit to draw a “bewitching pattern” and sent it into Major General Angus’s soul.

The reason why David spent so much time ousting the confidence of Major General Angus is because the spirit of Major General Angus is not weak.

It may be the reason for taking a lot of increased mental treasure. Major General Angus’s spirit is much stronger than ordinary person. In order to be more secure, David will first defeat Major General Angus and put Major General Angus’ spirit in the weakest state.

Of course, there is another reason that David has time, and the son of Admiral Longfellow can be regarded as venting first.

As the’bewitching pattern’ entered the soul of Major General Angus, his eyes became godless.

David took out a Level 3 Army Knife, used the’Attach Poison’ ability to bless it with Level 4 poison, and took out the paralysis drug film, carefully added a layer of paralysis drug film on the surface of the Level 3 Army Knife. This can isolate Level 4 poisons.

He put the Level 3 Army Knife and the leather case in the arms of Major General Angus, and he returned to the guest room.

David sits on the bed in the guest room, using his mind to control Major General Angus in the practice room.

Major General Angus stood up dumbly, then walked out of the practice room. When he came to the hall, he fell to the ground.

The security system of the villa automatically alerted the owner, Mrs. Meredith, and Mrs. Meredith who was in the “Federal Command” heard the news and rushed back.

“Doctor, how is Angus going?” Mrs. Meredith asked the doctor.

Major General Angus was lying on the bed, looking pale and short of breath, until now he still hasn’t recovered.

This made Mrs. Meredith very worried, Major General Angus had never happened before.

“Mrs. Meredith, Major General Angus’s body is not at all serious, but the cultivation is excessive and the muscles lack nutrition!” The doctor carefully sorted out his words.

“But why hasn’t he awakened yet?” Mrs. Meredith could not help but let out a long relaxed breath when she heard that her body was fine, and asked again.

“This is exactly what I want to say. His situation is a bit complicated and his health is not serious, but his Spiritual Fluctuation is a bit weird. Has he been stimulated recently?” The doctor asked again after explaining.

Mrs. Meredith shook the head. Major General Angus had just returned. How would she know about Major General Angus?

“Doctor, how long does it take Angus to wake up like this?” Mrs. Meredith asked.

“Mrs. Meredith, based on my examination just now, Major General Angus doesn’t want to wake up!” The doctor actually didn’t want to give this conclusion, but it was the only conclusion he could guess.

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