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With the medical level of the Interstellar Federation, 99% of diseases can be easily controlled, but there are only a few diseases that can’t be helped.

Mental illness is one of them, and it is also the most difficult to deal with.

The human spirit is too unpredictable, and everyone’s spirit is different.

The doctor’s examination could only reveal that Major General Angus was mentally abnormal, which deepened his judgment.

For patients like Major General Angus, the doctor would not jump to conclusions without certainty, and Mrs. Meredith knew this very well.

“Doctor, please stay, I want to report to father!” Mrs. Meredith said to the doctor in a deep voice.

The doctor would not refuse, he nodded and retreated outside.

“Father, Angus, he was suddenly in a coma at home. The doctor came to see and said that there was a mental problem!” Mrs. Meredith connected to Admiral Longfellow’s communications, and said directly without greeting.

“What?” Admiral Longfellow was surprised at hearing this.

Although Major General Angus is not excellent in cultivation, his growth in the military is excellent. Now it is only Major General or the result of deliberate suppression by Admiral Longfellow.

Admiral Longfellow wants Major General Angus to grow up at every step so that he can inherit his power in the future.

Now that he heard something happened to Major General Angus, he was shocked.

“I’ll be back soon!” Admiral Longfellow was anxious, and he said without hesitation.

But when he was about to go back, he was frowned and waved to his adjutant.

When Admiral Longfellow left the core area in a levitating vehicle, he was protected by two levitating vehicles in front and behind him. In these levitating vehicles, four powerful Transcendents were sitting.

Admiral Longfellow has always been very careful. Although he knew that David was impossible to enter the “Federal Command”, he still achieved the ultimate in safety.

Admiral Longfellow’s line of floating cars flew at 50 meters. This is a privilege, so this line is extremely fast, and it only takes a few minutes to arrive in front of the villa.

David, who was in the guest room, saw a row of extremely conspicuous suspended cars through Shadow Servant, and his face couldn’t help showing joy.

“The prey is finally out of the cage!” he said softly.

David didn’t know whether Admiral Longfellow would come over because of the coma of his son, Major General Angus, but he wanted to bet, and he was right.

He put on the armor of the golden outer skeleton, carried the Level 4 heavy sword behind him, and then completely concealed his breath.

David saw through the eyes of Shadow Servant that Admiral Longfellow hurriedly jumped off the suspended car in the middle of the door, but two Transcendents were faster than Admiral Longfellow and entered the hall first.

The other two Transcendents are standing behind Admiral Longfellow, carefully watching all around.

Admiral Longfellow walked quickly into the hall and immediately saw Mrs. Meredith waiting in the hall.

“Where is Angus?” Admiral Longfellow asked as soon as he entered the door.

“In his room, the doctor is watching!” Mrs. Meredith replied, pointing to the room on the second floor.

Admiral Longfellow strode towards the room on the 2nd floor. Two Transcendents were one step faster. One left and the other protected Admiral Longfellow in front. The other two Transcendents stood in the lobby to prevent anyone from entering.

While following, Mrs. Meredith used the identity bracelet to send a message to Luke. She had urged Luke to return immediately, but Admiral Longfellow had arrived, and Luke had not yet returned.

Luke’s failure to return immediately will likely leave a very bad impression on Admiral Longfellow and affect Luke’s future.

Mrs. Meredith, as a mother, didn’t want to see this situation, she could only send out a stern message again.

Admiral Longfellow walked into the room and saw Major General Angus lying unconscious on the bed. The doctor beside him was examining him.

A Transcendent passed by and stood next to the doctor. As long as the doctor had any abnormalities, the Transcendent would definitely stop it immediately.

“How is the situation?” Admiral Longfellow solemnly asked.

“There is no problem with my body. I used the Level 3 recovery potion. Major General Angus’ muscles returned to normal, but he still fluctuated abnormally mentally!” The doctor bowed and replied.

Admiral Longfellow showed a look of chagrin on his face. The first thing he thought of was that Major General Angus would practice crazy every day in order to become a Transcendent. This can be seen from the resources consumed by Major General Angus.

Admiral Longfellow felt that he put too much pressure on Major General Angus that caused Major General Angus to do this.

He stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed, gently touching the face of Major General Angus with his hand, trying to caress the exhaustion on Major General Angus’ face.

Just when Admiral Longfellow extended the hand, Major General Angus’ eyes suddenly opened. Admiral Longfellow was happy, and he was about to speak, but he felt a little green rays of light flash by, and he instinctively backed away.

Admiral Longfellow flashed past his body, but he felt a numbness in his arm.

After the Level 3 Army Knife in the hands of Major General Angus swept across Admiral Longfellow’s arm, the paralysis medicinal film on the surface disappeared, revealing black Level 4 poison.

At this time, I saw Transcendent’s reaction. The rays of light flashed in the hands of Transcendent who was in charge of protecting him next to Admiral Longfellow. A Level 4 heavy sword swept through, and then Admiral Longfellow’s injured arm was chopped off.

Admiral Longfellow’s face suddenly turned pale, but he didn’t care about his upper arm, but looked towards his son, Major General Angus.

He didn’t understand that his son, Major General Angus, assassinated him, which made him feel like the world was confused.

Admiral Longfellow’s arm fell to the ground, and was quickly wrapped in black mist and turned into black liquid on the ground.

“Admiral, move away quickly. This is Level 4 poisonous!” Transcendent beside him pulled Admiral Longfellow back to the side and said.

Another Transcendent stepped forward and grabbed the Level 3 Army Knife in the hands of Major General Angus, and controlled Major General Angus with one hand. He didn’t want to kill him.

No matter what Major General Angus did, only Admiral Longfellow had the power to make a decision.

It was also in the lobby on the first floor at this time that Luke walked into the lobby and saw two Transcendents who also recognized Luke, but there was no block.

Mrs. Meredith had been standing outside Major General Angus’ door, not knowing what was happening in the room. She saw Luke and immediately waved to Luke to let him come up.

Luke saw that there were two Transcendents, and knew that it was Admiral Longfellow who was here, so he hurried upstairs.

Luke had just walked up the stairs, and a Little Fatty came out of the room.

The two Transcendent looked towards Little Fatty, and then looked at each other, with doubts in their eyes.

They didn’t know that there was another person in this villa, or a child.

Little Fatty’s body within the body doesn’t have any energy, just like an ordinary person. He appeared in the villa again and was recognized by the security system, which made the two Transcendents relax their vigilance.

Little Fatty is naturally an’Assassin Mantis Puppet’, and the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ walks towards the two Transcendents with a simple and honest expression on their faces.

Just when the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ was ten meters away from the two Transcendents, the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ moved and its silhouette was almost invisible, and then two purple rays of light flashed by.

The two Transcendents still had a confused look on their faces and fell to the ground.

During the whole process, the two Transcendents did not even come and put on the’Transcendent armor’, which means that the attack speed in the ten meters of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ was faster than a single thought of the two Transcendents. Such a result.

David also walked out of the guest room. He just let the security system of the villa turn on the isolation signal, and any signal in the villa will not be transmitted.

This is also the reason for the very high level of the security system here, which is far more functional than the ordinary security system.

Shadow Servant flew over first and absorbed the souls of two Transcendents.

David and the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ jumped together and jumped from the hall to the corridor on the second floor.

“Ah!” Mrs. Meredith let out an instinctive scream when she saw the two people who appeared suddenly.

As soon as David stretched out his hand, Mrs. Meredith and Luke were caught in the left and right hands, and then walked into Major General Angus’ room with the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’.

As soon as he entered the room, David saw Admiral Longfellow whose face was deathly pale because he lost his arm.

As Admiral Longfellow, losing his arm is not a big problem, and he can recover only by using high-end medicine.

“It seems that everything is your arrangement,’Federal War God’ David!” Admiral Longfellow saw David walking in and wearing a golden outer skeleton armor, and immediately understood the reason for everything.

“I am also helpless. It is really not easy to see Admiral Longfellow on your side!” David also opened his visor with a smile and wiped the disguise on his face.

“David, you didn’t think that Level 4 is not at all poison to death me!” Admiral Longfellow made a secret gesture to the two Transcendents and said to David.

“Level 4 is highly poisonous, it is indeed your poison to death Lowes!” Mrs. Meredith exclaimed, who was caught by David.

“Noisy!” David said and slammed Mrs. Meredith at Admiral Longfellow.

Mrs. Meredith’s body flew towards Admiral Longfellow. Admiral Longfellow’s eyes flashed fiercely. He made a gesture. The side Transcendent did not hesitate. His body was instantly wrapped in’Transcendent armor’, and then he took a palm.

As soon as Mrs. Meredith’s body flew over, she was slapped by the palm of Transcendent, and then Mrs. Meredith’s body heard the sound of skeleton breaking.

Transcendent did this because he was worried that David would take this opportunity to make a move.

They came 4 Transcendents, David was able to appear here, the 2 Transcendents in the lobby should have been poisoned, their 2 Transcendents can only do their best to protect the safety of Admiral Longfellow, as for the others, they don’t care at all.

But David not at all took this opportunity to take the shot, just watching Mrs. Meredith being knocked into the air, his face was full of mockery.

“Admiral Longfellow, the contradiction between us, you sent someone to act on my father, which made me have to come and find you!” David smiled, but his voice was cold.

Mrs. Meredith fell to the ground. She was only an ordinary person, how could she withstand the struggle between David and Transcendent? Before she left her body, she heard David’s words.

Mrs. Meredith then understood why David appeared here, two tears of regret flowed out, and then her breath disappeared.

At this moment, Major General Angus on the bed jumped up and rushed towards Admiral Longfellow.

This kind of attack is more like suicide, because there are two Transcendents, Major General Angus, Armored Soldier who doesn’t even wear outer skeleton armor, let alone killing Admiral Longfellow, even if he touches the corners of Admiral Longfellow’s clothes.

Major General Angus’ body was knocked into the air by Transcendent in midair. At this time, Transcendent would not show mercy anymore. A single mistake may kill Admiral Longfellow.

Admiral Longfellow watched his son and daughter fall to the ground, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. He didn’t explain that it wasn’t him who did it. It didn’t make sense.

“Don’t kill me, it’s none of my business!” Luke yelled in shock after seeing 2 consecutive family members being killed.

“It’s all caused by you. Your mother and uncle died because of you, why are you embarrassed to beg for mercy!” Admiral Longfellow finally couldn’t stand it any longer, he yelled.

For such a wasteful use, not only did Lowes admiral and several Transcendents and generals be killed, but also his daughter and son were affected.

If Luke was in Admiral Longfellow’s hands, he would have the idea of ​​strangling Luke directly.

“It turns out that you caused this!” David couldn’t help but said towards Luke in his hand.

At this time David thought of what Luke and Berkley had said at the party, and he understood the reason for everything.

Luke looked at David with horror, his eyes full of begging, but David patted his head directly with a palm.

“We are left here, let’s solve it completely!” David shook off the blood from his hand and said solemnly to Admiral Longfellow.

He made a plan to have this opportunity, a face-to-face murderous intention meeting.

Admiral Longfellow sent multiple help signals on the identity bracelet, but did not receive a reply. He coldly understood that this was blocked by the signal.

“I’ll block David, you take admiral away!” Transcendent, who is holding a Level 4 heavy sword, stood and said.

“Well, you can hold for 3 breaths, as long as you leave the villa, David will have no way to escape!” Another Transcendent nodded replied.

David did not wait for them to act first, and rushed over with a wave of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’.

When the Transcendent standing in front saw the silhouette of the’Assassin’s Mantis Puppet’ moving, he swung the Level 4 heavy sword forward and wanted to fight the’Assassin’s Mantis Puppet’. At this time, he didn’t even have the idea of ​​defense. , Using this battle method can make the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ either perish together or give in.

This is to buy some time so that another Transcendent can leave with Admiral Longfellow.

His idea is good, but the premise is that his speed is not much different from that of the Assassin Mantis Puppet, but the speed of the Assassin Mantis Puppet is more than twice as fast.

Transcendent felt his hand light at first, and his arm flew out with the Level 4 heavy sword. The’Transcendent armor’ was like paper without defensive ability.

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