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‘Assassin’s Mantis Puppet’ swept away Transcendent’s arm in front of Admiral Longfellow with one blow. Its attack was instinctive. After one blade swept through, the second blade caught it.

Transcendent just felt the pain in his arm, and then his head flew up.

Another Transcendent who was about to bring Admiral Longfellow wanted to break through the wall. The Level 3 Heavy Axe in his hand was just raised, and he felt the danger coming from behind him.

This Transcendent didn’t believe it. The Transcendent didn’t even stop the breath, let alone three breaths.

You must know that the remaining Transcendent is the strongest Transcendent around Admiral Longfellow, and the equipment on his body is also the best, which can completely withstand the joint attack of digital Transcendent.

At this time, Transcendent had no time to think about it. He turned to block the Level 3 Heavy Axe in front of him.

It’s just that when he turned around and saw that light purple rays of light, a color of despair flashed in his eyes. He had a Level 3 Heavy Axe in his hand, and he couldn’t resist a Level 4 weapon at all.

Coupled with the fact that the opponent can easily kill his companions, his strength is far better than him.

“Admiral, I’m sorry!” Transcendent said helplessly to side Admiral Longfellow.

After saying this, the Level 3 Heavy Axe in his hand and his body were cut into 2 sections by the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’.

The’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ appeared beside Admiral Longfellow, not at all, and continued to take action.

“I didn’t expect that I would die in your hands at the end of my life!” Admiral Longfellow looked at David and said solemnly.

“You great characters, don’t take the life of an ordinary person like me seriously, just want to take it away at will!” David walked to Admiral Longfellow and said.

Admiral Longfellow didn’t understand why David said he was an ordinary person. Is there an ordinary person who can sneak into the “Federal Command” to assassinate the deputy commander of the Federation?

David extend the hand twisted Admiral Longfellow’s neck and ended the life of the federal military chief.

After doing this, David really let out a long relaxed breath.

He summoned Shadow Servant and collected all the corpses in the villa into the space ring. The disappearance of the corpse could delay the discovery time of Admiral Longfellow’s death, which facilitated his departure.

David also removed all traces from the security system, striving not to leave a trace.

Finally, he drove a suspended car in the garage toward the sea, using the suspended car as a cover not far from the sea, and he used the’underground stealth’ ability to go underground.

Returning from the ground to the sea, when passing through the energy network, once again used’Void Rush’.

This time, David didn’t need 2 days. He just used the flying capability of the golden outer skeleton armor to fly into space after 100 kilometers away from the land.

David had all plans. From being discovered by Skynet to when someone came to check it out, the time was enough for him to get into space.

As long as he reaches space and leaves Skynet’s scan, he gets out much easier.

In the office of the President of the Federal Presidential Palace, Dean Constable is standing beside President Louis and watching the light curtain from the projection. Even Metcalf’s staff, the think tank of President Louis, was squeezed aside by him.

Metcalf’s staff knew Dean Constable was who, so they wouldn’t care about him.

If someone else dared to do this, Metcalf’s staff would have tried to teach this person a lesson. Dean Constable is different. As the dean of the Federal Research Institute, Dean Constable’s position is very important.

“Let the people over there confirm whether David is still at the Planet Bedarea defense base!” President Louis ordered in a deep voice.

As early as 3 days ago, Skynet discovered that an anomalous object had entered Origin Star from space.

Origin Star’s Skynet has two major control parties, one is the military, but the greater authority is still in the hands of the federal government.

One of the particularly important results that Dean Constable was able to take over as the dean of the research institute was Skynet’s enhanced information system.

This system has been the private authority of President Louis since it was invented, allowing President Louis to easily monitor all the targets he needs to monitor on Origin Star.

David pretended to be a meteorite and landed on Origin Star 3 days ago. It was not like David imagined that nobody noticed it.

In fact, the enhanced information system of Skynet discovered the anomaly and issued an alert to the analysts under President Louis.

At that time, President Louis not at all gave the order to arrest, but instead allowed the intruders.

President Louis learned through the intelligence system that Admiral Longfellow had sent military intelligence agents to assassinate Hans, and he was waiting for David to retaliate.

Of course, all of this was planned by Metcalf’s staff. They wanted David to die, and they wanted David to do something in the “Federal Command”.

Letting David die can hit the military, and even affect the prestige of Great Marshal Andre, a “Federal War God” that was just raised by Great Marshal Andre in front of the entire federal citizens. It didn’t take long for the news of death to come out. The influence of Great Marshal Andre is very big.

And David did something in the “Federal Command”, which is also a good thing to disrupt the military.

So when it was learned that a sneaker had entered Origin Star, the first thing that Metcalf staff thought of was David.

In order to confirm this, he learned about David’s retreat through the intelligence network over there, which convinced Metcalf’s staff that it was David.

In fact, he sent powerhouse early to prepare to attack David, but he has been waiting for the opportunity.

Metcalf’s staff can use only part of the power of the government in the hands of President Louis, and its influence within the military is far less powerful than that of Admiral Longfellow.

Therefore, although Metcalf’s staff sent a powerhouse, they did not immediately attack a base.

However, the powerhouse we went to was not without results. They were already lurking on Bedarea, waiting for orders from here.

Dean Constable also rushed over when he heard the news of David. His concern for David was extraordinary.

Outside the base on Bedarea, four silhouettes suddenly appeared.

This is 4 Transcendent wearing’Transcendent armor’. They looked at each other and made a gesture.

Then the four Transcendents flew towards the base. The signal transmitters on them simulated the identity authentication of the military base, making the base’s scanning device not at all sound an alarm.

When the base guards found the 4 Transcendents, the Transcendents had already entered the base.

Where is the Armored Soldier in the base? 4 Transcendent opponents, who blocked them in the past, were killed.

The 4-digit Transcendent is extremely fast, and the terrain is also very familiar, and soon came to the place where the defense chief retreat.

When a Transcendent stepped forward with a Level 3 heavy sword in his hand and opened the door of the closed room, he saw’David’ sitting inside at a glance.

This Transcendent was obviously taken aback, and quickly stepped back.

This’David’ is exactly the Anderson Transcendent puppet, and the wisdom of the Anderson Transcendent puppet is not too strong. David’s order is to kill immediately if someone interrupts.

So the Anderson Transcendent puppet didn’t hesitate to hold a Level 3 heavy sword and rushed out of the closed room, attacking the retreating Transcendent.

Because of the Anderson Transcendent puppet’s move, the four Transcendents who were taken aback were relieved.

If it is really David in the retreat room, it is really hard to say whether their 4 Transcendents can beat David. They have also seen David’s strong performance in the parade.

But the movement of the Anderson Transcendent puppet reveals the Transcendent strength of the Anderson Transcendent puppet. Although it is much stronger than David’s Peak Armored Soldier, it makes the 4 Transcendent rest assured.

“Besiege him!” The 4 Transcendents stood in 4 directions.

They can be sent over because they have the ability to fight in groups, which are specially trained for the powerful Transcendent.

To be honest, the Anderson Transcendent puppet is very strong, but this strong refers to his current strength, which is at most the ordinary Transcendent level.

Transcendent has very little power, and the equipment on his body has been replaced by David with ordinary goods. Although compared to those Transcendents that don’t even have Level 3 weapons, Level 3 weapons and the use of Level 3 materials to make’Transcendent armor’ ‘All are considered top grade equipment.

But what Anderson Transcendent used before his death was weapons and equipment built with Level 4 materials. Today’s Anderson Transcendent has no problem with ordinary Transcendent, and it is much weaker when it can deal with 4 powerful Transcendents.

After only a few rounds of fighting, the Anderson Transcendent puppet was injured by a Transcendent, but because of being made a puppet, the Anderson Transcendent puppet can continue to fight.

It wasn’t until the 4 Transcendents chopped the Anderson Transcendent puppet into several pieces, and the Anderson Transcendent puppet completely stopped fighting, and the “corpse control pattern” in his soul disappeared.

A Transcendent walked up to the corpse of the Anderson Transcendent puppet and removed the disguise from the face of the Anderson Transcendent puppet, revealing the face inside that familiar to the four Transcendents.

The four Transcendents couldn’t help but feel a chill. Of course, they knew Anderson Transcendent, and they also knew that Anderson Transcendent was one of the ten Transcendents who came to attack David last time. They just heard that Anderson Transcendent was dead a long time ago, how could they easily become David Looks like.

What makes the 4 Transcendents incomprehensible is that Anderson Transcendent is going to work hard for David, and constantly wants to resist regardless of multiple injuries.

“Report it!” A Transcendent said solemnly, and the news from here soon passed back to the presidential palace.

Origin Star Presidential Palace, Dean Constable has a rare smile on his face. If it weren’t for the crazy eyes, it would be kind of kind.

“The one who stayed on Bedarea star was Anderson Transcendent who impersonated David. This David really has a lot of weirdness!” President Louis said with a faint smile.

“It seems that it is really David, but I don’t know what he did in the’Federal Command’!” Metcalf’s staff also said nodded.

“No matter what else, must catch David, you won’t let David escape?” Dean Constable looked towards Louis President and said.

“The inescapable net has already been set up, and he can’t escape!” Before President Louis could answer, Metcalf’s staff replied confidently.

“Must keep David alive, his research is very important to me, maybe with him my research can produce results!” Dean Constable said in a stronger tone.

Dean Constable looked towards the silhouette in the light curtain flying into space, with greed in his eyes.

David is flying upwards. This process takes a long time. Just before he is about to escape the gravity of Origin Star, he suddenly feels something is missing in his soul.

He thoughts move, and immediately felt that the “corpse control pattern” he left in the soul of the Anderson Transcendent puppet had disappeared.

If you want the “corpse control pattern” to dissipate, there is only one possibility, and that is to kill the puppet.

“The Anderson Transcendent puppet was killed? Who killed it?” David was full of questions.

The reason why David dared to leave the Anderson Transcendent puppet alone in the Bedarea star base to pretend to be himself is because he previously killed 9 Transcendents in a row and captured a Transcendent alive. He gained a lot of fame on the Bedarea star, and for a long time thereafter. No force dared to approach Bedarea star.

Besides, the Anderson Transcendent puppet is not too strong, but it is also a Transcendent. Who can kill a Transcendent?

It doesn’t matter if you lose the Anderson Transcendent puppet. This kind of puppet is a consumable. If you lose it, a quota will be vacated, and you can recreate a new one at any time.

David can make 3 Puppets through the’Corpse Controlling Technique’, but he has only used 2 spots so far. This time the Anderson Transcendent puppet was killed, leaving him with 2 spots.

David wondered if this was another assassination prepared by Admiral Longfellow, but he had also met with Admiral Longfellow, not at all heard or saw such an arrangement.

If Admiral Longfellow really has this arrangement, at the last moment of his life, he will definitely talk about it and negotiate with David.

Of course, the most serious thing is that his absence at the Bedarea Star Base was exposed, and at this time Admiral Longfellow was killed in Origin Star.

The enmity between him and Admiral Longfellow is not a big secret, because when Admiral Longfellow arranged for manpower to attack him, many officers from Admiral Longfellow were involved.

This time is different from the last time Lowes admiral died in the military parade. That time, because many high-ranking officials witnessed the distance between David and Lowes admiral, he would never be suspected anymore.

Once David is involved in the death of Admiral Longfellow, even Great Marshal Andre will not be able to help him. This is a felony, enough to leave him nowhere to go.

David thought to himself, the speed is not at all reduced, the sooner he leaves Origin Star, the safer he will be.

Just as he broke through the gravity of Origin Star and was about to continue to increase the speed to fly in space, his whole body was erected, and a feeling of being peeped rose.

David immediately looked at all around. At this time, 20 all-black medium-sized battleships appeared beside him, but the style of these battleships was something he had never seen before. I don’t know which model they were.

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