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“This is not a military battleship!” David immediately made a judgment in his mind.

No matter what type of military battleship, there will be a military mark on it, which is a must.

And these 20 all-black medium-sized battleships have no markings, not even the hull numbers, just like 20 ghosts in space.

Ten Transcendents flew out of one of the medium-sized battleships. The Transcendent armor of these Transcendents was also black. This kind of Transcendent armor David was also seen for the first time.

“‘Federal War God’ David, you obediently surrender!” A Transcendent said to David through the public channel.

“Who are you?” David looked at these Transcendents and asked aloud.

“When you are caught by us, you will naturally know who we are!” Transcendent laughed and said with a smile.

David turned on all the abilities of’extreme speed’,’physique enhancement’,’power shock’,’power enhancement’ and’power overlap’, and took the Level 4 grade’deceleration heavy sword’ in his hand.

If there is any environment that is the worst for David, it is the space environment.

In the space environment, many of David’s abilities have lost their usefulness. Although he replaced the golden outer skeleton armor, his flight speed increased a lot, but compared with the speed of the’Transcendent armor’, it was still slightly inferior.

In a weightless environment, his’heavy sword mastery’ will also lose part of the formidable power. In addition to all directions in the space environment, he can launch attacks up and down. This makes Transcendent with’Transcendent armor’ more advantageous.

David has to face ten Transcendents again. In this case, his disadvantage is even greater.

Under such circumstances, David’s desire to win is almost impossible.

But he didn’t want to be obediently surrender, he didn’t want to put his life in the hands of the opponent, even if he died in battle, he didn’t want to drag out an ignoble existence.

“It’s a pity!” David secretly said in one’s heart, his’Void Rush’ was used up on the ground in order to pass through the energy network, and could not be used again in a short time.

Otherwise, he can rely on’Void Rush’ to fight a Transcendent.

David’s mouth is wide behind the visor, and facing the Transcendent who is talking to him is a “High Frequency Sound Wave”. This “High Frequency Sound Wave” is not just for this Transcendent, “High Frequency Sound Wave” ‘With him as the center, spread towards all around, covering all ten Transcendents.

As soon as the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ was launched, he immediately opened all the energy injection holes in the golden outer skeleton armor, pushing him towards the Transcendent with maximum power.

The ten Transcendents did not expect that David would use the’High Frequency Sound Wave’. This invisible and quality sound wave would only be discovered when approaching the body.

Transcendents only feel the roar in their ears, and a faint sensation comes from their heads, but these Transcendents are not weak, and the effect of’High Frequency Sound Wave’ can only last 1/4 second at most.

In this 1/4 second, the Transcendents were temporarily blocked, and David rushed to the talking Transcendent.

The’heavy sword space slash’ was on display, and the Level 4 grade’slow down heavy sword’ swept across Transcendent’s body with a slight tremor. When David swept out with a sword, this Transcendent had just awakened from the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ , He also came in time to block the Level 3 heavy sword in his hand, and at the same time his body wanted to retreat.

Here Transcendent wants to come, as long as the Level 3 heavy sword in his hand can block the time of a breath, he can withdraw himself from the attack range of the David heavy sword.

Even if the Level 4 heavy sword is sharper, cutting to the Level 3 heavy sword will slow down the sword a little bit. This is the chance of escape for Transcendent.

It’s just that Transcendent misjudged the Level 4 grade’deceleration heavy sword’ plus the formidable power of the’heavy sword space slash’, the Level 3 heavy sword was silently disconnected from it, and the Level 4 grade’slow down the heavy sword’ did not slow down a bit. Transcendent’s scan hits Transcendent.

The sword swept across Transcendent’s chest and swept away most of Transcendent’s body. The most serious injury was an incision of the heart.

The rest of the Transcendent received the information uploaded by the black battleship. David sent out the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ and was immediately received by the black battleship.

“Found Transcendent-level’High Frequency Sound Wave’, please take protective measures!” The technicians on the black battleship made suggestions to the Transcendents.

I have fought insect race for many years. The various abilities of insect race Interstellar Federation have the means to deal with it, and there are corresponding functions on the’Transcendent armor’.

Following the reminder of the technicians on the black battleship, 9 Transcendents opened the sound isolation shields on the’Transcendent armor’.

“Haha, really worthy of being a’Federal War God’. Under this absolute disadvantage, you can kill a Transcendent first and tell them that David must be alive!” Dean Constable laughed and said with a smile.

Dean Constable has always been optimistic about David, this kind of research material is his year for something even in dreams.

The brighter David was at this time, the more excited Dean Constable became.

President Louis and Metcalf’s staff ignored Dean Constable’s words. They had long been used to Dean Constable’s frequent nonsense. Such crazy researchers only had the quality of the materials in their eyes.

President Louis saw that a Transcendent was killed, but he felt very distressed. These Transcendents were bought by him at a high price.

For these Transcendent Metcalf staff, a lot of thoughts have also been exerted, and they have been able to gain such a scale through various means.

Regardless of the number of federal Transcendents, true powerhouses are difficult to buy.

Those Transcendents who enter each Great Influence and become enshrines, their strength can only be regarded as passing.

It is almost impossible to have a powerful Transcendent serve it, and unless a powerful Transcendent is trained by itself, it is difficult to be restrained.

Only the military can cultivate a large number of Transcendents because of the huge resources of the War Zone. Even if this is the case, every Transcendent will enjoy the treatment of the rank of major general in order to retain these Transcendents.

President Louis doesn’t look at the power, but he is only elected president. Before becoming president, his influence was minimal. Even after becoming president, the powerful Transcendent will only serve the government and will not become the president’s thug.

There are not many Transcendents under President Louis. These all are his background. Every death is a huge loss.

But he can’t let Transcendents kill him, he must listen to Dean Constable’s opinion, Dean Constable’s research is his hope.

President Louis winked at Metcalf’s staff, and Metcalf’s staff immediately understood what this meant.

“Attention, don’t kill David!” Metcalf’s staff gave orders to the Transcendents.

President Louis is impossible to say this. A Transcendent has just been killed and he needs to consider the feelings of other Transcendents.

David felt that the Shadow Servant had absorbed the soul of Transcendent, and he was not at all happy. This was just a Transcendent, and there were 9 Transcendents beside him.

He tried the same trick again, opening his mouth and emitting the “High Frequency Sound Wave”, but this time after the “High Frequency Sound Wave” was emitted, a shaking energy shield appeared outside the “Transcendent armor” of the 9 Transcendents.

In fact, David had already guessed that these Transcendents will take preventive measures after knowing that he will’High Frequency Sound Wave’.

In fact,’High Frequency Sound Wave’ is very powerful when it is not prepared, but once prepared, as long as a shield to isolate the sound, the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ can lose its effect.

Of course, if David’s’High Frequency Sound Wave’ formidable power can exceed the capacity of the shield, it will still be effective.

The Transcendent ability issued by the Level 4 insect race is the same as the Transcendent ability issued by the Level 2 insect race. Although the Transcendent ability is the same, the formidable power has as different as heaven and earth. It is a pity that the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ wants to achieve the strongest state, Physiological changes are required, but David does not have this ability.

Losing the ability of’High Frequency Sound Wave’, David still rushed towards a Transcendent.

The rest of the Transcendent also surrounded David. David grabbed his hand in the sky, and a huge bomb appeared beside him. It was the’kryptonite crystal pink bomb’.

The sudden appearance of the’kryptonite crystal pink bomb’ made the 8 Transcendents who rushed up to have a meal together. They naturally knew the’kryptonite crystal pink bomb’.

This kind of formidable power bomb, although not useful in War Star, is enough to hurt Transcendent here.

Of course, the’kryptonite crystal pink bomb’ can’t kill Transcendent, but at most it hurts Transcendent, but David in front of him has a reputation that prevents them from rushing forward.

David did not intend to detonate the’kryptonite crystal pink bomb’ immediately, it was just a threat.

From the soul fortress, he drew out the “spiritual arrow” that had been nurtured in the shrub for a long time. When he was away from Transcendent five meters, he shot the “spiritual arrow” while swinging his sword.

David’s Level 4 heavy sword made Transcendent take it very seriously. Transcendent didn’t dare to hard-wire it. When he wanted to retreat, he sensed something shot over.

If you were farther away, Transcendent would have enough time to react, but David shot a’spiritual arrow’ at a distance from five meters, which made Transcendent no time to dodge.

The’Spirit Arrow’ hit Transcendent, and immediately Transcendent felt a tingling in his head. This effect was actually minimal, but when David attacked, this minimal became fatal.

Because Transcendent’s movements were a bit slower, the Level 4 grade “slow heavy sword” pierced out, entered from Transcendent’s forehead, and penetrated from the back of the head.

Shadow Servant came up and inhaled the soul of Transcendent, which was the second Transcendent killed by David in a short time.

“Damn, order to kill David with all your strength!” President Louis exclaimed very angrily.

The continuous losses prevented President Louis from sitting back and watching Transcendent’s death. Although Dean Constable’s research was very important, paying such a high price without knowing the direction of the research made President Louis feel very worthless.

“President Louis, my research goal is immortality, as long as this technology has some breakthrough, you can get enough support!” Dean Constable heard President Louis’s words, his eyes changed slightly, he said solemnly.

Until now Dean Constable didn’t mention his most important research direction, but what he said now surprised President Louis and Metcalf’s staff.

If someone else stood in front of them and said this sentence, they would just treat it as a lunatic.

But standing in front of them was a research madman, and they couldn’t take Dean Constable’s words as madness.

Based on the knowledge of the two of them about Dean Constable, there is no certainty that Dean Constable would not say that.

The topic of immortality until now is the ultimate goal of the research of various forces, but immortality is also a legend, which has never been truly realized.

President Louis does not need Dean Constable to really study immortality. As long as the lifespan can be extended to a certain extent, it is enough for him to buy a lot of helpers through this research.

By then, even Great Marshal Andre could not stop him from being re-elected, and of course he also had a great interest in immortality.

“Dean Constable, how sure are you?” President Louis asked, looking into Dean Constable’s eyes.

He wanted to see something in Dean Constable’s eyes, but all he saw were crazy eyes with paranoia.

“With David, my research can have breakthrough progress. Besides, David is also an excellent research material. Don’t you wonder how he can issue the’High Frequency Sound Wave’?” Dean Constable replied.

President Louis glanced at the side Metcalf staff, and the Metcalf staff nodded to him.

“Let the Transcendents proceed carefully, no more casualties, David can’t die!” President Louis ordered in a deep voice.

David pulled the Level 4 heavy sword from Transcendent’s head, and he looked towards the other Transcendents. Although the Transcendents were still worried about the’kryptonite crystal pink bomb’, this time they surrounded it very firmly.

David feels very helpless. He has a lot of abilities, but now he can use almost all of them.

He no longer hesitated, a controller appeared in his hand, he pressed the controller, and at the same time the Level 4 heavy sword in his hand disappeared and replaced it with a Level 3 large shield.

A white light shone from the’kryptonite crystal pink bomb’, and then a sudden shock wave surged towards all around.

David and the remaining 8 Transcendents were all propelled by the shock wave and flew outwards, still relying on their equipment.

If it is ordinary equipment, under such a strong shock wave, it will be destroyed immediately, or even directly annihilated. Only Level 3 and high grade materials can block the explosive formidable power of the’kryptonite crystal powder bomb’.

The 8-bit Transcendent’Transcendent armor’ and the golden outer skeleton armor on David’s body are all made of Level 3 materials.

So the’kryptonite crystal pink bomb’ just pushed them out. In the process, their bodies will also be violently shaken and suffer varying degrees of damage.

Originally, David’s injury should be the heaviest, but David used a Level 3 shield as the first defense, coupled with the ability of the’shield master’, so that when David was pushed out by the shock wave, he You can continuously reduce the impact on your body by unloading your force.

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