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“I’m going to space, and this cunning guy can’t be trapped without my gang!” Dean Constable ignored President Louis’s anger, he said anxiously.

“I regret it, so I shouldn’t agree to Constable!” President Louis looked at Dean Constable’s back and said softly to the side Metcalf staff.

“Dean Constable is our hope. Once the research is successful, not to mention ten Transcendents, even 100 Transcendents can be driven at will!” Metcalf’s staff also responded softly.

Not to mention immortality, it is enough to be able to live long enough to bring back the disadvantage of President Louis, and let President Louis pass the re-election steadily.

Metcalf’s staff also have an account in their hearts. Unlike President Louis, he is attached to President Louis.

Even if President Louis is not re-elected, he will only be punished very lightly for the things he has committed before, but Metcalf’s staff who follow President Louis’s think tank like this will be tried.

Therefore, Metcalf’s staff can only serve the re-election of President Louis with all their strength, and he has no retreat.

He believes in Dean Constable because Dean Constable is the strongest of all researchers in the entire Interstellar Federation.

Perhaps Dean Constable’s reputation is not as dazzling as some well-known scientists, but many results have been studied from Dean Constable’s hands, and now they have become an important bargaining chip for President Louis. It is precisely these results that put President Louis at a disadvantage. Under the circumstances, he can still stay in the presidential office.

Dean Constable said that there is no problem with the research. Based on the knowledge of Metcalf’s staff about Dean Constable, he believes it 100%.

Perhaps Dean Constable is very unreliable in other aspects, but when it comes to research, it is unmatched.

President Louis’ anger subsided. He fiercely looked at David in the light curtain, and then waved his hand to close the light curtain.

He didn’t want to see David again. Whenever he saw David, he would think of the ten loyal Transcendent men.

In space, David could not move his whole body, and the massive fragmentation of the skeleton made him unable to move.

Through the Shadow Servant, he saw 20 black battleships approaching him. These battleships were far away from them before and were not at all affected by the’kryptonite crystal powder bomb’.

Twenty black battleships fired towing beams at David. One towing beam can drag a large unpowered battleship. The binding force of 20 towing beams is enough to prevent David from making half moves.

20 black battleships not at all As David expected him to be put into the battleship, but just fixed him in the middle of the 20 battleships using the tractor beam, and then headed toward the depths of space.

David saw that any black battleship was 5000 metres away from him. From this we can see how much the black battleship defended him.

After 20 black battleships took David out for a certain distance, they stopped in space. Then David observed through Shadow Servant and saw a very small spaceship approaching, and then the fleet re-started.

“This should be the conductor!” David thought to himself.

He can be sure that the person who planned this operation was on the Origin Star, because the small spaceship came in the same direction as Origin Star.

David thought of the opponent that Great Marshal Andre said. Only when he could become an opponent of Great Marshal Andre could he be able to deploy such a large-scale combat power in Origin Star.

Ten powerful Transcendents and 20 battleships of unknown model appeared near Origin Star. Without special permissions, they would have been discovered by Origin Star’s defense system.

While David guessed who this man was, he also sailed with the black fleet.

Their destination is not far from Origin Star. The towing beam protects David’s body into the speed of light sailing state. After half a day of sailing, he withdrew from the speed of light.

David saw the destination. It was a space building the size of a military battlestar, but the military facilities of the military battlestar were not visible on this space construction.

It is very rare for space buildings to be built in such areas very far from the stars. Except for the military’s defensive needs, there will be battlestars very far away from the stars. Most space buildings will choose to be near stars.

This is because it will be closer to the administrative planet, and it will be more convenient in terms of supply and security. Of course, it is not far from Origin Star. In this airspace, it is also impossible to have air theft, and there is no problem in security.

“Be careful and send the experimental materials to the research institute. You must be very, very careful. If there is any accident, you can leave it as my experimental material!” Dean Constable looked at David in space with crazy eyes. Said one side solemnly.

The captain of this fleet did not speak, but the expression was extremely focused.

No one knows the meaning of Dean Constable better than him. Most of the experimental materials in Dean Constable’s mouth are transported by him.

Since those experimental materials entered the research institute, none of them have appeared again.

Perhaps living in the institute is a luxury, and death is the norm.

David’s body was sent into the research institute by a towed beam. Before he entered the research institute, he still had an expectation in his heart.

In his opinion, there is no place to shut him up, as long as he is given a little time, he can leave easily.

Even before leaving, he can kill everyone in the entire building, capture the Chief-In-Charge here, and torture the people behind the scenes.

The harsh sirens sounded above the’Federal Command’, and everyone who heard the sirens couldn’t help but stay.

They all forgot when they heard this alarm sound last time, but they immediately reacted to what the alarm sound meant.

All the people in the “Federal Command” turn on their identity bracelets and set their identities to display.

This is true for both the living area and the core area. Even people at home set their identity as a display state.

The monitoring device in the sky loads the scanning power to the maximum, searching for all lifeforms in the entire “Federal Command”.

During this search, every lifeform must have a corresponding identity, even some pets.

In a large office, Great Marshal Andre sits in the first place, with eleven admiral on his left and right sides.

The atmosphere in the large office was dull, no one spoke, all waiting for the search results.

Outside the office, as many as 40 Transcendents are on guard. The office will not let anyone approach until the’Federal Command’ is completely safe.

Great Marshal Andre looked at eleven admiral, his eyes flashed with helplessness. In a short period of time, two of the ten or three deputy commanders died.

And the two deputy commanders were all murdered. First Lowes admiral was poisoned and died. Although he died at the military parade, it was understandable because of the chaos at the time.

But Admiral Longfellow died in the living quarters of the “Federal Command”, which made Great Marshal Andre couldn’t believe it.

Not only Admiral Longfellow was killed, but Admiral Longfellow’s son Major General Angus, daughter Mrs. Meredith, grandson Luke, and four Transcendents who protected Admiral Longfellow were all killed.

This nature is too bad, even if this kind of thing happens in an ordinary city, it is an extremely alarming case.

This is the extinguish sect tragedy. It takes much hatred to do this kind of extinguishment of the whole family.

First, the identity bracelet of Great Marshal Andre rang, and then the identity bracelet of eleven admiral also rang.

“Everyone, the’Federal Headquarters’ did not find the intruder, the military intelligence agency is investigating, and I have received the Early-Stage investigation report!” Great Marshal Andre gently tapped on the desktop and said solemnly after attracting the attention of eleven admiral. .

Eleven admiral heart startled, they just received the news that the security system not at all found the intruder, but they didn’t expect that Great Marshal Andre would even have the investigation result.

Although it is only the result of an Early-Stage survey, this efficiency shows a lot.

In other words, Admiral Longfellow has been investigated by Great Marshal Andre a long time ago, so the Early-Stage investigation results came out so soon.

Otherwise, according to the general process, there is no one day to find out and so on, especially this kind of case where even the murderer cannot be found.

“Great Marshal, what did the investigation find?” Francis admiral is very close to Great Marshal Andre, and he asked directly.

“Admiral Longfellow most recently acted frequently, especially since he arranged several attacks against Major General David. Let’s take a look at this report!” Great Marshal Andre said while passing the report to the admiral.

The reason why Great Marshal Andre would investigate Admiral Longfellow is David.

He had just assigned David to the Planet Bedarea defense force, and the Star Domain military headquarters had frequently mobilized the Planet Bedarea defense force before David arrived.

After that, David was attacked several times. Although they all ended with David’s victory, the participation of the high-level military can be seen.

It is not easy for Great Marshal Andre to move Admiral Longfellow. Although he is Great Marshal and his position in the military is extremely high, Admiral Longfellow is extremely powerful in the military, even if he has to worry about it.

Before there was absolute evidence, Great Marshal Andre could not take Admiral Longfellow down.

But precisely because of this, the investigation into Admiral Longfellow began.

Admiral Longfellow was killed before Great Marshal Andre found out.

Great Marshal Andre only saw the corpses of the 4 Transcendents at the scene of the killing, and knew that there was a great probability related to David.

He also wanted to protect David, but David did what he did this time. The murder in the’Federal Headquarters’ or the whole family murder was impossible to cover up.

The military does not only have an intelligence agency. Once many intelligence agencies participate in the investigation, David will definitely be investigated.

It would be better to let him arrest David and find a place to keep David alive so that David can survive. This can be considered to repay David for his life-saving grace.

“Great Marshal, do you suspect that the’Federal War God’ David is the murderer? But how can David enter the’Federal Command’? He has no permission?” Francis Admiral quickly read the report in his hand and asked immediately.

“This matter needs to be investigated, I just raised a suspicion!” Great Marshal Andre was also puzzled about this, he replied.

The security system of the “Federal Command” has gone through thousands of years without any problems. Continuous improvements have made this the safest place in the entire Interstellar Federation.

It is impossible to mix into the’Federal Command’. The’Federal Command’ has reached a harsh level of identity verification. Except for people with extremely innocent backgrounds, as long as there is a problem, no matter how high the status is. Was denied entry.

There is also a very high-level energy network covering all around the’Federal Command.’ This extremely energy-consuming security system can detect any illegal intruders entering.

But until Admiral Longfellow’s body was discovered, the security system of the’Federal Command’ did not find any suspicious persons.

“Isn’t David on Bedarea? As long as he is still there, I don’t know if he might be the murderer!” Milton Admiral said afterwards.

“Intelligence agencies are investigating. I don’t know why the Planet Bedarea defense force base is missing!” Great Marshal Andre said solemnly.

This does not need to remind Milton Admiral, the group of military intelligence agencies are experts in this area, and they have already started investigating David.

Only through interstellar communication to contact the Planet Bedarea Defense Force base, but found that it could not be contacted, and is now trying to contact Bedarea through other means.

As Great Marshal Andre was speaking, his identity bracelet rang again.

He looked down towards the identity bracelet, and soon his complexion is gloomy.

“Everyone, you can rule out your suspicion of David!” Great Marshal Andre waved his hand.

“What’s wrong?” Francis Admiral asked strangely.

“Just when Admiral Longfellow was killed, the Planet Bedarea defense base where David was located was attacked by Transcendent. David was missing, all base personnel were killed, and the base signal equipment was destroyed!” Great Marshal Andre’s voice was full of anger. .

He arranged for David to go to Bedarea. This was a safe arrangement. As long as David stayed at ease for a year, the term of President Louis would pass, and David would be no longer in danger.

But Great Marshal Andre’s arrangement was not at all able to protect David. David was assassinated many times in a short period of time. This time, all the personnel inside the base were killed.

This style of behavior is judged by Great Marshal Andre, and the great probability is the hand of President Louis.

In his investigation report, there was an image of Transcendent breaking open the door of David’s closed room. Among them, after the door was broken, David was sitting in the room.

The subsequent images not at all can be left. This section was sent by a member of the scanning team, but the following signals were completely shielded. After that, all the information on the base was destroyed, leaving no trace.

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