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The highest meeting of the “Federal Headquarters” is still going on, but the original decision to investigate David has been turned into two investigations.

One investigation was the tragedy of Admiral Longfellow’s family being extinguished sect, and the other investigation was the massacre of the Planet Bedarea defense army base where David was located.

The nature of these two cases is extremely bad. The massacre of the planetary defense army base has not happened for many years. This is a provocation to the military, especially since David awarded the “Federal War God” not long ago. Title.

Once the death of David is confirmed, it means that the “Federal War God” launched by Great Marshal Andre will be a failure for Great Marshal Andre, and the subsequent impact will be very large.

All military investigation agencies have received orders, and the entire military investigation system has been activated.

Great Marshal Andre ended the meeting and returned to his office. He opened the light curtain and entered a string of passwords. After waiting for ten minutes, a group of messages came back.

He looked at the content of the message with a smile on his face.

The password that Great Marshal Andre just entered is to remotely connect to Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence. No one knows that the Dao Foundation’s advanced combat intelligence does not fully use federal technology.

In the core part of the Kitts combat intelligence, an intelligence core purchased from Great Spiritual World is adopted, and combined with the technology of the Federation, the intelligence of the two worlds has been integrated, and many secret abilities have emerged.

Great Marshal Andre not at all told David that when Kitts combat intelligence was activated for the first time, it was actually a process of recognizing the Master.

This is the technology of Great Spiritual World, so as to ensure that as long as David does not die, Kitts combat intelligence will only serve David alone.

You must know that the destroyer was originally prepared for Great Marshal Andre itself. This type of destroyer that only needs to be driven by one person needs the highest standard of safety.

The safety standard of the destroyer is that as long as the owner is alive, no one else can command the destroyer.

The connection that Great Marshal Andre just made was through the military’s interstellar communication with the Kitts Advanced Combat Intelligence in the destroyer. If David dies, then he can regain the authority of the Kitts Combat Intelligence.

But he just entered the password and contacted Kitts Combat Intelligence, but the response he got was a reminder that the permissions could not be overridden.

In other words, David not at all died, the attack on the Planet Bedarea defense base, David may have fled, of course, there is the worst result, that is, David was captured.

“Adjutant Jikir, let the order go on, and check the recent unusual behavior of the person in the president’s office!” Great Marshal Andre ordered his adjutant through his identity bracelet.

Now Admiral Longfellow is dead. If the incident that attacked David was done by Admiral Longfellow, there would have been reports sent long ago. Since it was not done by someone from the military, then there is only President Louis.

David was sent to the Space Research Institute. Before entering the research institute, he had many ideas, but when he was dragged into the research institute, he found that his previous ideas were all wrong.

After being pulled into a door opened by the Space Research Institute, he felt a strange energy enveloped the entire Space Research Institute.

He was about to control Shadow Servant to observe all around, but before he left his body, Shadow Servant automatically returned to his back and pressed tightly to his back.

David tried to make the Shadow Servant move, but he couldn’t do it.

It seems that after entering this space research institute, Shadow Servant lost its mobility.

The only thing David can do is to enter his consciousness into Shadow Servant’s body. After entering, he feels that Shadow Servant’s body is fixed, and the fixed position is his back.

As his body was pulled deeper, Shadow Servant followed suit.

David expression changed. He wanted to open the space ring on Shadow Servant’s fingers through Shadow Servant and summon the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’, but Shadow Servant did not respond at all.

If it hadn’t been for the Shadow Servant to be invisible all the time, in a special space layer, it is estimated that the Shadow Servant would have been revealed by now.

David couldn’t help feeling panicked. His biggest reliance was two Level 2 insect race puppets, which made him capable of seizing the initiative without the threat of battleship even though he suffered severe injuries.

But now he had to face a dangerous situation, he lost the last means of counterattack, he was completely reduced to a prisoner.

Two researchers wearing isolation suits came over. They pushed a suspended frame under David’s body, and then the traction beam disappeared.

David’s body fell on the single suspension frame, and the suspension frame was extended with steel cables on 2 sides to tie David’s whole body.

Two researchers wearing isolation suits pushed David into a room made of white luminescent materials all around the walls, ceiling, and floor. The two researchers took out the instruments and started scanning David’s body.

Following the scan, David’s broken golden outer skeleton armor was automatically stripped from him for the loading box, and then two researchers removed up to four space bracers from him.

Another space bag was found on his waist, and the’Transcendent Army Knife’ was found on his calf, all of which were taken off and put aside.

The two researchers were very professional, and with the help of scanning equipment, all the items on David’s body were removed, even his clothes were removed, and he replaced him with a generous surgical gown.

David’s consciousness was still there, and when he found out that he had been replaced with a surgical gown, he couldn’t help being surprised.

The so-called surgical gown generally only needs to be changed when a major operation is about to be performed in the hospital.

As federal medicine is extremely advanced, there are few opportunities to use surgical gowns.

David doesn’t think that this is the people here preparing to see a doctor for him. He thought of another possibility. He was caught alive in this weird place. Is he going to slice it for research?

The reason for thinking like this is that his growth rate is so fast that he can no longer be called a genius. Especially in the final battle, he used a variety of special abilities. These are enough reasons for being studied. .

David was pushed out of the white light room, after passing a corridor, and then passing a downward elevator, he was finally sent to a huge room.

There are 2 operating tables in the middle of the room, all around there are many instruments that David doesn’t know what to do.

“‘Federal War God’ David, welcome to District 101 of the Federal Research Institute!” Dean Constable changed into a research suit and came to David’s side, looking down at David’s introduction.

David disliked Dean Constable looked towards his eyes very much. It was a kind of diners looking at food and hunters looking at prey. In his eyes, David felt that he was not a person, but an experiment.

David of the Federal Research Institute has heard of it, but he has never heard of it in District 101.

“Who are you?” David asked, trying to remain calm.

“My name is Constable, Dean of the Federal Research Institute!” Dean Constable patiently explained to David.

Dean Constable learned about David a long time ago. He knows many things about David. Through this understanding, he clearly affirmed one thing that is David’s spirit is very strong.

Even in the entire Interstellar Federation, there is almost no existence stronger than David.

Without a strong spirit, David cannot achieve amazing results in multiple fields at the same time, and he cannot have a lifetime effort far beyond others.

“Assistant Nigel, arrange an in-depth body analysis!” Dean Constable turned his head to instructed the person on the side.

If the person on his side removes his mask at this moment, he will find that this is the Nigel Assistant Researcher. It was he who sent someone to capture David and make David a research material, but he failed.

But it was through the information brought back by Assistant Researcher Nigel that Dean Constable paid attention to David.

Until David soared into the sky and became the “Federal War God” that the Federation focused on, Dean Constable wanted David.

Dean Constable’s experiment started a long time ago. He has found an ordinary person and an Armored Soldier, but none of these people can bear the side effects of the experiment.

Even after passing through President Louis and using several Transcendents as experimental materials, they did not achieve much.

But Dean Constable knew that there was no problem with his research direction. The calculations in the super brain were all correct, but the spirit of needing experimental materials was too high.

Perhaps Great Spiritual World may have qualified experimental materials that Dean Constable needs, but Great Spiritual World has a powerhouse of this kind of spirit, let alone grasping it, it is impossible to see it.

Although Great Spiritual World is in an alliance with the Interstellar Federation, the exchanges between them are only in the War Star area. Great Spiritual World people who can enter the peaceful area have political reasons. Such people cannot move at all, because if something happens It is bound to receive crazy revenge from Great Spiritual World.

It is for this reason that every time a messenger sent by Great Spiritual World enters a peaceful area, the military and government will send special personnel to protect it.

After David appeared, Dean Constable found the target. He pushed President Louis to arrest David. The only reason was this.

David was placed on the operating table by Nigel’s assistant researcher, and a cover was hung from above. He put the cover on David’s body.

The hood is a sophisticated human body analysis instrument. The advanced level of this instrument is definitely the most advanced in the entire Federation. Many of the designs are designed by Dean Constable himself.

One after another The scanning energy of various attributes is excited in the hood, and David’s body has no secrets.

Dean Constable looked towards the light curtain that showed the result, his eyes were shining.

The results displayed surprised him. Among all the Armored Soldiers he studied, David’s body was the strongest, and even many Transcendents did not mobilize the power of Transcendent. In terms of physique alone, it was no better than David. How many.

You know, David is just Armored Soldier, there is still some distance from Transcendent.

“Fortunately, we acted in a timely manner. Give David a while, and it is estimated that he will become a Transcendent, and then I don’t know how much it will cost to catch him!” Dean Constable exclaimed.

In order to capture David this time, under the absolute advantage, he still paid the price of ten Transcendents.

Those are not ten ordinary Transcendents. Each of those Transcendents is a powerhouse among Transcendents. Although not as good as those old powerhouses, they can also be ranked high among all Transcendents in terms of strength.

Ordinary forces lost ten Transcendents, and it is estimated that they would have collapsed a long time ago. Even President Louis was hurting his vitality in order to capture David.

This kind of obedient Transcendent, if you want to cultivate again, you can’t get it without decades, without precise planning and considerable luck.

No wonder that Louis Transcendent lost self-control like that.

“Yes, his physique, strength, and flexibility have reached the limits of human beings. As long as he becomes Transcendent, he can take a big step and increase his strength several times!” Nigel Assistant Researcher Nodded responded.

“Use the mind monitor!” Dean Constable commanded with excitement in his eyes.

Assistant Researcher Nigel raised the analysis cover and lowered another instrument from the top.

This instrument is very weird. The surface is just a transparent gem with full patterns on it. This transparent gem has an obvious Great Spiritual World style, but it is embedded in a metal sensor full of federal technology.

Assistant Researcher Nigel carefully placed the transparent gem on David’s forehead, and then the pattern on the transparent gem flashed rays of light.

David felt that his soul was shaken with the flash of the pattern rays of light on the transparent gemstone, but his soul had already formed a soul fortress, and it was still a soul fortress that had been upgraded many times, plus a crystal barrier. Protected, but nothing unexpected happened.

During the flashing process of the pattern rays of light, energy surges in the metal sensor, reading the data obtained by the transparent gem and transmitting it to the light curtain.

“God, 8 times, David’s spirit is 8 times that of an ordinary person!” Assistant Researcher Nigel couldn’t help exclaiming when he saw the result on the light curtain.

Dean Constable’s eyes looking towards David became extremely admired at this time. This kind of look made David think that he was Dean Constable’s child.

Because this kind of look is the kind of look that looks at his most precious thing, David believes that he can’t read it wrong.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand why Dean Constable wants to look at him like this. This look makes him feel more uncomfortable than the look before.

“Assistant Nigel, you go out first, order the research institute 101 area to be completely closed, start the automatic attack mode, once any spaceship approaches and kill directly, all personnel enter their posts, do not leave their duties without authorization!” Dean Constable told Assistant Nigel Researcher instructed.

Although Assistant Researcher Nigel wanted to participate in this experiment, he couldn’t help but obey Dean Constable’s orders, so he could only leave the room with regret in his heart.

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