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The humanoid life is a fighting angel in the foreign world. His encounter with the bald robust man is similar, except that he is better than the bald robust man, and his whole body skeleton is preserved.

As a battle angel, he has spent his whole life in battle. In his world, the war between heaven and hell has lasted for countless years, and the battle between the battle angel and hell demon has always existed.

He was in a war, affected by the battle between Divine King and Demon King, and thrown into space turbulence.

His skin, muscles, and body tissues were all washed away in the space turbulence, leaving only a skeleton.

Now the skeleton of the battle angel has finally found a body that can withstand the skeleton. How could the battle angel miss this opportunity? If he missed this opportunity, he may not have such an opportunity in 10000 years.

The skeleton of the battle angel is not so easy to find a body that can be accommodated. If it weren’t for the bald-headed robust man who had been secretly transforming, there was a hint of Spiritual God in David’s body, plus David’s own spirit was ordinary. It is more than 8 times that of person to be compatible with this skeleton.

The bald robust man wants to survive, and the battle angel also wants to survive, and this survival condition is David’s body, so they must decide the outcome, and one party completely falls.

“It seems that our goal is the same, so let’s fight!” Even if only Remnant Soul is left, the battle angel is still so passionate about fighting, he yelled.

“This is my site, you will fall here!” Robust man said solemnly bald.

The bald robust man said that his body swelled up, and soon he was twice the height of a battle angel, and the black robe on his body also became a black Battle Armor.

The quaint Battle Armor only covers half the shoulders of the bald robust man, revealing the knotted muscles, giving people a heavy feeling that he is a mountain.

The battle angel did not change, he just flapped the wings behind his back, and then he turned into a golden light and flew towards the bald robust man.

“Fight!” The bald-headed robust man loudly shouted, and the ground in front of him suddenly bulged, forming a thick wall.

The golden light transformed by the battle angel seems to be fast but extremely agile. It is about to collide with the wall. When there is still a little left from the wall, it turns suddenly, turns against the wall continuously, bypasses the wall and continues to fly towards the bald robust man. .

The bald robust man grabbed his hand, and a huge stick stretched out from the ground. He grabbed the stick with his right hand and slammed it at the battle angel.

The battle angel flashed flexibly with a long sword in his hand. After flashing the stick, he pierced towards the bald robust man.

The bald robust man also grabbed the ground with his left hand, and grabbed a shield from the ground to block the attack of the battle angel.

This is David’s Soul Space, and the battle that took place was clearly seen by him.

Originally David was very proud, because he was the’Heavy Sword Grandmaster’, the’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’, and the’sniper master’, which allowed him to fight the Transcendent as an Armored Soldier and was better than most Transcendents. Strong.

But after watching the two battles, he realized that his’Heavy Sword Grandmaster’ and’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’ were like a joke.

In the battle of the two Spiritual Gods, any of their random moves contains a formidable power that provokes Heaven and Earth.

David is particularly clear about this feeling, because the battle angel and the bald robust man fought in his Soul Space, and the Heaven and Earth formidable power that they mobilized was also the Heaven and Earth formidable power in Soul Space.

David can’t describe the feeling that two Spiritual Gods brought to him. It was the first time that a ant saw a giant dragon. It was the first time a frog in well jumped out of a well. This feeling made him recognize him again. The definition of fighting.

Of course, David thinks more about the origin of the bald robust man. Since the bald robust man can suddenly appear, it means that the bald robust man has been by his side.

Just thinking about him can guess the origin of the bald robust man, that weird sacrifice allowed his soul to pass through, and it was that weird sacrifice that gave him the Shadow Servant.

This is the only connection he can have with Spiritual God, so it is very clear where the bald robust man comes from.

David doesn’t think that a Spiritual God like a bald robust man will help him kindly. He doesn’t think he has the value that Spiritual God can help him.

If it weren’t for the appearance of battle angels, maybe David wouldn’t know the bald robust man until he died.

The battle is still going on, the strength of both sides is less than 1/10000th of the previous, not to mention that only Remnant Soul is left, so that they can only damage the enemy by destroying the opponent’s Remnant Soul in the most primitive way.

The bald robust man has the advantage of the home court. Although this is David’s Soul Space, he also has the control of Soul Space based on his contract with David.

He has great power, which is the basis for him to become a Spiritual God.

But his opponent, Battle Angel, is a speed type, even if he doesn’t have the advantage of the home court, he can still play against him.

The fighting innate talent of the battle angel is too strong, completely different from the Spiritual God, who has very little fighting experience like the bald man.

The battle angel transformed into a golden light kept breaking through the defense of the bald robust man shield, leaving scars on the body of the bald robust man.

The scar on the body of the bald robust man will disappear as soon as it appears, but David can clearly see that every time the scar on the body of the bald robust man disappears, the body of the bald robust man will shrink a little.

In fact, the strength of the bald robust man should be far above the battle angel. This is not to say that the original strength of the battle angel is not as good as the bald robust man, but the battle angel after experiencing space turbulence. The only strength that can be retained now is this. Up.

The bald robust man got a lot of soul energy provided by David. Although these energy souls are only an utterly inadequate measure for his recovery, they also give him more strength than the battle angel.

Therefore, the body of the bald robust man will be twice as big as the battle angel in battle. This is the real gap.

The bald head robust man not at all cares about the injuries on the body. The energy of the battle angel within the body is very limited. After this battle, it has been continuously wasting energy, and he has the help of David Soul Space, even with obvious speed. Inferior, but still have full confidence to defeat the opponent.

David also discovered the situation of the battle angel. As the battle continued, the battle angel maintained the advantage, but the body of the battle angel was shrinking.

David doesn’t know if he knows the existence of the bald robust man in this situation, whether the bald robust man will hide himself and keep his original state as before, or whether he will take this opportunity to directly occupy his body .

He doesn’t want a bald man to win, nor a battle angel to win. What he wants most is two perish together.

“Perhaps it should be fairer!” David thought that he would re-transfer the soul fortress into the ontology, which was the only thing he could do.

Just when the soul fortress returned from Shadow Servant within the body to David himself, the golden light of the battle angel’s body became more vigorous, and the speed suddenly increased by 1%.

“It seems that Little Brat doesn’t want you to win!” The battle angel laughed and said with a smile.

“After killing you, with your skeleton, this body can support my soul, so I don’t need him anymore!” Robust man said solemnly bald.

The bald robust man then loudly roared, and there were two more arms behind his back, and the two arms stretched towards the ground, pulling out a stick and a shield from the ground.

The bald robust man with 4 arms made the battle angel’s many attacks without success, but after 2 more arms, the bald robust man’s height dropped a bit.

The battle has reached a stalemate, and the two Spiritual Gods with only Remnant Soul left cannot stop. This is a battle for survival. Their battles have been consuming little energy.

David learned a lot from the battle, especially the bald robust man’s mastery of Soul Space energy.

Because in David’s own Soul Space, he can perceive every move of the bald robust man, including how to mobilize the energy in the Soul Space and transform it into an entity.

If David is allowed to study it himself, maybe he will not be able to master this method for 100 years or 1000 years, but with the demonstration of the bald robust man, he has become more and more aware.

The giant stick in the hands of the bald robust man was cut by the long sword held by the battle angel many times, and finally broke, and he was also stabbed with a sword by the battle angel.

The bald robust man quickly grabbed a giant stick from the ground and held it in his hand, his injuries also disappeared.

This is the tenth great stick captured by the bald robust man in the battle. After the battle angel found that he could not directly break through the tight defense, he changed the battle method and used the weapon to destroy the bald robust man.

By destroying the weapon of the bald robust man, the energy of the bald robust man within the body is indirectly consumed, and at the same time, the bald robust man’s defense can be leaked.

David, who was hiding in the soul fortress, lit up. He extended the hand and grabbed it on the ground. An ugly long sword appeared in his hand.

The hilt of this long sword has no guards, and the body of the sword is also pitted, like garbage being thrown away.

But David was extremely excited, because this was the ability to manipulate Soul Space he learned from two Spiritual Gods.

He threw the long sword in his hand to the ground. When the long sword approached the ground, it turned into a part of the ground.

David stretched out his hand again, and this time there was a heavy sword, which was much better than the long sword last time. Although it had some shortcomings, it was a real heavy sword.

David threw the heavy sword to the ground again, turning it into a part of the ground, and he stretched out his hand again.

After many exercises, David’s hand has a heavy sword that is exactly the same as his Level 4 “deceleration heavy sword”.

“I knew it, I knew it!” Dean Constable muttered to himself while looking at David’s body excitedly.

The golden rays of light on David’s body lasted for ten minutes, and it has not dissipated yet.

This time has long surpassed the longest record in the previous experiment. By the time the previous experiment arrived, the brain had long been a mass of paste, the muscles of the body would melt, and the vitality would be cut off.

The data on David’s physical condition on the light screen shows that everything is normal. Even David’s original injury is completely healed. If it were not for spiritual wisdom, David’s body would be the body of a healthy person.

Dean Constable is excited that the experiment is about to succeed. He will have another identity and become another life.

He will break away from President Louis’s control and get rid of the guilt of embezzling a large amount of research funds. All this has nothing to do with him.

“President Louis, Metcalf staff, go meet the ghost!” Dean Constable laughed heartily.

He doesn’t know when David’s body will end the process of fusion. This is an experimental experience he has never been to before, but this has been experienced in the calculations in the super light brain, but the special kind of calculations cannot replicate the weird skeletons. It can only be used as a reference.

Dean Constable can’t do anything now, he can only wait, and when the golden rays of light on David’s body disappear, that is the end of the fusion.

Dean Constable was thinking about future plans. He prepared another identity for David’s body, an identity that is absolutely unimaginable.

Even David, the identity of the “Federal War God” is only an alternative to him, and you can know how much he values ​​the other identity.

Dean Constable did not expect that in David’s soul, a battle between Remnant Soul Spiritual God was going on at this time.

After two Spiritual God Scripture battles for 2 hours, the bald robust man’s height returned to his previous height, and his body became somewhat transparent.

The battle angel’s body only left the upper body, and his lower body had already disappeared.

The two Spiritual Gods have long been stunned, and by this step they have no probability of stopping.

The two arms generated after the bald robust man disappeared a long time ago. While waving the giant stick in his hand, he roared.

The battle angel did not make a sound. He is more dangerous than the bald robust man. His body may collapse at any time. In order to survive, he must kill the bald robust man as soon as possible.

The speed of the battle angel without half of his body has become faster. He kept walking around the bald robust man, stabbing a sword from time to time.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, the bald robust man has not been able to hit the battle angel once, and his strength advantage has not been exerted. The battle angel has become like this completely because of his own consumption.

From the perspective of the third person, David is very clear about the situation of both sides of the battle. If he does not intervene, the bald robust man is bound to win.

Despite the fact that the bald robust man is far inferior to the battle angel in terms of fighting skills, but relying on the advantage of this field and using the accumulation that David gave him in the exhaustion, it is enough to desperately die for 10000 years of exhaustion, without any gain.

David quickly calculated his probability of participating in the battle, and when to participate in the battle to get the maximum benefit.

He doesn’t want to wait for the end of the battle between the two Spiritual God Remnant Souls. Only during the battle between the two Spiritual God Remnant Souls, can the two Spiritual Gods consume more of themselves and finally any Spiritual God Remnant Soul wins. It will also be a tragic victory, and he, the third player, can also take the fisherman catches both.

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