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The long sword in the hands of the battle angel cut a dozen times on the giant stick in the hands of the bald robust man. This was the Nth time he hit the giant stick. Finally, this attack disconnected the giant stick from it.

The bald robust man blocked the long sword of the battle angel with the shield of his left hand, and his right hand stretched out to regenerate a giant stick from the ground.

But he suddenly realized that his control of this Soul Space was disturbed. He stretched out his hand and grabbed a hole, not at all, a giant stick appeared.

This is of course David’s tricks. He returned the soul fortress from Shadow Servant within the body to the body, which greatly reduced the strength control of the bald robust man on his Soul Space.

This is David’s own body in the end, and it is far inferior to the control of the bald robust man when he was in Shadow Servant within the body.

It was this mistake that caused the bald robust man to stagnate. In a battle at this level, a weak spot would turn into damage.

The battle angel has extremely rich combat experience, how could he miss this opportunity.

The battle angel turned a half circle around the bald robust man, letting it pass the shield defense. The long sword in his hand stabbed ten swords on the bald robust man, causing ten wounds to appear on the bald robust man.

“David, you are courting death!” The bald robust man knew that it was David who disrupted his battle, and he roared loudly.

Standing in the fortress of the soul, David heard the roar of the bald robust man, his body shook, and he even felt that the spiritual wisdom body had signs of collapse.

We must know that this is still in David’s Soul Space, and even under the premise that the bald robust man and the battle angel are about to suffer from both sides, the roar of the bald robust man almost collapsed David’s spiritual wisdom.

Fortunately, the battle angel will not let the bald robust man have a chance to breathe. The battle angel keeps attacking the bald robust man. Through the bald robust man, he loses the opportunity to attack the weapon and severely damages the bald robust man.

David stabilized his spiritual wisdom body again. His spiritual wisdom was not erased by Dean Constable, but he almost broke down with a roar of the bald robust man.

Both of his hands stretched out to the ground, thinking of the outer skeleton armor in his mind. Every detail of the outer skeleton armor came out of his mind, and then the ground rose to wrap his feet, and continued to wrap his legs. Live, have been to admiral his entire spiritual wisdom body is completely wrapped.

This is David’s previous custom outer skeleton armor, and the outer skeleton armor he is most familiar with.

With a layer of protection, David is relieved a lot, at least he will no longer be as spiritual wisdom as before, and his body is completely unprotected.

In fact, David underestimated himself. This is his Soul Space. In fact, he has the highest authority here.

It’s just that he is much worse than the 2 Spiritual God Remnant Soul in the control of soul energy. The 2 Spiritual God Remnant Soul can only use his Soul Space to start the battle because of the incomplete soul.

While observing the battle of two Spiritual God Remnant Souls over there, David sensed the custom outer skeleton armor on his body.

The custom outer skeleton armor on the body is transfigured by soul energy, and every detail perfectly replicates the custom outer skeleton armor, and it also has some of the functions of the original customized outer skeleton armor.

This part of the function refers to the defensive function of the original customized outer skeleton armor. As for the function of flying, because the phantom custom outer skeleton armor lacks an engine to provide energy, it cannot fly, even if its strength is increased tenfold. Do it.

David’s heart moved. Since he can phantom the outer skeleton armor, can’t he phantom other things?

Of course, if the complex things are copied out, they are probably the same as custom-made outer skeleton armor. Only its shape has no internal things, so advanced weapons are useless.

David grabbed his hand to the ground. As the ground bulged, the raised part turned into a bed crossbow, which was also the most primitive heavy long-range attack weapon he could think of.

David didn’t immediately activate the bed crossbow, he kept reaching out to create a bed crossbow from the ground.

On the other side, the battle between the battle angel and the bald robust man came to an end, and their bodies became extremely thin, transparent like smoke and dust.

David felt that his opportunity had come, and with a wave of his hand, 30 crossbows he made shot out at the same time.

Armor piercing The crossbow arrow of the arrow crossed one after another perfect curve in the air, and fell towards the two Spiritual God Remnant Souls in battle.

The two Spiritual God Remnant Souls have never cared about David, even if this Soul Space belongs to David. In their opinion, David is just a mortal and cannot pose a threat to them.

But when the crossbow arrows flew down, the expressions of the two Spiritual God Remnant Souls changed.

If they were still the original Spiritual God, not to mention the phantom crossbow arrows, even the real crossbow arrows would not be able to hurt them at all.

But now they all have Remnant Soul left, and after another desperate fight, they have already reached the weakest time of Remnant Soul.

What Remnant Soul fears most is the weapon transformed into soul energy, which will damage Remnant Soul.

The previous two Spiritual God Remnant Souls did just that, turning soul energy into weapons to fight each other.

The two Spiritual God Remnant Souls both thought about how David could use soul energy to transform into weapons. That was because the bald robust man repeatedly reassembled soul energy to transform weapons.

Here is also the credit of the battle angel. If it weren’t for the numerous attacks of the battle angel that destroyed the soul energy giant stick of the bald robust man, how could the bald robust man regroup the soul energy giant stick again and again.

No matter how genius David is, he cannot learn this method through several gatherings.

The thought only rose in the hearts of the two Spiritual Gods, and the crossbow arrows that soul energy transformed into fell.

The two Spiritual God Remnant Souls did not yell. They glanced at each other, and there was a hint of relaxation in each other’s eyes.

For Spiritual God, death is just a deep sleep. They are not afraid of death. When facing death, they all have a sense of relief.

They are all tired after 10000 years of persistence.

This is also one of the reasons why their two Spiritual God Remnant Souls immediately decided to fight to death after they met. Whether it was victory or loss, it was a relief from previous suffering.

The soul energy transfigured crossbow arrow penetrated 2 Spiritual God Remnant Souls, and their Spiritual God Remnant Soul bodies shattered, leaving only 2 points of light.

David felt relaxed for a while, and two Spiritual God Remnant Souls appeared in his Soul Space, filling his Soul Space with a depressive atmosphere.

As the bodies of the two Spiritual God Remnant Souls shattered, Soul Space returned to tranquility.

David didn’t have time to observe what was left of the two Spiritual God Remnant Souls. Two points of light were indispensable. He was sensing things outside of his body.

Dean Constable was very excited. When he used the scanning device to examine David’s body, he found that David’s body within the body skeleton and muscles and other tissues were perfectly fuse together, just like David’s original skeleton.

The battle angel’s skeleton replaced David’s skeleton, and the original surging life energy converged instead.

Dean Constable changed to another scanning device, which he researched and developed to infer the lifespan of the target based on changes in the body’s genetic organization.

This kind of lifespan scanning device usually does not do much at all. Under federal medical conditions, almost every citizen can make his lifespan reach the ideal limit.

Of course, only some Transcendents who hurt the basics in the battle will make their lifespan less than expected, but this kind of less is also higher than the lifespan of an ordinary person.

Transcendent doesn’t need lifespan scanning at all. They have an instinctive sense of their lifespan, which is more accurate than the lifespan scanning device.

However, like Dean Constable’s research, this lifespan scanning device is needed.

The lifespan scanning device appeared on David’s head, scanning from head to toe, and then the value on the light curtain jumped from 2 100, 300, 400, 500…, until 10000, this lifespan scanning device had a program crash.

Dean Constable looked stupidly at the last number displayed on the light curtain, the lifespan of 10000 years, which was only the lowest value.

In his opinion, this number is simply not the limit lifespan of David’s body, and it is precisely because lifespan far exceeds the operating limit of the built-in program of the lifespan scanner that the program crashes.

Dean Constable also remembered that this set of internal procedures was written by his researcher, who probably never thought of anyone whose lifespan would exceed 10000 years.

“Eternal Body, I finally made it!” Dean Constable yelled, spreading his arms.

He jumped and jumped unscrupulously to express his excitement.

Dean Constable still remembers the first time he saw the skeleton in the collection room. When he saw the skeleton, he had an urge to research.

At that time he felt that his life’s research goal was the skeleton, and he could do everything for this.

Dean Constable has done everything over the years. He misappropriated research funds. He sent 4 people to arrest people as research materials. Now he thinks it is worthwhile.

David was agitated by Dean Constable’s excited cry. He didn’t struggle because his body was still tied to the operating table.

Now Dean Constable thinks that he has no spiritual wisdom and is just a living dead. There will be a chance to let him go. Then he can kill Dean Constable by surprise.

Now it’s useless for David to struggle. The belt that binds him is a special strong material. Not to mention that he is not wearing outer skeleton armor, even if he is wearing outer skeleton armor, he can’t break free.

“Finally I can use the baby I got!” Dean Constable manipulated the light curtain, and the robotic arm grabbed a box.

This is a box with a password. The material is actually Level 3 material. It can be seen how much Dean Constable attaches importance to this box.

Dean Constable stepped forward to enter the password, opened the box, and cautiously took out a test tube from it.

David found that it was a test tube with dark red liquid, and the dark red liquid gave him a sense of sacredness.

He didn’t know how he had this feeling, but he did feel this way.

Dean Constable took out a syringe and installed a test tube on the port of the syringe. He let the robotic arm turn the operating table over, revealing David’s back.

Dean Constable inserted the needle of the syringe into David’s spine and injected the dark red liquid in the test tube into the spine.

David inwardly startled in one’s heart. He didn’t know why Dean Constable did it. He guessed what the dark red liquid was.

But after the dark red fluid was injected into his spine, he didn’t feel anything at all immediately, just like ordinary spine tissue.

Dean Constable took out a white stone, stuck a needle on David’s finger, and then smeared blood on the white stone.

He stared at the white stone, the white stone did not at all change.

“Wait, I won’t fail, I’m so impatient!” Dean Constable muttered to himself.

He turned David over again with his robotic arm, and looked towards David with an extremely greedy look.

Then he turned and walked aside. The robotic arm brought him a meal. After a long period of operation and a lot of energy consumption, he was already exhausted. During the waiting period, he just took a break.

David hesitated, he tried to contact Shadow Servant, and he got in touch with Shadow Servant very smoothly, he can still see all around through the eyes of Shadow Servant, and Shadow Servant is still impossible to move because of the environment here. , Can only stop on his back.

He let out a long relaxed breath, he was still worried that with the fall of the bald robust man, Shadow Servant would also disappear.

David has a peculiar affection for Shadow Servant. This is the only companion who has been with him since he came to this World.

Although the contract between Shadow Servant and him was the conspiracy of the bald robust man Spiritual God, but the bald robust man Spiritual God had fallen, and the hidden danger of Shadow Servant was eliminated.

David still hopes that Shadow Servant can continue to accompany him, fight and live with him.

David returned to Soul Space again to see what the two Spiritual God Remnant Souls left behind.

When he came to 2 light spots, there were 2 shiny crystals. David tried to grasp it with his hands, but found that his hand passed through the crystal easily. It seemed that the crystal did not exist.

But David can be 100% sure that these 2 shiny crystals are here. He can perceive 2 crystals through Soul Space, but these 2 crystals are like opening up independent 2 in his Soul Space. Like a small space, his perception can only feel that there are 2 crystals, but he can’t get close to perception.

He didn’t know what these two shining crystals were, but he knew they must be extremely precious things, because they came from two Spiritual Gods.

Spiritual God has never existed in Interstellar Federation, because the system of Interstellar Federation cannot allow Spiritual God to grow.

In the knowledge of the Interstellar Federation, Spiritual God only exists in the Great Spiritual World. It is a legendary existence. Whether it really exists is still a mystery.

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