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David looked at his current face in the projection, and he felt excited. Everyone wanted to have a flawless face.

But this kind of face that shouldn’t have appeared in the world, appeared on his face, still made him hesitate while excited.

The peerless face of the battle angel is indeed matchless in the world, but going out with this face will definitely cause huge trouble.

Not to mention that this face has no identity, even if he finds a way to obtain the identity, he will be disturbed by countless people.

I believe that such a face will be immediately watched when walking on the street.

David shook the head, and the silhouette in the projection also shook the head. The amazing beauty made David not want to spoil him, but he still wanted to change his face.

He looked at the photo of Arthur on the identity bracelet and other identity information, thinking that since Dean Constable said that he could change his identity, there must be corresponding arrangements.

Just as he was thinking about how to change his appearance into Arthur’s face, he felt a trace of activity in the Bloodline Strength within the body, and then a life force was stimulated from the skeleton and applied to his whole body. He found his face changed in the projection.

David’s original peerless face became Arthur’s face of about 80 points. After the face that people couldn’t look directly at became ordinary, the imposing manner of the whole person became much more ordinary.

Not only was his face changed, his body also became a lot thinner and his height dropped a bit.

Thinking of the change of Bloodline Strength before the face change, he guessed that it should be the special ability of the body within the body skeleton, possessing a powerful life force, and after mastering someone’s genes, he can change into that person’s body at will.

In order to verify this speculation, David wanted to restore his original appearance, and immediately he felt the life force in the skeleton aroused again.

The face in the projection changed to David’s original appearance. David touched his face and observed his body. He found that not only the face, but also his body was restored to his previous state.

David couldn’t help let out a long relaxed breath. If he couldn’t change back to his original face, he would not be able to find his identity again.

But he thought about what he should do in the future. He probably understood who his enemy is.

President Louis, the most powerful official of the Interstellar Federation, as long as President Louis is still in office, David is extremely dangerous.

David thought of the information about President Louis. President Louis’s term is still one year to end, which is consistent with Great Marshal Andre’s statement that the trouble will be resolved in a year.

Now David has two choices, one is to return to David’s identity, and then stay in the army, carefully defending against President Louis’s attack.

This choice is not good. He has already caused President Louis to have a huge loss. Once he shows up, the revenge given by President Louis to him will be extremely fatal.

2 is to hide yourself and live with another identity temporarily.

In fact, Dean Constable already had a plan for this. This Arthur’s identity is Dean Constable’s preferred plan.

David doesn’t know the result of Dean Constable’s plan, but Arthur lives in Origin Star, which is extremely beneficial to him.

He can have more time to consider how to solve President Louis, or use Arthur’s identity to stay for a year, which is enough time for him to have stronger strength.

After the abdication of President Louis, the presidential defense was lost. By then, it would be very easy for David to assassinate an abdicated president.

Of course by that time, President Louis had lost his threat.

David didn’t think about how long, he thought about the appearance switching, and soon his face and body all switched to Arthur’s appearance.

David took all the items placed on the table in the storage room, and there were two boxes on the ground, one big and one small.

David opened the small box, revealing the item inside.

There were 5 golden’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stones’ in the small box. David couldn’t help but marvel at the benefits of power. He almost lost his life in order to obtain a’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’.

In the War Star’s insect race occupation area and the Level 4 insect race desperately, only then stole a’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’, and it was almost found by the Fifth Level insect race.

And Dean Constable has 5’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stones’, which can be regarded as a treasure more important than wealth.

David picked up another big box and found that it weighed more than 400 kg. After opening it, he saw the rays of light of light purple. The boxes were all neatly stacked with Level 4 materials.

With 400 kg of Level 4 materials, David was once again shocked by Dean Constable’s great generosity.

Although David also has Level 4 weapons, and even Fifth Level axe blades, these things are his fate.

Now look at Dean Constable’s collection. There are no Level 3 items here. Probably Dean Constable doesn’t like Level 3 items.

David shook the head. He put 2 boxes into the space ring. With this space ring, his space bracers don’t need to be used.

Suddenly he thought of something and looked at the space ring on his finger. Only then did he notice that he could open the space ring and send and receive at will. Could it be that the suppression here disappeared?

You should know that after entering the 101 area of ​​this research institute, he wanted to let Shadow Servant open the space item, but Shadow Servant couldn’t open it at all.

This also allowed him to bear the effects of Dean Constable’s surgery. Although he had gained some benefits, the dangers were also extremely shocking.

With a move in David’s heart, Shadow Servant actually moved, as if the limitations here disappeared.

“Is it because it is self-destructed here?” David thought of this and couldn’t help but speed up.

He habitually lets Shadow Servant fly out of the storage room, wanting to observe the situation outside.

But something unexpected happened to David. Shadow Servant was bounced back as soon as he flew out of the storage room.

David has a special power-lifting device. Although he is not good at defense, he has enough confidence to face any enemy.

Walking out of the storage room, the familiar feeling of suppression came again.

It turned out that Dean Constable made a shield in the storage room, so that the special force field covering the entire 101 area could not enter the storage room.

Dean Constable did this in order to be able to use the space ring to put away the things he wanted to take away. With the wisdom of a top researcher, this kind of detail can’t go wrong.

Although the space ring can no longer be used, David has nothing to worry about. He opens the identity bracelet, which belongs to Arthur.

The most obvious area of ​​the identity bracelet has a map. This map is the map of the 101 area of ​​the Institute.

David opened a passage under his feet according to the above prompt.

This passage is very secretive. There is only one entrance to the whole passage. David followed the passage to a small airport where only a special spaceship parked.

This is a single-person spaceship, all transparent, like it is made of crystal material.

Through the shell of the spaceship, you can see the internal engine and energy transmission device.

This makes this single-person spaceship just like a showcase made for teaching. David feels that this is a toy spaceship.

But he also knows that this is what Dean Constable has prepared for him, what kind of garbage spaceship is impossible to use.

David came to the crystal spaceship, he swiped the identity bracelet on the hull, and then the crystal spaceship was opened.

He sits in the crystal spaceship, the internal space of this crystal spaceship is very small and can only accommodate one person at most.

Just as David was sitting in the driving position, a light curtain popped up in front of him, which explained in detail the operation methods and performance of this crystal spaceship.

After seeing the message on the light curtain, David only sighed for the crystal spaceship.

The material used by the crystal spaceship is a kind of absolute spar. Because of its special properties, Dean Constable collected the amount of spaceship built by various means.

David started the engine. This engine is not big, but it is a super luxury product made of Level 4 grade material alloy. Its performance is comparable to that of a medium-sized battleship engine.

And this crystal spaceship is just a single miniature spaceship, you can imagine how much energy it has.

As the engine started, a wave of water appeared on the surface of the crystal spaceship, and then the crystal spaceship became invisible.

The hatch of the small airport opened and the crystal spaceship drove out. After leaving the Institute 101 area, David couldn’t help feeling a moment of relief in his heart.

Shadow Servant also came back to life. He released Shadow Servant. After Shadow Servant left the crystal spaceship, he was surprised to find through the eyes of Shadow Servant that he could not see the crystal spaceship.

This is more thorough than his stealth of the Beacon from the Great Spiritual World intelligence personnel. The Beacon can only be hidden from scanning, but this crystal spaceship can be physically invisible, making it impossible for people to see it.

Of course, it can be used by Dean Constable as a trump card to leave. This crystal spaceship is naturally immune to any scan. This is also the precious thing about this kind of absolute spar.

After driving a crystal spaceship away from Federal Research Institute 101 for a certain distance, David looked towards the Space Research Institute through the eyes of Shadow Servant, thinking of the countdown in his mind.

When he meditated to zero hour, the interior of the Federal Research Institute 101 area suddenly collapsed, and then exploded outwards, and the entire 101 area of ​​the Institute was instantly shattered.

Due to the previous order issued by Dean Constable, the entire Federal Research Institute 101 District was completely closed, so no one in the Federal Research Institute 101 District was able to escape, and everything was destroyed.

David did not stay and check more. He knew that a spaceship would come to check soon. He increased the engine and the crystal spaceship flew towards the Origin Star.

On the way, David thought about it. He still used his identity bracelet and sent a message to Great Marshal Andre when he approached a space signal transfer station.

“Great Marshal Andre: I need to hide for a while, please help me deal with the trouble caused by this!”

David finished sending this message and was about to leave the space signal transfer station in the crystal spaceship, but he received a reply from Great Marshal Andre.

The reply was very short, with only 2 words “Agree!”.

David didn’t expect Great Marshal Andre to respond so quickly, but there was a response within one minute.

If Great Marshal Andre sometime in the evening, David put his identity bracelet into the space ring, he would not be able to receive the news of Great Marshal Andre.

In a large office of the Origin Star “Federal Command”, Great Marshal Andre’s face looked helpless.

After he saw David’s message, he immediately knew that David was safe.

According to reason, a major general like David cannot leave his post for a long time, but Great Marshal Andre still followed David’s request.

What Great Marshal Andre thought was that David should be the agent behind the understood’s attack on him. David believed that the military could not guarantee his own safety before making such a request.

Think about the attack on Planet Bedarea’s defense army base. David was secluded cultivation at the time and was attacked during retreat.

No matter how David escaped, it also directly shows that the military cannot guarantee David’s safety.

Another reason why Great Marshal Andre agreed to David was that David wanted to use this time to retreat and become a Transcendent. This was based on the intelligence analysis of David’s previous retreat at the base by Great Marshal Andre.

Great Marshal Andre will not refuse such a request, but will instead support it.

A powerhouse like David was so good at the Armored Soldier stage. Once it becomes a Transcendent, it will be more powerful.

This is of great benefit to David himself and Great Marshal Andre.

“Adjutant Jikir, draft an order. David is transferred back to the’Federal Headquarters’ under my direct leadership due to a secret mission, so that the Star Domain military headquarters will turn David’s relationship over!” Great Marshal Andre called Jikir adjutant instructed.

An hour after David’s message, David’s relationship with the military became a direct subordinate of Great Marshal Andre and was performing a secret mission.

This order also minimized the series of effects caused by David’s disappearance, and also relieved Transcendent Garen and Hans who had just received news of David’s disappearance.

Upon learning of David’s disappearance and the attack on the Planet Bedarea base, the two relatives of David were worried.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for the military to hear that David had gone on a secret mission and was not there when the base was attacked.

Unlike Transcendent Garen and Hans’ concerns, the two weapon masters who manage David’s industry have no worries. They have a contractual relationship with David. If David dies, they will also suffer soul damage and death.

Now they are all fine, naturally David is fine.

So although the news of David’s disappearance caused some fluctuations in the Alto Fund, it was controlled by the Hilly master.

After a long voyage, David finally saw Origin Star. He adjusted the map, switched to the Origin Star map, and found the Garden Road in the 100th Victory District, ready to land the crystal spaceship directly to Arthur’s home.

The crystal spaceship is close to Origin Star, not at all is found, and then enters the atmosphere. The crystal spaceship has enough power to keep the descending speed in a controlled stage, so as not to cause excessive movement and be discovered by Skynet.

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