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The Garden Road in Origin Star 100 Sheng District is a row of villas. Each villa has an area of ​​more than 2 square meters. This is also considered a mansion in Origin Star.

Arthur’s Villa No. 155 is at the end of Garden Road, close to the ocean, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

When David drove the crystal spaceship and approached Villa 155, his identity bracelet was connected to the security system of Villa 155.

He manipulated the identity bracelet, and then the grass behind Villa 155 separated, revealing a hidden hangar.

David parked the crystal spaceship into the hangar and closed the grass above his head.

He walked down the crystal spaceship, thought about it, and put the crystal spaceship into the space ring. The crystal spaceship is small enough, and after the crystal spaceship is put down, there is still a lot of space left for other items.

David entered the villa through the underground passage. From the decoration of the villa, it can be seen that Arthur’s life in Origin Star is still extremely rich.

After the death of Mooney Transcendent, who adopted Arthur, all his wealth was left to Arthur.

If Arthur is a cultivator, the assets left by Mooney Transcendent may be a little tight, because many cultivation resources cannot be purchased with credits.

But Arthur is just an ordinary person, and the assets left by Mooney Transcendent are enough for him to spend a lifetime.

When David thought of this, he couldn’t help but open the identity bracelet to check Arthur’s credit balance.

Since David got Alto Fund, he has not cared about credits anymore, because almost all of his consumption cannot be purchased with credits.

But now it is different. He needs to live like an ordinary person. If he wants a secret life, he cannot use his previous wealth.

At least the wealth he uses as Arthur needs to have a clear source that can be explained, otherwise, with the strict censorship system on Origin Star, it is inevitable that there will be some problems.

The amount displayed on the identity bracelet made David stunned. Although he knew Arthur was rich, the amount of 100, 300000000 still surprised him.

Because according to Dean Constable’s records, Arthur worked in the 3rd Institute, and with so many credits, it was difficult for David to understand that Arthur was still working in the Institute.

With so many credit points, David does not need to consider credit points during his life as Arthur.

David did not visit the entire villa, he asked the machine steward to replace all the living items in the master bedroom with new ones.

After a fierce battle, then a torture-like operation, and then a space flight, these have made him exhausted, and he just wants to rest.

David slept from the afternoon until 2 am on the 6nd day before waking up under the influence of his biological clock.

He opened his eyes and found that he was in an unfamiliar environment, and he was not used to it. He stood up and went to the bathroom, looking at his face in the mirror.

“You are Arthur!” David said softly.

In fact, David is no different from Arthur either legally or from Bloodline.

Legally, Dean Constable did a very comprehensive job. He made all the preparations for this status.

After Dean Constable got the experimental materials from David, he immediately started the plan he had made.

Arthur was sent on a business trip by Dean Constable through his staff, and was taken to the 101st Federal Research Institute on the way. Even when Arthur was sent there, Arthur thought it was a business trip.

Dean Constable erased all traces. Arthur’s return is like returning from a business trip. The Origin Star’s voyage record contains the information returned by Arthur.

David found the latest news on the identity bracelet. This was a work news from the 3rd Research Institute. Arthur was given a one-week break and would be transferred to a new environment as a project deputy after work.

For a researcher like Arthur, this is a big job promotion.

The project deputy in the 3rd Research Institute is a transitional qualification. Only after having the experience of the project deputy can be engaged in project leadership.

David not at all cares about Arthur’s promotion in his position. With a week off, he wants to study his body.

Since the villa was previously owned by Mooney Transcendent, there is a cultivation room in excellent condition in the basement.

Standing in the cultivation room, David began to think about the future path.

He currently has two cultivation options. One is to continue the cultivation federal cultivation system. He is now a Peak Armored Soldier, and he should be able to break through and become Transcendent soon.

The other is the cultivation system of the Great Spiritual World, but he doesn’t know much about this cultivation system.

But David can still be cultivation. He summoned Shadow Servant, put a hand on Shadow Servant, and called out a light ball of knowledge alone.

‘Knight Breathing Method (80% Proficient)’, this is from the god-general World Cultivation Methods knowledge photosphere. After injecting Arthur’s Bloodline Strength, the following’under-use conditions’ disappeared.

In other words, David can cultivation’Knight breathing method’, the Knight cultivation method of the Great Spiritual World.

But David still has concerns. Once there is any difficulty in the cultivation of’Knight Breathing Method’, he will not be able to get help from others.

In addition, he doesn’t know what level of cultivation technique the’Knight Breathing’ is in the Great Spiritual World. He hopes that he can meet Baron Dubois and Knight Miller and get the really good cultivation technique of the Great Spiritual World from them.

Of course, if you want to meet Baron Dubois, at least he needs to solve the problem of President Louis, and he also needs to figure out how to explain that he has Bloodline Strength, these all are headaches for him.

After shook the head, David quickly made up his mind. He decided to continue the cultivation federal cultivation system, at least to become Transcendent.

Only by becoming a Transcendent can he be able to deal with President Louis with greater confidence. The cultivation Great Spiritual World cultivation system can only be said later.

Although David is very enthusiastic about the cultivation system of the Great Spiritual World, he also knows that cultivation cannot be too casual. He knows too little about the cultivation system of the Great Spiritual World.

Before cultivation, David carefully checked the Shadow Servant. This time, because of sufficient time, he experimented with various operations many times and found that Shadow Servant was different from before.

It’s just that these differences are good things. First of all, the power of Shadow Servant has been greatly improved.

The previous Shadow Servant could only lift 2 100 grams of items, but today’s Shadow Servant has a power of 100 kg, which is almost the same as the power of an ordinary person.

Naturally, this little power is still not very helpful to David’s battle, but this change shows that Shadow Servant has lost the suppression of the bald robust man, showing its original ability.

This is a good change, and the other change is not so good, that is, the wisdom of Shadow Servant has declined.

The Shadow Servant before, as long as David makes a general order, can complete the next thing autonomously, but now the Shadow Servant must give a clear order to complete the task.

David is most concerned about whether the Shadow Servant absorbs soul energy and converts it into energy that he can absorb, and extracts the light ball of knowledge in the soul, whether these two abilities are still there.

But for a while, he couldn’t find soul energy. This is Origin Star. It is not easy to find a dead body here.

In terms of Origin Star’s law and order, unless David encounters a special event, it is difficult to achieve the idea of ​​allowing Shadow Servant to absorb soul energy.

David asked Shadow Servant to open the attribute panel, and his attribute appeared in front of him.

Name: David · Kerr

Strength: 5.1 (1)

Agility: 5.1 (1)

physique: 5.1 (1)

Spirit: 8.5 (1)

Literature (91% Perfection)

Mathematics (86% Perfection)

Comprehensive (84%Perfection)

Military Command (67% Perfection)

Space warfare research (1% perfect)

Carving (85% Perfection)

Golden Spirit Body Forging Art (26%Perfection)

Electronic countermeasures (50% Perfection)

Warhammer master (97% Perfection)

Sniper (10% Perfection)

Shield Mastery (49% Perfection)

Heavy Axe Mastery (1% perfect)

Long sword master (99%Perfection)

lance master (98% Perfection)

heavy sword master (99% Perfection)

Mental Puncture (1% proficient)

Sleep mentally (99% proficient)

jujutsu (65% proficient)

spaceship driving (77% Perfection)

Mechanical maintenance (87% Perfection)

Spaceship maintenance (65% Perfection)

Empty-handed combat (66% Perfection)

Theft (80% Perfection)

Spiritual Language (99% proficient)

Negotiation expert (12% Perfection)

Singing (88% Perfection)

Piano (99% Perfection)

Finance (96% Perfection)

Makeup (70% proficient)

Power shock (innate talent)

Strength increase (innate talent)

Innate talent (innate talent)

physique enhancement (innate talent)

Extreme speed (innate talent)

High Frequency Sound Wave (innate talent)

Cooking (1% perfect)

Underground stealth (innate talent)

Knight Cross Slash (battle skill 99%Perfection)

heavy sword space slash (1% perfect)

Charge Up (battle skill 10%Perfection)

Flash Fire Art (innate talent)

Attach Poison (innate talent)

Spiritual Storm (innate talent)

Void Rush (innate talent needs space energy to start)

Corpse Controlling Technique (innate talent)

Shadow stealth (innate talent)

Research (1% perfect)

“Yi!” David exclaimed.

He saw that his strength, agility and physique had exceeded the human limit of 5, reaching 5.1. According to the federal cultivation system he knew, he should be a Transcendent.

But David didn’t feel any abnormality at all. There was no generation of Transcendent power, and there was no such earth-shaking change.

He slammed his fist vigorously, and his strength was indeed increased, but the special strength-enhancing device before made him inaccurate in his judgment of his strength.

After a day of adaptation, he has already figured out the effect of the special power lifting device

The special power-lifting device can increase the strength by eleven times, which is stronger than the outer skeleton armor. Don’t underestimate the twice the strength, which is enough to make David’s blow can be weaker than the Transcendent.

David quickly thought of the specialness of his body now. First of all, the skeleton of the battle angel was within the body, coupled with the influence of Bloodline Strength, which made his body develop in an unknown direction.

His body is not exactly an ordinary person type of body.

David couldn’t help showing a wry smile. The improvement of strength, agility and physique is of course a good thing, but his cultivation has also undergone unknown changes.

Perhaps in the future, his Armored Soldier cultivation can only be explored by himself, and the rest of the people can no longer offer opinions for him.

David looked down again, and at the end he saw the ability to’research (1% perfect)’.

He can be 100% sure that he did not have this ability before, so the source of this ability can be determined.

Federal Research Institute Dean Constable is definitely a’research Grandmaster’. His soul is dissipated in David’s Soul Space, so it is possible to get an innate talent from Dean Constable.

The fact is also true. At that time, the bodies of David and Shadow Servant were attached to each other. Although Dean Constable’s soul dissipated in David’s Soul Space, Shadow Servant still played a role. It instinctively made Dean Constable the strongest one. The Innate Ability is transformed into David’s ability.

It’s just that this conversion is not at all through the process of absorbing the knowledge photosphere, but is forcibly converted into David’s Innate Ability.

Fortunately, this is the knowledge-based Innate Ability. When David’s consciousness wants to activate the’research (1% perfect)’ Innate Ability, a lot of research experience enters his brain.

David stayed in the cultivation room, and after about half an hour’s torrent of information, his eyes recovered to clarity.

He recalled the’Research Grandmaster’ Innate Ability in his mind, various formal, special, cruel, or dark research methods one after another surfaced in his mind.

Originally, David was still worried about impersonating Arthur. You must know that Arthur is a researcher, but David has no relevant knowledge.

Even if Arthur is transferred to a new working environment, there is no need to worry about getting along with colleagues, but problems at work are inevitable.

With the ability to study Grandmaster, David has to be careful not to overdo it.

David checked his attribute panel again, and found no other Innate Ability, and he was disappointed.

After seeing the’Research (1% perfect)’, he thought of the bald robust man and the battle angel 2 Spiritual Gods. Since the soul of Dean Constable dissipated in Soul Space, the’Research Grandmaster’ Innate Ability appeared, so 2 Spiritual Gods God also dissipated in his Soul Space. Will there be any abilities?

This is the ability of Spiritual God, as long as one appears at random, it is an incredible Innate Ability.

David didn’t know that although the dissipation of the two Spiritual Gods did not leave behind any Innate Ability, it left something more precious, but he still didn’t know its role.

David pressed the matter down, took out the’Earth Vein Tree Leaves’ soup and Level 3 fortified meat service, and placed the king’s’Lightning Crystal’ on his chest.

Fortunately, for these important items, David was placed in the space ring of Shadow Servant, but was not discovered by Dean Constable.

Of course, after being discovered, Dean Constable will also be placed in the storage room, and will eventually be taken back by David.

David started the cultivation of’Golden Spirit Body Forging Art’, which was his first cultivation after possessing this body.

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