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“Dang dang!” The alarm bell of Earth God Palace rang.

All the clergy were surprised to see the bells ringing for no reason, until the bell rang ten or three times, the clergy awakened.

The alarm bell at the top of the temple sounds like an ordinary clock every day.

But if you can observe this big clock carefully, you can see that it is densely covered with many patterns.

When the bell rang at ten or three, these patterns, which normally did not respond, flashed.

X3 The ringing in the temple represents bad luck and the presence of the breath of Evil God in the Great Spiritual World.

The priests gathered towards the main hall, and Archbishop, which is rarely seen normally, also appeared.

The six bishops stood behind Archbishop with serious expressions, no one communicated with each other.

“All the fighting priests are out!” Archbishop looked towards the priests commanded.

Following Archbishop’s orders, more than 50 battle priests walked to the center of the great hall and bowed to Archbishop.

Among the more than 50 combat priests here, there are 5 Level 4 priests, and the rest are Level 3 priests. This kind of strength does not seem to be strong. The strength of any top nobleman must exceed these strengths, but this is only the external power of the temple.

No one knows the true power of the Earth God Palace, and the temple has a summoning order that can summon the power of the nobles for their own use.

“You go to Grandspread Star immediately to find out where the evil exists, and you will start the prologue of the battle of Gods!” Archbishop commanded in a deep voice.

“My lord walks on the earth, my lord waters life, my lord drives out evil, and my lord breeds creatures!” The fighting priests chanted loudly in unison.

Their eyes are full of passionate flames, fighting for God is their lifelong belief, they are willing to fight for God, and they are not afraid of death.

The battle priests turned and sang and left, and the rest of the priests also bowed and retreated. Only Archbishop and 6 bishops remained in the great hall.

“Block the Transmission Gate of the Grandspread Star. Bishop Bolin will do this!” Archbishop scanned the six bishops and then said to Bishop Bolin.

“Yes, Archbishop!” Bishop Bolin bowed.

Of course he knows what Archbishop means. His relationship with the Maine Family is not a secret in the Earth God Palace. The Grandspread Star belongs to the territory of the Maine Family. It is naturally best for him to handle this matter.

They all know that it is not only the Earth God Palace that receives the alarm. The rest of the temples will also receive the alarm, but the Earth God Palace is the closest to the Grandspread Star, so it can easily be locked in the Grandspread Star.

It is estimated that other temples will not be able to find the location of the breath leaked by Evil God in a short period of time, but the general location is also known. Actions on the Earth God Palace will soon be discovered by other temples.

As long as the Transmission Gate on the Grandspread Star is locked, Earth God Palace can take the initiative, and the rest of the temples need to discuss the disposal method with Earth God Palace, and Earth God Palace can get the most benefit.

Although the Great Spiritual World is jointly in charge of the world by several major temples, and how the Spiritual God above it is not known, there is always competition among the temples below.

Especially for this kind of action against Evil God, the temple with the dominant power can get the most benefit.

The biggest beneficiaries of this benefit are Archbishop and several bishops. The spoils of war that satisfies the God of the Earth will give the Divine Blessing of the Earth stronger strength, longer lifespan, and even the return of the soul after death. The status of Divine Kingdom will rise.

As soon as Bishop Bolin left the great hall, a priest came to report and Knight Charlie from the Maine Family came to visit.

In Bishop Bolin’s lounge, he met Charlie.

“Honorable Bishop Bolin, this is the letter my father asked me to bring to you!” When Charlie saw Bishop Bolin, he immediately took out the letter from the space ring and handed it over.

Bishop Bolin has taken the letter, and there is no extra content written on it, not at all, just to let him go back to Maine Castle.

Lord Gould’s summon, Bishop Bolin left without any hesitation. There is a good reason for him to return to the Maine Family this time, that is, he was ordered to do business.

When Bishop Bolin walked out of the Transmission Gate of Maine Castle, he found that the atmosphere was not right.

in the sky Numerous Heavenly Knights are flying on flying mounts, and the Earth Knights on the ground are also fully armed and patrolling on war horses.

Bishop Bolin couldn’t help speeding up his pace. This time he came over without even the priests who were accompanying him. When he saw Charlie coming over to invite him, he knew in his heart that there must be a major event.

Although Bishop Bolin was born in the Maine Family, in order to avoid the suspicion in the Earth God Palace because of the origin of Bishop Bolin, the Maine Family seldom contact Bishop Bolin and only secretly help Bishop Bolin.

Bishop Bolin can become one of the bishops of the Earth God Palace. Among them is the contribution of the Maine Family, or that most of the bishops have corresponding supporters behind them, but these supporters are very careful not to touch the bottom line of the temple.

For all temples, the bottom line is that nobles should not interfere in temple affairs. Several major temples are independent of the aristocratic system. They do not intervene in secular affairs, but are above the secular.

The temple can accept clergy of noble origin, but the nobles cannot influence the temple.

Of course, after countless years of infiltration, most of the clergy in the temple are from nobles, even those clergy who are not from nobles, have more or less received funding from nobles.

The temple can only maintain that the surface does not have too much involvement with the nobles, at least it can’t clearly have too much contact.

Bishop Bolin also knows this. If it weren’t for a major event, Lord Gould would be impossible to consider this.

“Bishop Bolin, please, father is waiting for you in the study room!” Charlie’s pace was obviously faster, and he guided in front.

All the servants in the castle were gone, only the loyal Knight stood guard.

“Come in!” When Bishop Bolin came to the door of the study, the door of the study opened and Lord Gould’s voice came out.

Bishop Bolin walked into the study, and when he saw the state of Lord Gould, a terrified look flashed in his eyes.

Lord Gould’s body was leaning on the side, the state of weakness and powerlessness, simply not like a Fifth Level Templar Knight should have.

Only the energy Avatar of Lord Gould still maintains its original appearance, and the energy Avatar who just spoke was also.

“Gould, what’s the matter with you?” Bishop Bolin stepped forward 2 steps, without any scruples, came to Lord Gould’s body and asked.

Regardless of the lack of contact between Lord Gould and Bishop Bolin, their relationship is extremely close. They share the same father, but not many people know about it.

If it were not for Bishop Bolin’s identity to be hidden, Bishop Bolin would not be able to reach a high position in Earth God Palace.

The temple can accept the origin of nobles, but cannot make the direct descendants of the top nobles become the upper level of the temple.

“Bolin, let you watch a joke!” Lord Gould said with a bitter smile, he coughed involuntarily just as he said a word.

“Stop talking, let me see the injury!” Bishop Bolin waved his hand to stop.

Bishop Bolin stretched out a hand with a faint white radiance flashing.

This is the exploration technique of Earth God Palace, which can detect the injury of the target in order to make the most appropriate response.

Bishop Bolin would not think that Lord Gould’s injuries can be treated at will. If that were the case, with the powerful background of the Maine Family, he would have taken out heavenly materials and earthly treasures level healing medicine for treatment.

The milky white radiance entered Lord Gould’s within the body. After a few breaths, a black mist eroded the milky white radiance, and then rose up and soared over Lord Gould’s body.

“It’s troublesome, it’s a curse!” Bishop Bolin looked a little ugly. After seeing the seemingly non-existent pattern in the black fog, he understood what the injury was.

“I was lucky not to die on the spot with the 4 brothers!” Lord Gould said solemnly.

“Are you crazy?” Bishop Bolin raised his voice and asked annoyedly.

“We don’t want to stay in a confined space until we die like our parents!” Lord Gould looked at Bishop Bolin, lightly saying.

Bishop Bolin didn’t speak. He also thought of the father of the two. Their father was not dead as he said.

This is also the secret of all top nobles. The final destination of Fifth Level Templar Knight is a creature without feelings. Every Fifth Level Templar Knight will recover for a short time before losing all feelings. In this process, Fifth Level Templar Knight will make the most correct choice for the family and close himself.

Lord Gould has not regretted his battle with Plague God Gladstone until now. Regardless of victory or defeat, he challenged Spiritual God and fulfilled his dream.

“To be honest, you are really lucky. This divine force must be weak to the limit. Otherwise, how could it allow you to live for so long? Unless that person takes action, it is impossible to cure your curse!” Bishop Bolin calmed down. Emotions, he spoke frankly.

The person Bishop Bolin said, Lord Gould certainly knew that the only thing that prevented Bishop Bolin from calling his name was the God of the Earth.

As long as the name of the god is called, then Spiritual God must have a sense.

“You may not believe it. My injury is almost mortal. I was treated once when I was in a coma. My current injury has been reduced by one third compared to that at the time!” Lord Gould said to Bishop Bolin with a smile.

Lord Gould really felt his luck, Bishop Bolin said so, so you can imagine how lucky it was to meet someone who could save him.

Not to mention that the person was treating him instead of killing him.

You must know the armor on Lord Gould, the weapons in his hands, and the wealth in the space ring, all of which can drive anyone in the Great Spiritual World crazy.

In this case, the man still saved his life and saved him by the world of Plague God Gladstone.

Sometimes Lord Gould wondered if it was a Spiritual God who saved him.

Of course, this kind of thinking is a joke. If there is a Spiritual God there, the best thing to do is to kill Plague God Gladstone. For Spiritual God, an existence like Lord Gould will not be seen at all.

Perhaps only when a large number of lords are brought together, Spiritual God will be able to face each other. Spiritual God will not pay special attention to a single lord like Lord Gould, let alone help.

“This is impossible! This kind of poisonous curse is driven by divine force, unless Spiritual God personally takes action, otherwise it will not have any influence on divine force!” Bishop Bolin shook his head.

Bishop Bolin didn’t want to believe Lord Gould’s words at all. He was in the Earth God Palace, and he knew how powerful this curse of divine force was created by Spiritual God himself.

Especially from the curse on Lord Gould, he saw that this Spiritual God seemed to be determined to put Lord Gould to death, adding a special immortal attribute to this curse.

It is precisely because of this indestructible attribute that Bishop Bolin feels tricky.

But Bishop Bolin also knew that Lord Gould would not lie to him, he said more to himself, to resolve the doubts in his heart.

“Are you the Spiritual God you met in Grandspread Star?” Bishop Bolin asked suddenly.

He actually guessed after seeing Lord Gould’s injury.

Otherwise, there is no coincidence. Four Fifth Level Templar Knights died in battle, Lord Gould was severely injured, and was still cursed by Spiritual God.

“Received news from the temple?” Lord Gould frowned asked.

“Before I came, the alarm bell of the temple rang ten or three times. It is estimated that not only our temple, but the other temples are also the same. This time I came here with the meaning of Archbishop. Let you block the Transmission Gate to the Grandspread Star first. Let us in and out of the temple!” Bishop Bolin nodded replied.

“This matter is okay. If the rest of the temple wants to ask questions, I will let them find the Earth God Palace!” Lord Gould knew the meaning very well and waved.

“It is estimated that the news of your battle with Spiritual God will not be concealed for long. If you want to recover completely from your injury, you still have to ask Spiritual God to do it, or I will ask Spiritual God to do it once!” Bishop Bolin thought about said solemnly. .

“No, 10000000 don’t!” Lord Gould stopped quickly.

If Bishop Bolin asks Spiritual God to take action, then it will inevitably have to pay a price. The price is so big that Bishop Bolin will vain all previous achievements in the temple and be demoted from the position of bishop to priest, which will also give Bishop Bolin’s strength. Down to the level of ordinary priests.

It’s not so easy to move Spiritual God. Spiritual God’s shots need to pay the same price. For the wounds caused by Spiritual God like Lord Gould, Bishop Bolin’s price is too high, too high for the Maine Family. Point.

Although Bishop Bolin rarely communicates with the Maine Family, as long as Bishop Bolin is in the Earth God Palace, the rest of the top families will take into account his existence, and his attitude must be taken into consideration in all aspects.

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