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“Gould, what about your injury?” Bishop Bolin asked worriedly when Lord Gould refused.

“Don’t worry, although my injury cannot be cured, it won’t get worse!” Lord Gould said with a smile.

“Gould, are you comforting me?” Bishop Bolin looked at Lord Gould and said angrily.

Although he can’t treat Lord Gould, he can see Lord Gould’s injury. Although it has been controlled now, it is still under the suppression of Bloodline Strength.

This is not a long-term solution. Over time, the curse will explode again, and then the formidable power of the curse will increase, and the Bloodline Strength cannot be suppressed.

At that time, Lord Gould died, and Bishop Bolin wanted to ask Spiritual God to take action.

“Look at this!” Lord Gould smiled and passed a bottle of’Heart Warm Lotus Seed Soup’ over and said.

Bishop Bolin took the’heart-warming lotus seed soup’, glanced at Lord Gould suspiciously, then waved a white radiance and flashed past, and the exploration technique was performed again.

A hint of pure white rays of light rises from the’Nanxin Lotus Seed Soup’, which is still particularly conspicuous in the milky white radiance.

“Where did this lotus seed soup come from?” Bishop Bolin stared at the pure white radiance in the white radiance in disbelief and asked aloud.

“Cooked by Charlie’s friend, this’heart warm lotus seed soup’ can not only suppress the curse of my within the body, but also stabilize the emotional defects of Fifth Level Templar Knight!” Lord Gould replied with a smile.

“Cooking? It is the cooking level of the grandmaster level, and it can’t let the immortal life force be incorporated into a bowl of soup!” Bishop Bolin said in disbelief.

“Wait, you said there is a trace of immortal life force here?” Lord Gould waved his hand and asked.

The immortal life force is the life energy that can only be possessed by the Spiritual God. Legend has it that the god of the earth possesses this energy to become a Spiritual God who has a healing divine force.

Lord Gould has read relevant information, and the immortal life force is also precious energy for Spiritual God.

He was thinking about the price of the’heart-warming lotus seed soup’, which seemed to be some Level 3 fortified meat. He thought it was for Baron Arthur to take advantage of it and help Baron Arthur. Who knew the fact was that Baron Arthur was treated badly in reverse. .

“You go find someone who cooks this, he can cook a’heart-warming lotus seed soup’ with immortal life force, maybe he has some ways to deal with your injury!” Bishop Bolin thought for a while and suggested.

“Okay, I’ll meet him!” Lord Gould nodded agreed.

Lord Gould thought more in his mind. The previous’heart warm lotus seed soup’ did not have this effect. It is possible that Baron Arthur added something during cooking, or that his cooking ability has improved again.

He knows that Baron Arthur’s’cooking’ ability has reached the grandmaster level. If it is upgraded again, it may be possible to sublimate the energy in the original’heart-warming lotus seed’ again to form this immortal life force.

In any case, Baron Arthur has become an important option for Lord Gould’s treatment.

Bishop Bolin’s time in Maine Family was very short, and he left Maine Family with thoughts.

In fact, neither he nor Lord Gould are too worried about the safety of the Maine Family itself.

A top noble family will not put all its safety on a Fifth Level Templar Knight. Even if Lord Gould is really dead, the Maine Family will continue to exist, but it will lose some benefits in some aspects. .

No top aristocratic family dared to use military force to threaten another top aristocratic family. In history, the top aristocratic family will only appear because of the long absence of Knight genius, and slowly decline, but it has never been used by other top aristocratic families. Destroy things.

On the one hand, because the top aristocrats signed an agreement, this Great Spiritual World aristocratic agreement has little effect on ordinary aristocrats, but it is extremely useful for top aristocrats.

It was based on this noble agreement that the noble affairs office appeared.

Contradictions among the top nobles will be coordinated and dealt with first by the Noble Affairs Office.

On the other hand, the temple will not allow the discovery of military force conflicts between top nobles.

In the Great Spiritual World, Spiritual God is above everything, while the top aristocrats manage the secular. All the military forces of the top aristocrats are the military forces of Spiritual God in the spiritual eyes of the gods.

In any event, Spiritual God can requisition the military force of the top nobles at any time.

So Spiritual God will not tolerate wars between top nobles, that would damage the interests of Spiritual God.

The last aspect is that the background of the top aristocrats determines that no one dares to provoke the top aristocrats, even the declining top aristocrats, no one knows how strong the background is.

Take the closed Fifth Level Templar Knight, like the Maine Family, there are 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights closed.

The 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights use a special ability of the Maine Family to live by suspended animation. This way can make the lifespan of the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights far exceed the actual lifespan.

These 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights are the ultimate secret of the Maine Family. They usually rely on Spirit Gathering Formation to maintain.

If necessary, the bloodline descendants of the contemporary Maine Family can awaken these Fifth Level Templar Knights. Although these Fifth Level Templar Knights have no emotion, they have a special connection to the Bloodline and will not attack the Bloodline descendants.

The Bloodline heirs put the Fifth Level Templar Knight on any planet. As long as the Bloodline heirs leave the Fifth Level Templar Knight’s side, the Fifth Level Templar Knight will turn into a killing machine, until all the lives of the planet are killed clean or otherwise Powerhouse kills, or consumes the last life force.

Almost all top aristocrats have this kind of background, and it is with this kind of background, even if Fifth Level Templar Knight does not appear in the top aristocratic families of one or two generations, it will not affect the status of the top aristocrats.

In fact, the background of the top nobles is somewhat like the super space weapons of the Interstellar Federation, which has a terrifying deterrent.

Don’t look at Lord Gould. In the battle between the 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights and Plague God Gladstone, 4 died and one was seriously injured, but that was a battle with Spiritual God.

Fifth Level Templar Knight starts killing on any planet, it is tantamount to the appearance of a weapon of destruction, no one can stop it except the existence of the same level.

The Maine Family is really anxious. If 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights are invested in the main star of any top aristocrat, the consequence is to perish together with that top aristocrat. That top aristocrat must also put the closed Fifth Level Templar Knight into battle, otherwise It can’t be stopped at all.

The Fifth Level Templar Knight, who was awakened from the confinement, will not stop as long as the killing starts until the life force is exhausted.

For the top nobles, the closed Fifth Level Templar Knight is a deterrent method, which has rarely really appeared in history.

After saving Lord Gould, David immediately returned to the cultivation room of the Bama Star Qinya Manor through the medium-sized Transmission Gate of the Church of “Shadow God”.

When he walked out of the medium-sized Transmission Gate, he felt exhausted all over his body. This was not physical exhaustion, but mental exhaustion.

He didn’t have this feeling when he was in Grandspread Star. The excitement between life and death, and the crazy behavior close to Spiritual God made him extremely excited.

Now that he was back in a safe place, David felt scared.

He even dared to enter the world of Spiritual God. Was he crazy at the time?

But when he saw the pile of spatial items in the spatial pendant, his discomfort quickly disappeared.

David first asked Shadow Servant to transfer the corpses and spoils of war in the space ring to the space pendant. The space inside the space pendant was large enough, and the grade of the space pendant was beyond imagination.

Like all the space rings that David got, they could only be hung on the body by stringing them together, but now they are all taken directly into the space pendant.

David sometimes even wondered if this spatial pendant had anything to do with’Shadow God’, otherwise, how could there be such a high grade.

As he thought about it, his spirit swept over 25 Heavenly Knight corpses, and his mouth couldn’t help but smile.

For others, if they get the corpse of Heavenly Knight, perhaps only the equipment on Heavenly Knight is valuable, but for David, who can resurrect Heavenly Knight and make it into a puppet, all these corpses of Heavenly Knight can be transformed into real life. Combat power.

Every corpse of Heavenly Knight is equivalent to a Heavenly Knight.

And these Heavenly Knight’s equipment is still complete, and he doesn’t even need to think about flying mounts.

We must know that in the world of Plague God Gladstone, these Heavenly Knights do not have summon flying mounts, and these flying mounts still exist in the summon ring.

David only needs to regularly input life energy into the body of these flying mounts, and he can keep the flying mounts alive.

The only trouble was that he didn’t know whether the soul energy he obtained this time was enough to revive so many Heavenly Knights.

Although David thought this way, the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

“This is really a happy trouble, 25 Heavenly Knight, how to use it?”

David’s gaze swept over the 4 space rings thrown aside. These 4 space rings were obtained outside the world of Plague God Gladstone. I remember that when Lord Gould was rescued, he found 4 space rings on the ground. The spirit swept away.

What did he think about the 4 space ring not at all, it was just a habitual behavior at the time.

As a David who has experienced many battles and is accustomed to collecting spoils of war, when he saw 4 space rings, he would take away without thinking.

At that time, David did not associate these 4 space rings with Lord Gould, because David had never seen anyone with a space ring on his body except himself.

At this moment, David looked at the 4 space rings and had some guesses in his mind.

He stretched out his hand, and 4 space rings were taken out of the space pendant and appeared in his palm.

These 4 space rings are out of the ordinary from the look of style. Are they really the owners of these 4 space rings?

David thought to himself that he used Bloodline Strength to open one of the space rings, and he saw the familiar silhouette, the corpse of Lord Ferdinand.

It is hard for David to imagine that that day he saw Lord Ferdinand for the first time at Maine Castle, when Lord Ferdinand passed in front of him like stars in space.

It’s been a long time since Lord Ferdinand’s space ring is in his hands, and Lord Ferdinand’s body is in the space ring.

On Lord Ferdinand’s body, that black armor was intact.

David’s spirit swept over and found the wound on Lord Ferdinand’s corpse. To cause such a fatal injury, the black armor must be destroyed.

“Is this an armor with self-healing ability?” he thought in his heart.

Although David doesn’t know whether there are self-repairing equipment in Great Spiritual World, he has seen it in Interstellar Federation. His own piece of “outer skeleton armor” has a small degree of self-repair ability.

As long as the internal equipment is not damaged, the external armor can be repaired by itself.

David’s attention moved away from Lord Ferdinand’s corpse, and he looked towards the light long sword beside him with pale-gold rays of light.

Even if David has a Fifth Level grade axe blade, but that axe blade is not a real Fifth Level grade weapon after all, only the sharpness of Fifth Level grade weapons, but not the defensive ability of Fifth Level grade weapons.

Besides, he is now Knight, and the weapon he uses is normally a sword. The Fifth Level light long sword is more capable of exerting Knight’s combat power.

In addition to this Fifth Level light long sword, there are also 2 Level 4 heavy swords, a Level 4 shield, and the rest are some healing and restoring potions.

It is also conceivable that Lord Ferdinand is desperately fighting Plague God Gladstone this time, and he is also impossible to come out with useless things.

It is estimated that Lord Ferdinand has arranged 10000 things after his death in the war. The important items in the space ring for the Berger Family are naturally placed in the family.

David put this space ring aside, and looked at another space ring.

This time he was mentally prepared. When he saw Lord Merlin’s body, he was not at all feeling too much.

Similar to the black armor on Lord Ferdinand, the black armor on Lord Merlin is also intact, which confirms that the black armor has the ability to recover itself.

David waved his hand, and the black armor was stripped from Lord Merlin’s body and appeared in his hand.

He felt his hand sink. The weight of the black armor was beyond his expectations. If the weight of more than 10000 kg were not for the ground of the cultivation room, it would have been specially treated. Under this weight, the ground would definitely sink.

He doesn’t recognize the materials used in this black armor. In his knowledge system, there is simply no relevant knowledge.

You should know that David has the ability to’forge Grandmaster’, but even in the huge knowledge of’forge Grandmaster’, he did not find any related content about black armor.

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