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David saw the combat power of the black servants with his own eyes. It was definitely Level 4 strength, but what he didn’t know was that the strength of these black servants before they fell asleep in Plague God Gladstone were all Fifth Level.

Because Plague God Gladstone sleeps for too long and consumes too much energy, although after some recovery, the black servant can only maintain Level 4 strength.

However, the souls of these black god servants are 100% Fifth Level souls, which are derived from Fifth Level souls collected by Plague God Gladstone.

Some of them are Fifth Level believers of Plague God Gladstone, and their souls naturally return to the world of Plague God Gladstone after death.

The other part is that Plague God Gladstone uses other means to collect the soul of the Fifth Level powerhouse into his world.

Even though these Fifth Level souls have gone through countless years, the Fifth Level souls have not changed at all.

How did David know that his biggest gain this time was not 25 Heavenly Knight corpses, nor 4 Fifth Level Templar Knight corpses and equipment. His real biggest gain was 100 Fifth Level souls.

Soul energy poured into David’s Soul Space, mixed with golden light that had never appeared before, which is the most precious source of Fifth Level soul.

Why does a Spiritual God like Plague God Gladstone collect the soul of Fifth Level powerhouse? It is because the soul of Fifth Level has its origin. This origin can make Fifth Level soul maintain the characteristics of Fifth Level in a special environment.

Just like in the world of Plague God Gladstone, Fifth Level souls can rebuild their bodies with Plague God Gladstone, and they will be able to exert the strength that Fifth Level deserves.

In addition, Fifth Level soul is still a kind of currency in ancient Spiritual God. Spiritual God uses Fifth Level soul to buy or trade items.

David thought about resurrecting Fifth Level Templar Knight in the future. In fact, if he did not have Fifth Level Soul Source, even if he succeeded in resurrecting Fifth Level Templar Knight, he would at most be a powerful Level 4 Heavenly Knight, which is far from the real Fifth Level Templar. Knight is fundamentally different.

David didn’t know this at this time, he just found that there were some golden light spots in Soul Space, and these light spots flew into the soul fortress and dotted the empty interior of the soul fortress.

The soul fortress was washed away by a huge amount of soul energy, and the internal space continued to increase.

This increasing speed made David feel a little frightened, a small city-like soul fortress, as the massive soul energy entered, rows of new buildings appeared, and the original buildings became taller.

When the golden light spots no longer appeared, David also understood the source of these golden light spots, because he found that the number of golden light spots was exactly 100.

This is almost 100% related to 100 black servants, 100 black servants corresponding to 100 golden light points.

Just as the 100 golden light spots were scattered in the soul fortress and moved along with the flow of soul energy, the battle angel crystals above the soul fortress sent out rays of light, and each light was connected to a golden light spot.

These golden light points were also neatly distributed and fixed in the ever-increasing soul fortress, and then the light emitted by the battle angel crystal was connected through 100 golden light points.

David was surprised to find that inside his soul fortress, a strange array of 100 golden light spots appeared.

The center of this weird array is the center of the entire Soul Space. The soul energy that originally flooded into the soul fortress all converged inward after the continuous collision of 100 golden light points.

Soul energy is compressed every time it collides with a golden light point. After 100 times of compression, soul energy is collected in the center of the array, and it has already brought a trace of golden rays of light.

The ignorant David doesn’t know what he is going through. If he has the inheritance of the top noble family, then he will definitely find that his soul is sublimating.

This kind of sublimation is the most important step for Level 4 Heavenly Knight to promote Fifth Level Templar Knight. This is also the biggest bottleneck. Most Peak Level 4 Heavenly Knights are stuck on this step and have no progress in their lifetime.

And David, who was just Level 3 Earth Knight, its soul is sublimating to Fifth Level, giving birth to Fifth Level Soul Source.

The battle angel crystal is performing instinctive operations. It actively upgrades the Soul Space so that the battle angel crystal can exert more abilities.

Battle Angel Crystal is like the intelligent system of the Interstellar Federation, and David’s Soul Space is the server, and the Fifth Level Soul Source that entered this time is a new server enhancement device.

David himself does not know how to use Fifth Level Soul Source as a server enhancement device, but Battle Angel Crystal knows that before David can’t fully control the Battle Angel Crystal, the Battle Angel Crystal will take the initiative to upgrade according to his own needs and when there are suitable conditions. David Soul Space this server.

On the other side, Shadow Servant is also changing. What it gets is only half of the soul energy, and those Fifth Level Soul Source not at all remain.

Shadow Servant This is also in full compliance with David’s order, David only agreed to allocate half of the soul energy to it, not at all requires leaving the rest of the soul energy.

But even so, the huge soul energy this time also gave Shadow Servant a great benefit.

If Shadow Servant is not hidden in a special space layer, its energy response will be extremely amazing at this moment. The huge soul energy continues to enhance everything in Shadow Servant.

In fact, if David knew that he would get so much soul energy this time, he would be really unwilling to leave half of the soul energy to Shadow Servant.

On the body of Shadow Servant hidden in the special space layer, each and everyone pattern appears, and then shrinks and disappears within the body, and its body becomes more solid.

The previous Shadow Servant was a bit transparent and more like an illusory creature. After the continuous strengthening of the Shadow Servant, the body was covered by complicated and small patterns, and the surface of the body showed a faint golden.

In David’s soul fortress, at the center of the array composed of 100 golden light points, the golden light inside the collected soul energy is flashing and disappearing, as if new life is being bred.

As the frequency of golden light flashed off increased, the golden light did not turn off after one flashing.

There was a roar in David’s mind, and he felt that his thinking was extremely confused, as if he was thinking of many things at the same time.

However, this state soon became clear, just as he used to focus on 2 use before, what he is doing at this time is one mind for 100 use.

Except for the center position of the array composed of 100 golden light points, which belongs to David’s Fifth Level Soul Source, the remaining 100 Fifth Level Soul Sources are all transformed into David’s 100 Soul Clone under the action of the array.

Only David, an ignorant and fearless person, dared to collect Fifth Level Soul Source into his Soul Space, which also has David’s absolute trust in the ability of Shadow Servant, but it is also an extremely risky behavior.

Fifth Level Soul Source appears in Soul Space, with great probability of occupying Soul Space which is weaker than itself. Not to mention that 100 Fifth Level Soul Sources enter Soul Space at the same time, which almost increases the risk by 100 times.

Although Shadow Servant removes the remaining impurities in soul energy, spirituality not at all in Fifth Level Soul Source is removed.

In David’s Soul Space, the battle angel crystal plays a decisive role at this time. All Fifth Level Soul Sources are controlled by it, and they cannot do anything out of control.

I don’t know how long it took, David got used to the feeling of having 100 brains, and every Fifth Level Soul Source became his Soul Clone, possessing the ability to think.

David eyes opened, he feels very strange now, and he will be confused by not at all, but it will make him surprisingly clear.

He didn’t understand his state at this time, it seemed that his soul had gone through a transformation again.

Especially the extra golden light in David’s Soul Space. He knows very well that it is the core of his Soul Space and that it represents everything about him.

He has a feeling that even if his body is completely destroyed, as long as he can retain this golden light, he can be resurrected.

David called Shadow Servant over, he ordered Shadow Servant to activate the attribute panel, and immediately his attribute panel appeared in front of him.

He saw’Spirit: 10.48 (1)’. His spirit has increased by more than 1 point at a time after this time. To know that his previous spirit wants to increase the required soul must be Level 4 soul energy.

And if you want to pass the 10 o’clock level, the soul energy required is even greater than imagined, not to mention that in his estimation, the spiritual improvement after 10 o’clock, I am afraid that it needs Fifth Level soul energy to improve.

“Is it a Fifth Level spirit already!” David couldn’t help thinking.

He tried to lift up his body with spirit, and during the lifting process, he hardly felt the power of the spirit, as if he was holding a feather in his hand.

David turned his spirit into a fist again, and slammed it into the air ahead, feeling the power of this blow.

Immediately he showed a strange expression, because he felt that the blow of the spirit was almost comparable to his own power.

You must know that spirit is not used as a weapon to smash people, but the use of corresponding secret arts can exert its greatest effect.

Although Fifth Level Templar Knight has Fifth Level Soul Source, his own spirit is not Fifth Level spirit. There is a difference.

Fifth Level Templar Knight uses Bloodline Strength to improve itself. At each promotion, Bloodline Strength transforms the body while also improving its soul.

But this kind of soul improvement does not really rely on the soul itself to improve, and naturally it is not as obvious as the sorcerer to improve the spirit.

Therefore, two Level 2 Heavenly Knight and Level 4 Warlocks, in terms of power, Level 4 Heavenly Knight absolutely crushes Level 4 Warlock, but the spirit of Level 4 Warlock absolutely crushes Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

David forcibly obtained Fifth Level Soul Source this time. The energy of 100 Fifth Level souls is the premise. 100 Fifth Level Soul Sources and battle angel crystals are the foundation. The combination of the two makes his soul forcibly reach Fifth Level.

His soul promotion has the same effect as the warlock’s soul promotion. His soul promotion is operated by battle angel crystals. If the warlock wants to be promoted to a Fifth Level soul, he needs the gift of Spiritual God.

Perhaps the battle angel crystal can be regarded as the role of Spiritual God. In this sense, David is very similar to the warlock.

Today, what David still lacks is the mysterious technique. No matter how strong his spirit is, he can only use his spirit as the power of Peak Level 3 Earth Knight. Of course, this kind of use is more weird and intangible, but it is Any warlock with Fifth Level spirit seems to be a great waste.

But this is not without benefits. At least David went from Earth Knight to Heavenly Knight to Templar Knight. During this period, there was no bottleneck at all. The most difficult Fifth Level bottleneck was passed.

David now feels like he has a treasure, but he cannot use it.

Of course, he can choose to join any Ancient God Cult club, so that he can get the corresponding mysterious skills. Unfortunately, the advanced mysterious skills normally need to be granted by the ancient Divine Blessing. The premise is to believe in the ancient gods.

As a person from the Interstellar Federation, or even as a transmigrator from the world in the previous life, David has no faith in the two worlds, and he doesn’t care about any faith. If the faith can be changed at will, he doesn’t care about it. Ancient gods.

But here is the Great Spiritual World. As long as you open any of the classics, you will be clearly told that faith cannot crack a joke. Once the belief in Spiritual God is formed, it will pay a huge price to break away from it.

This price has soul and body.

In the record, the consequences of the betrayer are terrible, the soul will be collected by Spiritual God, and endure torture in the hell of betrayal.

Regardless of these descriptions of Believing or Not, David will not experience it personally. This World really has a Spiritual God. He has seen the Spiritual God world.

Since there is a Spiritual God, those recorded in the classics are most likely to be true, and he will not deliver his soul to anyone, even Spiritual God.

“Maybe I can get some help from the top nobles!” After David did not choose to believe in the ancient gods, he thought of the most suitable way.

David needs time now. He needs some room for growth. As long as he can become a Templar Knight, it should be easy to get some help from the top nobles.

Of course, his confidence comes from his Fifth Level spirit, which makes him feel that his Knight path of cultivation will be smooth.

With the help of battle angel crystals, the’Leopard Breathing Method’ with grandmaster level, and the energy feather wings to gather energy, his cultivation speed will be extremely terrifying.

Sometimes David wants to find a place to hide, and slowly cultivation there until he is strong before coming out.

Naturally, this kind of thinking is just his imagination. Without so many adventures, without birth and death again and again, how could he get the current achievements.

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