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David took his attention away from himself and he noticed the changes in Shadow Servant.

Since he came to this World, he has been inseparable from Shadow Servant, and his familiarity with Shadow Servant is truly like his own shadow.

“Shadow Servant, exit the invisible state!” David commanded in his heart.

Until now, Shadow Servant has been in a state of invisibility for a long time. In this state, the ability of Shadow Servant has no effect, and because David does not want Shadow Servant to be exposed, he never allows Shadow Servant to appear.

At this time, letting Shadow Servant appear was also to prove his feelings. When the silhouette of Shadow Servant appeared, he knew that his perception was correct.

The pale-gold Shadow Servant is extraordinarily sacred, and there is an urge to worship when ordinary persons see it.

Under David’s manipulation, Shadow Servant waved his arm and hit the void.

Amid the huge sonic boom, a ripple appeared in the air in front of Shadow Servant.

The power of Shadow Servant has increased, and it is not a slight increase. In David’s perception, the power of this strike is only the standard of ordinary Earth Knight, but due to the terrifying speed bonus of Shadow Servant, formidable power It can even be compared to David’s failure to bless various special abilities.

David is not at all pleased with the increase in Shadow Servant’s power. With his current strength, when he encounters intractable enemies, the power of Shadow Servant has no effect.

It seems that the various improvements of Shadow Servant are always slower than the improvement of his strength, which perfectly staggers when he needs this level of combat power the most.

Shadow Servant’s body is no longer illusory, pale-gold’s body feels like a pouring of gold and iron.

David did not test the defensive power of the Shadow Servant, because he was worried about whether the body of the Shadow Servant could still be as before. When the non-physical body can penetrate the object, the hand he pressed on the Shadow Servant body It was through the body of Shadow Servant with his mind.

The growth of Shadow Servant does not at all affect its essence. Even if the components of its body are solid, it is still an energy-transforming body, which can be switched to an illusory body at any time.

In this state of Shadow Servant, even if you don’t enter the special space layer, you can be immune to physical damage.

Besides, as long as the Shadow Servant is always in the special space layer, apart from the ability to cut the space, almost no attack can hurt itself.

David’s spirit entered the Shadow Servant within the body. He originally wanted to check the situation of the knowledge sphere, but when his spirit was connected to the Shadow Servant, he felt that the spirit of the Shadow Servant was almost the same as his spiritual strength.

How the Shadow Servant body is constructed, David doesn’t know, but he knows that Shadow Servant needs soul energy.

Even after the bald head Robust man Spiritual God’s Remnant Soul disappeared and the Shadow Servant truly belonged to David, the Shadow Servant still showed its desire for soul energy.

Since the bald head Robust Man Spiritual God Remnant Soul dissipated, all the souls David acquired, including the soul energy, were shared with Shadow Servant.

After the soul energy given by the crazy 100 Fifth Level souls was evenly divided by David and Shadow Servant, Shadow Servant got huge benefits.

Unlike David, Shadow Servant does not need to form Fifth Level Soul Source. It is a special existence. From the pale-gold of its body, it seems that it itself is composed of Fifth Level Soul Source.

It is a pity that the bald head that made Shadow Servant was robust man Spiritual God passed away, and this cannot be confirmed.

With David’s current ability, Shadow Servant is considered a high-end waiter in Spiritual God, and he can’t analyze it at all.

The power of the Shadow Servant’s spirit made him want to acquire powerful mysterious spells again. Not only does he need powerful mysterious spells to give full play to his spirit, but if Shadow Servant has powerful mysterious spells, he can also Play the same effect as him.

In other words, David can completely regard Shadow Servant as the energy Avatar of Fifth Level Templar Knight, and truly regard Shadow Servant as his own combat power.

Although the previous Shadow Servant also played a role in the battle, the battles that Shadow Servant can participate in are all low-level battles relative to David’s strength. When encountering powerful enemies, the combat effect of Shadow Servant is minimal.

All this is a future thing for David, and he still needs to pay attention to the light ball of knowledge that Shadow Servant within the body got this time.

“Shadow Servant, arrange the spheres of knowledge gained this time separately!” David in the heart commanded.

100 2 15 The sphere of knowledge drifted out of the ocean of spheres of knowledge like a nebula and appeared before his eyes.

There are 100 black servants, 25 Heavenly Knights, and each soul has extracted a light ball of knowledge.

David’s gaze looked towards 25 Heavenly Knight’s knowledge spheres. When he saw the explanation of each and everyone, he knew that his Knight combat capabilities would be greatly improved this time.

Among the 25 Heavenly Knight’s 2 15 knowledge spheres, the grandmaster level alone has more than 15 knowledge spheres, and the rest of the knowledge spheres are also Grandmaster Rank knowledge spheres.

It can be said that most of the 25 Heavenly Knights possess the Grandmaster level of Knight’s combat skills. This is not too surprising to David.

These 25 Heavenly Knights are all Heavenly Knights of the top aristocratic families. Although David does not know the criteria for the top aristocratic families to choose Heavenly Knight, but the mediocre Heavenly Knight, the top aristocratic families may not be eye-catching.

Besides, who can become Heavenly Knight, who is not a Knight genius who is not an extraordinary natural talent, who does not stand out from countless knights, and the time of Knight cultivation alone is at least 50 years, and a single ability has reached the master or grandmaster level It is also conceivable.

However, the knowledge globe provided by Heavenly Knight is also very monotonous, all of which are Knight combat capabilities.

Royal Equestrian (1% perfect), Throwing (1% perfect), Knight battle formation (1% perfect), spear riding (1% perfect), Knight inheritance sword technique (1% perfect), 5 Knight-specific combat skills , All appear in the grandmaster level knowledge sphere.

In particular, the spear riding technique and the Knight inheritance sword technique are both combat capabilities that David didn’t get before, which made him full of surprises.

The lance is a long weapon used by Knight’s charge. During the charge of Knight, all the impact brought by the charge is concentrated on the tip of the lance.

When the lance is dealing with a large number of enemies, it can burst out extremely terrifying formidable power. As long as the charge is constant, the lance in front will rush out a bloody path.

And because the length of the lance is very long, this also makes it possible to attack the enemy first in the charge.

Of course, the lance is in the hands of Heavenly Knight, and the lance has more functions in air combat. Whether it is air or ground attack, the lance has an extremely obvious advantage.

However, there are not many Knights who are really proficient in’lance art’, because’lance art’ is mostly used in group battles, and team cooperation is emphasized. For ordinary Knights,’lance art’ is not used in many occasions.

And’riding lance’ is difficult to master, which makes most Knights not spend too much energy on it.

Only the top nobles will specially train Knights with grandmaster level’riding skills’, so that in group battles, this kind of knights with grandmaster level’riding skills’ can be used as arrows to charge and play the Knight battle formation. The largest formidable power.

David introduced the light sphere of knowledge of lance riding (1% perfect) into his soul, and as the phantom appeared before his eyes, he became a Knight holding a lance.

This Knight was riding a war horse, and all the methods of using a gun were applied by Knight, and a lot of knowledge was passed into David’s mind.

From the basic use of lance skills, until Knight launched a charge against a boulder, Knight was an ordinary war horse, and the lance in his hand was also a wooden training lance.

But when Knight charged towards the boulder, David felt the real horror of grandmaster level lance.

All the previous knowledge is the foundation. Only at this moment, Knight’s charge drove the surge of spirit, and the lance in Knight’s hand was swimming in the air like a fish.

In the process of swimming, the power in the lance is also increasing. These powers come from the horse and Knight itself, as well as the spirit of Knight and the spirit of press forward.

Even if the hand is a wooden lance, even if it is facing a hard boulder, the belief of Knight press forward has not changed, and this belief is passed through the spirit in the lance, integrated into the strength, and formed the spirit and The aggregate of power converges at the tip of the lance.

Throughout the charge, Knight, who didn’t feel possessed by David, didn’t use Bloodline Strength, and charged with full strength.

If David uses a wooden lance to attack a hard rock, he can also break the rock, but he cannot guarantee that the wooden lance is intact.

But when Knight charged to the rock and the wooden lance hit the rock, the huge rock started at the point of the lance and collapsed towards the entire rock.

When Knight rushed over the rock, the petrification of the rock at this time was a dust, and the grandmaster level’s’lance riding’ unexpectedly blasted the boulder into dust in a single charge.

This blow also perfectly demonstrated the grandmaster level’lance art’. The phantom after that became a battle in the sky, and the horse under Knight was replaced by a golden eagle.

David eyes opened, this time he accepted the grandmaster level “lance riding” very fast, 100 Soul Clone in his soul equals to 100 more thoughts at the same time.

He feels that if he has a lance in his hand at this moment, he can play 100% of the formidable power of the grandmaster level’riding lance’.

The’Knight inheritance sword technique (1% perfect)’ is the largest number of knowledge globes in the grandmaster level, with the number reaching 6, which shows how much Knight attaches importance to the sword technique.

David introduced one of the’Knight inheritance sword technique’ into the soul, and the phantom took him to the sword technique training ground.

Knight, who is attached to David, is practicing a set of sword technique. He is very familiar with this set of sword technique. In his impression, it seems to be the sword technique of the Maine Family.

He realized in his heart that the so-called’Knight inheritance sword technique’ is a collective term for various inheritance sword techniques.

After he merged this “Knight inheritance sword technique “knowledge light ball, when he merged the second “Knight inheritance sword technique”, he discovered that the style of this sword technique has changed greatly. I think it should be another inheritance sword. technique.

Every grandmaster level’Knight inheritance sword technique’ absorbs and merges with the light ball of knowledge, and David will learn a new inheritance sword technique.

Inheritance sword technique does not specifically refer to heavy sword, but also includes many other Knight swords, such as light long sword and short sword.

Although David can play the formidable power of the grandmaster level’Knight inheritance sword technique’ as long as he learns a kind of inheritance sword technique, but after so long of learning to use the Knight heavy sword, he has already had a deep understanding of the Knight sword technique. Interest, you can get in touch with the highest inheritance sword technique at this time, how could he let it go.

David also integrated the equestrian skills (1% perfect), throwing skills (1% perfect), and the knight battle formation (1% perfect) knowledge spheres all one after another, which raised the overall combat capability of his Knight to the grandmaster level.

It is estimated that as long as Fifth Level Templar Knight is not included, David can be said to be the number one in the Great Spiritual World in terms of mastery of Knight skills.

David then cast his gaze on the 100 spheres of knowledge provided by the black god servant souls. To be honest, he didn’t at all hope that these spheres of knowledge could provide any useful capabilities.

Many times in contact with Evil God believers, among the souls of Evil God believers, the proportion of light balls that can provide him with useful knowledge is very small.

Most Evil God believers’ souls provide a light ball of knowledge that requires a prerequisite to believe in Evil God.

David instructed Shadow Servant to open the details of the 100 spheres of knowledge, and he flipped through the first sphere of knowledge.

What he saw was’plague (innate talent)’, not at all pre-learning conditions, just like an ordinary Innate Ability.

David also looked at the rest of the knowledge spheres, all 100 knowledge spheres are all with the unified name’plague (innate talent)’.

He is a little despised of the Innate Ability of’plague’. In his opinion, the real’plague’ can only harm an ordinary person, and the powerful Knight is completely immune to the invasion of’plague’.

If David knew the name of the god servant master black, his thoughts would have changed a lot.

Innate Ability, which can be named after the priesthood of Plague God Gladstone, and the Innate Ability prepared by Plague God Gladstone for its guardian servants, can be ordinary Innate Ability.

In fact, because the servant black is completely under the control of Plague God Gladstone, Plague God Gladstone can pass his most powerful abilities to the servant black without any hesitation.

This seemingly unremarkable’plague’ Innate Ability is the foundation of Plague God Gladstone.

We must know that the Black Servant in battle, as long as Heavenly Knight hurts a little fur, Heavenly Knight needs to cut off the injured part. From this we can see how terrifying the application of the Black Servant’s poison.

Level 4 black god servant, reached Fifth Level in the use of poison, all thanks to the’plague’ Innate Ability.

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