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With a careless mind, David introduced the’plague (innate talent)’ knowledge ball into his soul.

The’plague (innate talent)’ knowledge ball not at all brought him into the illusion, but turned into a special pattern and appeared in Soul Space.

David was taken aback for a moment, this’plague (innate talent)’ was actually inherited in this form.

He was close to the’plague pattern’, and the’plague pattern’ transmitted to him a piece of information, which has the use and effect of the’plague pattern’.

The first thing David saw was the level of the plague pattern. This innate talent turned out to be Fifth Level Innate Ability.

You need to know that even if it is’Attach Poison’ Innate Ability, it is just creating a Level 4 poison, and this Level 4 poison will have the best effect when it comes in contact with blood.

He didn’t expect this’plague’ Innate Ability, which he not at all values, is the highest level among all his abilities.

‘plague’Innate Ability can create a highly toxic area, which is related to the maximum range of David’s spirit.

David suddenly thought that his spirit has been greatly improved. What is the maximum scope of Fifth Level spirit?

Then he let go of his spirit, and his spirit seemed to spread out like an invisible net, quickly covering an area with a radius of 1000 meters.

David’s mental range has been increased by 5 times. According to this mental range, he can use the’plague’ Innate Ability to create a Fifth Level poisonous area within 1000 meters.

In this Fifth Level poisonous area, all creatures will be corroded by Fifth Level poison.

In terms of the terrible Fifth Level poison, the’plague’ Innate Ability caused death.

Within this range, even Heavenly Knight could not resist too long.

David couldn’t believe the power of’plague’ Innate Ability, because in the world of Plague God Gladstone, he didn’t see the black servant possessing such a powerful Innate Ability.

How did he know that it was not that the black servant did not have the’plague’ Innate Ability, but that the black servant had a fifth level soul, but his spiritual level was only Level 4 due to the decline in the level, which made the black servant unable to perform The Fifth Level effect of’plague’ Innate Ability is displayed.

David’s spirit has reached Fifth Level. After he has obtained the’plague’ Innate Ability, he can naturally fully display the’plague’ Innate Ability.

Of course, he didn’t dare to use this innate talent in Qinya Manor, he could only study the rest of the application of’plague’ Innate Ability.

The first is to absorb the poison, which is similar to the’Attach Poison’ Innate Ability, but the ability of the’plague’ is more comprehensive and powerful than the’Attach Poison’ Innate Ability.

In fact, it is to use the diversification of poisonous types, which can release various plague, among which is included Fifth Level poison, and Fifth Level virus.

In fact, the Fifth Level virus is more terrifying than the Fifth Level virus. Plague God Gladstone relies on the Fifth Level virus to make countless forces terrified. Once the Fifth Level virus is displayed, it will immediately erode all areas within the mental range.

After that, it will spread to all around through creatures, and eventually spread to all areas of the planet, leaving the planet without a single life.

“I didn’t expect my first Fifth Level spirit Innate Ability to be this Innate Ability!” David whispered to himself.

Before he was still thinking about how to obtain the mysterious technique, and in a blink of an eye there was a Fifth Level spiritual innate talent that was stronger than the Fifth Level mysterious technique.

The’plague’ Innate Ability is not without flaws. Although Fifth Level Innate Ability has a huge formidable power, after the ability is released, unless it is fully recovered, he has no way to control the target of the’plague’.

David not at all is dissatisfied with the small shortcomings of’plague’ Innate Ability. He doesn’t know many people in Great Spiritual World, and what’s unacceptable that he not at all kills many people at once? .

As long as the reason is justified, he can carry out regional massacres without psychological pressure.

The’plague (innate talent)’ knowledge spheres still have 99 spheres that he has not absorbed and merged. This kind of innate talent spheres of knowledge, no matter how much they absorb, they will not get Innate Ability repeatedly.

Some helplessly gave up 99’plague (innate talent)’ knowledge ball, he let out a long relaxed breath.

David himself couldn’t believe the huge gains from the adventure at this time.

He didn’t know that this was not an ordinary adventure, it was the real frontline of life and death, but he didn’t know it.

If Plague God Gladstone mistakenly estimated the identities of David and Shadow Servant, thinking that behind them were two powerful Spiritual Gods, then it would be hard to say whether David would be able to get out of the world of Plague God Gladstone alive.

When David was in the heart excited, he felt the message from the safety pattern.

Then Shadow Servant soared into the sky, passed through the walls of the cultivation room, rushed out of the building and rose to the sky.

This time, the height of the Shadow Servant’s lift-off reached 1000 meters. David was not too surprised. According to the previous distance between the Shadow Servant and David, which is almost the spiritual range of David, David’s spiritual range is extended to 1000 meters, then Shadow Servant The moving distance is naturally 1000 meters.

For the distance of 1000 meters, as far as the moving speed of the Shadow Servant is concerned, it is still a flicker from disappearing to reappearing, and the Shadow Servant is already at the position of 1000 meters.

Through the eyes of Shadow Servant, David saw a’Spaceship’ flying towards here.

‘Space Flying Boat’ obviously didn’t want to forcibly enter, and when approaching Qinya Manor, he sent a visit request to the manor.

Near the bow of the’Spaceship’, a huge White Dragon emblem reveals that the owner of this’Spaceship’ is from the Maine Family.

“What is Charlie doing again?” David thought strangely, but he immediately thought of the feats he had said before.

Since the last time all the corpses of the Evil God servants were handed over to Charlie, David has been waiting for the corresponding awards. In his opinion, such a formal visit may have been done for him in exchange for merit.

David took back the Shadow Servant. In a flash, except for the two exposed Heavenly Knights, Knight Mark and Garland Knight, the rest of the Heavenly Knights were taken into the summon ring by him.

Then he opened the door of the cultivation room and walked out of the cultivation room.

When David was standing on the empty square, the’Spaceship’ in the sky slowly descended towards the square.

When David walked out of the cultivation room, he opened the safety system for the “Space Boat”.

The Spaceship landed on the square in front of him, the hatch opened, and the first thing he saw was Charlie.

David smiled and was about to step forward to say hello, but saw that behind Charlie was a familiar energy Avatar, which was the energy Avatar of Charlie’s father Lord Gould.

The smile on David’s face was slightly stagnant, and he recovered quickly, and quickly stepped forward to salute.

“Welcome to the great Lord Gould, welcome to Knight Charlie!” Although the Avatar of Lord Gould came to Qinya Manor by surprise, David still respectfully stepped forward.

He didn’t think that Lord Gould came for his rescue. Lord Gould was in a coma at the time, and no one had seen him help.

So despite the doubts in his heart, he stepped forward to greet him.

“Arthur, come to visit rashly, please forgive me!” Lord Gould took a deep look at David, saying with a smile.

In Lord Gould’s perception, David’s strength is even higher than when he met last time, and he is already a true Earth Knight.

Perhaps for a lord with a huge territory, an Earth Knight can’t be considered. In the Maine Family, the number of Earth Knights reaches 100.

But as long as you consider Baron Arthur’s age and the time he has been exposed to Knight cultivation, you will discover how terrifying Baron Arthur’s Knight innate talent is.

“Huh? Baron Arthur, have you been promoted?” Charlie looked at David with a strange expression and asked directly.

Last time we met, Charlie also told David that he was about to be promoted to Earth Knight. Who would have thought of meeting again 1 month later, he has not been promoted yet, but David has become Earth Knight.

“It’s just luck!” David couldn’t explain his experience, so he replied with a smile.

He didn’t lie either. His promotion to Earth Knight was really lucky. If it weren’t for activating the battle angel crystal, how could he be promoted to Earth Knight so quickly.

“Lord Gould, please come in and talk!” David responded to Charlie’s question, then turned to Lord Gould and said with a gift.

“No, Arthur, you should come and talk on the flying boat!” Lord Gould waved his hand.

“Yes!” David didn’t refuse, bowing in response.

For this seemingly rude request from Lord Gould, David not at all thought a lot.

Lord Gould’s energy Avatar came to see David in person, and everyone would be surprised when the incident spread.

Lord Gould is the true great character of the Great Spiritual World. It has the highest voting rights and can influence the important decisions of the Great Spiritual World to a certain extent.

He is also a Fifth Level Templar Knight, one of the strongest combat powers in the Great Spiritual World.

Visiting David with such an identity is in itself an extremely high regard for David.

David followed Lord Gould and Charlie into the’Spaceship’ and sat in the spacious cabin. As soon as he sat down, he didn’t hold back and looked at the’Spaceship’.

Compared with the “Space Airship” he has taken before, the “Space Airship” of the Noble Affairs Office that he has traveled before is more like a beggar version.

The interior decoration of this “Spaceship” is extremely luxurious, and every inch of the cabin shows the owner’s wealth.

The noble knowledge that David had learned from his etiquette Teacher Euphemia was effective at this time. All kinds of top luxury items that he had only heard of Euphemia, he recognized one after another from the decoration in the cabin.

“Arthur seems to like this’Spaceship’!” Lord Gould said with a smile.

“I recently got a windfall and I want to buy a’Spaceship’ to make you laugh!” David said somewhat sorry.

Lord Gould knows where David’s windfall comes from. It is no secret in the noble circle that the Barry family castle was moved by David and even the floor tiles were removed.

When privately speaking, some nobles were all dissatisfied with David’s behavior, but they were full of envy in their words.

“That’s true, you also need a’Spaceship’ to match your new title!” Lord Gould said with a smile.

“Is my title approved?” David asked brightly before his eyes.

“Arthur, I should call you Earl Arthur from now on!” Lord Gould took out an aristocratic identification document and handed it over and said.

David received the noble identity document, and after opening it, he saw that it was an Earl knighthood award document.

“In the last few days, the information about your title change will be transmitted to the noble affairs office of every planet, and then every nobleman will be notified!” Lord Gould continued.

Every change of the noble title will be notified to all the nobles, and then in the corresponding heraldic knowledge, the part about the Luce Family will be updated to the Earl title.

This is also a tradition. David’s Luce Family often receives notifications from the Noble Affairs Office. These notifications are all handled by Steward Jason. Only information about the changes of the noble titles related to the Luce Family will be reported to David.

Regardless of whether the nobles know the content of the notice, the Noble Affairs Office must notify every change of title, which is an important task of the Noble Affairs Office.

“I will trouble you to come here in person!” David said with a smile on his face.

After having the title of Earl, some opportunities in Great Spiritual World will be opened to him, especially the qualifications for entering War Star, he can also sign up to participate.

“The title matter is incidental, I’m here to ask for help this time!” Lord Gould’s energy Avatar bowed slightly and said.

Charlie also looked towards David with hopeful eyes, hoping that David must help.

David’s “heart-warming lotus seed soup” can alleviate Lord Gould’s injury. Although this is too incredible, Charlie still believes in his father. He is also worried that father will force David. He doesn’t want a conflict between father and David. So Charlie also came with Lord Gould.

“Lord Gould, you are serious, until now you have taken good care of me. As long as I can do it, I will definitely spare no effort!” David hurriedly bowed back.

“There is a trace of immortal life force in the’heart-warming lotus seed soup’ you cooked. This immortal life force is very important to me, and it can treat my injuries!” Lord Gould did not go around in circles and said directly.

David looked puzzled. He didn’t know what the life force of immortality was, but he thought of the “heart-warming lotus seed soup” and thought that in order to make the effect of the’heart-warming lotus seed soup’ better, he was cooking A trace of life energy is added to the water.

“Is that life energy the immortal life force?” David secretly said in one’s heart.

“Lord Gould, I don’t know what the immortal life force you are talking about is, but I got a bottle of healing water. I added this water when I cooked the’Heart-warming Lotus Seed Soup’ last time. Take a look. Does it work for you!” David took out a bottle from the space item and handed it over.

The bottle was filled with the remaining clean water after cooking, and there was a trace of life energy injected by him in the clean water.

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