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The recruitment time on the draft order is 3 days later. These 3 days are not reserved for the draftees to play, but for all the draftees to purchase supplies by themselves.

The combat power of the draftee is also required. To be drafted for the title of Earl, he needs to bring at least 6 Earth Knights.

These 6 Earth Knights are to protect the safety of the draftees and at the same time assist them to complete the tasks assigned by Temple of War.

David naturally didn’t have that many Earth Knights to bring, but he brought 2 Heavenly Knights enough to recruit.

The call-up order is a mandatory order. If the callee does not have the combat power of 6 Earth Knights, they still need to invite them within 3 days, or hire enough Earth Knights, otherwise the result will be taken back by the temple.

Fortunately, the conscription order rarely appears, and it usually appears once in decades, and the pressure on the nobles is not great.

In addition, most of the conscription orders are crushing tasks with the temple as the advantage, and the benefits obtained are greater than the combat power consumed.

After sending off Baron Blackmore, David confessed to Steward Jason and returned to his room.

As soon as he entered the room, he activated the’lightning body’, and called out an electric light from the’lightning pattern’ to blend the’lightning body’ into it.

Then David activated the’underground stealth’ again, he walked through the floor under him, through the basement, and into the underground of the city.

Although there are many exploration patterns in the underground of the main city of Bama, after David incarnation is electro-optical, there are no patterns that can be found by scanning him.

These exploration patterns are all explorations of lifeform, electric light is not lifeform.

David’s goal is naturally the Law Enforcement Group. Since who is responsible for the understood, he will not let the other party go.

Shadow Servant rose to an altitude of 1000 meters, observing the situation above the main city of Bama, David also saw Heavenly Knight Lydgate returning in the direction of Law Enforcement Group, only then decided to go.

Heavenly Knight Lydgate has not yet flown back to the Law Enforcement Group from in the sky, but David has already reached the vicinity of the Law Enforcement Group underground.

Now David does not need to be too close to the Law Enforcement Group. The range of 1000 meters is enough to extend his spirit and is also the range of Shadow Servant.

He didn’t dare to use the mental scan first, but more carefully let the Shadow Servant walk through the Law Enforcement Group, inspecting every room.

It wasn’t until David affirmed that the Law Enforcement Group does not have the existence of Fifth Level Templar Knight, he was relieved.

Think about it, even though Bama Star is important, it doesn’t need Fifth Level Templar Knight to guard it. It’s very good to be able to arrange a few Heavenly Knights.

Putting down the worry in David’s heart, he doesn’t care whether the Law Enforcement Group discovered his actions, because he has enough confidence to smooth the entire Law Enforcement Group.

But he wouldn’t do it like this until it is a last resort.

Heavenly Knight Lydgate descended from the sky, where he landed was an exquisite courtyard behind the Law Enforcement Group.

“Heavenly Knight Dick, I have something to look for you!” Heavenly Knight Lydgate shouted as soon as he landed and put away his flying mount.

“Heavenly Knight Lydgate, what’s the matter, so anxious?” Heavenly Knight Dick asked as he walked out of the room.

“Earl Arthur came back to the main city, I saw him just now!” Heavenly Knight Lydgate sat down on the stone bench in the yard, poured a glass of water and drank it.

“Didn’t you know that Earl Arthur was called back to the main city?” Heavenly Knight Dick asked strangely.

The two of them met with Heavenly Knight Bernal and told Heavenly Knight Bernal about Earl Arthur.

Originally Heavenly Knight Bernal didn’t care about Arthur’s promotion to Earl. The affairs of the noble affairs office were complicated, and if it was not too important, he would not pay attention.

After the explanations of Heavenly Knight Lydgate and Heavenly Knight Dick, Heavenly Knight Bernal was also upset and promised to teach Earl Arthur a lesson.

Not long afterward, Heavenly Knight Bernal heard news that Earl Arthur was on the conscripting list for Temple of War.

“I always feel a little worried about Earl Arthur. He wouldn’t know that we did it?” Heavenly Knight Lydgate asked with a feel ill at ease.

After encountering David, Heavenly Knight Lydgate was always upset when patrolling in the air. As a Heavenly Knight, he was very familiar with his perception of danger. This state of mind made him very uneasy.

This will come to Heavenly Knight Dick as soon as the work is over, because this matter is operated together with Heavenly Knight Dick, if there is something, Heavenly Knight Dick should also have a sense of danger.

“Heavenly Knight Lydgate, you are too worried. You know and I know about this. At most, Heavenly Knight Bernal knows. Where would Earl Arthur know? Besides, this is the Law Enforcement Group in the main city of Bama. Does he dare Didn’t make a shot to the law enforcement Heavenly Knight?” Heavenly Knight Dick couldn’t help but shook his head to say with a smile.

“Probably I think a little bit too much!” Heavenly Knight Lydgate looked at the state of Heavenly Knight Dick, it didn’t seem to perceive danger, so I couldn’t help saying with a bitter smile.

As they were talking, Heavenly Knight Dick took out a contact array from the space ring.

“As soon as he talked about Heavenly Knight Bernal, he found it!” Heavenly Knight Dick said with a smile.

His Bloodline Strength came out and opened the contact array.

“Heavenly Knight Dick, you smashed me!” As soon as the contact array was connected, Heavenly Knight Bernal’s voice came from there.

“Heavenly Knight Bernal, what happened?” Heavenly Knight Dick asked confusedly.

Because dealing with David together deepened their friendship, Heavenly Knight Dick didn’t understand why Heavenly Knight Bernal would say this!

“You didn’t tell me that Earl Arthur has a deep relationship with the Maine Family. Just now, my friends in Temple of War told me that the Maine Family greeted Temple of War. Please take care of Earl Arthur!” Heavenly Knight Bernal The almost roaring sound made the contact array vibrate.

Being able to let the Maine Family come forward to say hello, at least shows that Earl Arthur has a deep relationship with the Maine Family. It is necessary to know that the Maine Family needs human favors to do so.

The favor of Temple of War was used only for Earl Arthur. The stakes caused Heavenly Knight Bernal to be extremely shocked when he heard the news.

Heavenly Knight Dick and Heavenly Knight Lydgate 2 looked at each other, and each other’s eyes were equally shocked.

Quietly stumbled on Earl Arthur. Without anyone knowing, it was nothing.

But with the participation of the top aristocratic Maine Family, this matter is completely different.

Heavenly Knight is very strong, but it also depends on who it is. Compared to the top noble families, the Heavenly Knight from the top nobles has a clear advantage over the rest of Heavenly Knight in terms of combat power, not to mention whether it is Knight inheritance or In terms of equipment, none of them are comparable to other Heavenly Knights.

The top aristocratic Maine Family wants to deal with the non-top aristocratic Heavenly Knight. It is also very easy. Obviously, through some pressure, Heavenly Knight’s cultivation resources can be reduced, and the military force can be used to destroy Heavenly Knight.

“Heavenly Knight Bernal, I really didn’t know that Earl Arthur had such a relationship with Maine Family. Earl Arthur saved the Charlie Young Master of Maine Family. Maine Family would never use clansman for this reason, right?” Heavenly Knight Dick quickly explained Tao.

“Heavenly Knight Dick, you are the cause of the incident. If something happened to me, you can’t escape!” Heavenly Knight Bernal on the other side would listen to Heavenly Knight Dick’s explanation. He roared and disconnected from the array.

Heavenly Knight Dick looked very ugly. He used the Bloodline Strength to reconnect to the contact array and wanted to contact Heavenly Knight Bernal again, but after his many efforts, the opponent had no longer paid attention to.

“Damn it, how could this be?” Heavenly Knight Lydgate cried, patting the table.

Heavenly Knight Lydgate thought of his previous panic, and then confirmed the news of Heavenly Knight Bernal. The mood in his heart that had just settled down became excited again.

“What to worry about, if we can’t, we will go to a top nobleman. I don’t believe that the Maine Family can reach out to another top nobleman so much!” Heavenly Knight Dick waved.

“It’s easy to say, not to mention how dangerous it is to take refuge in top nobles. Gulbert Heavenly Knight didn’t take refuge in the Berger Family, but now he can’t even find a corpse!” Heavenly Knight Lydgate said solemnly, he sighed again: “I’m even more worried about Earl Arthur, 10000. Once he knows this, we are afraid it will be hard to escape him!”

The two Heavenly Knights fell silent again. They all thought of the Niche Family and the Barry family. The Niche Family does not have a Heavenly Knight, but the Barry family has two Heavenly Knights, plus another Heavenly Knight to support, there are three in total. Heavenly Knight, the Barry family was eventually destroyed, and two Heavenly Knights disappeared.

Heavenly Knight of the Barry family has dozens of Knights to help. Unless they stay in the main city of Bama, danger will happen everywhere as long as they leave the city.

The two Heavenly Knights sat on the stone bench, thinking about how to do it in the future. What they could not detect with their perception and sight was that Shadow Servant was standing only 2 meters away from them.

David then ventured into the underground of this small courtyard in the Law Enforcement Group. After hearing the conversation between Heavenly Knight Lydgate and Heavenly Knight Dick, he decided to do it directly.

He didn’t have time to wait for the opportunity slowly, and he was called up to leave the main city of Bama after 3 days.

Of course, David’s greatest confidence is his own strength. 15 Heavenly Knight can sweep the entire Bama city. This kind of confidence makes him qualified to experiment with his own tactical ideas.

In addition to cultivation these days, he has been researching his own battle method, just to find the most suitable battle method for him.

There are 2 Heavenly Knights who have enemies with him and can take action without any scruples. Are there any better subjects than this?

Shadow Servant At this time, there are 2 groups of lightning energy input by David within the body. Because the Shadow Servant is connected with David’s soul, this lightning energy will not attack the Shadow Servant and is fixed within the body by the Shadow Servant.

Heavenly Knight Lydgate and Heavenly Knight Dick felt scalp numbness and heart palpitations. They face changed, and their Level 3 Knight armor appeared, covering their bodies.

They just did this action, and two bolts of lightning shot out from the void.

The attack power of the 2 regiments of lightning is not strong, it is released through the ability of’Mutated Lightning’, but because the distance is too close, and the attack is too sudden, 2 Heavenly Knights not at all come and use Bloodline Strength Condensed into armor.

The 2nd regiment’Mutated Lightning’ hit the Level 3 Knight armor, not at all any obstacles penetrated the defense of the Level 3 Knight armor into the 2 Heavenly Knights within the body.

The two Heavenly Knights instantly felt numb, and they quickly used Bloodline Strength to disperse them.

The level of’Mutated Lightning’ is too low. When 2 Heavenly Knight’s Bloodline Strength arrives,’Mutated Lightning’ is defeated.

But at this time David’s arrangement is ready, 100 black lances appear all around in the small courtyard.

The black lance is very strangely suspended in the air. If anyone can see David’s spirit, he will find that his spirit is transformed into 100 arms, each holding a black lance.

The arm contracted backward, and then threw it forward, and 100 black lances burst out.

This is the’throwing technique’ of the grandmaster level. A Knight who has the grandmaster level’throwing technique’ can still be found, but if you want to find 100 knights with the grandmaster level’throwing technique’, it is estimated that even the top nobles will be difficult to do To.

David uses his mind to control the black lance. This kind of control ability can be achieved by a Level 3 warlock, but if you want to control 100 black lances, not many warlocks can do it.

Even a warlock who can do this only regards 100 black lances as part of an attack, and impossible controls each black lance precisely.

David’s attack is estimated that no one has ever thought about it before. He controlled 100 black lances through the mind. Each of them was thrown with the grandmaster level’throwing technique’. This requires him to pay enough for each black lance. Much effort.

Maybe someone can do two tasks with one mind and multiple uses, but if you want to do multiple uses, it’s impossible to achieve the same effect as one mind with one use.

The biggest difference between David and others is that there are 100 Soul Clones in his Soul Space. These Soul Clones are all Fifth Level Soul Clones, and they can make attacks that David has no more than Fifth Level.

100 black lances are controlled by 100 Soul Clones, and each Soul Clone will use the grandmaster level’throwing technique’ to throw the black lances it controls.

Heavenly Knight Lydgate and Heavenly Knight Dick who just got rid of the “Mutated Lightning” were immediately surrounded by 100 black lances.

Two Heavenly Knights swung their swords to block. David’s mental ability was only the power of Earth Knight, but the 2 Earth Knights used the grandmaster level’throwing technique’ to throw, which also made the defense of the two Heavenly Knights impossible.

Heavenly Knight Lydgate was shot through the Level 3 armor by a black lance. His body dodged in time, but his skin was still pierced.

A sense of paralysis instantly enveloped Heavenly Knight Lydgate’s whole body. His movements were stagnant, and then he saw the rest of the black lance shooting at him stopped in front of him, and did not continue to attack, and he also fell into darkness.

Heavenly Knight Dick persisted for a second longer than Heavenly Knight Lydgate, and fell into darkness because of a black lance.

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