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David looked at the results with excitement on his face.

Although he used the Shadow Servant this time, the Shadow Servant is one with him. In addition, the ability used by the Shadow Servant is also his own ability.’Mutated Lightning’ is just a Level 2 ability. If it is not unexpected, it is for Heavenly Knight. The effect is almost zero.

This time, David relied entirely on his own ability to solve two Heavenly Knights at a time, and the meanings were completely different.

This is his successful attempt. Through the application of Fifth Level spirit, combined with Knight’s battle skill, he achieved such a result.

Of course, David’s tactics have no reference value for other Knights or warlocks, and are only suitable for him alone.

First, we need to prepare 100 weapons. David originally wanted to prepare 100 Knight heavy swords. He searched through all the Level 4 heavy swords, and he could only find more than 40 Level 4 heavy swords, which also included 15 The Level 4 heavy sword in the hands of Heavenly Knight.

As for the enemy David is facing now, the one he needs to deal with is at least Heavenly Knight. Weapons below Level 4 cannot even break defenses, let alone defeat the opponent, so he did not consider using Level 3 weapons. instead.

Eventually he saw black lance, a weapon obtained from the world of Plague God Gladstone. The material used was so special that he couldn’t recognize the material.

Black lance must surpass Level 4 materials in terms of sharpness and penetration, and is between Level 4 materials and Fifth Level materials.

The most important thing is that the Fifth Level is highly toxic attached to the black lance. As long as the ordinary Level 4 powerhouse is scratched, it will be killed in a few seconds at night.

David’s use of black lance was still very contradictory before. Black lance is indeed very strong, but this thing has Fifth Level poison and cannot be used at all.

Even if it is David himself, he must be careful. Although he is not poisoned by holding it with his hands, he must either turn on the plague pattern or consume life energy to recover.

In addition to David, his 15 Heavenly Knight couldn’t use black lance as a weapon.

But when black lance was controlled by his mind, these problems were solved. The mind ignored the poisonous Fifth Level and would not be affected by the poisonous Fifth Level on black lance at all.

Once you have 100 weapons, you need to consider how to apply them. With 100 Soul Clone, each black lance has a grandmaster level’throwing technique’.

Although only the power of the Earth Knight can throw black lance, 100 black lances are all thrown by the grandmaster level’throwing technique’. Together with the penetration and sharpness of the black lance, it is enough to hurt Heavenly Knight.

Before killing Heavenly Knight Lydgate and Heavenly Knight Dick, this tactic was just an idea in David’s mind, but after this time, this tactic has become David’s own strongest attack method.

Shadow Servant flew to the corpses of the two Heavenly Knights and absorbed their souls. Then the space ring and summon ring were removed, and the corpses were collected into the space ring.

A set of movements is generally smooth and flowing. After countless collections and exercises, Shadow Servant has long been familiar with it.

David also mentally put away all the fragments contaminated by the Fifth Level on the black lance and put it into his own space item. The 100 black lances also disappeared and the space pendant was recovered.

He was underground and quickly returned to the villa in the’lightning body’.

The sound of the battle in the small courtyard alarmed the law enforcement Knight outside, and several law enforcement Knights rushed over immediately, but the sound of the battle ended too quickly, leaving the law enforcement Knights at a loss as to what to do, and it was not easy to disturb the Heavenly Knight inside.

Someone saw Heavenly Knight Lydgate enter the courtyard of Heavenly Knight Dick, and guessed whether there was a conflict between the two Heavenly Knights.

It is not easy for the Knights to participate in such matters. They can only wait and see here. Once something abnormal happens in the yard, they can decide what to do.

“Heavenly Knight Dick, what happened?” Chief Law Enforcement Officer Clarence also rushed from the office immediately and solemnly asked.

Law Enforcement Chief Clarence was also annoyed by the battle that took place in the Law Enforcement Group. If it hadn’t happened to Heavenly Knight, he would have ordered someone to rush in by now.

The main city of Bama is forbidden by armed forces, and the Law Enforcement Group is the defender of the forbidden armed forces. Two Heavenly Knights are fighting inside the Law Enforcement Group. If this kind of incident spreads, it is estimated that the Law Enforcement Group will become a laughing stock in the noble circle.

Clarence Chief Law Enforcement Officer asked for a while, but there was no response in the yard.

“Are you sure Heavenly Knight Lydgate didn’t leave after entering?” Chief Law Enforcement Clarence asked the Law Enforcement Knight on the side.

“Yes, Lord Chief!” Law Enforcement Knight gave an accurate response.

“Knock the door open!” Clarence Chief Law Enforcement Officer ordered.

He didn’t let the law enforcement Knight jump over the wall, because he was worried about what would happen inside, and what accident would happen after 10000 over the wall.

A law enforcement Knight stepped forward and opened the door.

Chief Law Enforcement Officer Clarence led Law Enforcement Knight into the yard, which was empty.

“Heavenly Knight Dick, Heavenly Knight Lydgate, are you there?” Chief Law Enforcement Officer Clarence asked into the room.

Still no response, Chief Law Enforcement Clarence waved behind him, and two Law Enforcement Knights entered the room.

“Reporter President, no one!” Law Enforcement Knight returned quickly and bowed to report.

Chief Law Enforcement Officer Clarence had a bad feeling. He looked towards the yard. The layout in the yard was very familiar to him. The stone table and stone bench in the yard disappeared, leaving only the mark on the ground.

“Retrieve the record of the safety pattern, and check whether Heavenly Knight Dick and Heavenly Knight Lydgate have left the Law Enforcement Group?” Clarence Chief Law Enforcement Officer shouted.

The security personnel of Law Enforcement Group moved very quickly, and security personnel arrived one minute later.

“Master Chief, according to the records of the safety pattern, Heavenly Knight Lydgate was in the yard when Heavenly Knight Lydgate entered the yard. There is no record of them leaving the yard afterwards!”

“All law enforcement Knights are dispatched immediately to find Heavenly Knight Dick and Heavenly Knight Lydgate, and let the trace identification personnel enter here!” Clarence Law Enforcement Chief Face Sank Like Water said.

Two law enforcement Heavenly Knight Mo Ming disappeared in the Law Enforcement Group. This incident was so incredible, but it also threw the face of the Law Enforcement Group fiercely to the ground.

“Prepare the car, I want to go out!” Clarence Chief Law Enforcement Officer suddenly thought of something and turned his head and ordered.

All the law enforcement Knights of the Law Enforcement Group were released, and the eyes of the Law Enforcement Group in the main city were all activated.

What happened inside the Law Enforcement Group cannot be concealed at all. The reason why Chief Law Enforcement Clarence did not require confidentiality is precisely because he knew this.

Law Enforcement Group’s law enforcement Knight, each has its own family, and it is impossible to keep secrets.

So when the Law Enforcement Group started to act, the eyeliners of some noble families also started to operate at the same time.

Chief Law Enforcement Officer Clarence sat in the carriage and the target was Villa 35.

If anyone in the main city of Bama dared to kill in the main city, then Earl Arthur is the most suspicious, because Earl Arthur has a criminal record.

If anyone in the main city of Bama has the ability to quickly kill two Heavenly Knights in the main city, then Earl Arthur is still the most suspicious, because Earl Arthur killed the Heavenly Knight of the Barry family.

Therefore, Chief Law Enforcement Officer Clarence went to visit Earl Arthur. If Earl Arthur is not in the villa, then he can identify Earl Arthur as a suspect.

If Earl Arthur is in the villa, he can also analyze and determine whether Earl Arthur did it by observation.

In the lobby of Villa 35, Chief Law Enforcement Clarence met Earl Arthur.

Earl Arthur wears a loose expensive patriarch gown with a smile on his face, like the boy next door.

“Earl Arthur, do you know Heavenly Knight Lydgate and Heavenly Knight Dick?” Chief Law Enforcement Officer Clarence asked straight into the subject.

At that time, Clarence Law Enforcement Chief was also promoted from the front-line law enforcement Knight. He has a very strong experience in handling cases. He can analyze the opponent’s psychology through the opponent’s facial expressions and changes in eyes.

“I have completed missions with two Heavenly Knights. Of course I know them, they are very powerful!” David replied with a smile.

The Chief Law Enforcement Officer Clarence saw not at all on David’s face, which disappointed him.

“In the Law Enforcement Group just now, two Heavenly Knights have disappeared. There are traces of fighting at the scene!” Clarence Law Enforcement Chief continued.

Anyway, he didn’t say this news, it is estimated that the entire main city of Bama will be spread in a while, and then he can use this news to test David again.

“How is this possible? How could two Heavenly Knights disappear? Isn’t the main city of Bama also safe? It seems that I am going to live in another place!” David said in surprise.

Here David is pretend to be polite with the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Clarence, and the Maine Family has also received news of the disappearance of Heavenly Knight Lydgate and Heavenly Knight Dick.

“This Earl Arthur moves faster than us!” Baron Blackmore said helplessly.

David said that Heavenly Knight Bernal probably hated him because of Moba Star’s mission, so naturally the two Heavenly Knights who came with him were also suspected.

It’s just that they were planning to interrogate Heavenly Knight Bernal after catching it, and then deal with it.

I didn’t expect David to act so quickly. Soon after Baron Blackmore visited him, he went to kill the two Heavenly Knights.

“Arthur is good in everything else, just this temper…” Charlie also shook his head.

“We have to speed up our action too, don’t let Earl Arthur solve Heavenly Knight Bernal at the same time, and where will the face of our Maine Family be taken?” Baron Blackmore said with a bitter smile.

“Use our people in the noble affairs office, and say hello to their Yu Family clan, I think they will accept our favor!” Charlie nodded said.

The main source of the personnel in the noble affairs office is the nobles, and most of the important posts naturally come from the top nobles.

Maine Family Because of Lord Gould’s injury recover completely, the strength did not suffer much, so the top aristocrats who wanted to do something and so on all took back their hands. In order to ease the relationship between each other, the top aristocrats absolutely Will provide convenience.

A Heavenly Knight, not the Heavenly Knight of the top nobles themselves.

At the Noble Affairs Office, Heavenly Knight Bernal walked out of his office. He saw the strange gazes of the staff all around looking towards him, thinking that it was because of the Maine Family, and he couldn’t help feeling a little frustrated.

He wondered whether to find a top noble family to join now, otherwise he would be so worried and unable to concentrate on the cultivation.

These days Heavenly Knight Bernal dare not even come out of the noble affairs office, afraid of the assassination from the Maine Family.

“Have you heard? What happened to the Law Enforcement Group, the main city of Bama?” After a corner, Heavenly Knight Bernal heard the conversation of the two staff members, and he couldn’t help but stop and listen.

“There have been many incidents in the main city of Bama in recent months. What happened this time?”

“It is said that two Heavenly Knights are missing, and they are searching all over the city!”

“Heavenly Knight is missing, cracking a joke. Unless Heavenly Knight hides himself, how can he disappear?”

“The two Heavenly Knights still disappeared in the Law Enforcement Group. The main city of the horse, the Law Enforcement Group, is considered famous!”

“I’m afraid it’s not missing, but killed, but who has such a great ability to kill 2 Heavenly Knights in the Law Enforcement Group!”

The words of the two staff made Heavenly Knight Bernal dizzy. There were several Heavenly Knights in the Law Enforcement Group in the main city of Bama. He naturally knew it. It was Heavenly Knight Dick who was on duty that day, and he had just finished contacting him.

If Heavenly Knight Dick was killed, the other Heavenly Knight would naturally be Heavenly Knight Lydgate.

As for the disappearance, Heavenly Knight Bernal didn’t believe it.

There is a security pattern in the Law Enforcement Group. If you leave on your own, you don’t need to explain the disappearance at all, then only the body is taken away after being killed.

Suddenly Heavenly Knight Bernal’s heart moved. He thought of how familiar this technique is. Killing and taking away the corpse seemed to have appeared many times in the previous months.

Thinking of this, he turned and walked to the intelligence room. He needed to know whether the rumors were true and confirm something.

There are many staff in the intelligence room of the Noble Affairs Office who are dealing with all kinds of intelligence. Heavenly Knight Bernal directly approached the intelligence officer to ask for the latest intelligence and several files.

As his Heavenly Knight identity, the information here is open to him.

Heavenly Knight Bernal saw the latest intelligence, which is an intelligence from Bama Star. The intelligence lieutenant Heavenly Knight Lydgate and Heavenly Knight Dick went missing in detail.

From the scene there are traces of battle that have been simply cleaned up but cannot be completely concealed. It is 100% sure that the two Heavenly Knights disappeared after the battle.

At this point, many people in the Law Enforcement Group heard the sound of fighting, which confirmed that the probability of the 2 Heavenly Knights being killed was great.

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