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Heavenly Knight Bernal’s complexion became more ugly. He saw whether it was intentional or unintentional. He mentioned that Earl Arthur returned from Qinya Manor to the main city of Bama that day, and then Baron Blackmore of Maine Family visited Earl Arthur.

The intelligence personnel who wrote this information actually suspected Earl Arthur. This time was too coincidental. Earl Arthur had a record of successfully killing Heavenly Knight before. Although he did not know what method he used, Earl Arthur definitely Is the biggest suspect.

Only Heavenly Knight Bernal knew that before Heavenly Knight Dick disappeared, he was talking to Heavenly Knight Dick about teaming up to deal with Earl Arthur.

Heavenly Knight Bernal can almost imagine how Earl Arthur would react if Earl Arthur knew about the entire process of development.

Besides, the time when Baron Blackmore visited Earl Arthur was also a coincidence. Baron Blackmore had just visited Earl Arthur, and then two Heavenly Knights disappeared.

All the spearheads were directed at the three Heavenly Knights teaming up against Earl Arthur, which made Heavenly Knight Bernal unable to settle down anymore.

He looked at Earl Arthur’s several previous shots and found that Earl Arthur had a habit of collecting corpses to clean the battlefield.

The disappearance of the two Heavenly Knights is in line with Earl Arthur’s habit.

Heavenly Knight Bernal can no longer sit, his gaze looked towards all around, he has a feeling that all around will be assassinated at any time.

Before, he believed that the Noble Affairs Office was very safe. At least no one dared to do anything in the Noble Affairs Office. Even the Maine Family wanted to deal with him and needed to send the upper management to assign him to do the task, so as to threaten him.

In fact, Heavenly Knight Bernal had a long-term plan. As long as there was an order from the upper level that required him to perform a task, he would immediately leave the noble affairs office and find a top noble family to join him, even if he lost his freedom.

Compared with life, freedom is nothing.

Now it’s different. Heavenly Knight Dick and Heavenly Knight Lydgate, their two Heavenly Knights are no worse than him in combat power. Two Heavenly Knights are together, in the Law Enforcement Group, and they are killed instantly. The occurrence of this made him no longer believe in the safety of the noble affairs office.

Heavenly Knight Bernal is in the noble affairs office. You don’t need to worry about the assassination of the Maine Family, but you need to worry about the assassination of Earl Arthur.

“No, I can’t stay here anymore, I need to act now!” Heavenly Knight Bernal muttered to himself.

He walked out of the room quickly, trying to find a place to hide first, and then think of a way to join a certain top noble family.

“Send Orlo Star!” Heavenly Knight Bernal came to the Transmission Gate dedicated to the Noble Affairs Office and instructed the staff of the Transmission Gate.

“Yes, Heavenly Knight Bernal!” The staff responded with a smile.

Orlo Star is a pure commercial planet. The personnel of that planet are extremely complicated. Not only are there nobles, but many Evil God believers also use it as a supply ground.

Because Orlo Star all around has multiple satellites, and all satellites are survivable environments, Orlo Star has more concealable space, even if the noble affairs office does not strictly control there.

Of course, only the people in the Noble Affairs Office know that there is also the requirement of the major temples to let it go. Knight needs to be tempered, and Knight cannot grow without rivals.

Over the years, the power of Evil God believers has maintained a degree of stability, and this is also the reason.

Heavenly Knight Bernal wants to go to Orlo Star, he wants to use the complicated environment there to hide.

When Heavenly Knight Bernal walked into the Transmission Gate, he saw the look on the staff’s face, and he couldn’t help but feel cold. It was a mocking look.

Space Change, when Heavenly Knight Bernal reappeared, what he saw was not the Orlo Star he had visited before, but a fortress.

Through the waving flag, he knew where this place was. The white heraldic pattern flag clearly stated that this is the territory of the Maine Family.

Heavenly Knight Bernal was about to recruit the flying mount and escape from here, but felt the depression in the air.

He looked up and saw a silhouette standing in the air smiling.

What makes Heavenly Knight Bernal unable to believe is that the silhouette is made up of illusory energy, which is an energy Avatar.

“Great Lord Gould!” Heavenly Knight Bernal said in a dry voice.

He couldn’t even salute, because he felt that as long as he did any action, the Lord Gould energy Avatar on the opposite side would strike him a fatal blow.

“There are things you shouldn’t do!” Lord Gould said solemnly.

After saying this, Lord Gould didn’t wait any longer, and the energy Avatar rushed forward.

Energy Avatar does not require any equipment. When needed, the defense of Energy Avatar can be achieved through Bloodline Strength armor.

The offensive power is the tremendous power generated by the Bloodline Strength of Fifth Level Templar Knight.

The only reason for this is to maximize the speed of the Energy Avatar, as long as there is any piece of equipment, it will slow down the speed of the Energy Avatar.

In fact, this action does not require Lord Gould to take action. Baron Blackmore and Charlie invited 4 Heavenly Knights from the Maine Family, plus Baron Blackmore himself, 5 Heavenly Knights to besiege unprepared Heavenly Knight Bernal. It is said to be a stable thing.

It happened that Lord Gould’s Avatar returned. Hearing about this, he personally prepared to shoot.

Heavenly Knight Bernal instantly summoned a Level 3 armor, and a Level 4 heavy sword appeared in his hand. This is also Knight’s most basic ability to quickly arm himself.

He only did this step, with one hand grabbing his arm holding a Level 4 heavy sword.

Heavenly Knight Bernal’s body was grabbed by the Avatar’s hand, and he drew a circle in the air like a toy, and slammed it heavily on the ground.

Heavenly Knight Bernal’s Bloodline Strength was about to be called when it was hit hard by this blow and the Bloodline Strength was dispersed.

Even with the protection of Level 3 Knight armor, he felt pain all over his body, and what made him desperate was the sense of powerlessness.

Facing the powerlessness of Fifth Level Templar Knight, just the energy Avatar, so Heavenly Knight Bernal has no power to fight back, let alone fight back, he can’t even see the movements of the energy Avatar.

Without the shackles of any real objects, the speed of the energy Avatar is beyond imagination.

Heavenly Knight Bernal’s thoughts turned, he was about to beg for mercy, but before he could say his words, his body was lifted again.

After 5 consecutive heavy hits, Heavenly Knight Bernal completely lost the ability to resist.

The Avatar of Lord Gould’s energy grabbed one hand on Heavenly Knight Bernal’s neck, and with a slight twist, the expression in the eyes of Heavenly Knight of the noble affairs office disappeared.

Lord Gould collected the body of Heavenly Knight Bernal into the space ring of Heavenly Knight Bernal, and threw it along with the summon ring to Baron Blackmore.

“Give these two rings to Arthur!” Lord Gould confessed.

Heavenly Knight Bernal knows that David likes to collect spoils of war and the corpses of the enemy, how could Maine Family not know.

Lord Gould also looked down on a Heavenly Knight item, and happened to be sent to David as a personal affection, and also told David Heavenly Knight Bernal that Maine Family handled it.

To be honest, Lord Gould was a little surprised by David’s quick start.

There was some chaos in the main city of Bama. Some nobles who did not understand the complete truth left the main city and returned to their respective territories on each planet.

However, this confusion did not last long. As the gossip continued to spread, some news spread among the noble circles.

In particular, Heavenly Knight Bernal of the Noble Affairs Office also disappeared. The identities of the three Heavenly Knights were combined, and some aristocrats thought of the task of clearing the temple of’Shadow God’.

Subsequently, the promotion of Arthur from Baron to Earl was also noticed at the same time, and the corresponding speculation was generated.

Originally, what happened in the main city of Bama, the Law Enforcement Group, would definitely continue to have an impact in the aristocratic circle, but due to the occurrence of another incident, this extremely influential case is not so important.

Grandspread Star, the first group to enter is a team of 4 Level 6 combat priests led by a Level 3 priest of the Earth God Palace.

Subsequently, the Transmission Gate of the main city of Rumbo was closed. This was also the result of discussions between Earth God Palace Bishop Bolin and the Maine Family.

As soon as he entered the main city of Rumbu, the Level 4 priest found something wrong.

The entire main city of Longbu was filled with an aura that made Level 4 priests unable to speak. This kind of aura made Level 4 priests feel bitter cold all over the body.

“Detect evil!” The Level 4 priest used his not-so-powerful spirit to perform a divine technique.

Since all those who came were combat priests, only this Level 4 priest could perform the divine technique.

The temple rarely sends priests with spiritual innate talents. These priests learn the divine technique and are very similar to the warlocks of the Evil God believers when they use their abilities, so they never leave the temple.

In fact, the priests in the temple are of the same profession as the warlocks of Evil God, but the Spiritual God they believe in is different.

The battle priest is Knight, who is also the Guardian of the temple, and the general battle is handled by the battle priest.

Among the combat priests, only Level 4 priests have enough spirit to perform the divine technique, and the level of the divine technique that can be performed is not high.

‘Detect evil’ is a divine technique to detect whether there is an ancient god in all around the environment. Whether it is an ancient god or a believer of an ancient god, it will be detected as long as it appears.

The white rays of light flashed on the hands of the Level 4 priests, flying towards all around. In the process of flying, the white radiance quickly became shallow red, as the rays of light extended outward. red.

“There is evil, end up!” The Level 4 priest yelled after seeing the red light flashing.

Six Level 6 combat priests approached him, with armor on their bodies and weapons in their hands, ready for battle.

The Level 4 priest found that the surface space energy of the huge Transmission Gate used when he came was quickly dimmed, and just between two breaths, the huge Transmission Gate was closed.

The Level 4 priest found that the back road was gone, and his heart sank.

I hope that the next batch of battle priests who are ready to transfer over will find out what cannot be transferred here, so that someone may come to rescue them.

But this hope is very slim, because the next batch of battle priests will not enter until a day later.

Just as the Level 4 priest was thinking about it, footsteps came from all around, his eyes swept to all around, and each and everyone silhouette appeared.

These silhouettes are all Knights of each and everyone, but these Knights now have their eyes turned white and no pupils can be seen.

When these Knights walked into the scope of the’detecting evil’ divine technique, black rays of light appeared above their heads. This is no longer an evil aura, but a real evil existence.

The Level 4 priest saw the state of these Knights and thought of the information recorded in the Earth God Palace classics.

The ancient gods used divine force to directly influence the world. Those who were affected had their pupils disappeared, and their white eyes represented the blindness of their souls.

Regardless of what these people believed in before, their hearts were affected at this time, and they turned to believe in ancient gods who exercised divine force.

Of course, this method of using divine force to influence the secular not only consumes divine force, but also produces poor results. It can be regarded as a last resort.

Divine force is the basis of any Spiritual God. It consumes divine force, especially the divine force that affects the belief of all people in a planet, which is enough to consume more than 3 divine force crystals.

The generation of a divine force crystal requires 200000000 years of faith of 100 devout followers to generate.

Grandspread Star is an agricultural star, and the population is no more than 30,000,000. Plague God Gladstone used 3 divine force crystals to affect the entire Grandspread Star. The cost is large enough, but the loss is also enough.

It should be understood that the believers who use divine force to influence are not purely pious believers, because the believers after the influence of divine force are no longer healthy, and the faith generated is only half of that of normal pious believers.

The most important thing is that these believers lose the ability to work independently. Unless Plague God Gladstone personally distracts and directs them, these believers will starve to death after all the stored food is consumed.

Plague God Gladstone consumes a huge price, using 3 divine force crystals to convert the entire Grandspread Star into his followers, which is also helpless.

Plague God Gladstone, because the previous world was broken, his breath was exposed in the Great Spiritual World and was discovered by several major temples.

If it is normal, Plague God Gladstone should find a hidden place and use his world to hide it.

But after 10000 years of sleep, most of the souls in Plague God Gladstone world have disappeared, and the remaining souls are not many.

In the past, it could be supported by 100 Fifth Level souls, but Shadow Servant absorbed 100 Fifth Level souls, causing the number of souls in Plague God Gladstone world to drop to the point where it could not maintain the existence of the world.

The at first Plague God Gladstone did not take this into consideration either, because in any Spiritual God’s world, there will be countless 100000000 million souls. These souls are sufficient to support the existence of the world. No Spiritual God would consider the lack of souls.

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