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For the god war, the temple has extremely rich experience, and it is not a good choice to fight with Plague God Gladstone directly.

The best way is to fight slowly. Through the battles, the power of Plague God Gladstone is slowly weakened. When it is weak to a certain extent, the temple also understands the real situation of Plague God Gladstone. Under this premise , The temple will carry out a full strength attack.

The temple will not easily summon Spiritual God, whether it is asking Spiritual God to show Gods Vestige, or Spiritual God coming, it will disturb Spiritual God.

The role of the temple is to act as an agent for Spiritual God. Even if it loses more combat power, as long as the trouble can be solved, the temple will not invite Spiritual God to take action.

“Please wait a while, the Transmission Gate is being repaired!” Bishop McKinley replied to the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice.

“Isn’t it said that the Transmission Gate has been destroyed? Temple of War can’t do it, if it doesn’t work, let us Temple of Knowledge help you!” Temple of Knowledge’s Emerson Fifth Level worship lightly saying.

Temple of War and Temple of Knowledge, or in other words, there are some frictions in the private temples.

It’s just that there is more friction between Temple of War and Temple of Knowledge. At this time, the Emerson Fifth Level sacrifice obviously does not trust Bishop McKinley’s words.

“Ehsen sacrifice, don’t you even have time to wait for a while? Or do you mean that Temple of Knowledge spends all time studying knowledge, forgetting etiquette and patience?” Bishop McKinley was not polite, and replied indifferently.

“I hope you can say that in a while!” The Emerson Fifth Level priest held back his anger and said solemnly.

Bishop McKinley is lightly snorted. In fact, his confidence is not enough. Although Earl Arthur was invited, who knows whether Earl Arthur is still reliable this time.

The Emerson Fifth Level priest knew the situation of Grandspread Star very well. He leaned his back on the back of his chair, looking like he was waiting.

In addition, the Fifth Level priests of the 3 Great Temples also did not speak, watching the excitement of Temple of Knowledge and Temple of War, anyway, no matter which one is embarrassed, they are all happy to see.

The spirit of Bishop McKinley swept across a short-range communication card on his waist. This is the short-distance information transmission alchemy item used in the temple, which can transmit a large amount of information in a short distance completely through the spirit.

Unlike the contact array, the contact array can transmit information across spaces, but it is subject to many restrictions. The two parties must form a connection state to be able to transmit a small amount of information.

Although the short-range communication card has a short transmission distance, it can transmit a large amount of information at any time, and it is stored in the target’s short-range communication card, waiting for the other party to check it at any time.

Of course, the short-range communication card seems ordinary, but in fact, the unique technology of the temple is used in the production process, and it can only be used inside the temple.

Bishop McKinley can view the real-time information on the Transmission Gate side through the short-range communication card. As long as David has news on the side, he can receive it through the short-range communication card.

At this time, 30 hours have passed since David went to the Grandspread Star. Bishop McKinley was also a little nervous. If David did not install Transmission Gate, not only would he be condemned by the temple, but even the Temple of War would be affected.

“Emerson sacrifice, if Transmission Gate resumes, would you be the first to come and see?” Bishop McKinley’s eyes flashed with surprise, but he quickly converged, turning his head to ask the Emerson Fifth Level sacrifice provocatively.

“If the Transmission Gate can be repaired in a short period of time, what if I am the first one to go and see!” Emerson Fifth Level said with a smile that doesn’t matter.

In fact, he has negotiated with Temple of Knowledge’s Fifth Level Templar Knight and asked them to install Transmission Gate. Especially Fifth Level Templar Knight has a’Master Alchemist’. Just enter the Grandspread Star and install Transmission Gate is easy. .

As long as the Transmission Gate is not completed in Temple of War, and the major temples have made contributions to Transmission Gate, the reward for reinstalling Transmission Gate will naturally be borne by Temple of War.

Regardless of the fact that all the merits are distributed by the major temples, any merits need to have a reasonable source. The major temples supervise the distribution of merits. It is the Great Spiritual World noble system that can last for 10000 years. The reason so far.

“Tell you good news, the Transmission Gate to the Grandspread Star has been successfully repaired and is ready to use!” Bishop McKinley announced to the Fifth Level priests of several major temples with a smile.

Just now Bishop McKinley received the message from the Transmission Gate and connected to the Grandspread Star Transmission Gate, and Earl Arthur returned from Grandspread Star through the Transmission Gate.

Bishop McKinley was extremely excited when he heard the news. There was no problem with the Transmission Gate. He only needed to hand the Transmission Gate into the hands of 5 Fifth Level priests, and his task was completed.

Even if Bishop McKinley stayed here, he would just do some auxiliary work for the 5 Fifth Level priests.

You must know that the next battle task is to be completed by several major temples, and it is no longer hosted by Temple of War.

“Bishop McKinley, good plot against, isn’t it just a transmission from Transmission Gate, I will go right away!” Emerson Fifth Level sacrifices said solemnly.

“Don’t get excited, it’s not the time of Battle Qi. How to use Transmission Gate and prevent Transmission Gate from being discovered? We still need to study it!” Temple of Justice’s Hawthorn Fifth Level priest waved his hand to stop Emerson Fifth Level Said the sacrificial words.

“Emerson sacrifice, don’t affect the overall situation for a small thing!” Temple of War’s Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice is also persuaded.

It’s just that this was spoken by the Heaviside Fifth Level priest, and the ears of the Emerson Fifth Level priest were full of mockery.

But Emerson Fifth Level priests can’t get angry. He knows that this is not his willful time. Once the Transmission Gate is really exposed, he and Temple of Knowledge will have trouble.

Fifth Level sacrifices to the planet occupied by Evil God, as long as they appear, there will be obvious energy fluctuations, just like flames and water contact, with great probability discovered by Plague God Gladstone.

“Call all Fifth Level Templar Knights immediately and let them participate in the discussion!” The Horace Fifth Level priest of Earth God Palace said.

“Everyone is busy, I still have something to deal with!” Bishop McKinley would not take the initiative to participate in this kind of combat meeting. He did not even have the strength of Fifth Level sacrifice. If he goes there, he will be very special among a group of Fifth Level powerhouses. , It will be uncomfortable to be oppressed by many Fifth Level breaths.

“Bishop McKinley, you did a very good job. Under difficult conditions, you still completed all the tasks assigned to you by the temple.” Temple of Justice’s Hawthorn Fifth Level worshipper bowed and thanked.

No matter who accepted the task and completed it, for the temple, part of the credit lies in the principal.

Because everyone knows the strength of Knight who was recruited this time. With such strength, he still completed important tasks. Regardless of luck, Bishop McKinley contributed a lot.

Except for the Emerson Fifth Level sacrifice of Temple of Knowledge, because Bishop McKinley had cheated him once, there was no friendly expression. The rest of the Fifth Level sacrifices all expressed gratitude.

Bishop McKinley walked out of the golden tent, got on his alchemy car, and headed for the city.

David walked to the restaurant, and everything else was good in Grandspread Star, except that he hadn’t eaten anything. He kept his’lightning body’.

As for whether Knight teleported from the side of Kailian Star will be discovered by Plague God Gladstone, it is not his business, his task is only to erect the Transmission Gate.

Although the hotel has withstood the attack and many parts were damaged, the restaurant was not damaged and can still be used.

David walked into the restaurant and found that there were a lot of people in the restaurant. Forget the time, it was time for lunch. No wonder there were so many people.

“Earl Arthur!” When they saw David entering the restaurant, everyone who was dining in the restaurant stopped what they were doing and stood up and bowed to salute David.

“Hello everyone!” David was also taken aback, and quickly bowed back.

The enthusiasm of everyone really surprised David, but he remembered that when he came, these people avoided him like a snake.

In the eyes of everyone, David found an empty table and sat down. The staff of the temple came over and asked about it, and lunch was soon delivered.

During his meal, aristocrats kept coming over and handing him heraldry cards. This kind of heraldry card is like a kind of identity certificate. It not only has the noble heraldry pattern, but also the noble’s name and contact array imprint. .

If necessary, you can use this contact array mark to directly contact the other party.

It is important to know that the Dao Mark card is a proof of identity, which will not be sent out for normal friendships, as long as it is sent, it means making friends.

“Dear nobles, Bishop McKinley, please come to the meeting hall 2!” A priest walked into the restaurant and announced loudly.

“Is the recruitment coming to an end?” a nobleman asked aloud.

“Bishop McKinley will answer your questions!” The priest bowed and said, before exiting the restaurant.

All the conscripted nobles here stood up, but none of them left first, but looked towards David.

This is a kind of respect. David saved them. How could they leave before David left.

David also ran out of meals. Seeing this situation, he stood up and greeted the nobles without shirk, and left the restaurant first.

Conference Hall 2 is actually a spare conference hall, which is smaller than the destroyed main conference hall, but it is not a problem to accommodate dozens of nobles.

When David and the nobles walked into Conference Hall 2, Bishop McKinley was standing at the gate.

“Temple of War, thank you for your help, please come in!” Bishop McKinley bowed slightly and said with a gift.

The experienced nobles all had joy on their faces, and they knew that this was the end of the call-up mission.

At the end of each enlistment mission, the principals of the temple will come out to express gratitude to the nobles who have been enlisted. This is also a tradition.

All the nobles were seated. This time David was not at all able to sit aside, but was invited by the nobles to sit in the middle.

“Gentlemen, I guess everyone guessed it. Yes, today’s call-up mission is over. You can leave Kailian Star after this meeting!” Bishop McKinley also understands the ideas of most nobles here, and first announced Tao.

After hearing the exact news, the nobles all smiled in relief.

The loss of the recruitment mission this time can be said to be the first in the past 100 years.

Fortunately, the temple will give a certain amount of compensation based on the loss of the recruited nobles. Any noble family who loses Knight can get corresponding quotas to go to War Star. With War Star quotas, new Earth Knights can be cultivated faster Even Heavenly Knight.

To be honest, many of the nobles who were called up this time were frightened. Even the experienced Knight experienced such a war for the first time. 30 Heavenly Knights were flying and attacking in the air. This scene is the same in Great Spiritual World. Rare scene.

“Here I want to thank Earl Arthur, he personally tried the risk, completed the task of investigating the array and Transmission Gate placement, and when the evil struck, he stood up and rescued his companions with the super Knight battle array ability for the recruitment mission. I made an outstanding contribution to the end of the project. Here, on behalf of Temple of War, I would like to express my loyal thanks to Earl Arthur!” Bishop McKinley bowed to David.

David hurriedly stood up to salute, and all the nobles in the conference hall stood up and saluted David.

“The next battle with Grandspread Star will be upgraded to Fifth Level. This is not something we can participate in. I will not leave you gentlemen. The meeting is now over!” Bishop McKinley ended the meeting very simply.

When they heard that the battle would be upgraded to Fifth Level, all the nobles were not surprised, their news was a little blocked.

The Fifth Level Templar Knight, who was mainly conscripted, did not appear in the main city, but stayed directly outside the main city. The nobles here did not receive any news.

“Earl Arthur, keep in touch later!” The nobles said goodbye to David one after another.

Then the nobles left the meeting hall at a rapid speed. They summoned their subordinates, and within a few minutes, they left Kailianxing.

They are not able to participate in the war that is upgraded to Fifth Level, and even a little closer to this kind of war has a mortal danger.

David was also about to leave the conference hall when he saw Bishop McKinley beckoning to him.

“Earl Arthur, I want to tell you a good news. The 4 desert continents of Garmi Star already belong to you, and Archbishop personally made a request to the Noble Affairs Office to raise your Level 1 title. I believe it will not be long before the Noble Affairs Office will contact you. You contacted!” Bishop McKinley said to David with a smile.

When David went to complete the task of reinstalling Transmission Gate, Bishop McKinley contacted Archbishop of Temple of War.

Archbishop agreed to Bishop McKinley’s application. Garmi Star’s 4 useless desert continents were awarded to David in recognition of David’s bravery.

But Archbishop believes that this is not enough. David not only saved the nobles, but also restored the decent Temple of War, so he increased the level 1 award.

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