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David not at all immediately left Kailianxing, but first went to take back the ancient medium-sized Transmission Gate placed in the cave.

This ancient medium-sized Transmission Gate was only found in the safe house within cave of the’Shadow God’ temple and the Grandspread Star, and he has never seen it in other places.

After leaving the main city of Kailian, David saw the camp consisting of more than 50 huge tents and the terrifying aura from the camp.

More than 50 Fifth Level powerhouses gathered together, even if only the energy Avatar and its breath are gathered together, it is enough to make people with strong mental perception feel a strong impact.

Not to mention that David’s spirit has reached Fifth Level, and his sensitivity to Fifth Level powerhouse is more acute.

David did not pass by the camp there. He bypassed the camp far away. It was an instinct. He didn’t want to meet so many Fifth Level powerhouses and put his safety in the hands of others.

Although Fifth Level Templar Knight will not attack him for no reason, he doesn’t like the powerless feeling of facing so many Fifth Level powerhouses.

After riding a war horse for dozens of kilometers, David lifted himself up with his spirit.

After reaching the strength of the Fifth Level spirit, although the combat power has not reached the real Fifth Level, he can fly in the sky without relying on the help of Heavenly Knight.

This kind of flight is more like the kind of flight of the energy Avatar. The energy Avatar of Fifth Level Templar Knight relies on the spirit to support the body, and then uses the powerful Bloodline Strength within the body to fly.

Since the energy Avatar is composed entirely of energy, it is almost massless, which makes it very easy for the spirit to hold the energy Avatar, which is why the flight speed of the energy Avatar is so terrifying.

Although David is flying with his body, he has reached the Fifth Level spirit. As far as the Fifth Level spirit is concerned, the weight of the body can’t be considered at all. He doesn’t even need to use any Bloodline Strength, just rely on the spirit. Push your body to reach the speed of Heavenly Knight using flying mounts.

Coupled with the speed bonus of the battle angel crystal, David can exceed the flight speed of Heavenly Knight at full speed.

David came to the cave in the mountain, dismantled the old medium-sized Transmission Gate, and put it into the space pendant.

When he returned to the main city of Kailian, he found the breath of dozens of Fifth Level Templar Knights appearing in the city, where a special small Transmission Gate was arranged.

It seems that Fifth Level Templar Knight decided to explore the Grandspread Star. David didn’t want to get involved. He didn’t get close to that side, but went straight to the huge Public Transmission Gate.

“Earl Arthur, where are you going?” The Transmission Gate staff in the main city is a priest of the Temple of War. The priest is a survivor of the last attack. When he saw David, he bowed respectfully and asked.

“Please set the destination as the main city of Bama!” David smiled and bowed back. He asked curiously: “Are the rest of the enlisted nobles left?”

“Yes, Earl Arthur, you are the last to leave!” The priest thought David had deliberately stayed at the end, and his eyes were full of admiration when he answered.

To know that the war level of the main city of Kailian reached Fifth Level, he saw that the nobles were all in a hurry, as if fleeing.

Looking at Earl Arthur again, he didn’t panic.

David returned to the main city of Bama with two Heavenly Knights.

The main city of Bama is still so warm and casual, and the atmosphere here is very relaxed.

David did not go to the villa. He summoned the horses and took two Heavenly Knights to the outside of the city, with the goal of Qinya Manor.

The two law enforcement Heavenly Knights in the sky let out a long relaxed breath. They were the Heavenly Knights who had just been transferred. The first thing they did when they came to the main city of Bama, the Law Enforcement Group, was to be familiar with Earl Arthur’s information.

Of course, it’s not that Law Enforcement Group, the main city of Bama, wants to deal with Earl Arthur. On the contrary, the purpose of Law Enforcement Group is to not want anyone to offend this crazy Earl.

According to the news from the Maine Family, Earl Arthur is recognized as a friend by the Maine Family. Offending Earl Arthur will result in hostility from the Maine Family.

In the latest news, Earl Arthur has completed the main task of the enlistment and saved dozens of nobles who have been enlisted. This has given Earl Arthur a strong supporter in the noble circle.

Today’s Earl Arthur is no longer a noble family or organization that dared to provoke easily. Once provokes, it is likely to provoke dozens of high-level and above nobles and the top aristocratic Maine Family.

This price is unbearable by anyone, and even the main city of Bama, Law Enforcement Group, does not want to go to Earl Arthur to investigate the situation without evidence.

As soon as David returned to Qinya Manor, he retreats again, and the people in the manor are also used to the diligent owner.

Of course, although others are in retreat, he still contacted Steward Jason to inquire about the latest news of Kailian Star and Grandspread Star, and regularly report to him through contacting array every day.

David is naturally paying attention to the battle of Gods, but he can’t stay in Grandspread Star all the time. He just needs to wait for the best time to fight for the greatest benefit for himself.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight, the main city of Kaxton, as the person who accepted the Grandspread Star exploration mission, he stood in front of the small Transmission Gate.

As for why Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight would accept this obviously dangerous mission, the reason is still profit.

The Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight family can barely be regarded as a top noble family. The family was still a strong top noble family 5 generations ago, but at that time the family Fifth Level Templar Knight fell, making the family slowly in the following time decline.

In this generation, he was fortunate to be promoted to Fifth Level Templar Knight, coupled with the good management of his big brother family lord, making the family slowly prosperous.

It’s just that the prosperity of the family needs a larger territory, which requires the Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight to obtain merits. The merits obtained from ordinary tasks cannot be exchanged for territories that can make the top nobles heart.

The merits of the exploration mission this time were enough for him to exchange for a large territory, which was a temptation he could not refuse.

“Are you ready?” The Hawthorn Fifth Level priest of Temple of Justice asked aloud.

“Hawthorne sacrifice, trouble you!” Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight replied.

“Holy barrier!” The Hawthorn Fifth Level priest pointed the scepter towards the Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight, and a white divine technique pattern flew towards the energy Avatar of the Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight.

“The’sacred barrier’ can protect your energy Avatar from evil erosion within one day, and is immune to any Hypnosis and bewitching. You must come back before it expires!” Hawthorne Fifth Level sacrificial confession.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight felt that the’sacred barrier’ divine technique formed a shield on the surface of his energy Avatar, making his energy Avatar like wearing armor.

Although it’s an energy Avatar, Caxton’s Fifth Level Templar Knight still took a long take a deep breath, which stabilized his mind. Only then did he sacrifice to the Fifth Level and all around the Fifth Level Templar Knight floating in the air. We are nodded, and then step into the Transmission Gate.

When he reappeared, Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight carefully observed the environment and found that the place was a cave, shrouded by an isolated array.

“The person who arranged the Transmission Gate is very careful!” He couldn’t help but compliment.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight walked out of the isolation array and walked out of the cave through a passage.

There was a breath that made him extremely uncomfortable, and he couldn’t help frowning.

This uncomfortable breath would not affect him even without the protection of the divine technique, but he had read the previous report that 30 Heavenly Knights entered the Grandspread Star and were all puppets of Plague God Gladstone by Hypnosis. , Which made him have to be careful.

However, Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight is still very confident. He is coming from the Energy Avatar. In terms of speed, unless Spiritual God takes the shot himself, no who can catch up with his speed.

He rose into the air, he was going to use the speed of the energy Avatar to explore it at the fastest speed, and then quickly return, so that he completed the exploration mission.

You must know that at the speed of the energy Avatar, even if you explore the Grandspread Star all around, it can take up to several hours.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight flew into the sky, and when he sensed something wrong above, he realized that he was caught in the net.

When listening to the previous information, there was indeed information that the periphery of the Grandspread Star was surrounded by a weird energy network, but he did not expect that the network could have such a thickness. You must know that according to the words of the Duke of Bertram who came back alive, the Duke of Bertram brought The three Heavenly Knights were trapped by the energy net when they approached the Grandspread Star.

From the description of the Duke of Bertram, Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight discovered that the thickness of the energy web of the Grandspread Star all around exceeded 1000 meters.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight did not panic. This kind of energy net poses a great threat to Level 4 Heavenly Knight, but it does not have much effect on his energy Avatar.

In particular, the Duke of Bertram talked about the escape process, which gave Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight a way to deal with the energy web.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight mobilizes the Bloodline Strength in the Avatar. His Bloodline Strength is much purer than Heavenly Knight’s Bloodline Strength. Fifth Level’s Bloodline Strength rushed out and instantly cut a crack in the energy web.

The speed of his energy Avatar is even more terrifying. When this crack is about to recover, his energy Avatar has already withdrawn from the range of the energy net.

“The sky of the Grandspread Star cannot fly at an altitude of 300 meters. There is the range of the energy network!” Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight said to the alchemy recorder. This news will also become his exploration content.

In a world full of burnt blacks within the realm, Plague God Gladstone was sitting expressionless on the divine throne, his eyes moved slightly.

“Fifth Level Energy Avatar, who is it that sneaked into the Grandspread Star and built the Transmission Gate?” Plague God Gladstone muttered slightly angrily.

He wasn’t annoyed by the arrival of the Fifth Level energy Avatar, but the Transmission Gate that appeared again.

Originally with the plan of Plague God Gladstone, he used the divine force that was not much, and arranged a defensive net in the Grandspread Star all around.

The defensive web is not strong, but this defensive web is like a spider web. As long as anyone touches it, it will be known by Plague God Gladstone.

In addition, it is not easy to pass through the defensive net. Fifth Level Templar Knight rushes into the defensive net from space. If you do not prepare in advance for a full charge, it is very likely to be trapped inside the defensive net.

But all these arrangements were broken because of the Transmission Gate that Mo Ming appeared. With the Transmission Gate, the defensive net became a tasteless existence.

When the divine sense of Plague God Gladstone moved, wild beasts continued to rush towards this side during the 100 kilometers where the energy Avatar of the Fifth Level Templar Knight of Caxton was in contact with the defensive net.

These wild beasts have the same characteristics no matter what species they are, and their eyes are all white.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight didn’t know his own rashness, which gave Transmission Gate an exposed probability.

He controlled the height at two hundred meters this time, turned on the alchemy recorder, and flew into the distance at full speed.

He not at all noticed the movement of wild beasts on the ground. For the powerful Fifth Level Templar Knight, such wild beasts are not worthy of his attention.

A variety of wild beasts came to the bottom of the Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight and the defensive net. With this point as the center, the wild beasts spread out.

Wild beasts use their abilities to inspect every inch of land from the ground to underground, through different abilities such as catching smells and finding traces.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight did not take long to fly straight into the sky. Within an hour, a Pangolin entered the cave.

“Teach you a little lesson!” Plague God Gladstone lightly saying in Small World.

100 large wild beasts were selected by Plague God Gladstone, his divine sense moved, 100 strength of Faith turned into a plague pattern and entered into the body of 100 large wild beasts.

100 large wild beasts rushed towards the cave. They entered the cave and ignored the isolation array. In front of Plague God Gladstone, the isolation array was a joke, as long as the area was designated, he could see through it at any time.

If it was the heyday of Plague God Gladstone, the isolated array anywhere in the entire Grandspread Star could be discovered by Him.

100 large wild beasts entered the isolation array and rushed towards the Transmission Gate.

After the large barbaric rushed into the Transmission Gate, Pangolin bit his body, and black blood poured on the Transmission Gate.

The surface of the Transmission Gate was in contact with the black blood, and it immediately made a hissing sound, and the black mist rose above the Transmission Gate pattern.

The blue water curtain in the Transmission Gate was destroyed along with the pattern on the surface of the Transmission Gate, and it broke suddenly after shaking for 2 times.

Next to the small Transmission Gate in the main city of Kailian, four priests were guarding the small Transmission Gate. When they discovered the abnormality of the Transmission Gate, they immediately wore armor and took out their weapons.

All the 4 priests are Level 4 priests. This is also the lesson of the last time, and there will be 4 Level 4 priests guarding here.

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